dsc 42bb0c832e Feather-ws rewrite;
- Move recurring tasks into their own class; inherits from `FeatherTask`
- CCS proposals: Don't use API, it's broken - webcrawl instead until it is fixed.
- Switch to hypercorn as the ASGI server, *with* support for multiple workers. You can now run feather-ws with, for example, `--workers 6`. See `Dockerfile`.
- Introduce support for various coins under `BlockheightTask`
- Introduce support for various Reddit communities under `RedditTask`
- Introduced weightvoting whilst validating third-party RPC blockheights - where nodes are filtered based on what other nodes are commonly reporting.
- Current blockheights are fetched from various block explorers and weightvoting is done to eliminate outliers under `BlockheightTask`.
- Don't filter/remove bad nodes from the rpc_nodes list; correctly label them as disabled/bad nodes.
- Multiple Feather instances (each for it's own coin) can now run on one machine, using only one Redis instance, as each coins has it's own Redis database index.
- Configuration options inside `` can now be controlled via environment variables.
- Better logging through custom log formatting and correct usage of `app.logger.*`
- Fixed a bug where one task could overlap with itself if the previous one did not finish yet. This was particularly noticable inside the `RPCNodeCheckTask` where the high timeout (for Tor nodes) could cause the task to run *longer* than the recurring task interval.
- Introduced a `docker-compose.yml` to combine the Feather container with Redis and Tor containers.
- Blocking IO operations are now done via `aiofiles`
2020-12-22 19:07:24 +01:00

34 lines
1.2 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2020, The Monero Project.
# Copyright (c) 2020,
import os
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def bool_env(val):
return val is True or (isinstance(val, str) and (val.lower() == 'true' or val == '1'))
DEBUG = bool_env(os.environ.get("FEATHER_DEBUG", False))
HOST = os.environ.get("FEATHER_HOST", "")
PORT = int(os.environ.get("FEATHER_PORT", 1337))
REDIS_ADDRESS = os.environ.get("FEATHER_REDIS_ADDRESS", "redis://localhost")
COIN_NAME = os.environ.get("FEATHER_COIN_NAME", "monero").lower() # as per coingecko
COIN_SYMBOL = os.environ.get("FEATHER_COIN_SYMBOL", "xmr").lower() # as per coingecko
COIN_GENESIS_DATE = os.environ.get("FEATHER_COIN_GENESIS_DATE", "20140418")
COIN_MODE = os.environ.get("FEATHER_COIN_MODE", "mainnet").lower()
TOR_SOCKS_PROXY = os.environ.get("FEATHER_TOR_SOCKS_PROXY", "socks5://")
# while fetching USD price from coingecko, also include these extra coins:
"wownero": "wow",
"aeon": "aeon",
"turtlecoin": "trtl",
"haven": "xhv",
"loki": "loki"