2020-10-03 02:45:45 +00:00
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2020, The Monero Project.
# Copyright (c) 2020, dsc@xmr.pm
import asyncio
import json
import os
import re
import random
from functools import wraps
from datetime import datetime
import aiohttp
2020-10-14 01:34:41 +00:00
import settings
2020-10-03 02:45:45 +00:00
class BlockHeight:
async def xmrchain(stagenet: bool = False):
re_blockheight = r"block\/(\d+)\"\>"
url = "https://stagenet.xmrchain.net/" if stagenet else "https://xmrchain.net/"
content = await httpget(url, json=False)
xmrchain = re.findall(re_blockheight, content)
current = max(map(int, xmrchain))
return current
async def xmrto(stagenet: bool = False):
re_blockheight = r"block\/(\d+)\"\>"
url = "https://community.xmr.to/explorer/stagenet/" if stagenet else "https://community.xmr.to/explorer/mainnet/"
content = await httpget(url, json=False)
xmrchain = re.findall(re_blockheight, content)
current = max(map(int, xmrchain))
return current
async def loopyloop(secs: int, func, after_func=None):
asyncio loop
:param secs: interval
:param func: function to execute
:param after_func: function to execute after completion
while True:
result = await func()
if after_func:
await after_func(result)
# randomize a bit for Tor anti fingerprint reasons
_secs = random.randrange(secs - 5, secs +5)
await asyncio.sleep(_secs)
def collect_websocket(func):
async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from fapi.factory import connected_websockets
queue = asyncio.Queue()
return await func(queue, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
async def broadcast_blockheight():
from fapi.factory import connected_websockets, api_data
for queue in connected_websockets:
await queue.put({
"cmd": "blockheights",
"data": {
"height": api_data.get("blockheights", {})
async def broadcast_nodes():
from fapi.factory import connected_websockets, api_data
for queue in connected_websockets:
await queue.put({
"cmd": "nodes",
"data": api_data['nodes']
async def httpget(url: str, json=True):
2020-12-03 15:03:09 +00:00
timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=30)
2020-10-03 02:45:45 +00:00
headers = {"User-Agent": random_agent()}
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session:
async with session.get(url, headers=headers) as response:
return await response.json() if json else await response.text()
def random_agent():
from fapi.factory import user_agents
return random.choice(user_agents)
class TxFiatDb:
# historical fiat price db for given symbol
def __init__(self, symbol, block_date_start):
self.fn = "data/fiatdb"
self.symbol = symbol
self.block_start = block_date_start
self._url = "https://www.coingecko.com/price_charts/69/usd/max.json"
self.data = {}
def get(self, year: int, month: int = None):
rtn = {}
if year not in self.data:
if not month:
for _m, days in self.data[year].items():
for day, price in days.items():
rtn[datetime(year, _m, day).strftime('%Y%m%d')] = price
return rtn
if month not in self.data[year]:
for day, price in self.data[year][month].items():
rtn[datetime(year, month, day).strftime('%Y%m%d')] = price
return rtn
def load(self):
if not os.path.exists("fiatdb"):
return {}
f = open("fiatdb", "r")
data = f.read()
data = json.loads(data)
# whatever
self.data = {int(k): {int(_k): {int(__k): __v for __k, __v in _v.items()} for _k, _v in v.items()} for k, v in data.items()}
def write(self):
f = open("fiatdb", "w")
async def update(self):
content = await httpget(self._url, json=True)
if not "stats" in content:
raise Exception()
except Exception as ex:
stats = content.get('stats')
if not stats:
year_start = int(self.block_start[:4])
self.data = {z: {k: {} for k in range(1, 13)}
for z in range(year_start, datetime.now().year + 1)}
content = {z[0]: z[1] for z in stats}
for k, v in content.items():
_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(k / 1000)
self.data[_date.year].setdefault(_date.month, {})
self.data[_date.year][_date.month][_date.day] = v
2020-10-14 01:34:41 +00:00
class XmrRig:
async def releases():
from fapi.factory import app, cache
from fapi.fapi import FeatherApi
blob = await FeatherApi.redis_get("xmrig_releases")
if blob and app.config["DEBUG"]:
return blob
result = await httpget(settings.urls["xmrig"])
if not isinstance(result, list):
raise Exception("JSON response was not a list")
if len(result) <= 1:
raise Exception("JSON response list was 1 or less")
result = result[0]
await cache.set("xmrig_releases", json.dumps(result))
blob = result
except Exception as ex:
app.logger.error(f"error parsing xmrig blob: {ex}")
if blob:
app.logger.warning(f"passing xmrig output from cache")
return blob
return blob
async def after_releases(data):
from fapi.factory import api_data
from dateutil.parser import parse
_data = []
for asset in data['assets']:
for expected in ["tar.gz", ".zip"]:
if asset["state"] != "uploaded":
if asset["name"].endswith(expected):
version = data['tag_name']
assets = {}
for asset in _data:
operating_system = "linux"
if "msvc" in asset['name'] or "win64" in asset['name']:
operating_system = "windows"
elif "macos" in asset["name"]:
operating_system = "macos"
assets.setdefault(operating_system, [])
"name": asset["name"],
"created_at": parse(asset["created_at"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
"url": f"https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/releases/download/{version}/{asset['name']}",
"download_count": int(asset["download_count"])
api_data["xmrig"] = {
"version": version,
"assets": assets