import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import "." import "qml/common" import "qml/." import wowlet.Wallet 1.0 import wowlet.WalletManager 1.0 Rectangle { id: appWindow width: 1600 height: 800 color: "transparent" property var themes: {} property string theme: "default" property string fiatSymbol: "USD" signal initTheme(); // Components that have been dynamically created need to redraw // after theme change (such as Repeater{}, Flow{} items, etc) so // that the changes propogate. signal redraw(); // For gradient background property int start_x: 0 property int start_y: 64 property int end_x: 1080 property int end_y: 416 property double gradientTicks: 1.0; LinearGradient { anchors.fill: parent start: Qt.point(start_x, start_y) end: Qt.point(end_x, end_y) gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: Style.backgroundGradientStartColor } GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: Style.backgroundGradientStopColor } } } Timer { // animates the gradient background a bit. id: gradientBackgroundTimer repeat: true interval: 10 triggeredOnStart: true onTriggered: { appWindow.gradientTicks += 0.004; // speed let newx = ((1080 - 200) * Math.sin(appWindow.gradientTicks) + 1080 + 200) / 2; appWindow.end_x = newx; } } property var currentWallet; property bool disconnected: currentWallet ? currentWallet.disconnected : false property string walletTitle: "placeholder" property string walletPath: "" property string statusText: "Idle" property string balanceFormatted: "Balance: 0.0 WOW" property bool wsConnected: false property int connectionStatus: Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected; signal aboutClicked(); property var balance: 0.0 property var spendable: 0.0 property DashboardPage dashboardPage: DashboardPage { visible: false } property SettingsPage settingsPage: SettingsPage { visible: false } property AboutPage aboutPage: AboutPage { visible: false } property WalletPage walletPage: WalletPage { visible: false } MyDialogOkPopup { id: messagePopup function showMessage(title, text) { dialogTitle = title dialogText = text open() } } MyDialogOkCancelPopup { id: enterPasswordDialog dialogTitle: "Enter Wallet Password" dialogWidth: 700 dialogHeight: 380 dialogContentItem: ColumnLayout { RowLayout { Layout.topMargin: 16 Layout.leftMargin: 16 Layout.rightMargin: 16 MyText { fontColor: Style.fontColorBright text: "Password: " } MyTextField { id: walletOpenPassword keyBoardUID: 591 color: Style.fontColorDimmed text: "" Layout.fillWidth: true font.pointSize: 20 function onInputEvent(input) { walletOpenPassword.text = input } } } } onClosed: { if (okClicked) { if(walletOpenPassword.text === "") return messagePopup.showMessage("Password empty", "Please fill in a password."); ctx.onOpenWallet(appWindow.walletPath, walletOpenPassword.text); } } function openPopup() { open() } } MyDialogOkCancelPopup { id: createWalletDialog dialogTitle: "Create New Wallet" dialogWidth: 700 dialogHeight: 440 dialogContentItem: ColumnLayout { spacing: 10 RowLayout { Layout.topMargin: 16 Layout.leftMargin: 16 Layout.rightMargin: 16 MyText { fontColor: Style.fontColorBright text: "Name: " } MyTextField { id: newWalletName keyBoardUID: 590 color: Style.fontColorDimmed text: "" Layout.fillWidth: true font.pointSize: 20 function onInputEvent(input) { newWalletName.text = input } } } RowLayout { Layout.topMargin: 16 Layout.leftMargin: 16 Layout.rightMargin: 16 MyText { fontColor: Style.fontColorBright text: "Password: " } MyTextField { id: newWalletPassword keyBoardUID: 592 color: Style.fontColorDimmed text: "" Layout.fillWidth: true font.pointSize: 20 function onInputEvent(input) { newWalletPassword.text = input } } } MyText { Layout.topMargin: 20 Layout.leftMargin: 16 fontSize: 16 fontColor: Style.fontColorDimmed text: "The password field is optional." } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true } } onClosed: { if (okClicked) { if(newWalletName.text === "") return messagePopup.showMessage("Invalid name", "Please name the wallet."); ctx.createWalletWithoutSpecifyingSeed(newWalletName.text, newWalletPassword.text); } } function openPopup() { open() } } // About/credits button Rectangle { visible: mainView.currentItem == dashboardPage color: "transparent" width: 140 height: 60 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right MyText { text: "Credits" fontSize: 12 opacity: 0.3 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter fontColor: Style.fontColor } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { aboutClicked(); } } } StackView { id: mainView visible: true anchors.fill: parent pushEnter: Transition { PropertyAnimation { property: "x" from: mainView.width to: 0 duration: 300 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } pushExit: Transition { PropertyAnimation { property: "x" from: 0 to: -mainView.width duration: 300 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } popEnter: Transition { PropertyAnimation { property: "x" from: -mainView.width to: 0 duration: 300 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } popExit: Transition { PropertyAnimation { property: "x" from: 0 to: mainView.width duration: 300 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } initialItem: dashboardPage } Component.onCompleted: { dashboardPage.onPageCompleted(); if(typeof ctx !== 'undefined') { ctx.initTor(); ctx.initWS(); } // Start animating the background gradientBackgroundTimer.start(); try { appWindow.themes = WowletVR.getThemes(); appWindow.theme = WowletVR.getCurrentTheme(); } catch(err) { // for debugging purposes - do not change color codes here, use themes.json instead. appWindow.themes = { "default": { "fontColor": "white", "fontColorDimmed": "#cccccc", "fontColorBright": "white", "backgroundGradientStartColor": "#225d73", "backgroundGradientStopColor": "#192e43", }, "wownero": { "fontColor": "#bd93f9", "fontColorDimmed": "#cccccc", "fontColorBright": "#e5d3ff", "backgroundGradientStartColor": "#383a59", "backgroundGradientStopColor": "#282a36", } } } appWindow.changeTheme(appWindow.theme); appWindow.initTheme(); } function changeTheme(theme) { console.log("changeTheme", theme); for (var key in appWindow.themes[theme]){ let val = appWindow.themes[theme][key]; if(Style.hasOwnProperty(key)) Style[key] = val; } if(appWindow.theme != theme) { appWindow.theme = theme; try { WowletVR.setCurrentTheme(theme); } catch(err) {} } appWindow.redraw(); } Connections { target: ctx function onWsConnected() { console.log("onWsConnected") appWindow.wsConnected = true; } function onWsDisconnected() { console.log("onWsDisconnected") appWindow.wsConnected = false; } function onWalletOpened(wallet) { console.log("onWalletOpened()"); appWindow.currentWallet = wallet; appWindow.walletTitle = ctx.walletName; mainView.push(appWindow.walletPage); appWindow.walletPage.onPageCompleted(); appWindow.currentWallet.connectionStatusChanged.connect(onConnectionStatusChanged); } function onBlockchainSync(height, target) { let blocks = (target > height) ? (target - height) : "?"; let heightText = "Blockchain sync: " + blocks + " blocks remaining"; appWindow.statusText = heightText; } function onRefreshSync(height, target) { let blocks = (target >= height) ? (target - height) : "?"; let heightText = "Wallet sync: " + blocks + " blocks remaining"; appWindow.statusText = heightText; } function onWalletClosed() { console.log("onWalletClosed"); appWindow.walletTitle = ""; appWindow.balanceFormatted = ""; appWindow.balance = 0.0; appWindow.spendable = 0.0; appWindow.connectionStatus = Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected; } function onBalanceUpdatedFormatted(fmt) { appWindow.balanceFormatted = fmt; } function onBalanceUpdated(balance, spendable) { appWindow.balance = WowletVR.cdiv(balance); appWindow.spendable = WowletVR.cdiv(spendable); console.log("onBalanceUpdated", appWindow.spendable); } function onWalletOpenedError(err) { messagePopup.showMessage("Error", err); } function onWalletCreatedError(err) { messagePopup.showMessage("Error", err); } function onWalletCreated(wallet) { console.log("walletCreated"); } function onSynchronized() { appWindow.statusText = "Synchronized"; appWindow.onConnectionStatusChanged(Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Connected); console.log("onSynchronized"); } function onWalletOpenPasswordNeeded(invalidPassword, path) { // bool, str enterPasswordDialog.openPopup(); } function onInitiateTransaction() { console.log("transactionStarted"); } function onCreateTransactionError(message) { // str console.log("transactionError", message); } function onCreateTransactionSuccess(tx, address) { // PendingTransaction console.log("onCreateTransactionSuccess", address) } function onTransactionCommitted(status, tx, txid) { // bool,PendingTransaction,stringlist console.log("onTransactionCommitted", status) } } Connections { target: OverlayController function onDashboardDeactivated() { gradientBackgroundTimer.stop(); } function onDashboardActivated() { gradientBackgroundTimer.start(); } } function onConnectionStatusChanged(status) { console.log("onConnectionStatusChanged", status) appWindow.connectionStatus = status; } }