#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot - blackjack commands # Copyright 2015 moneromooo # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import sys import os import redis import hashlib import time import string import random import tipbot.config as config from tipbot.log import log_error, log_warn, log_info, log_log import tipbot.coinspecs as coinspecs from tipbot.utils import * from tipbot.command_manager import * from tipbot.redisdb import * from tipbot.betutils import * players = dict() utf8users = set() deck_cards = "234567890JQKA" deck_scores = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1] deck_suits = [ "spades", "hearts", "diamonds", "clubs" ] deck_unicode_suits_ordering = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 1] deck_names = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'] def MakeNewDeck(decks,seed): deck = [] for n in range(decks): for s in range(4): for c in range(13): deck.append(deck_cards[c]+":"+deck_suits[s]) r = random.Random() r.seed(seed) r.shuffle(deck) return deck def DrawCard(deck): card = deck[0] del deck[0] return card def DrawForPlayer(link): identity=link.identity() card = DrawCard(players[identity]['deck']) players[identity]['player_hands'][players[identity]['player_current_hand']]['hand'].append(card) return card def DrawForDealer(link): identity=link.identity() card = DrawCard(players[identity]['deck']) players[identity]['dealer_hand'].append(card) return card def GetCardScore(card): idx = deck_cards.find(card.split(':')[0]) return deck_scores[idx] def GetCardName(card,utf8=False): parts = card.split(':') idx = deck_cards.find(parts[0]) if utf8: suitidx = deck_suits.index(parts[1]) name = chr(0b11110000) + chr(0b10011111) name = name + chr(0b10000010 + suitidx/2) name = name + chr(0b10000000 + ((suitidx+2)%4) * 0b10000 + deck_unicode_suits_ordering[idx]) return name else: return deck_names[idx] def GetHandScores(hand): score = [0] for card in hand: card_score = GetCardScore(card) for n in range(len(score)): score[n] = score[n] + card_score if card.split(':')[0] == 'A': idx = len(score) score.extend(score) while idx < len(score): score[idx] = score[idx] + 10 idx = idx + 1 return score def GetHandScore(hand): scores = GetHandScores(hand) score = scores[0] for s in scores: if s > score and s <= 21: score = s return score def IsSoftHand(hand): ace_found = False score = 0 for card in hand: if card.split(':')[0] == 'A': if ace_found: score = score + 1 else: score = score + 11 ace_found = True else: score = score + GetCardScore(card) return ace_found and score <= 21 def GetPlayerCurrentHand(link): identity=link.identity() idx = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] hand = players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['hand'] return hand def GetPlayerCurrentHandScore(link): return GetHandScore(GetPlayerCurrentHand(link)) def HandToString(hand,utf8=False,hide_last=False,with_score=False): s = "" if hide_last: hand = hand[0:-1] hand.append('?') for card in hand: if s != "": if utf8: s = s + " " else: s = s + ", " if card == '?': if utf8: s = s + chr(0b11110000) + chr(0b10011111) + chr(0b10000010) + chr(0b10100000) else: s = s + card else: s = s + GetCardName(card,utf8) if not utf8: s = '['+ s + ']' if with_score and not hide_last: s = s + " (score " + str(GetHandScore(hand))+")" return s def PlayerHandsToString(link,utf8=False,with_score=False): identity=link.identity() S = "" selected = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] for hand in players[identity]['player_hands']: s = HandToString(hand['hand'],identity in utf8users,False,with_score) if selected == 0: s = ">>>" + s + "<<<" selected = selected - 1 if S != "": S = S + ", " S = S + s return S def UpdateBlackjackRecord(link,win,lose,units): try: RecordGameResult(link,"blackjack",win,lose,units) except Exception,e: link.send("An error has occured") def UpdateSidebetRecord(link,sidebet,win,lose,units): try: RecordGameResult(link,"blackjack:%s"%sidebet,win,lose,units) except: link.send("An error has occured") def SwitchToNextHand(link): identity=link.identity() log_log('switching to next hand, from current %d' % players[identity]['player_current_hand']) players[identity]['player_current_hand'] = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] + 1 if players[identity]['player_current_hand'] < len(players[identity]['player_hands']): if not players[identity]['finished']: dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] link.send("%s: Your hand is %s. Dealer's hand is %s" % (link.user.nick, PlayerHandsToString(link,True),HandToString(dealer_hand,identity in utf8users,True,False))) elif not players[identity]['finished']: DealerMove(link) def IsBlackjack(hand): return len(hand) == 2 and GetHandScore(hand) == 21 def Win(link,blackjack): identity=link.identity() idx = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] player_hand = players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['hand'] dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] win_units = players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['amount'] if blackjack: win_units = win_units * 3 / 2 link.send("%s wins %s on hand %d - BLACKJACK! - %s, dealer %s" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(win_units), idx+1, PlayerHandsToString(link,True), HandToString(dealer_hand,identity