#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot - bet utils # Copyright 2015 moneromooo # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import random import hashlib import time import datetime from Crypto.Random.random import getrandbits import tipbot.coinspecs as coinspecs from tipbot.command_manager import * from utils import * def IsBanned(link): try: banned = redis_hget('banned',link.identity()) if not banned: return False, None banned = float(banned) now = time.time() if banned < now: redis_hdel('banned',link.identity()) return False, None return True, 'You are banned for %s' % TimeToString(banned-now) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to check bannishment for %s: %s' % (link.identity(),str(e))) return False, None def IsBetValid(link,amount,minbet,maxbet,potential_loss,max_loss,max_loss_ratio): banned,reason = IsBanned(link) if banned: return False, reason try: amount = float(amount) except Exception,e: return False, "Invalid amount" units=long(amount*coinspecs.atomic_units) if units <= 0: return False, "Invalid amount" if maxbet != None and amount > maxbet: return False, "Max bet is %s" % AmountToString(maxbet * coinspecs.atomic_units) if minbet != None and amount < minbet: return False, "Min bet is %s" % AmountToString(minbet * coinspecs.atomic_units) enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units) if not enough: return False, reason if potential_loss > 0: if potential_loss > max_loss: return False, "Max potential loss is %s" % AmountToString(max_loss * coinspecs.atomic_units) try: house_balance = RetrieveHouseBalance() except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get house balance: %s' % str(e)) return False, "Failed to get house balance" max_floating_loss = max_loss_ratio * house_balance / coinspecs.atomic_units if potential_loss > max_floating_loss: return False, "Potential loss too large for house balance" return True, None def IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units): try: balance = redis_hget("balances",link.identity()) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) if units > balance: log_info ('%s does not have enough balance' % link.user.nick) return False, "You only have %s" % (AmountToString(balance)) except Exception,e: log_error ('failed to query balance') return False, "Failed to query balance" return True, None def SetServerSeed(link,game,seed): identity=link.identity() try: redis_hset('%s:serverseed' % game,identity,seed) log_info('%s\'s %s serverseed set' % (identity, game)) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to set %s server seed for %s: %s' % (game, identity, str(e))) raise def GetServerSeed(link,game): EnsureServerSeed(link,game) identity=link.identity() try: return redis_hget('%s:serverseed' % game,identity) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get %s server seed for %s: %s' % (game, identity, str(e))) raise def GenerateServerSeed(link,game): identity=link.identity() try: salt="kfn3kjg4nkngvekjvn3u4vgb:" + config.site_game_salt + ":" + game s=salt+":"+identity+":"+str(time.time())+":"+str(getrandbits(128)) seed=hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest() SetServerSeed(link,game,seed) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to generate %s server seed for %s: %s' % (game,identity,str(e))) raise def EnsureServerSeed(link,game): if not redis_hexists('%s:serverseed' % game,link.identity()): GenerateServerSeed(link,game) def SetPlayerSeed(link,game,seed): identity=link.identity() try: redis_hset('%s:playerseed' % game,identity,seed) log_info('%s\'s %s playerseed set to %s' % (identity, game, seed)) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to set %s player seed for %s: %s' % (game, identity, str(e))) raise def GetPlayerSeed(link,game): identity=link.identity() try: if not redis_hexists('%s:playerseed' % game,identity): return "" return redis_hget('%s:playerseed' % game,identity) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get %s player seed for %s: %s' % (game, identity, str(e))) raise def GetServerSeedHash(link,game): seed = GetServerSeed(link,game) return hashlib.sha256(seed).hexdigest() def RecordGameResult(link,game,win,lose,units): identity=link.identity() try: ts=datetime.datetime.utcnow() tsh="%u" % (ts.hour) tsd="%u-%02u-%02u" % (ts.year,ts.month,ts.day) p = redis_pipeline() tname="%s:stats:"%game+identity rtname="%s:stats:reset:"%game+identity alltname="%s:stats:"%game nalltname="%s:stats:"%game zhtname="%s:zstats:hourly:"%game zdtname="%s:zstats:daily:"%game