2022-03-15 14:56:07 +02:00

181 lines
5.6 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2022, The Monero Project.
# Copyright (c) 2022,
import re
import json
import asyncio
import os
import random
from datetime import datetime
from collections import Counter
from functools import wraps
from typing import List, Union
from io import BytesIO
import psutil
import aiohttp
from aiohttp_socks import ProxyConnector
from PIL import Image
import settings
RE_ADDRESS = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]{97}$"
def print_banner():
_______________ |*\_/*|________
| ___________ | .-. .-. ||_/-\_|______ |
| | | | .****. .****. | | | |
| | 0 0 | | .*****.*****. | | 0 0 | |
| | - | | .*********. | | - | |
| | \___/ | | .*******. | | \___/ | |
| |___ ___| | .*****. | |___________| |
|_____|\_/|_____| .***. |_______________|
_|__|/ \|_|_.............*.............._|________|_
/ ********** \ / ********** \\
/ ************ \ / ************ \\
-------------------- {settings.COIN_SYMBOL} --------------------\033[0m
async def httpget(url: str, json=True, timeout: int = 5, socks5: str = None, raise_for_status=True, verify_tls=True):
headers = {"User-Agent": random_agent()}
opts = {"timeout": aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout)}
if socks5:
opts['connector'] = ProxyConnector.from_url(socks5)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(**opts) as session:
async with session.get(url, headers=headers, ssl=verify_tls) as response:
if raise_for_status:
result = await response.json() if json else await response.text()
if result is None or (isinstance(result, str) and result == ''):
raise Exception("empty response from request")
return result
def random_agent():
from wowlet_backend.factory import user_agents
return random.choice(user_agents)
async def wowlet_data():
"""A collection of data collected by the various wowlet tasks"""
from wowlet_backend.factory import cache, now
data = await cache.get("data")
if data:
data = json.loads(data)
return data
keys = [
data = {keys[i]: json.loads(val) if val else None for i, val in enumerate(await cache.mget(*keys))}
# start caching when application lifetime is more than 20 seconds
if ( - now).total_seconds() > 20:
await cache.setex("data", 30, json.dumps(data))
return data
def popularity_contest(lst: List[int]) -> Union[int, None]:
"""Return most common occurrences of List[int]. If
there are no duplicates, return max() instead.
if not lst:
if len(set(lst)) == len(lst):
return max(lst)
return Counter(lst).most_common(1)[0][0]
async def image_resize(buffer: bytes, max_bounding_box: int = 512, quality: int = 70) -> bytes:
- Resize if the image is too large
- Removes EXIF
buffer = BytesIO(buffer)
image =
image = image.convert('RGB')
if max([image.height, image.width]) > max_bounding_box:
image.thumbnail((max_bounding_box, max_bounding_box), Image.BICUBIC)
data = list(image.getdata())
image_without_exif =, image.size)
buffer = BytesIO(), "JPEG", quality=quality)
async def whaleornot(amount: float):
if amount <= 0:
fish_str = "amoeba"
elif amount < 100:
fish_str = "plankton"
elif amount >= 100 and amount < 200:
fish_str = "Paedocypris"
elif amount >= 200 and amount < 500:
fish_str = "Dwarf Goby"
elif amount >= 500 and amount < 1000:
fish_str = "European Pilchard"
elif amount >= 1000 and amount < 2000:
fish_str = "Goldfish"
elif amount >= 2000 and amount < 4000:
fish_str = "Herring"
elif amount >= 4000 and amount < 7000:
fish_str = "Atlantic Macerel"
elif amount >= 7000 and amount < 9000:
fish_str = "Gilt-head Bream"
elif amount >= 9000 and amount < 12000:
fish_str = "Salmonidae"
elif amount >= 12000 and amount < 20000:
fish_str = "Gadidae"
elif amount >= 20000 and amount < 40000:
fish_str = "Norwegian Delicious Salmon"
elif amount >= 40000 and amount < 60000:
fish_str = "Electric eel"
elif amount >= 60000 and amount < 80000:
fish_str = "Tuna"
elif amount >= 80000 and amount < 100000:
fish_str = "Wels catfish"
elif amount >= 100000 and amount < 120000:
fish_str = "Black marlin"
elif amount >= 120000 and amount < 160000:
fish_str = "Shark"
elif amount >= 160000 and amount < 220000:
fish_str = "Dolphin"
elif amount >= 220000 and amount < 320000:
fish_str = "Narwhal"
elif amount >= 320000 and amount < 500000:
fish_str = "Orca"
elif amount >= 500000 and amount < 700000:
fish_str = "Blue Whale"
elif amount >= 700000 and amount < 1000000:
fish_str = "Leviathan"
fish_str = "Cthulu"
return fish_str