in utf8users))) else: link.send("%s wins %s on hand %d - %s, dealer %s" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(win_units), idx+1, PlayerHandsToString(link,True), HandToString(dealer_hand, identity in utf8users))) players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['finished'] = True UpdateBlackjackRecord(link,True,False,win_units) SwitchToNextHand(link) def Lose(link,blackjack): identity=link.identity() idx = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] player_hand = players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['hand'] dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] lose_units = players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['amount'] if blackjack: link.send("%s loses %s on hand %d - %s, dealer BLACKJACK! %s" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(lose_units), idx+1, PlayerHandsToString(link,True), HandToString(dealer_hand, identity in utf8users))) else: link.send("%s loses %s on hand %d - %s, dealer %s" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(lose_units), idx+1, PlayerHandsToString(link,True), HandToString(dealer_hand, identity in utf8users))) players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['finished'] = True UpdateBlackjackRecord(link,False,True,lose_units) SwitchToNextHand(link) def Draw(link,blackjack): identity=link.identity() idx = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] player_hand = players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['hand'] dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] if blackjack: link.send("%s pushes on hand %d - BLACKJACK vs BLACKJACK! - %s, dealer %s" % (link.user.nick, idx+1, PlayerHandsToString(link,True), HandToString(dealer_hand, identity in utf8users))) else: link.send("%s pushes on hand %d - %s, dealer %s" % (link.user.nick, idx+1, PlayerHandsToString(link,True), HandToString(dealer_hand, identity in utf8users))) players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['finished'] = True UpdateBlackjackRecord(link,False,False,0) SwitchToNextHand(link) def CheckEndGame(link,force_end): identity=link.identity() player_score = GetPlayerCurrentHandScore(link) dealer_score = GetHandScore(players[identity]['dealer_hand']) dealer_blackjack = IsBlackjack(players[identity]['dealer_hand']) if dealer_score > 21: return Win(link,False) if player_score==21 and dealer_score==21: if dealer_blackjack: return Lose(link,True) else: return Draw(link,False) elif player_score==21: return Win(link,False) elif dealer_score==21: return Lose(link,dealer_blackjack) if force_end: if player_score > dealer_score: return Win(link,False) elif player_score < dealer_score: return Lose(link,False) else: return Draw(link,False) def AreAllHandsFinished(link): identity=link.identity() for hand in players[identity]['player_hands']: if not hand['finished']: return False return True def ShouldDealerHit(link): identity=link.identity() dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] score = GetHandScore(dealer_hand) if score < 17: return True if score == 17 and IsSoftHand(dealer_hand): return True return False def DealerMove(link): identity=link.identity() log_log('dealer move - finished: %d' % players[identity]['finished']) if AreAllHandsFinished(link): log_log('all hands finished, marking game as finished') players[identity]['finished'] = True if not players[identity]['finished']: if not IsBlackjack(players[identity]['dealer_hand']): while ShouldDealerHit(link): card = DrawForDealer(link) dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] bustmsg = "" if GetHandScore(dealer_hand) > 21: bustmsg = " - Dealer busts!" link.send("%s: Dealer draws %s: %s%s" % (link.user.nick, GetCardName(card,identity in utf8users), HandToString(dealer_hand,identity in utf8users,False,True), bustmsg)) players[identity]['finished'] = True players[identity]['player_current_hand'] = 0 log_log('sweeping through open games') while players[identity]['player_current_hand'] < len(players[identity]['player_hands']): log_log('sweeping through hand %d' % players[identity]['player_current_hand']) if players[identity]['player_hands'][players[identity]['player_current_hand']]['finished']: log_log('%d is already finished, skipping' % players[identity]['player_current_hand']) players[identity]['player_current_hand'] = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] + 1 continue CheckEndGame(link,True) log_log('done sweeping through open games') sidebets = players[identity]['sidebets'] dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] if sidebets['splits']: bet_units = sidebets['splits'] nsplits = len(players[identity]['player_hands']) if nsplits == 1: link.send('%s did not split - you lose %s' % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(bet_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"splits",False,True,bet_units) if sidebets['buster']: bet_units = sidebets['buster'] if GetHandScore(dealer_hand) > 21: cards = len(dealer_hand) if cards == 3: win_units = bet_units * 3 / 2 elif cards == 4: win_units = bet_units * 3 elif cards == 5: win_units = bet_units * 5 elif cards == 6: win_units = bet_units * 11 elif cards >= 7: win_units = bet_units * 21 link.send('The dealer busted with %s cards - you win %s' % (cards, AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"buster",True,False,win_units) else: link.send('The dealer did not bust - you lose %s' % (AmountToString(bet_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"buster",False,True,bet_units) del players[identity] def GetNewShuffleSeed(link): identity=link.identity() try: if redis_hexists('blackjack:rolls',identity): rolls = redis_hget('blackjack:rolls',identity) rolls = long(rolls) + 1 else: rolls = 1 except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to prepare roll for %s: %s' % (identity, str(e))) raise try: s = GetServerSeed(link,'blackjack') + ":" + GetPlayerSeed(link,'blackjack') + ":" + str(rolls) seed = hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest() redis_hset("blackjack:rolls",identity,rolls) return rolls, seed except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to roll for %s: %s' % (identity,str(e))) raise def ParseSideBets(names,units): sidebets = { "total_amount_wagered": 0, "potential_loss": 0, "over13": None, "under13": None, "pair": None, "climber": None, "buster": None, "splits": None, "match": None, "addup": None, } if len(config.blackjack_sidebets) == 0: return sidebets, None wagered_amount = 0 total_amount_wagered = 0 potential_loss = 0 payout = 0 for name in names: name=name.strip() if name == "": continue if not name in config.blackjack_sidebets: return None, "Unavailable side bet: %s" % name if name == "over13": wagered_amount = units/2 payout = wagered_amount elif name == "under13": wagered_amount = units/2 payout = wagered_amount elif name == "pair": wagered_amount = units/2 payout = wagered_amount * 10 elif name == "climber": wagered_amount = units/2 payout = wagered_amount * 21 elif name == "buster": wagered_amount = units/2 payout = wagered_amount * 11 elif name == "splits": wagered_amount = units/2 payout = wagered_amount * 21 elif name == "match": wagered_amount = units/2 payout = wagered_amount * 21 elif name == "addup": wagered_amount = units/2 payout = wagered_amount * 27 else: return None, "Invalid side bet: %s" % name total_amount_wagered = total_amount_wagered + wagered_amount potential_loss = potential_loss + payout sidebets[name] = wagered_amount sidebets["total_amount_wagered"] = total_amount_wagered sidebets["potential_loss"] = potential_loss return sidebets, None def GetBasicStrategyMove(link): identity=link.identity() player_hand = GetPlayerCurrentHand(link) player_has_soft_hand = IsSoftHand(player_hand) player_can_double = len(player_hand) == 2 player_has_split = len(players[identity]['player_hands']) > 1 player_can_split = len(players[identity]['player_hands']) < config.blackjack_split_to player_score = GetHandScore(player_hand) player_first_card = player_hand[0].split(':')[0] player_second_card = player_hand[1].split(':')[0] player_has_pair = player_first_card == player_second_card dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] dealer_upcard = dealer_hand[0].split(':')[0] if player_score == 21: return "stand" if player_has_split: if player_first_card == 'A': return "stand" if player_has_pair: if player_first_card in ['8', 'A']: if player_can_split: return "split" if player_first_card in ['0', 'J', 'Q', 'K']: return "stand" if player_first_card == '9': if dealer_upcard in ['7', '0', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']: return "stand" if player_can_split: return "split" if player_first_card in ['2', '3', '7']: if dealer_upcard in ['8', '9', '0', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']: return "hit" if player_can_split: return "split" if player_first_card == '6': if dealer_upcard in ['7', '8', '9', '0', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']: return "hit" if player_can_split: return "split" if player_first_card == '5': if dealer_upcard in ['0', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']: return "hit" if player_can_double: return "double" else: return "hit" if player_first_card == '4': if dealer_upcard in ['5', '6']: if player_can_split: return "split" else: return "hit" if player_has_soft_hand: if player_first_card == 'A': other_card = player_second_card else: other_card = player_first_card if other_card in ['8', '9']: return "stand" if other_card == '7': if dealer_upcard in ['2', '7', '8']: return "stand" if dealer_upcard in ['3', '4', '5', '6']: if player_can_double: return "double" else: return "stand" return "hit" if other_card == '6': if dealer_upcard in ['3', '4', '5', '6']: if player_can_double: return "double" else: return "hit" return "hit" if other_card in ['4', '5']: if dealer_upcard in ['4', '5', '6']: if player_can_double: return "double" else: return "hit" return "hit" if other_card in ['2', '3']: if dealer_upcard in ['5', '6']: if player_can_double: return "double" else: return "hit" return "hit" else: if player_score >= 17: return "stand" if player_score >= 13: if dealer_upcard in ['7', '8', '9', '0', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']: return "hit" else: return "stand" if player_score == 12: return "stand" if dealer_upcard in ['4', '5', '6'] else "hit" if player_score == 11: if dealer_upcard == 'A': return "hit" else: return "double" if player_can_double else "hit" if player_score == 10: if dealer_upcard in ['0', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']: return "hit" else: return "double" if