#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot - dice commands # Copyright 2014,2015 moneromooo # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import sys import os import redis import hashlib import time import string import random import tipbot.config as config from tipbot.log import log_error, log_warn, log_info, log_log import tipbot.coinspecs as coinspecs from tipbot.utils import * from tipbot.command_manager import * from tipbot.redisdb import * from tipbot.betutils import * def Roll(link): identity=link.identity() try: if redis_hexists('dice:rolls',identity): rolls = redis_hget('dice:rolls',identity) rolls = long(rolls) + 1 else: rolls = 1 except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to prepare roll for %s: %s' % (identity, str(e))) raise try: s = GetServerSeed(link,'dice') + ":" + GetPlayerSeed(link,'dice') + ":" + str(rolls) sh = hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest() roll = float(long(sh[0:8],base=16))/0x100000000 return rolls, roll except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to roll for %s: %s' % (identity,str(e))) raise def Dice(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() try: amount=float(cmd[1]) units=long(amount*coinspecs.atomic_units) multiplier = float(cmd[2]) overunder=GetParam(cmd,3) except Exception,e: link.send("Usage: dice amount multiplier [over|under]") return if multiplier < 1.1 or multiplier > 10: link.send("Invalid multiplier: should be between 1.1 and 10") return if overunder == "over": under=False elif overunder == "under" or not overunder: under=True else: link.send("Usage: dice amount multiplier [over|under]") return log_info("Dice: %s wants to bet %s at x%f, %s target" % (identity, AmountToString(units), multiplier, "under" if under else "over")) potential_loss = amount * multiplier valid,reason = IsBetAmountValid(amount,config.dice_min_bet,config.dice_max_bet,potential_loss,config.dice_max_loss,config.dice_max_loss_ratio) if not valid: log_info("Dice: %s's bet refused: %s" % (identity, reason)) link.send("%s: %s" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return try: balance = redis_hget("balances",identity) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) if units > balance: log_error ('%s does not have enough balance' % identity) link.send("You only have %s" % (AmountToString(balance))) return except Exception,e: log_error ('failed to query balance') link.send("Failed to query balance") return try: rolls, roll = Roll(link) except: link.send("An error occured") return target = (1 - config.dice_edge) / multiplier if not under: target = 1 - target log_info("Dice: %s's #%d roll: %.16g, target %s %.16g" % (identity, rolls, roll, "under" if under else "over", target)) lose_units = units win_units = long(units * multiplier) - lose_units log_log('units %s, multiplier %f, edge %f, lose_units %s, win_units %s' % (AmountToString(units), multiplier, config.dice_edge, AmountToString(lose_units), AmountToString(win_units))) if under: win = roll <= target else: win = roll >= target if win: msg = "%s bets %s and wins %s on roll #%d! %.16g %s %.16g" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(lose_units), AmountToString(win_units+lose_units), rolls, roll, "<=" if under else ">=", target) else: msg = "%s bets %s and loses on roll #%d. %.16g %s %.16g" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(lose_units), rolls, roll, ">" if under else "<", target) try: RecordGameResult(link,"dice",win,not win,win_units if win else lose_units) except: return redis_hset("dice:rolls",identity,rolls) link.send("%s" % msg) def ShowDiceStats(link,sidentity,title): return ShowGameStats(link,sidentity,title,"dice") def GetDiceStats(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() sidentity = GetParam(cmd,1) if sidentity: sidentity=IdentityFromString(link,sidentity) if sidentity and sidentity != identity: if not IsAdmin(link): log_error('%s is not admin, cannot see dice stats for %s' % (identity, sidentity)) link.send('Access denied') return else: sidentity=identity ShowDiceStats(link,sidentity,sidentity) ShowDiceStats(link,"reset:"+sidentity,'%s since reset' % sidentity) ShowDiceStats(link,'','overall') def ResetDiceStats(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() sidentity = GetParam(cmd,1) if sidentity: sidentity=IdentityFromString(link,sidentity) if sidentity and sidentity != identity: if not IsAdmin(link): log_error('%s is not admin, cannot see dice stats for %s' % (identity, sidentity)) link.send('Access denied') return else: sidentity=identity try: ResetGameStats(link,sidentity,"dice") except Exception,e: link.send("An error occured") def PlayerSeed(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() fair_string = GetParam(cmd,1) if not fair_string: link.send("Usage: !playerseed ") return try: SetPlayerSeed(link,'dice',fair_string) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to save player seed for %s: %s' % (identity, str(e))) link.send('An error occured') try: ps = GetPlayerSeed(link,'dice') except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to retrieve newly set player seed for %s: %s' % (identity, str(e))) link.send('An error occured') return link.send('Your new player seed is: %s' % ps) def FairCheck(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() try: seed = GetServerSeed(link,'dice') except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get server seed for %s: %s' % (identity,str(e))) link.send('An error has occured') return try: GenerateServerSeed(link,'dice') except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to generate server seed for %s: %s' % (identity,str(e))) link.send('An error has occured') return link.send('Your server seed was %s - it has now been reset; see !fair for details' % str(seed)) def Seeds(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() try: sh = GetServerSeedHash(link,'dice') ps = GetPlayerSeed(link,'dice') except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get server seed for %s: %s' % (identity,str(e))) link.send('An error has occured') return link.send('Your server seed hash is %s' % str(sh)) if ps == "": link.send('You have not set a player seed') else: link.send('Your player seed hash is %s' % str(ps)) def Fair(link,cmd): link.send_private("%s's dice betting is provably fair" % config.tipbot_name) link.send_private("Your rolls are determined by three pieces of information:") link.send_private(" - your server seed. You can see its hash with !seeds") link.send_private(" - your player seed. Empty by default, you can set it with !playerseed") link.send_private(" - the roll number, displayed with each bet you make") link.send_private("To verify past rolls were fair, use !faircheck") link.send_private("You will be given your server seed, and a new one will be generated") link.send_private("for future rolls. Then follow these steps:") link.send_private("Calculate the SHA-256 sum of serverseed:playerseed:rollnumber") link.send_private("Take the first 8 characters of this sum to make an hexadecimal") link.send_private("number, and divide it by 0x100000000. You will end up with a number") link.send_private("between 0 and 1 which was your roll for that particular bet") link.send_private("See !faircode for Python code implementing this check") def FairCode(link,cmd): link.send_private("This Python 2 code takes the seeds and roll number and outputs the roll") link.send_private("for the corresponding game. Run it with three arguments: server seed,") link.send_private("player seed (use '' if you did not set any), and roll number.") link.send_private("import sys,hashlib,random") link.send_private("try:") link.send_private(" s=hashlib.sha256(sys.argv[1]+':'+sys.argv[2]+':'+sys.argv[3]).hexdigest()") link.send_private(" roll = float(long(s[0:8],base=16))/0x100000000") link.send_private(" print '%.16g' % roll") link.send_private("except:") link.send_private(" print 'need serverseed, playerseed, and roll number'") def DiceHelp(link): link.send_private("The dice module is a provably fair %s dice betting game" % coinspecs.name) link.send_private("Basic usage: !dice [over|under]") link.send_private("The goal is to get a roll under (or over, at your option) a target that depends") link.send_private("on your chosen profit multiplier (1 for even money)") link.send_private("See !fair and !faircode for a description of the provable fairness of the game") link.send_private("See !faircheck to get the server seed to check past rolls were fair") random.seed(time.time()) RegisterModule({ 'name': __name__, 'help': DiceHelp, }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'dice', 'parms': ' [over|under]', 'function': Dice, 'registered': True, 'help': "play a dice game - house edge %.1f%%" % (float(config.dice_edge)*100) }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'stats', 'parms': '[]', 'function': GetDiceStats, 'registered': True, 'help': "displays your dice stats" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'resetstats', 'parms': '[]', 'function': ResetDiceStats, 'registered': True, 'help': "resets your dice stats" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'playerseed', 'parms': '', 'function': PlayerSeed, 'registered': True, 'help': "set a custom seed to use in the hash calculation" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'seeds', 'function': Seeds, 'registered': True, 'help': "Show hash of your current server seed and your player seed" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'faircheck', 'function': FairCheck, 'registered': True, 'help': "Check provably fair rolls" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'fair', 'function': Fair, 'help': "describe the provably fair dice game" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'faircode', 'function': FairCode, 'help': "Show sample Python code to check bet fairness" })