nzhtname="%s:zstats:%s:hourly:"%(game,link.network.name) nzdtname="%s:zstats:%s:daily:"%(game,link.network.name) p.hincrby(tname,"bets",1) p.hincrby(rtname,"bets",1) p.hincrby(alltname,"bets",1) p.hincrby(nalltname,"bets",1) p.zincrby(zhtname+"bets",tsh,1) p.zincrby(zdtname+"bets",tsd,1) p.zincrby(nzhtname+"bets",tsh,1) p.zincrby(nzdtname+"bets",tsd,1) p.hincrby(tname,"wagered",units) p.hincrby(rtname,"wagered",units) p.hincrby(alltname,"wagered",units) p.hincrby(nalltname,"wagered",units) p.zincrby(zhtname+"wagered",tsh,units) p.zincrby(zdtname+"wagered",tsd,units) p.zincrby(nzhtname+"wagered",tsh,units) p.zincrby(nzdtname+"wagered",tsd,units) if win: p.hincrby("balances",identity,units) p.hincrby(tname,"won",units) p.hincrby(rtname,"won",units) p.hincrby(alltname,"won",units) p.hincrby(nalltname,"won",units) p.zincrby(zhtname+"won",tsh,units) p.zincrby(zdtname+"won",tsd,units) p.zincrby(nzhtname+"won",tsh,units) p.zincrby(nzdtname+"won",tsd,units) p.hincrby(tname,"nwon",1) p.hincrby(rtname,"nwon",1) p.hincrby(alltname,"nwon",1) p.hincrby(nalltname,"nwon",1) p.zincrby(zhtname+"nwon",tsh,1) p.zincrby(zdtname+"nwon",tsd,1) p.zincrby(nzhtname+"nwon",tsh,1) p.zincrby(nzdtname+"nwon",tsd,1) if lose: p.hincrby("balances",identity,-units) p.hincrby(tname,"lost",units) p.hincrby(rtname,"lost",units) p.hincrby(alltname,"lost",units) p.hincrby(nalltname,"lost",units) p.zincrby(zhtname+"lost",tsh,units) p.zincrby(zdtname+"lost",tsd,units) p.zincrby(nzhtname+"lost",tsh,units) p.zincrby(nzdtname+"lost",tsd,units) p.hincrby(tname,"nlost",1) p.hincrby(rtname,"nlost",1) p.hincrby(alltname,"nlost",1) p.hincrby(nalltname,"nlost",1) p.zincrby(zhtname+"nlost",tsh,1) p.zincrby(zdtname+"nlost",tsd,1) p.zincrby(nzhtname+"nlost",tsh,1) p.zincrby(nzdtname+"nlost",tsd,1) p.execute() except Exception,e: log_error('RecordGameResult: exception updating redis: %s' % str(e)) raise def ShowGameStats(link,sidentity,title,game): identity=IdentityFromString(link,sidentity) tname="%s:stats:"%game+sidentity try: bets=redis_hget(tname,"bets") wagered=redis_hget(tname,"wagered") won=redis_hget(tname,"won") lost=redis_hget(tname,"lost") nwon=redis_hget(tname,"nwon") nlost=redis_hget(tname,"nlost") except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to retrieve %s stats for %s: %s' % (game, title, str(e))) link.send("An error occured") return if not bets: link.send("No %s stats available for %s" % (game,title)) return bets = long(bets) wagered = long(wagered) won = long(won or 0) lost = long(lost or 0) nwon = long(nwon or 0) nlost = long(nlost or 0) if bets==0: link.send("No %s stats available for %s" % (game,title)) return swagered = AmountToString(wagered) savg = AmountToString(wagered / bets) swon = AmountToString(won) slost = AmountToString(lost) if won >= lost: sov = "+" + AmountToString(won-lost) else: sov = "-" + AmountToString(lost-won) link.send("%s: %d games %d won, %d lost, %s wagered (average %s per game), %s won, %s lost, overall %s" % (title, bets, nwon, nlost, swagered, savg, swon, slost, sov)) def ResetGameStats(link,sidentity,game): identity=IdentityFromString(link,sidentity) try: p = redis_pipeline() tname="%s:stats:reset:"%game+sidentity bets=p.hset(tname,"bets",0) wagered=p.hset(tname,"wagered",0) won=p.hset(tname,"won",0) lost=p.hset(tname,"lost",0) nwon=p.hset(tname,"nwon",0) nlost=p.hset(tname,"nlost",0) p.execute() link.send("%s stats reset for %s" % (game,sidentity)) except Exception,e: log_error('Error resetting %s stats for %s: %s' % (game,sidentity,str(e))) raise def RetrieveHouseBalance(force_refresh=False): balance, unlocked_balance = RetrieveTipbotBalance(force_refresh) house_balance = unlocked_balance user_balances=0 identities = redis_hgetall("balances") for identity in identities: ib = long(identities[identity]) house_balance = house_balance - ib user_balances+=ib earmarked_balances=0 earmarked = redis_hgetall("earmarked") for e in earmarked: eb = long(earmarked[e]) house_balance = house_balance - eb earmarked_balances+=eb rbal=long(redis_get('reserve_balance') or 0) if rbal: house_balance = house_balance - rbal if house_balance < 0: raise RuntimeError('Negative house balance') return log_info('RetrieveHouseBalance: unlocked %s, users %s, earmarked %s, reserve %s, house %s' % (AmountToString(unlocked_balance), AmountToString(user_balances), AmountToString(earmarked_balances), AmountToString(rbal), AmountToString(house_balance))) return house_balance def GetHouseBalance(link,cmd): try: balance = RetrieveHouseBalance() personal_balance=0 for network in networks: identity=network.name+':'+config.tipbot_name personal_balance += long(redis_hget('balances',identity) or 0) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to