player_can_double else "hit" if player_score == 9: if dealer_upcard in ['3', '4', '5', '6']: return "double" if player_can_double else "hit" else: return "hit" if player_score >= 5: return "hit" log_error('GetBasicStrategyMove: missed a case: player %s, dealer %s' % (HandToString(player_hand), HandToString(dealer_hand))) return None def RecordMove(link,actual): identity=link.identity() basic = GetBasicStrategyMove(link) log_info('%s %ss, basic strategy would %s' % (identity, actual, basic)) try: p = redis_pipeline() tname="blackjack:strategy:"+identity alltname="blackjack:strategy:" p.hincrby(tname,"moves",1) if actual == basic: p.hincrby(tname,"matching",1) p.execute() except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to record move for %s: %s' % (identity, str(e))) def Blackjack(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() if identity in players: link.send("%s: you already are in a game of blackjack" % link.user.nick) return try: amount=float(cmd[1]) units=long(amount*coinspecs.atomic_units) except Exception,e: link.send("%s: usage: !blackjack amount" % link.user.nick) return sidebets, reason = ParseSideBets(cmd[2:],units) if not sidebets: link.send("%s: invalid side bet list: %s" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return total_amount_wagered = amount + sidebets["total_amount_wagered"] / coinspecs.atomic_units total_units_wagered = units + sidebets["total_amount_wagered"] potential_loss = amount * 1.5 + sidebets["potential_loss"] / coinspecs.atomic_units potential_units_loss = long (potential_loss * coinspecs.atomic_units) log_info('%s bets a total of %s (%.16g), potential loss %s, side bets %s' % (identity, AmountToString(total_units_wagered), total_amount_wagered, AmountToString(potential_units_loss), str(sidebets))) valid,reason = IsBetValid(link,total_amount_wagered,config.blackjack_min_bet,config.blackjack_max_bet,potential_loss,config.blackjack_max_loss,config.blackjack_max_loss_ratio) if not valid: log_info("Dice: %s's bet refused: %s" % (identity, reason)) link.send("%s: %s" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return try: rolls, seed = GetNewShuffleSeed(link) except Exception,e: link.send("%s: An error occured" % link.user.nick) return players[identity] = { 'deck': MakeNewDeck(config.blackjack_decks,seed), 'amount': total_units_wagered, 'player_hands': [dict({ 'amount': units, 'hand': [], 'finished': False, })], 'player_current_hand': 0, 'dealer_hand': [], 'finished': False, 'insurance': False, 'sidebets': sidebets, } DrawForPlayer(link) DrawForDealer(link) DrawForPlayer(link) DrawForDealer(link) if False: # TEST FOR SPLIT if False: players[identity]['player_hands'][0]['hand'][0].split(':')[0] = 'A' players[identity]['player_hands'][0]['hand'][1] = players[identity]['player_hands'][0]['hand'][0] dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] link.send("%s: Game %d starts. You draw %s. Dealer draws %s" % (link.user.nick, rolls, PlayerHandsToString(link,True),HandToString(dealer_hand,identity in utf8users,True,False))) player_hand = players[identity]['player_hands'][0]['hand'] dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] plain_score = GetCardScore(player_hand[0])+GetCardScore(player_hand[1]) if sidebets['over13']: bet_units = sidebets['over13'] if plain_score > 13: win_units = bet_units link.send('%s: your first two cards total %d, over 13 - you win %s' % (link.user.nick, plain_score, AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"over13",True,False,win_units) else: link.send('%s: your first two cards total %d, not over 13 - you lose %s' % (link.user.nick, plain_score, AmountToString(bet_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"over13",False,True,bet_units) if sidebets['under13']: bet_units = sidebets['under13'] if plain_score < 13: win_units = bet_units link.send('%s: your first two cards total %d, under 13 - you win %s' % (link.user.nick, plain_score, AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"under13",True,False,win_units) else: link.send('%s: your first two cards total %d, not under 13 - you lose %s' % (link.user.nick, plain_score, AmountToString(bet_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"under13",False,True,bet_units) if sidebets['pair']: bet_units = sidebets['pair'] if player_hand[0].split(':')[0] == player_hand[1].split(':')[0]: win_units = bet_units * 10 link.send('%s: your first two cards are a pair - you win %s' % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"pair",True,False,win_units) else: link.send('%s: your first two cards are not a pair - you lose %s' % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(bet_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"pair",False,True,bet_units) if sidebets['climber']: bet_units = sidebets['climber'] if GetHandScore(player_hand) == 20: if dealer_hand[0].split(':')[0] == 'A': win_units = bet_units * 21 else: win_units = bet_units * GetCardScore(dealer_hand[0]) link.send('%s: your first two cards score 20, dealer\'s first card is %s - you win %s' % (link.user.nick, GetCardName(dealer_hand[0],identity in utf8users), AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"climber",True,False,win_units) else: link.send('%s: your first two cards do not score 20 - you lose %s' % (link.user.nick,AmountToString(bet_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"climber",False,True,bet_units) if sidebets['match']: bet_units = sidebets['match'] if player_hand[0].split(':')[0] == dealer_hand[0].split(':')[0] and player_hand[1].split(':')[0] == dealer_hand[0].split(':')[0]: win_units = bet_units * 21 link.send('%s: your first two cards match the dealer\'s - you win %s' % (link.user.nick,AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"match",True,False,win_units) elif player_hand[0].split(':')[0] == dealer_hand[0].split(':')[0] or player_hand[1].split(':')[0] == dealer_hand[0].split(':')[0]: win_units = bet_units * 5 link.send('%s: one of your first two cards match the dealer\'s - you win %s' % (link.user.nick,AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"match",True,False,win_units) else: link.send('%s: none of your first two cards match the dealer\'s - you lose %s' % (link.user.nick,AmountToString(bet_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"match",False,True,bet_units) if sidebets['addup']: bet_units = sidebets['addup'] scores = GetHandScores(player_hand) if GetCardScore(dealer_hand[0]) in scores: win_units = bet_units * 25 link.send('%s: your first two cards\' scores add up to the dealer\'s - you win %s' % (link.user.nick,AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"addup",True,False,win_units) else: link.send('%s: your first two cards\' scores do not add up to the dealer\'s - you lose %s' % (link.user.nick,AmountToString(bet_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"addup",False,True,bet_units) if IsBlackjack(GetPlayerCurrentHand(link)): if IsBlackjack(dealer_hand): Draw(link,True) else: Win(link,True) return if config.blackjack_insurance: if dealer_hand[0].split(':')[0] == 'A': link.send("%s: dealer's first card is an ace, you can claim !insurance as your first move" % link.user.nick) return if IsBlackjack(dealer_hand): Lose(link,True) def Insurance(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() if not config.blackjack_insurance: return if not identity in players: link.send("%s: you are not in a game of blackjack - you can start one with !blackjack " % link.user.nick) return units = players[identity]['amount'] enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units) if not enough: link.send("%s: %s - please refund your account to continue playing" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return nhands = len(players[identity]['player_hands']) if nhands > 1 or len(GetPlayerCurrentHand(link)) > 2: link.send("%s: you can only claim insurance as first move" % link.user.nick) return if players[identity]['insurance']: link.send("%s: you can only claim insurance once" % link.user.nick) return dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] if dealer_hand[0].split(':')[0] != 'A': link.send("%s: you can only claim insurance when the dealer's first card is an ace" % link.user.nick) return units = players[identity]['player_hands'][0]['amount'] insurance_units = units / 2 enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units + insurance_units) if not enough: link.send("%s: you do not have enough %s in your account to insure with %s" % (link.user.nick,coinspecs.name,idx+1,AmountToString(insurance_units))) return if IsBlackjack(dealer_hand): Lose(link,True) # From here on, players[identity] is deleted win_insurance_units = insurance_units * 2 link.send('%s wins %s insurance - dealer had a blackjack - %s' % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(win_insurance_units), HandToString(dealer_hand,identity in utf8users,False,False))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"insurance",True,False,win_insurance_units) else: link.send('%s loses %s insurance - dealer had no blackjack' % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(insurance_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"insurance",False,True,insurance_units) link.send("%s: Your hand is %s. Dealer's hand is %s" % (link.user.nick, PlayerHandsToString(link,True),HandToString(dealer_hand,identity in utf8users,True,False))) if identity in players: players[identity]['insurance'] = True def IsCurrentPlayerHandASplitAce(link): identity=link.identity() if len(players[identity]['player_hands']) == 1: return False idx = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] if players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['hand'][0].split(':')[0] == 'A': return True return False def Hit(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() if not identity in players: link.send("%s: you are not in a game of blackjack - you can start one with !blackjack " % link.user.nick) return units = players[identity]['amount'] enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units) if not enough: link.send("%s: %s - please refund your account to continue playing" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return if IsCurrentPlayerHandASplitAce(link): link.send("%s: You cannot hit a split ace" % (link.user.nick)) return RecordMove(link, "hit") card = DrawForPlayer(link) link.send("%s: you draw %s. Your hand is %s. Dealer's hand is %s" % (link.user.nick, GetCardName(card,identity in utf8users), PlayerHandsToString(link,True),HandToString(players[identity]['dealer_hand'],identity in utf8users,True,True))) score = GetPlayerCurrentHandScore(link) if score > 21: Lose(link,False) elif score == 21: SwitchToNextHand(link) def Double(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() if not identity in players: link.send("%s: you are not in a game of blackjack - you can start one with !blackjack " % link.user.nick) return if len(GetPlayerCurrentHand(link)) > 2: link.send("%s: you can not double down with more than 2 cards" % link.user.nick) return units = players[identity]['amount'] enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units) if not enough: link.send("%s: %s - please refund your account to continue playing" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return idx = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] units = players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['amount'] enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units*2) if not enough: link.send("%s: you do not have enough %s in your account to double your bet on hand %d" % (link.user.nick,coinspecs.name,idx+1)) return if IsCurrentPlayerHandASplitAce(link): link.send("%s: You cannot double down on a split ace" % (link.user.nick)) return RecordMove(link,"double") players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['amount'] = players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['amount'] + units players[identity]['amount'] = players[identity]['amount'] + units card = DrawForPlayer(link) link.send("%s: you draw %s. Your hand is %s. Dealer's hand is %s" % (link.user.nick, GetCardName(card,identity in utf8users), PlayerHandsToString(link,True),HandToString(players[identity]['dealer_hand'],identity in utf8users,True,True))) score = GetPlayerCurrentHandScore(link) if score > 21: Lose(link,False) else: SwitchToNextHand(link) def Stand(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() if not identity in players: link.send("%s: you are not in a game of blackjack - you can start one with !blackjack " % link.user.nick) return units = players[identity]['amount'] enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units) if not enough: link.send("%s: %s - please refund your account to continue playing" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return RecordMove(link,"stand") link.send("%s stands" % link.user.nick) SwitchToNextHand(link) def Split(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() if not identity in players: link.send("%s: you are not in a game of blackjack - you can start one with !blackjack " % link.user.nick) return units = players[identity]['amount'] enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units) if not enough: link.send("%s: %s - please refund your account to continue playing" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return hand = GetPlayerCurrentHand(link) if len(hand)!=2 or GetCardScore(hand[0])!=GetCardScore(hand[1]): link.send("%s: only pairs with the same value can be split" % (link.user.nick)) return if len(players[identity]['player_hands']) >= config.blackjack_split_to: link.send("%s: you can only split to %d" % (link.user.nick, config.blackjack_split_to)) return enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units*2) if not enough: link.send("%s: you do not have enough %s in your account to split hand %d" % (link.user.nick,coinspecs.name,idx+1)) return players[identity]['amount'] = players[identity]['amount'] * 2 idx = players[identity]['player_current_hand'] RecordMove(link,"split") log_log('splitting hand %d' % idx) split_card = hand[0] players[identity]['player_hands'].insert(idx+1,players[identity]['player_hands'][idx].copy()) players[identity]['player_hands'][idx]['hand'] = [ split_card, DrawCard(players[identity]['deck']) ] players[identity]['player_hands'][idx+1]['hand'] = [ split_card, DrawCard(players[identity]['deck']) ] sidebets = players[identity]['sidebets'] if sidebets['splits']: bet_units = sidebets['splits'] nsplits = len(players[identity]['player_hands']) if nsplits == 2: win_units = bet_units * 5 elif nsplits == 3: win_units = bet_units * (11-5) elif nsplits == 4: win_units = bet_units * (21-11) if nsplits == 2: link.send('%s splits to %d - you win %s' % (link.user.nick, nsplits, AmountToString(win_units))) else: link.send('%s resplits to %d - you win another %s' % (link.user.nick, nsplits, AmountToString(win_units))) UpdateSidebetRecord(link,"splits",True,False,win_units) dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] link.send("%s: your hand is now %s. Dealer's hand is %s" % (link.user.nick,PlayerHandsToString(link),HandToString(dealer_hand,identity in utf8users,True,False))) def Hand(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() if not identity in players: link.send("%s: you are not in a game of blackjack - you can start one with !blackjack " % link.user.nick) return units = players[identity]['amount'] dealer_hand = players[identity]['dealer_hand'] link.send("%s: your total bet is %s. Your hand is %s. Dealer's hand is %s" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(units),PlayerHandsToString(link,True),HandToString(dealer_hand,identity in utf8users,True,False))) enough, reason = IsPlayerBalanceAtLeast(link,units) if not enough: link.send("%s: %s - please refund your account to continue playing" % (link.user.nick, reason)) def ResetBlackjackStats(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() sidentity = GetParam(cmd,1) if sidentity: sidentity=IdentityFromString(link,sidentity) if sidentity and sidentity != identity: if not IsAdmin(link): log_error('%s is not admin, cannot see blackjack stats for %s' % (identity, sidentity)) link.send('Access denied') return else: sidentity=identity try: ResetGameStats(link,sidentity,"blackjack") except Exception,e: link.send("An error occured") def ShowBlackjackStats(link,sidentity,title): return ShowGameStats(link,sidentity,title,"blackjack") def GetBlackjackStats(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() sidentity = GetParam(cmd,1) if sidentity: sidentity=IdentityFromString(link,sidentity) if sidentity and sidentity != identity: if not IsAdmin(link): log_error('%s is not admin, cannot see blackjack stats for %s' % (identity, sidentity)) link.send('Access denied') return else: sidentity=identity ShowBlackjackStats(link,sidentity,NickFromIdentity(sidentity)) ShowBlackjackStats(link,"reset:"+sidentity,'%s since reset' % NickFromIdentity(sidentity)) ShowBlackjackStats(link,'','overall') def PlayerSeed(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() fair_string = GetParam(cmd,1) if not fair_string: link.send("Usage: !playerseed ") return try: SetPlayerSeed(link,'blackjack',fair_string) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to save player seed for %s: %s' % (identity, str(e))) link.send('An error occured') def FairCheck(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() try: seed = GetServerSeed(link,'blackjack') except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get server seed for %s: %s' % (identity,str(e))) link.send('An error has occured') return try: GenerateServerSeed(link,'blackjack') except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to generate server seed for %s: %s' % (identity,str(e))) link.send('An error has occured') return link.send('%s: your server seed was %s - it has now been reset; see !fair for details' % (link.user.nick,str(seed))) def Seeds(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() try: sh = GetServerSeedHash(link,'blackjack') ps = GetPlayerSeed(link,'blackjack') except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get server seed for %s: %s' % (identity,str(e))) link.send('An error has occured') return link.send('%s: your server seed hash is %s' % (link.user.nick,str(sh))) if ps == "": link.send('%s: you have not set a player seed' % link.user.nick) else: link.send('%s: your player seed hash is %s' % (link.user.nick,str(ps))) def UseUTF8(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() onoff=GetParam(cmd,1) if not onoff: if identity in utf8users: link.send('%s: utf8 is enabled'%link.user.nick) else: link.send('%s: utf8 is disabled'%link.user.nick) elif onoff=="on": utf8users.add(identity) link.send('%s: utf8 is now enabled'%link.user.nick) elif onoff=="off": utf8users.discard(identity) link.send('%s: utf8 is now disabled'%link.user.nick) else: link.send('usage: !utf8 [on|off]') def Fair(link,cmd): link.send_private("%s's blackjack betting is provably fair" % config.tipbot_name) link.send_private("The deck shuffling is determined by three pieces of information:") link.send_private(" - your server seed. You can see its hash with !seeds") link.send_private(" - your player seed. Empty by default, you can set it with !playerseed") link.send_private(" - the game number, displayed with each game you make") link.send_private("To verify past games were fair, use !faircheck") link.send_private("You will be given your server seed, and a new one will be generated") link.send_private("for future games. Then follow these steps:") link.send_private("Create a deck: 234567890JQKA - repeated %d times (4 suits, %d decks)" % (4*config.blackjack_decks, config.blackjack_decks)) link.send_private("Calculate the SHA-256 sum of serverseed:playerseed:gamenumber") link.send_private("Use the resulting string as the seed for the Mersenne Twister PRNG") link.send_private("Shuffle the deck using the Fisher-Yates algorithm with that PRNG") link.send_private("Starting cards are dealt in the order: player, dealer, player, dealer") link.send_private("See !faircode for Python code implementing this check") def FairCode(link,cmd): link.send_private("This Python 2 code takes the seeds and game number and outputs the shuffled") link.send_private("deck used in the corresponding game. Run it with three arguments: server seed,") link.send_private("player seed (use '' if you did not set any), and game number.") link.send_private("import sys,hashlib,random") link.send_private("try:") link.send_private(" deck=['2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','J','Q','K','A']*%s" % (4*config.blackjack_decks)) link.send_private(" s=hashlib.sha256(sys.argv[1]+':'+sys.argv[2]+':'+sys.argv[3]).hexdigest()") link.send_private(" random.Random(s).shuffle(deck)") link.send_private(" print str(deck)") link.send_private("except:") link.send_private(" print 'need serverseed, playerseed, and game number'") # rough house edges: # over13: 7% # under13: 10% # pair: 6% # climber: 3% # buster: 5% # splits: 8% # match: 5% # addup: 8% def SideBets(link,cmd): link.send_private("Side bets are made by adding their name after the !blackjack command, eg:") link.send_private(" !blackjack 1 buster over13 - bets 0.5 for dealer busting, and 0.5 