#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot # Copyright 2014 moneromooo # Inspired by "Simple Python IRC bot" by berend # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import socket import select import sys import random import re import redis import hashlib import json import httplib import time import string tipbot_name = "monero-testnet-tipbot" irc_network = 'irc.freenode.net' irc_port = 6667 irc_homechan = '#txtptest000' irc_timeout_seconds = 600 redis_host="" redis_port=7777 bitmonerod_host = 'testfull.monero.cc' # '' bitmonerod_port = 28081 # 6060 wallet_host = '' wallet_port = 6061 wallet_update_time = 30 # seconds coin=1e12 coin_name = "Monero" coin_denominations = [[1000000, 1, "piconero"], [1000000000, 1e6, "micronero"], [1000000000000, 1e9, "millinero"]] address_length = [95, 95] # min/max size of addresses address_prefix = ['4', '9'] # allowed prefixes of addresses withdrawal_fee = 10000000000 min_withdraw_amount = 2*withdrawal_fee withdraw_disabled = False disable_withdraw_on_error = True web_wallet_url = "https://mymonero.com/" # None is there's none admins = ["moneromooo", "moneromoo"] # list of nicks to ignore for rains - bots, trolls, etc no_rain_to_nicks = [] userstable=dict() calltable=dict() last_wallet_update_time = None last_ping_time = time.time() def log(stype,msg): header = "%s\t%s\t" % (time.ctime(time.time()),stype) print "%s%s" % (header, str(msg).replace("\n","\n"+header)) def log_error(msg): log("ERROR",msg) def log_warn(msg): log("WARNING",msg) def log_info(msg): log("INFO",msg) def log_log(msg): log("LOG",msg) def log_IRCRECV(msg): log("IRCRECV",msg) def connect_to_irc(network,port): global irc try: irc = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) irc.connect ( ( network, port ) ) except Exception, e: log_error( 'Error initializing IRC: %s' % str(e)) exit() log_IRCRECV(irc.recv ( 4096 )) irc.send ( 'PASS *********\r\n') irc.send ( 'NICK %s\r\n' % tipbot_name) irc.send ( 'USER %s %s %s :%s\r\n' % (tipbot_name, tipbot_name, tipbot_name, tipbot_name)) def connect_to_redis(host,port): try: return redis.Redis(host=host,port=port) except Exception, e: log_error( 'Error initializing redis: %s' % str(e)) exit() def GetHost(host): # Return Host host = host.split('@')[1] host = host.split(' ')[0] return host def GetChannel(data): # Return Channel channel = data.split('#')[1] channel = channel.split(':')[0] channel = '#' + channel channel = channel.strip(' \t\n\r') return channel def GetNick(data): # Return Nickname nick = data.split('!')[0] nick = nick.replace(':', ' ') nick = nick.replace(' ', '') nick = nick.strip(' \t\n\r') return nick def GetPassword(): try: f = open('tipbot-password.txt', 'r') for p in f: p = p.strip("\r\n") f.close() return p except Exception,e: log_error('could not fetch password: %s' % str(e)) raise return "xxx" def Send(msg): irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + irc_homechan + ' : ' + msg + '\r\n') def SendTo(where,msg): irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + where + ' : ' + msg + '\r\n') def Join(chan): irc.send ( 'JOIN ' + chan + '\r\n' ) def Part(chan): irc.send ( 'PART ' + chan + '\r\n' ) def Who(chan): irc.send ( 'WHO ' + chan + '\r\n' ) def CheckRegistered(nick,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata): if nick not in calltable: calltable[nick] = [] calltable[nick].append([ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata]) SendTo('nickserv', "ACC " + nick) def IsAdmin(nick): return nick in admins def CheckAdmin(nick,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata): if not IsAdmin(nick): log_warn('CheckAdmin: nick %s is not admin, cannot call %s with %s' % (str(nick),str(ifyes),str(yesdata))) SendTo(nick, "Access denied") return CheckRegistered(nick,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata) def PerformNextAction(nick,registered): if nick not in calltable: log_error( 'Nothing in queue for %s' % nick) return try: if registered: calltable[nick][0][0](nick,calltable[nick][0][1]) else: calltable[nick][0][2](nick,calltable[nick][0][3]) del calltable[nick][0] except Exception, e: log_error('PerformNextAction: Exception in action, continuing: %s' % str(e)) del calltable[nick][0] def GetPaymentID(nick): salt="2u3g55bkwrui32fi3g4bGR$j5g4ugnujb"; p = hashlib.sha256(salt+nick).hexdigest(); try: redis.hset("paymentid",p,nick) except Exception,e: log_error('GetPaymentID: failed to set payment ID for %s to redis: %s' % (nick,str(e))) return p def GetTipbotAddress(): try: j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("getaddress",None) if not "result" in j: log_error('GetTipbotAddress: No result found in getaddress reply') return ERROR result = j["result"] if not "address" in result: log_error('GetTipbotAddress: No address found in getaddress reply') return ERROR return result["address"] except Exception,e: log_error("GetTipbotAddress: Error retrieving tipbot address: %s" % str(e)) return "ERROR" def GetNickFromPaymendID(p): nick = redis.hget("paymentid",p) log_log('PaymendID %s => %s' % (p, str(nick))) return nick def AmountToString(amount): if amount == None: amount = 0 lamount=long(amount) samount = None if lamount == 0: samount = "0 %s" % coin_name else: for den in coin_denominations: if lamount < den[0]: samount = "%.16g %s" % (float(lamount) / den[1], den[2]) break if not samount: samount = "%.16g %s" % (float(lamount) / coin, coin_name) log_log("AmountToString: %s -> %s" % (str(amount),samount)) return samount def GetBalance(nick,data): log_log("GetBalance: checking %s" % nick) sendto=data[0] try: balance = redis.hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 sbalance = AmountToString(balance) SendTo(sendto, "%s's balance is %s" % (nick, sbalance)) except Exception, e: log_error('GetBalance: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(sendto, "An error has occured") def AddBalance(nick,data): amount=data log_info("AddBalance: Adding %s to %s's balance" % (AmountToString(amount),nick)) try: balance = redis.hincrby("balances",nick,amount) except Exception, e: log_error('AddBalance: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") def Tip(nick,data): sendto=data[0] who=data[1] try: amount=float(data[2]) except Exception,e: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: tip nick amount") return units=long(amount*coin) if units <= 0: SendTo(sendto, "Invalid amount") return log_info("Tip: %s wants to tip %s %s" % (nick, who, AmountToString(units))) try: balance = redis.hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) if units > balance: SendTo(sendto, "You only have %s" % (AmountToString(balance))) return log_info('Tip: %s tipping %s %u units, with balance %u' % (nick, who, units, balance)) try: p = redis.pipeline() p.hincrby("balances",nick,-units); p.hincrby("balances",who,units) p.execute() SendTo(sendto,"%s has tipped %s %s" % (nick, who, AmountToString(units))) except Exception, e: SendTo(sendto, "An error occured") return except Exception, e: log_error('Tip: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(sendto, "An error has occured") def ScanWho(nick,data): chan=data[0] userstable[chan] = [] Who(chan) def Rain(nick,data): chan=data[0] try: amount=float(data[1]) except Exception,e: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: rain amount [users]") return try: if data[2] == None: users = None else: users=long(data[2]) except Exception,e: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: rain amount [users]") return if amount <= 0: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: rain amount [users]") return if users != None and users <= 0: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: rain amount [users]") return units = long(amount * coin) try: balance = redis.hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) if units > balance: SendTo(sendto, "You only have %s" % (AmountToString(balance))) return userlist = userstable[chan][:] userlist.remove(nick) for n in no_rain_to_nicks: userlist.remove(n) if users == None or users > len(userlist): users = len(userlist) everyone = True else: everyone = False if users == 0: SendTo(sendto, "Nobody eligible for rain") return if units < users: SendTo(sendto, "This would mean not even an atomic unit per nick") return log_info("%s wants to rain %s on %s users in %s" % (nick, AmountToString(units), users, chan)) log_log("users in %s: %s" % (chan, str(userlist))) random.shuffle(userlist) userlist = userlist[0:users] log_log("selected users in %s: %s" % (chan, userlist)) user_units = long(units / users) if everyone: msg = "%s rained %s on everyone in the