retrieve house balance: %s' % str(e)) link.send('An error occured') return link.send('House balance: %s, %s personal balance: %s' % (AmountToString(balance), config.tipbot_name, AmountToString(personal_balance))) def ReserveBalance(link,cmd): rbal=GetParam(cmd,1) if rbal: try: rbal=float(cmd[1]) if rbal < 0: raise RuntimeError('negative balance') rbal = long(rbal * coinspecs.atomic_units) except Exception,e: log_error('SetReserveBalance: invalid balance: %s' % str(e)) link.send("Invalid balance") return try: current_rbal=long(redis_get('reserve_balance') or 0) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get current reserve balance: %s' % str(e)) link.send("Failed to get current reserve balance") return if rbal == None: link.send("Reserve balance is %s" % AmountToString(current_rbal)) return try: house_balance = RetrieveHouseBalance() except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get house balance: %s' % str(e)) link.send("Failed to get house balance") return if rbal > house_balance + current_rbal: log_error('Cannot set reserve balance higher than max house balance') link.send('Cannot set reserve balance higher than max house balance') return try: redis_set('reserve_balance',rbal) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to set reserve balance: %s' % str(e)) link.send("Failed to set reserve balance") return link.send("Reserve balance set") def Ban(link,cmd): t = 3600 try: sidentity = GetParam(cmd,1) if sidentity: sidentity=IdentityFromString(link,sidentity) if sidentity!=link.identity() and not IsAdmin(link): log_error('%s is not admin, cannot ban %s' % (link.identity(),sidentity)) link.send('Access denied') return else: sidentity=link.identity() banned = redis_hget('banned',sidentity) now=time.time() if banned and float(banned) > now+t: link.send('%s is already banned for %s' % (NickFromIdentity(sidentity), TimeToString(banned-now))) else: redis_hset('banned',sidentity,now+t) link.send('%s is banned for %s' % (NickFromIdentity(sidentity), TimeToString(t))) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to ban %s: %s' % (sidentity,str(e))) link.send('An error occured') return def Unban(link,cmd): try: sidentity=GetParam(cmd,1) if not sidentity: sidentity=link.identity() sidentity=IdentityFromString(link,sidentity) redis_hdel('banned',sidentity) link.send('%s was unbanned' % (NickFromIdentity(sidentity))) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to unban %s: %s' % (sidentity,str(e))) link.send('An error occured') return def Report(link,cmd): GetHouseBalance(link,cmd) games=[] try: keys=redis_keys('*:zstats:daily:*') for key in keys: game=key.split(':')[0] if game not in games: games.append(game) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to enumerate games: %s' % str(e)) link.send('Failed to enumerate games') return now=datetime.datetime.utcnow() for game in games: try: ShowGameStats(link,'',game,game) period={1:'yesterday',7:'last week',30:'last month'} zdtname="%s:zstats:daily:"%game bets=0 wagered=0 won=0 lost=0 for days in range(1,31): ts=now-datetime.timedelta(days=days) tsd="%u-%02u-%02u" % (ts.year,ts.month,ts.day) bets+=long(redis_zscore(zdtname+"bets",tsd) or 0) wagered+=long(redis_zscore(zdtname+"wagered",tsd) or 0) won+=long(redis_zscore(zdtname+"won",tsd) or 0) lost+=long(redis_zscore(zdtname+"lost",tsd) or 0) if days in period.keys(): if won>lost: wonlost='lost' balance_change=AmountToString(won-lost) else: wonlost='won' balance_change=AmountToString(lost-won) link.send('%s, %s: %d bets, %s wagered, house %s %s' % (game,period[days],bets,AmountToString(wagered),wonlost,balance_change)) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to generate report for %s: %s' % (game,str(e))) link.send('Failed to generate report for %s' % game) RegisterCommand({ 'module': 'betting', 'name': 'reserve_balance', 'parms': '[]', 'function': ReserveBalance, 'admin': True, 'help': "Set or get reserve balance (not part of the house balance)" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': 'betting', 'name': 'house_balance', 'function': GetHouseBalance, 'admin': True, 'registered': True, 'help': "get the house balance" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': 'betting', 'name': 'ban', 'function': Ban, 'registered': True, 'help': "ban yourself from playing for an hour" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': 'betting', 'name': 'unban', 'function': Unban, 'admin': True, 'help': "unban someone from playing" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': 'betting', 'name': 'report', 'function': Report, 'admin': True, 'help': "Betting report" })