Quick start =========== This quick start tutorial will guide you through the first steps of connecting to the Monero wallet. We assume you: * have basic knowledge of Monero concepts of the wallet and daemon, * know how to use CLI (*command line interface*), * have experience with Python. Connect to testnet for your own safety -------------------------------------- The testnet is another Monero network where worthless coins circulate and where, as the name suggests, all tests are supposed to be run. It's also a place for early deployment of future features of the currency itself. You may read `a brief explanation at stackexchange`_. **Please run all tests on testnet.** The code presented in these docs will perform the requested operations right away, without asking for confirmation. This is live code, not a wallet application that makes sure the user has not made a mistake. **Running on the live net, if you make a mistake, you may lose money.** .. _a brief explanation at stackexchange: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/1591/what-is-the-monero-testnet-how-can-i-participate-in-it Start the daemon and create a wallet ------------------------------------ In order to connect to the testnet network you need to start the daemon: .. code-block:: shell $ monerod --testnet If you haven't used testnet before, it will begin downloading the blockchain, exactly like it does on the live network. In January 2018 the testnet blockchain was slightly over 2 GiB. It may take some time to get it. You may however create a wallet in the meantime: .. code-block:: shell $ monero-wallet-cli --testnet --generate-new-wallet testwallet For now you may leave the password empty (testnet coins are worthless). Start the RPC server -------------------- The RPC server is a small utility that will operate on the wallet, exposing a JSON RPC interface. Start it by typing: .. code-block:: shell $ monero-wallet-rpc --testnet --wallet-file testwallet --password "" --rpc-bind-port 28088 --disable-rpc-login Now you're almost ready to start using Python. Install Dependencies --------------------- Before you can use the library, you first must download the Python library dependencies with ``pip``. It is recommended to use a `virtual environment`_ to isolate library versions. Assuming you have ``virtualenv`` installed to your system, set up a new env, activate it, and install the dependencies. .. _`virtual environment`: https://averlytics.com/2017/08/06/virtual-environment-a-python-best-practice/ .. code-block:: shell $ virtualenv .venv $ source .venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python Now you can proceed. Connect to the wallet --------------------- .. code-block:: python In [1]: from monero.wallet import Wallet In [2]: from monero.backends.jsonrpc import JSONRPCWallet In [3]: w = Wallet(JSONRPCWallet(port=28088)) In [4]: w.address() Out[4]: A2GmyHHJ9jtUhPiwoAbR2tXU9LJu2U6fJjcsv3rxgkVRWU6tEYcn6C1NBc7wqCv5V7NW3zeYuzKf6RGGgZTFTpVC4QxAiAX In [5]: w.balance() Out[5]: Decimal('0E-12') Congratulations! You have connected to the wallet. You may now proceed to the next part, which will tell you about :doc:`interaction with wallet and accounts `.