channel" % (nick, AmountToString(user_units)) else: msg = "%s rained %s on:" % (nick, AmountToString(user_units)) pipe = redis.pipeline() pipe.hincrby("balances",nick,-units) for user in userlist: pipe.hincrby("balances",user,user_units) if not everyone: msg = msg + " " + user pipe.execute() SendTo(sendto, "%s" % msg) except Exception,e: log_error('Rain: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(sendto, "An error has occured") return def DisableWithdraw(nick,data): global withdraw_disabled if nick: log_warn('DisableWithdraw: disabled by %s' % nick) else: log_warn('DisableWithdraw: disabled') withdraw_disabled = True def EnableWithdraw(nick,data): global withdraw_disabled log_info('EnableWithdraw: enabled by %s' % nick) withdraw_disabled = False def CheckDisableWithdraw(): if disable_withdraw_on_error: DisableWithdraw(None,None) def Withdraw(nick,data): address=data[0] if len(address) < address_length[0] or len(address) > address_length[1]: SendTo(nick, "Invalid address") return if not address[0] in address_prefix: SendTo(nick, "Invalid address") return if min_withdraw_amount <= 0 or withdrawal_fee <= 0 or min_withdraw_amount < withdrawal_fee: log_error('Withdraw: Inconsistent withdrawal settings') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return log_info("Withdraw: %s wants to withdraw to %s" % (nick, address)) if withdraw_disabled: log_error('Withdraw: disabled') SendTo(nick, "Sorry, withdrawal is disabled due to a wallet error which requires admin assistance") return try: balance = redis.hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) except Exception, e: log_error('Withdraw: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if balance <= 0 or balance < min_withdraw_amount: log_info("Withdraw: Minimum withdrawal balance: %s, %s only has %s" % (AmountToString(min_withdraw_amount),nick,AmountToString(balance))) SendTo(nick, "Minimum withdrawal balance: %s, you only have %s" % (AmountToString(min_withdraw_amount),AmountToString(balance))) return try: fee = long(withdrawal_fee) topay = long(balance - fee) log_info('Withdraw: Raw: fee: %s, to pay: %s' % (str(fee), str(topay))) log_info('Withdraw: fee: %s, to pay: %s' % (AmountToString(fee), AmountToString(topay))) params = { 'destinations': [{'address': address, 'amount': topay}], 'payment_id': GetPaymentID(nick), 'fee': fee, 'mixin': 0, 'unlock_time': 0, } j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("transfer",params) except Exception,e: log_error('Withdraw: Error in transfer: %s' % str(e)) CheckDisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return if not "result" in j: log_error('Withdraw: No result in transfer reply') CheckDisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return result = j["result"] if not "tx_hash" in result: log_error('Withdraw: No tx_hash in transfer reply') CheckDisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return tx_hash = result["tx_hash"] log_info('%s has withdrawn %s, tx hash %s' % (nick, balance, str(tx_hash))) try: redis.hincrby("balances",nick,-balance) except Exception, e: log_error('Withdraw: FAILED TO SUBTRACT BALANCE: exception: %s' % str(e)) CheckDisableWithdraw() log_info('%s has withdrawn %s, tx hash %s' % (nick, balance, str(tx_hash))) SendTo(nick, "Tx sent: %s" % tx_hash) def SendJSONRPCCommand(host,port,method,params): try: http = httplib.HTTPConnection(host,port) except Exception,e: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Error connecting to %s:%u: %s' % (host, port, str(e))) raise d = dict(id="0",jsonrpc="2.0",method=method,params=params) try: j = json.dumps(d).encode() except Exception,e: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Failed to encode JSON: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise log_log('SendJSONRPCCommand: Sending json as body: %s' % j) headers = None try: http.request("POST","/json_rpc",body=j) except Exception,e: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Failed to post request: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise response = http.getresponse() log_log('SendJSONRPCCommand: Received reply status: %s' % response.status) if response.status != 200: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Error, not 200: %s' % str(response.status)) http.close() raise RuntimeError("Error "+response.status) s = response.read() log_log('SendJSONRPCCommand: Received reply: %s' % str(s)) try: j = json.loads(s) except Exception,e: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Failed to decode JSON: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise http.close() return j def SendHTMLCommand(host,port,method): try: http = httplib.HTTPConnection(host,port) except Exception,e: log_error('SendHTMLCommand: Error connecting to %s:%u: %s' % (host, port, str(e))) raise headers = None try: http.request("POST","/"+method) except Exception,e: log_error('SendHTMLCommand: Failed to post request: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise response = http.getresponse() log_log('SendHTMLCommand: Received reply status: %s' % response.status) if response.status != 200: log_error('SendHTMLCommand: Error, not 200: %s' % str(response.status)) http.close() raise RuntimeError("Error "+response.status) s = response.read() log_log('SendHTMLCommand: Received reply: %s' % s) try: j = json.loads(s) except Exception,e: log_error('SendHTMLCommand: Failed to decode JSON: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise http.close() return j def SendWalletJSONRPCCommand(method,params): return SendJSONRPCCommand(wallet_host,wallet_port,method,params) def SendBitmonerodJSONRPCCommand(method,params): return SendJSONRPCCommand(bitmonerod_host,bitmonerod_port,method,params) def SendBitmonerodHTMLCommand(method): return SendHTMLCommand(bitmonerod_host,bitmonerod_port,method) def GetHeight(nick,data): log_info('GetHeight: %s wants to know block height' % nick) try: j = SendBitmonerodHTMLCommand("getheight") except Exception,e: log_error('GetHeight: error: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return log_log('GetHeight: Got reply: %s' % str(j)) if not "height" in j: log_error('GetHeight: Cannot see height in here') SendTo(nick, "Height not found") return height=j["height"] log_info('GetHeight: geight is %s' % str(height)) SendTo(nick, "Height: %s" % str(height)) def GetTipbotBalance(nick,data): log_info('%s wants to know the tipbot balance' % nick) try: j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("getbalance",None) except Exception,e: SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return if not "result" in j: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: result not found in reply') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return result = j["result"] if not "balance" in result: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: balance not found in result') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if not "unlocked_balance" in result: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: unlocked_balance not found in result') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return balance = result["balance"] unlocked_balance = result["unlocked_balance"] log_log('GetTipbotBalance: balance: %s' % str(balance)) log_log('GetTipbotBalance: unlocked_balance: %s' % str(unlocked_balance)) pending = long(balance)-long(unlocked_balance) if pending < 0: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: Negative pending balance! balance %s, unlocked %s' % (str(balance),str(unlocked))) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if pending == 0: log_info("GetTipbotBalance: Tipbot balance: %s" % AmountToString(balance)) SendTo(nick,"Tipbot balance: %s" % AmountToString(balance)) else: log_info("GetTipbotBalance: Tipbot balance: %s (%s pending)" % (AmountToString(unlocked_balance), AmountToString(pending))) SendTo(nick,"Tipbot balance: %s (%s pending)" % (AmountToString(unlocked_balance), AmountToString(pending))) def DumpUsers(nick,data): log_info(str(userstable)) def Help(nick): time.sleep(0.5) SendTo(nick, "Help for %s:" % tipbot_name) SendTo(nick, "!isregistered - show whether you are currently registered with freenode") SendTo(nick, "!balance - show your current balance") time.sleep(0.5) SendTo(nick, "!tip - tip another user") SendTo(nick, "!rain [] - rain some %s on everyone (or just a few)" % coin_name) SendTo(nick, "!withdraw
- withdraw your balance") SendTo(nick, "!info - information about the tipbot") time.sleep(0.5) SendTo(nick, "You can send %s to your tipbot account:" % coin_name); SendTo(nick, " Address: %s" % GetTipbotAddress()) SendTo(nick, " Payment ID: %s" % GetPaymentID(nick)) SendTo(nick, "NO WARRANTY, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR COINS") time.sleep(0.5) SendTo(nick, "Minimum withdrawal: %s" % AmountToString(min_withdraw_amount)) SendTo(nick, "Withdrawal fee: %s" % AmountToString(withdrawal_fee)) if web_wallet_url: time.sleep(0.5) SendTo(nick, "No %s address ? You can use %s" % (coin_name, web_wallet_url)) def Info(nick): time.sleep(0.5) SendTo(nick, "Info for %s:" % tipbot_name) SendTo(nick, "Type !help for a list of commands") SendTo(nick, "NO WARRANTY, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR COINS") time.sleep(0.5) SendTo(nick, "By sending your %s to the tipbot, you are giving up their control" % coin_name) SendTo(nick, "to whoever runs the tipbot. Any tip you make/receive using the tipbot") SendTo(nick, "is obviously not anonymous. The tipbot wallet may end up corrupt, or be") SendTo(nick, "stolen, the server compromised, etc. While I hope this won't be the case,") time.sleep(0.5) SendTo(nick, "I will not offer any warranty whatsoever for the use of the tipbot or the") SendTo(nick, "return of any %s. Use at your own risk." % coin_name) SendTo(nick, "That being said, I hope you enjoy using it :)") def InitScanBlockHeight(): try: scan_block_height = redis.get("scan_block_height") scan_block_height = long(scan_block_height) except Exception,e: try: redis.set("scan_block_height",0) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to initialize scan_block_height: %s' % str(e)) def UpdateCoin(): global last_wallet_update_time if last_wallet_update_time == None: last_wallet_update_time = 0 t=time.time() dt = t - last_wallet_update_time if dt < wallet_update_time: return try: try: scan_block_height = redis.get("scan_block_height") scan_block_height = long(scan_block_height) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get scan_block_height: %s' % str(e)) last_wallet_update_time = time.time() return full_payment_ids = redis.hgetall("paymentid") #print 'Got full payment ids: %s' % str(full_payment_ids) payment_ids = [] for pid in full_payment_ids: payment_ids.append(pid) #print 'Got payment ids: %s' % str(payment_ids) params = { "payment_ids": payment_ids, "min_block_height": scan_block_height } j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("get_bulk_payments",params) #print 'Got j: %s' % str(j) if "result" in j: result = j["result"] if "payments" in result: payments = result["payments"] log_info('UpdateCoin: Got %d payments' % len(payments)) for p in payments: log_log('UpdateCoin: Looking at payment %s' % str(p)) bh = p["block_height"] if bh > scan_block_height: scan_block_height = bh log_log('UpdateCoin: seen payments up to block %d' % scan_block_height) try: pipe = redis.pipeline() pipe.set("scan_block_height", scan_block_height) log_log('UpdateCoin: processing payments') for p in payments: payment_id=p["payment_id"] tx_hash=p["tx_hash"] amount=p["amount"] try: recipient = GetNickFromPaymendID(payment_id) log_info('UpdateCoin: Found payment %s to %s for %s' % (tx_hash,recipient, AmountToString(amount))) pipe.hincrby("balances",recipient,amount); except Exception,e: log_error('UpdateCoin: No nick found for payment id %s, tx hash %s, amount %s' % (payment_id, tx_hash, amount)) log_log('UpdateCoin: Executing received payments pipeline') pipe.execute() except Exception,e: log_error('UpdateCoin: failed to set scan_block_height: %s' % str(e)) else: log_log('UpdateCoin: No payments in get_bulk_payments reply') else: log_error('UpdateCoin: No results in get_bulk_payments reply') except Exception,e: log_error('UpdateCoin: Failed to get bulk payments: %s' % str(e)) last_wallet_update_time = time.time() #def Op(to_op, chan): # irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' +o: ' + to_op + '\r\n') # #def DeOp(to_deop, chan): # irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' -o: ' + to_deop + '\r\n') # #def Voice(to_v, chan): # irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' +v: ' + to_v + '\r\n') # #def DeVoice(to_dv, chan): # irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' -v: ' + to_dv + '\r\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# buffered_data = "" def getline(s): global buffered_data idx = buffered_data.find("\n") if idx == -1: try: (r,w,x)=select.select([s.fileno()],[],[],1) if