for first 2 cards sum over 13") link.send_private("Each side bet wager is for half of the amount wagered for the main blackjack game") link.send_private("Payouts depend on the side bet:") if "over13" in config.blackjack_sidebets: link.send_private(" * over13 - 1:1 - Player's first two cards scores over 13 (aces count as 1)") if "under13" in config.blackjack_sidebets: link.send_private(" * under13 - 1:1 - Player's first two cards scores under 13 (aces count as 1)") if "pair" in config.blackjack_sidebets: link.send_private(" * pair - 12:1 - Player's first two cards are a pair") if "climber" in config.blackjack_sidebets: link.send_private(" * climber - 2:1 to 21:1 - Player's first two cards scores 20, payout as dealer's first card's score, ace pays 21:1") if "buster" in config.blackjack_sidebets: link.send_private(" * buster - 3:2 to 21:1 - Dealer busts with 3 cards (3:2), 4 (3:1), 5 (5:1), 6 (11:1), or 7+ (21:1)") if "splits" in config.blackjack_sidebets: link.send_private(" * splits - 5:1 to 21:1 - Split your hand to 2 (5:1), 3 (11:1), or 4 (21:1)") if "match" in config.blackjack_sidebets: link.send_private(" * match - 5:1 to 21:1 - Match the dealer's first card with one (5:1) or both (21:1) or the player's first two cards") if "addup" in config.blackjack_sidebets: link.send_private(" * addup - 27:1 - Sum of player's first two cards' scores match the dealer's first card's score") def BlackjackHelp(link): link.send_private("The blackjack module is a provably fair %s blackjack betting game" % coinspecs.name) link.send_private("Basic usage: !blackjack ") link.send_private("The goal is to get a hand totalling as close to 21 without going over") link.send_private("and have a total higher than the dealer. Suits do not matter.") link.send_private("Available moves are: !hit (get a new card), !stand (finish playing the curent),") link.send_private("hand, !double (double your bet and take a final card), !split (split a hand of") link.send_private("two cards with equal value), and !insurance (when the dealer's first card is an ace") link.send_private("See !fair and !faircode for a description of the provable fairness of the game") link.send_private("See !faircheck to get the server seed to check past games were fair") if len(config.blackjack_sidebets) > 0: link.send_private("See !sidebets for a list of available side bets and how to use them") random.seed(time.time()) RegisterModule({ 'name': __name__, 'help': BlackjackHelp, }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'blackjack', 'parms': '' if len(config.blackjack_sidebets) == 0 else ' [sidebet1 [sidebet2...]]', 'function': Blackjack, 'registered': True, 'help': "start a blackjack game - blackjack pays 3:2" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'hit', 'function': Hit, 'registered': True, 'help': "Hit (draw a new card on the current hand)" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'double', 'function': Double, 'registered': True, 'help': "Double down (double bet and draw a final card on the current hand)" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'stand', 'function': Stand, 'registered': True, 'help': "Stand (finish the current hand)" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'split', 'function': Split, 'registered': True, 'help': "Split current hand if first two cards are a pair - split to %d max" % config.blackjack_split_to }) if config.blackjack_insurance: RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'insurance', 'function': Insurance, 'registered': True, 'help': "Insure against a dealer blackjack with half your bet (offered if the dealer's first card in an ace) - paid 2:1" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'hand', 'function': Hand, 'registered': True, 'help': "Show your and the dealer's current hands" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'stats', 'parms': '[]', 'function': GetBlackjackStats, 'registered': True, 'help': "displays your blackjack stats" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'resetstats', 'parms': '[]', 'function': ResetBlackjackStats, 'registered': True, 'help': "resets your Blackjack stats" }) if len(config.blackjack_sidebets) > 0: RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'sidebets', 'function': SideBets, 'registered': True, 'help': "List the available side bets" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'playerseed', 'parms': '', 'function': PlayerSeed, 'registered': True, 'help': "set a custom seed to use in the hash calculation" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'seeds', 'function': Seeds, 'registered': True, 'help': "Show hash of your current server seed and your player seed" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'utf8', 'parms': '[on|off]', 'function': UseUTF8, 'registered': True, 'help': "Enable or disable use of UTF-8 to display cards" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'faircheck', 'function': FairCheck, 'registered': True, 'help': "Check provably fair rolls" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'fair', 'function': Fair, 'registered': True, 'help': "describe the provably fair blackjack game" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'faircode', 'function': FairCode, 'registered': True, 'help': "Show sample Python code to check game fairness" })