2018-10-20 02:16:08 +02:00

63 lines
2 KiB

from flask import jsonify, send_from_directory, Response, request
from flask_yoloapi import endpoint, parameter
import settings
from funding.bin.utils import get_ip
from funding.bin.qr import QrCodeGenerator
from funding.factory import app, db_session
from funding.orm.orm import Proposal, User
parameter('status', type=int, location='args', default=1),
parameter('cat', type=str, location='args'),
parameter('limit', type=int, location='args', default=20),
parameter('offset', type=int, location='args', default=0)
def api_proposals_get(status, cat, limit, offset):
proposals = Proposal.find_by_args(status=status, cat=cat, limit=limit, offset=offset)
except Exception as ex:
return 'error', 500
return [p.json for p in proposals]
parameter('amount', type=int, location='args', required=True)
def api_coin_usd(amount):
from funding.bin.utils import Summary, coin_to_usd
prices = Summary.fetch_prices()
return jsonify(usd=coin_to_usd(amt=amount, btc_per_coin=prices['coin-btc'], usd_per_btc=prices['btc-usd']))
parameter('address', type=str, location='args', required=True)
def api_qr_generate(address):
Generate a QR image. Subject to IP throttling.
:param address: valid receiving address
from funding.factory import cache
throttling_seconds = 3
ip = get_ip()
cache_key = 'qr_ip_%s' % ip
hit = cache.get(cache_key)
if hit and ip not in ['', 'localhost']:
return Response('Wait a bit before generating a new QR', 403)
cache.set(cache_key, {}, throttling_seconds)
qr = QrCodeGenerator()
if not qr.exists(address):
created = qr.create(address)
if not created:
raise Exception('Could not create QR code')
return send_from_directory('static/qr', '%s.png' % address)