s.fileno() in r: newdata=s.recv(4096,socket.MSG_DONTWAIT) else: newdata = None if s.fileno() in x: log_error('getline: IRC socket in exception set') newdata = None except Exception,e: log_error('getline: Exception: %s' % str(e)) # Broken pipe when we get kicked for spam if str(e).find("Broken pipe") != -1: raise newdata = None if newdata == None: return None buffered_data+=newdata idx = buffered_data.find("\n") if idx == -1: ret = buffered_data buffered_data = "" return ret ret = buffered_data[0:idx+1] buffered_data = buffered_data[idx+1:] return ret connect_to_irc(irc_network,irc_port) redis = connect_to_redis(redis_host,redis_port) InitScanBlockHeight() while True: action = None try: data = getline(irc) except Exception,e: log_warn('Exception fron getline, we were probably disconnected, reconnecting in 5 seconds') time.sleep(5) last_ping_time = time.time() connect_to_irc(irc_network,irc_port) continue # All that must be done even when nothing from IRC - data may be None here UpdateCoin() if data == None: if time.time() - last_ping_time > irc_timeout_seconds: log_warn('%s seconds without PING, reconnecting in 5 seconds' % irc_timeout_seconds) time.sleep(5) last_ping_time = time.time() connect_to_irc(irc_network,irc_port) continue data = data.strip("\r\n") log_IRCRECV(data) # consider any IRC data as a ping last_ping_time = time.time() if data.find ( 'Welcome to the freenode Internet Relay Chat Network' ) != -1: userstable = dict() SendTo("nickserv", "IDENTIFY %s" % GetPassword()) Join(irc_homechan) #ScanWho(None,[irc_homechan]) if data.find ( 'PING' ) == 0: log_log('Got PING, replying PONG') last_ping_time = time.time() irc.send ( 'PONG ' + data.split() [ 1 ] + '\r\n' ) continue if data.find('ERROR :Closing Link:') == 0: log_warn('We were kicked from IRC, reconnecting in 5 seconds') time.sleep(5) last_ping_time = time.time() connect_to_irc(irc_network,irc_port) continue #--------------------------- Action check --------------------------------# if data.find(':') == -1: continue try: cparts = data.split(':') if len(cparts) < 2: continue if len(cparts) >= 3: text = cparts[2] else: text = "" parts = cparts[1].split(' ') who = parts[0] action = parts[1] chan = parts[2] except Exception, e: log_error('main parser: Exception, continuing: %s' % str(e)) continue if action == None: continue #print 'text: ', text #print 'who: ', who #print 'action: ', action #print 'chan: ', chan # if data.find('#') != -1: # action = data.split('#')[0] # action = action.split(' ')[1] # if data.find('NICK') != -1: # if data.find('#') == -1: # action = 'NICK' #----------------------------- Actions -----------------------------------# try: if action == 'NOTICE': if who == "NickServ!NickServ@services.": #if text.find('Information on ') != -1: # ns_nick = text.split(' ')[2].strip("\002") # print 'NickServ says %s is registered' % ns_nick # PerformNextAction(ns_nick, True) #elif text.find(' is not registered') != -1: # ns_nick = text.split(' ')[0].strip("\002") # print 'NickServ says %s is not registered' % ns_nick # PerformNextAction(ns_nick, False) if text.find(' ACC ') != -1: stext = text.split(' ') ns_nick = stext[0] ns_acc = stext[1] ns_status = stext[2] if ns_acc == "ACC": if ns_status == "3": log_info('NickServ says %s is identified' % ns_nick) PerformNextAction(ns_nick, True) else: log_info('NickServ says %s is not identified' % ns_nick) PerformNextAction(ns_nick, False) else: log_error('ACC line not as expected...') elif action == '352': try: who_chan = parts[3] who_chan_user = parts[7] if not who_chan_user in userstable[who_chan]: userstable[who_chan].append(who_chan_user) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (who_chan, str(userstable[who_chan]))) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to parse "who" line: %s: %s' % (data, str(e))) elif action == '353': try: who_chan = parts[4] who_chan_users = cparts[2].split(" ") for who_chan_user in who_chan_users: if not who_chan_user in userstable[who_chan]: if who_chan_user[0] == "@": who_chan_user = who_chan_user[1:] userstable[who_chan].append(who_chan_user) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (who_chan, str(userstable[who_chan]))) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to parse "who" line: %s: %s' % (data, str(e))) elif action == 'PRIVMSG': exidx = text.find('!') if exidx != -1 and len(text)>exidx+1 and text[exidx+1] in string.ascii_letters: cmd = text.split('!')