Interacting with daemon ======================= The module offers an interface to interact with Monero daemon. For the time being, like with wallet, the only available backend is JSON RPC. .. code-block:: python In [1]: from monero.daemon import Daemon In [2]: from monero.backends.jsonrpc import JSONRPCDaemon In [3]: daemon = Daemon(JSONRPCDaemon(port=28081)) In [4]: daemon.height() Out[4]: 1099108 Also, the ``info()`` method will return a dictionary with details about the current daemon status. Sending prepared transactions ----------------------------- The daemon connection may be used for two-step sending of transactions. For example, you may want to check the fee before broadcasting the transaction to the network. To prepare a transaction, use ``transfer()`` or ``transfer_multiple()`` method of the wallet or account, as described in :ref:`the section about sending payments `. The only difference is that now you want to add the ``relay=False`` argument. .. code-block:: python In [5]: from monero.wallet import Wallet In [6]: from monero.backends.jsonrpc import JSONRPCWallet In [7]: wallet = Wallet(JSONRPCWallet(port=28088)) In [8]: wallet.balance() Out[8]: Decimal('17.642325205670') In [9]: txs = wallet.transfer('Bg1nUjsEx6UUByxr68o6gXcQRF58BpQyKauoZSo2HwubGErEnz9x6AS9o5ybmk3QmgeUpX3Msgm74QkwZKx2CeVWFrrZZqt', 10, relay=False) Now the return value is a list of resulting transactions (usually just one) which may be inspected and validated. .. code-block:: python In [10]: txs Out[10]: [38964a0c8c3be041051464b413996ad8d696223dc34925d98156848ed76a3ae3] In [11]: txs[0].fee Out[11]: Decimal('0.003766080000') If anything is not OK, just discard the transaction and create a new one. There's no need to clean up anything in the wallet. Once you have the transaction accepted, it's time to post it to the daemon: .. code-block:: python In [12]: result = daemon.send_transaction(txs[0]) In [13]: result Out[13]: {'double_spend': False, 'fee_too_low': False, 'invalid_input': False, 'invalid_output': False, 'low_mixin': False, 'not_rct': False, 'not_relayed': False, 'overspend': False, 'reason': '', 'status': 'OK', 'too_big': False} No batching due to double spends -------------------------------- .. warning:: The workflow described above should not be used for preparing a batch of transactions to be sent later. The wallet doesn't remember which inputs have been spent and will very likely use the same in the next transaction, resulting in a double spend and broadcast failure. The following example shows such behavior: .. code-block:: python In [14]: txs1 = wallet.transfer('BYSXsmmK44xdjNVMGprUW5Yau9tsc9SAMJrQsANjGgpk2RB83cvVhWjZAgYNwLgmhdPawATh5q1CTEoLGKZSeZqtThefV7D', 1, relay=False) In [15]: txs2 = wallet.transfer('Bd5m5wTjWdYSaLBKe4i2avJjuFLYMEUKpiiE86F83NFiDXKE7QseSRvS7efTtJu5xHiHm5XmxgB2mfLu7NFrG7e3UTYRzEf', 2, relay=False) In [16]: txs1, txs2 Out[16]: ([315901f250a1018e89e1fc2b3953bd5acfdfa759f843cf5a38306a2255de6d54], [2bd978172226b486badc8a9dcbafb04acb4760c3f2a5794c694fee8575739c6e]) In [17]: daemon.send_transaction(txs1[0]) Out[17]: {'double_spend': False, 'fee_too_low': False, 'invalid_input': False, 'invalid_output': False, 'low_mixin': False, 'not_rct': False, 'not_relayed': False, 'overspend': False, 'reason': '', 'status': 'OK', 'too_big': False} In [18]: daemon.send_transaction(txs2[0]) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TransactionBroadcastError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 daemon.send_transaction(txs2[0]) ~/devel/monero-python/monero/ in send_transaction(self, tx, relay) 10 11 def send_transaction(self, tx, relay=True): ---> 12 return self._backend.send_transaction(tx.blob, relay=relay) 13 14 def mempool(self): ~/devel/monero-python/monero/backends/ in send_transaction(self, blob, relay) 36 raise exceptions.TransactionBroadcastError( 37 "{status}: {reason}".format(**res), ---> 38 details=res) 39 40 def mempool(self): TransactionBroadcastError: Failed: double spend The second transaction failed because it used the same inputs as the previous one. The daemon checks all incoming transactions for possible double-spends and rejects them if such conflict is discovered. API reference ------------- .. automodule:: monero.daemon :members: