import logging import socket import collections import os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) SECRET = '' DEBUG = True COINCODE = '' PSQL_USER = '' PSQL_PASS = '' PSQL_DB = '' SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os.environ.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI', 'postgresql://{user}:{pw}@localhost/{db}').format(user=PSQL_USER, pw=PSQL_PASS, db=PSQL_DB) SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = os.environ.get('{coincode}_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME', '{coincode}_id').format(coincode=COINCODE) SESSION_PREFIX = os.environ.get('{coincode}_SESSION_PREFIX', 'session:').format(coincode=COINCODE) REDIS_HOST = os.environ.get('REDIS_HOST', '') REDIS_PORT = int(os.environ.get('REDIS_PORT', 6379)) REDIS_PASSWD = os.environ.get('REDIS_PASSWD', None) BIND_HOST = os.environ.get("BIND_HOST", "") if not BIND_HOST: raise Exception("BIND_HOST missing") BIND_PORT = os.environ.get("BIND_PORT", 5004) if not BIND_PORT: raise Exception("BIND_PORT missing") HOSTNAME = os.environ.get("{coincode}_HOSTNAME", socket.gethostname()).format(coincode=COINCODE) # If using a local RPC, no need for --rpc-login credentials unless you're binding wallet-rpc to If you are, you're bad. # elif, remote wallet-rpc, enable --rpc-login and enter credentials below. RPC_HOST = '' RPC_PORT = '11182' RPC_LOCATION = "http://{host}:{rpc_port}/json_rpc".format(host=RPC_HOST, rpc_port=RPC_PORT) RPC_USERNAME = "" RPC_PASSWORD = "" FUNDING_CATEGORIES = [ 'wallets', 'marketing', 'core', 'misc', 'design' ] FUNDING_STATUSES = collections.OrderedDict() FUNDING_STATUSES[0] = 'disabled' FUNDING_STATUSES[1] = 'proposal' FUNDING_STATUSES[2] = 'funding' FUNDING_STATUSES[3] = 'wip' FUNDING_STATUSES[4] = 'completed' USER_REG_DISABLED = False PROPOSAL_CONTENT_DEFAULT = """ #### Why? What problem(s) are you trying to solve? #### How much? What is the total cost in {coincode}? List expenses per item. Total hours of work and per hour rate. What exchange rates are you using? #### What? Describe your idea in detail. #### Milestones? Break down tasks into different stages. Each stage should have the estimated number of days/weeks needed and cost per stage. #### Outcomes? What will be delivered? What goals will be reached? #### Why you? What skills and experience do you have? """.strip().format(coincode=COINCODE)