// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // Copyright (c) 2020, The Monero Project. #ifndef FEATHER_SEEDS_H #define FEATHER_SEEDS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "networktype.h" #include "libwalletqt/WalletManager.h" #include "libwalletqt/Wallet.h" #include "utils/utils.h" struct RestoreHeightLookup { NetworkType::Type type; QMap data; explicit RestoreHeightLookup(NetworkType::Type type) : type(type) {} unsigned int dateToRestoreHeight(unsigned int date) { // restore height based on a given timestamp using a lookup // table. If it cannot find the date in the lookup table, it // will calculate the blockheight based off the last known // date: ((now - lastKnownDate) / blockTime) - clearance if(this->type == NetworkType::TESTNET) return 1; unsigned int blockTime = 120; unsigned int blocksPerDay = 86400 / blockTime; unsigned int blockCalcClearance = blocksPerDay * 5; QList values = this->data.keys(); if(date <= values.at(0)) return this->data[values.at(0)]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i != values.count(); i++) { if(values[i] > date) { return i - 1 < 0 ? this->data[values[i]] : this->data[values[i-1]] - blockCalcClearance; } } // lookup failed, calculate blockheight from last known checkpoint unsigned int lastBlockHeightTime = values.at(values.count() - 1); unsigned int lastBlockHeight = this->data[lastBlockHeightTime]; unsigned int deltaTime = date - lastBlockHeightTime; unsigned int deltaBlocks = deltaTime / blockTime; unsigned int blockHeight = (lastBlockHeight + deltaBlocks) - blockCalcClearance; qDebug() << "Calculated blockheight: " << blockHeight << " from epoch " << date; return blockHeight; } unsigned int restoreHeightToDate(unsigned int height) { // @TODO: most likely inefficient, refactor QMap::iterator i; unsigned int timestamp = 0; for (i = this->data.begin(); i != this->data.end(); ++i) { unsigned int ts = i.key(); if (i.value() > height) return timestamp; timestamp = ts; } return timestamp; } static RestoreHeightLookup *fromFile(const QString &fn, NetworkType::Type type) { // initialize this class using a lookup table, e.g `:/assets/restore_heights_monero_mainnet.txt`/ auto rtn = new RestoreHeightLookup(type); auto data = Utils::barrayToString(Utils::fileOpen(fn)); QMap _data; for(const auto &line: data.split('\n')) { if(line.trimmed().isEmpty()) continue; auto spl = line.trimmed().split(':'); rtn->data[spl.at(0).toUInt()] = spl.at(1).toUInt(); } return rtn; } }; struct FeatherSeed { QString mnemonicSeed; QString spendKey; time_t time = 0; unsigned int restoreHeight = 0; RestoreHeightLookup *lookup = nullptr; QString language = "English"; std::string coinName; explicit FeatherSeed(RestoreHeightLookup *lookup, const std::string &coinName = "monero") : lookup(lookup), coinName(coinName) {} static FeatherSeed fromSeed(RestoreHeightLookup *lookup, const std::string &coinName, const std::string &mnemonicSeed) { auto rtn = FeatherSeed(lookup, coinName); rtn.coinName = coinName; rtn.lookup = lookup; rtn.mnemonicSeed = QString::fromStdString(mnemonicSeed); if(QString::fromStdString(mnemonicSeed).split(" ").count() == 14) { monero_seed seed(mnemonicSeed, coinName); std::stringstream buffer; buffer << seed.key(); rtn.time = seed.date(); rtn.setRestoreHeight(); rtn.spendKey = QString::fromStdString(buffer.str()); } return rtn; } static FeatherSeed generate(RestoreHeightLookup *lookup, const std::string &coinName) { auto rtn = FeatherSeed(lookup, coinName); time_t _time = std::time(nullptr); monero_seed seed(_time, coinName); std::stringstream buffer; buffer << seed; rtn.mnemonicSeed = QString::fromStdString(buffer.str()); buffer.str(std::string()); buffer << seed.key(); rtn.spendKey = QString::fromStdString(buffer.str()); rtn.time = _time; rtn.setRestoreHeight(); return rtn; } Wallet *writeWallet(WalletManager *manager, NetworkType::Type type, const QString &path, const QString &password, unsigned int kdfRounds) { // writes both 14/25 word mnemonic seeds. Wallet *wallet = nullptr; if(this->lookup == nullptr) return wallet; if(this->mnemonicSeed.split(" ").count() == 14) { if(this->spendKey.isEmpty()) { auto _seed = FeatherSeed::fromSeed(this->lookup, this->coinName, this->mnemonicSeed.toStdString()); _seed.setRestoreHeight(); this->time = _seed.time; this->restoreHeight = _seed.restoreHeight; this->spendKey = _seed.spendKey; } wallet = manager->createDeterministicWalletFromSpendKey(path, password, this->language, type, this->spendKey, this->restoreHeight, (quint64)kdfRounds); wallet->setCacheAttribute("feather.seed", this->mnemonicSeed); } else { wallet = manager->recoveryWallet(path, password, this->mnemonicSeed, "", type, this->restoreHeight, (quint64) kdfRounds); } wallet->setPassword(password); return wallet; } unsigned int setRestoreHeight() { if(this->lookup == nullptr) return 1; if(this->time == 0) return 1; this->restoreHeight = this->lookup->dateToRestoreHeight((unsigned int)this->time); return this->restoreHeight; } unsigned int setRestoreHeight(unsigned int height) { auto now = (unsigned int)std::time(nullptr); auto nowClearance = 3600 * 24; auto currentBlockHeight = this->lookup->dateToRestoreHeight(now - nowClearance); if(height >= currentBlockHeight + nowClearance) { qCritical() << "unrealistic restore height detected, setting to current blockheight instead: " << currentBlockHeight; this->restoreHeight = currentBlockHeight; } else this->restoreHeight = height; return this->restoreHeight; } }; #endif //FEATHER_SEEDS_H