[1] cmd = cmd.split(' ') cmd[0] = cmd[0].strip(' \t\n\r') if chan[0] == '#': sendto=chan else: sendto=GetNick(who) log_log('Found command: "%s" in channel "%s", replying to %s' % (str(cmd), str(chan), sendto)) #if cmd[0] == 'join': # Join('#' + cmd[1]) #elif cmd[0] == 'part': # Part('#' + cmd[1]) if cmd[0] == 'help': Help(GetNick(who)) elif cmd[0] == 'isregistered': CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),SendTo,"You are registered",SendTo,"You are not registered") elif cmd[0] == 'balance': CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),GetBalance,[sendto],SendTo,"You must be registered with Freenode to query balance") elif cmd[0] == 'tip': if len(cmd) == 3: CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),Tip,[sendto,cmd[1],cmd[2]],SendTo,"You must be registered with Freenode to tip") else: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Usage: !tip nick amount"); elif cmd[0] == 'withdraw': if len(cmd) == 2: CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),Withdraw,[cmd[1]],SendTo,"You must be registered with Freenode to withdraw") else: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Usage: !withdraw address"); elif cmd[0] == 'info': Info(GetNick(who)) elif cmd[0] == 'rain': if chan[0] == '#': if len(cmd) == 2 or len(cmd) == 3: users = None if len(cmd) == 3: users = cmd[2] CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),Rain,[chan,cmd[1],users],SendTo,"You must be registered with Freenode to rain") else: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: !rain amount [users]"); else: SendTo(sendto, "Raining can only be done in a channel") # admin commands elif cmd[0] == 'height': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),GetHeight,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'tipbot_balance': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),GetTipbotBalance,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'addbalance': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),AddBalance,cmd[1],SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'scanwho': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),ScanWho,[chan],SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'enable_withdraw': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),EnableWithdraw,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'disable_withdraw': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),DisableWithdraw,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'dump_users': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),DumpUsers,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") else: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Invalid command, try !help") elif action == 'JOIN': nick = GetNick(who) log_info('%s joined the channel' % nick) if not chan in userstable: userstable[chan] = [] if nick in userstable[chan]: log_warn('%s joined, but already in %s' % (nick, chan)) else: userstable[chan].append(nick) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (chan, str(userstable[chan]))) elif action == 'PART': nick = GetNick(who) log_info('%s left the channel' % nick) if not nick in userstable[chan]: log_warn('%s left, but was not in %s' % (nick, chan)) else: userstable[chan].remove(nick) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (chan, str(userstable[chan]))) elif action == 'QUIT': nick = GetNick(who) log_info('%s quit' % nick) removed_list = "" for chan in userstable: log_log("Checking in %s" % chan) if nick in userstable[chan]: removed_list = removed_list + " " + chan userstable[chan].remove(nick) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (chan, str(userstable[chan]))) elif action == 'NICK': nick = GetNick(who) new_nick = text log_info('%s renamed to %s' % (nick, new_nick)) for c in userstable: log_log('checking %s' % c) if nick in userstable[c]: userstable[c].remove(nick) if new_nick in userstable[c]: log_warn('%s is the new name of %s, but was already in %s' % (new_nick, nick, c)) else: userstable[c].append(new_nick) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (c, str(userstable[c]))) except Exception,e: log_error('Exception in top level action processing: %s' % str(e))