# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright (c) 2020, The Monero Project. # Copyright (c) 2020, dsc@xmr.pm import json import asyncio from typing import List, Set from datetime import datetime from quart import Quart from quart_session import Session import aioredis from wowlet_backend.utils import current_worker_thread_is_primary, print_banner import settings now = datetime.now() app: Quart = None cache = None user_agents: List[str] = None connected_websockets: Set[asyncio.Queue] = set() _is_primary_worker_thread = False async def _setup_nodes(app: Quart): global cache with open('data/nodes.json', 'r') as f: nodes = json.loads(f.read()).get(settings.COIN_SYMBOL) cache.execute('JSON.SET', 'nodes', '.', json.dumps(nodes)) async def _setup_user_agents(app: Quart): global user_agents with open('data/user_agents.txt', 'r') as f: user_agents = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines() if l.strip()] async def _setup_cache(app: Quart): global cache # Each coin has it's own Redis DB index; `redis-cli -n $INDEX` db = {"xmr": 0, "wow": 1, "aeon": 2, "trtl": 3, "msr": 4, "xhv": 5, "loki": 6}[settings.COIN_SYMBOL] data = { "address": settings.REDIS_ADDRESS, "db": db, "password": settings.REDIS_PASSWORD if settings.REDIS_PASSWORD else None } cache = await aioredis.create_redis_pool(**data) app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'redis' app.config['SESSION_REDIS'] = cache Session(app) async def _setup_tasks(app: Quart): """Schedules a series of tasks at an interval.""" if not _is_primary_worker_thread: return from wowlet_backend.tasks import ( BlockheightTask, HistoricalPriceTask, FundingProposalsTask, CryptoRatesTask, FiatRatesTask, RedditTask, RPCNodeCheckTask, XmrigTask, XmrToTask) asyncio.create_task(BlockheightTask().start()) asyncio.create_task(HistoricalPriceTask().start()) asyncio.create_task(CryptoRatesTask().start()) asyncio.create_task(FiatRatesTask().start()) asyncio.create_task(RedditTask().start()) asyncio.create_task(RPCNodeCheckTask().start()) asyncio.create_task(XmrigTask().start()) if settings.COIN_SYMBOL in ["xmr", "wow"]: asyncio.create_task(FundingProposalsTask().start()) def _setup_logging(): from logging import Formatter from logging.config import dictConfig from quart.logging import default_handler default_handler.setFormatter(Formatter('[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s in %(funcName)s(): %(message)s (%(pathname)s)')) dictConfig({ 'version': 1, 'loggers': { 'quart.app': { 'level': 'DEBUG' if settings.DEBUG else 'INFO', }, }, }) def create_app(): global app _setup_logging() app = Quart(__name__) @app.before_serving async def startup(): global _is_primary_worker_thread _is_primary_worker_thread = current_worker_thread_is_primary() if _is_primary_worker_thread: print_banner() await _setup_cache(app) await _setup_nodes(app) await _setup_user_agents(app) await _setup_tasks(app) import wowlet_backend.routes return app