--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: linux-release steps: - name: build image: feather:linux volumes: - name: ccache_linux_release path: /root/.ccache - name: files_linux_release path: /files commands: - git config --global url."http://gitea:3000/tor/".insteadOf https://git.torproject.org/ - git config --global url."http://gitea:3000/".insteadOf https://github.com/ - git config --global url."http://gitea:3000/".insteadOf https://git.wownero.com/ - git submodule update --init monero - git submodule update --init --recursive monero - TOR="/usr/local/tor/bin/tor" XMRIG="/xmrig/xmrig" make -j8 release-static environment: OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR: /usr/local/openssl/ CMAKEFLAGS_EXTRA: -DFETCH_DEPS=Off - name: deploy image: feather:linux volumes: - name: ccache_linux_release path: /root/.ccache - name: files_linux_release path: /files commands: - export FN="feather-`echo $DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER | cut -c 1-7`.zip" - export TARGET_DIR="/files/$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH" - mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR" - echo "writing to $TARGET_DIR/$FN" - strip -s build/bin/feather - zip -j "$TARGET_DIR/$FN" build/feather.log build/bin/feather - echo "[*] written to https://build.featherwallet.org/files/linux-release/$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH/$FN" volumes: - name: ccache_linux_release host: path: /var/drone/ccache_linux_release/ - name: files_linux_release host: path: /build/feather_files/files/linux-release/ --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: linux-release-appimage steps: - name: build image: feather:appimage volumes: - name: files_linux_release path: /files commands: - export FN="feather-`echo $DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER | cut -c 1-7`.zip" - export BRANCH="$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH" - cp /files/$BRANCH/$FN feather.zip - bash ./contrib/build-appimage.sh - name: deploy image: feather:appimage volumes: - name: files_linux_appimage path: /files commands: - export FN="feather-`git rev-parse --short HEAD`.AppImage" - export TARGET_DIR="/files/$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH" - mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR" - echo "writing to $TARGET_DIR/$FN" - mv "Feather-1.0-x86_64.AppImage" "$TARGET_DIR/$FN" - echo "[*] written to https://build.featherwallet.org/files/linux-release-appimage/$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH/$FN" volumes: - name: files_linux_appimage host: path: /build/feather_files/files/linux-release-appimage/ - name: files_linux_release host: path: /build/feather_files/files/linux-release/ --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: windows-mxe-release steps: - name: build image: feather:win volumes: - name: ccache_win_release path: /root/.ccache - name: files_win_release path: /files commands: - git config --global url."http://gitea:3000/tor/".insteadOf https://git.torproject.org/ - git config --global url."http://gitea:3000/".insteadOf https://github.com/ - git config --global url."http://gitea:3000/".insteadOf https://git.wownero.com/ - git submodule update --init monero - git submodule update --init --recursive monero - PATH="/mxe/usr/bin/:$PATH" TOR="/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/bin/tor.exe" XMRIG="/xmrig/xmrig.exe" make -j8 windows-mxe-release environment: CMAKEFLAGS_EXTRA: -DFETCH_DEPS=Off - name: deploy image: feather:win volumes: - name: ccache_win_release path: /root/.ccache - name: files_win_release path: /files commands: - export FN="feather-`echo $DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER | cut -c 1-7`.zip" - export TARGET_DIR="/files/$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH" - mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR" - echo "writing to $TARGET_DIR/$FN" - zip -j "$TARGET_DIR/$FN" build/feather.log build/bin/feather.exe - echo "[*] written to https://build.featherwallet.org/files/windows-mxe-release/$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH/$FN" volumes: - name: ccache_win_release host: path: /var/drone/ccache_win_release/ - name: files_win_release host: path: /build/feather_files/files/windows-mxe-release/ --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: mac-release steps: - name: build image: feather:mac volumes: - name: files_mac_release path: /files commands: - mkdir -p build - ssh administrator@steve.jobs.xmr.pm "chmod +x build_macos.sh && PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ~/build_macos.sh $DRONE_COMMIT_SHA" - scp -P22 administrator@steve.jobs.xmr.pm:feather.zip build/feather.zip - name: deploy image: feather:mac volumes: - name: files_mac_release path: /files commands: - export FN="feather-`echo $DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER | cut -c 1-7`.zip" - export TARGET_DIR="/files/$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH" - mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR" - echo "writing to $TARGET_DIR/$FN" - mv build/feather.zip "$TARGET_DIR/$FN" - echo "[*] written to https://build.featherwallet.org/files/mac-release/$DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH/$FN" volumes: - name: files_mac_release host: path: /build/feather_files/files/mac-release/ --- kind: signature hmac: e864c0961f9c9901959368945a83723e282ec748489ea9b0dad728c39e338ed2 ...