#!/bin/python # # Monero tipbot # Copyright 2014 moneromooo # Inspired by "Simple Python IRC bot" by berend # import socket import select import sys import random import re import redis import hashlib import json import httplib import time irc_network = 'irc.freenode.net' irc_port = 6667 irc_homechan = '#txtptest000' redis_host="" redis_port=7777 bitmonerod_host = 'testfull.monero.cc' # '' bitmonerod_port = 28081 # 6060 wallet_host = '' wallet_port = 6061 wallet_update_time = 30 # seconds withdrawal_fee = 10000000000 min_withdraw_amount = 2*withdrawal_fee withdraw_disabled = False userstable=dict() calltable=dict() last_wallet_update_time = None last_ping_time = time.time() def log(stype,msg): print '%s\t%s\t%s' % (time.ctime(time.time()),stype,str(msg)) def log_error(msg): log("ERROR",msg) def log_warn(msg): log("WARNING",msg) def log_info(msg): log("INFO",msg) def log_log(msg): log("LOG",msg) def log_IRCRECV(msg): log("IRCRECV",msg) def connect_to_irc(network,port): global irc try: irc = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) irc.connect ( ( network, port ) ) except Exception, e: log_error( 'Error initializing IRC: %s' % str(e)) exit() log_IRCRECV(irc.recv ( 4096 )) irc.send ( 'PASS *********\r\n') irc.send ( 'NICK monero-tipbot\r\n' ) irc.send ( 'USER monero-tipbot monero-tipbot monero-tipbot :monero-tipbot\r\n' ) def connect_to_redis(host,port): try: return redis.Redis(host=host,port=port) except Exception, e: log_error( 'Error initializing redis: %s' % str(e)) exit() def GetHost(host): # Return Host host = host.split('@')[1] host = host.split(' ')[0] return host def GetChannel(data): # Return Channel channel = data.split('#')[1] channel = channel.split(':')[0] channel = '#' + channel channel = channel.strip(' \t\n\r') return channel def GetNick(data): # Return Nickname nick = data.split('!')[0] nick = nick.replace(':', ' ') nick = nick.replace(' ', '') nick = nick.strip(' \t\n\r') return nick def GetPassword(): try: f = open('tipbot-password.txt', 'r') for p in f: p = p.strip("\r\n") f.close() return p except Exception,e: log_error('could not fetch password: %s' % str(e)) raise return "xxx" def Send(msg): irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + irc_homechan + ' : ' + msg + '\r\n') def SendTo(where,msg): irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + where + ' : ' + msg + '\r\n') def Join(chan): irc.send ( 'JOIN ' + chan + '\r\n' ) def Part(chan): irc.send ( 'PART ' + chan + '\r\n' ) def Who(chan): irc.send ( 'WHO ' + chan + '\r\n' ) def CheckRegistered(nick,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata): if nick not in calltable: calltable[nick] = [] calltable[nick].append([ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata]) SendTo('nickserv', "ACC " + nick) def IsAdmin(nick): if nick == "moneromooo": return True if nick == "moneromoo": return True return False def CheckAdmin(nick,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata): if not IsAdmin(nick): log_warn('CheckAdmin: nick %s is not admin, cannot call %s with %s' % (str(nick),str(ifyes),str(yesdata))) SendTo(nick, "Access denied") return CheckRegistered(nick,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata) def PerformNextAction(nick,registered): if nick not in calltable: log_error( 'Nothing in queue for %s' % nick) return try: if registered: calltable[nick][0][0](nick,calltable[nick][0][1]) else: calltable[nick][0][2](nick,calltable[nick][0][3]) del calltable[nick][0] except Exception, e: log_error('PerformNextAction: Exception in action, continuing: %s' % str(e)) del calltable[nick][0] def GetPaymentID(nick): salt="2u3g55bkwrui32fi3g4bGR$j5g4ugnujb"; p = hashlib.sha256(salt+nick).hexdigest(); try: redis.hset("paymentid",p,nick) except Exception,e: log_error('GetPaymentID: failed to set payment ID for %s to redis: %s' % (nick,str(e))) return p def GetTipbotAddress(): try: j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("getaddress",None) if not "result" in j: log_error('GetTipbotAddress: No result found in getaddress reply') return ERROR result = j["result"] if not "address" in result: log_error('GetTipbotAddress: No address found in getaddress reply') return ERROR return result["address"] except Exception,e: log_error("GetTipbotAddress: Error retrieving tipbot address: %s" % str(e)) return "ERROR" def GetNickFromPaymendID(p): nick = redis.hget("paymentid",p) log_log('PaymendID %s => %s' % (p, str(nick))) return nick def AmountToString(amount): if amount == None: amount = 0 lamount=long(amount) if lamount < 1000000: samount = "%u tacoshi" % lamount elif lamount < 1000000000: samount = " %.16g micromonero" % (float(lamount) / 1e6) elif lamount < 1000000000000: samount = " %.16g millimonero" % (float(lamount) / 1e9) else: samount = "%.16g monero" % (float(lamount) / 1e12) return samount def GetBalance(nick,data): log_log("GetBalance: checking %s" % nick) sendto=data[0] try: balance = redis.hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 sbalance = AmountToString(balance) SendTo(sendto, "%s's balance is %s" % (nick, sbalance)) except Exception, e: log_error('GetBalance: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(sendto, "An error has occured") def AddBalance(nick,data): amount=data log_info("AddBalance: Adding %s to %s's balance" % (AmountToString(amount),nick)) try: balance = redis.hincrby("balances",nick,amount) except Exception, e: log_error('AddBalance: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") def Tip(nick,data): sendto=data[0] who=data[1] try: amount=float(data[2]) except Exception,e: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: tip nick amount") return log_info("Tip: %s wants to tip %s %.16g monero" % (nick, who, amount)) try: balance = redis.hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) units=long(amount*1e12) if units <= 0: SendTo(sendto, "Invalid amount") return if units > balance: SendTo(sendto, "You only have %.16g" % (balance / 1e12)) return log_info('Tip: %s tipping %s %u units, with balance %u' % (nick, who, units, balance)) try: p = redis.pipeline() p.hincrby("balances",nick,-units); p.hincrby("balances",who,units) p.execute() SendTo(sendto,"%s has tipped %s %.16g monero" % (nick, who, amount)) except Exception, e: SendTo(sendto, "An error occured") return except Exception, e: log_error('Tip: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(sendto, "An error has occured") def ScanWho(nick,data): chan=data[0] userstable[chan] = [] Who(chan) def Rain(nick,data): chan=data[0] try: amount=float(data[1]) except Exception,e: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: rain amount [users]") return try: if data[2] == None: users = None else: users=long(data[2]) except Exception,e: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: rain amount [users]") return if amount <= 0: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: rain amount [users]") return if users != None and users <= 0: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: rain amount [users]") return units = long(amount * 1e12) try: balance = redis.hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) if units > balance: SendTo(sendto, "You only have %s" % (AmountToString(balance))) return userlist = userstable[chan][:] userlist.remove(nick) if users == None or users > len(userlist): users = len(userlist) everyone = True else: everyone = False if units < users: SendTo(sendto, "This would mean not even a tacoshi per nick") return log_info("%s wants to rain %s on %s users in %s" % (nick, AmountToString(units), users, chan)) log_log("users in %s: %s" % (chan, str(userlist))) random.shuffle(userlist) userlist = userlist[0:users] log_log("selected users in %s: %s" % (chan, userlist)) user_units = long(units / users) if everyone: msg = "%s rained %s on everyone in the channel" % (nick, AmountToString(user_units)) else: msg = "%s rained %s on:" % (nick, AmountToString(user_units)) pipe = redis.pipeline() pipe.hincrby("balances",nick,-units) for user in userlist: pipe.hincrby("balances",user,user_units) if not everyone: msg = msg + " " + user pipe.execute() SendTo(sendto, "%s" % msg) except Exception,e: log_error('Rain: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(sendto, "An error has occured") return def DisableWithdraw(): log_warn('DisableWithdraw: disabled') withdraw_disabled = True def Withdraw(nick,data): address=data[0] if len(address) != 95: SendTo(nick, "Invalid address") return if address[0] != '4' and address[0] != '9': SendTo(nick, "Invalid address") return if min_withdraw_amount <= 0 or withdrawal_fee <= 0 or min_withdraw_amount < withdrawal_fee: log_error('Withdraw: Inconsistent withdrawal settings') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return log_info("Withdraw: %s wants to withdraw to %s" % (nick, address)) if withdraw_disabled: log_error('Withdraw: disabled') SendTo(nick, "Sorry, withdrawal is disabled due to a wallet error which requires admin assistance") return try: balance = redis.hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) except Exception, e: log_error('Withdraw: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if balance <= 0 or balance < min_withdraw_amount: log_info("Withdraw: Minimum withdrawal balance: %s, %s only has %s" % (AmountToString(min_withdraw_amount),nick,AmountToString(balance))) SendTo(nick, "Minimum withdrawal balance: %s, you only have %s" % (AmountToString(min_withdraw_amount),AmountToString(balance))) return try: fee = long(withdrawal_fee) topay = long(balance - fee) log_info('Withdraw: Raw: fee: %s, to pay: %s' % (str(fee), str(topay))) log_info('Withdraw: fee: %s, to pay: %s' % (AmountToString(fee), AmountToString(topay))) params = { 'destinations': [{'address': address, 'amount': topay}], 'payment_id': GetPaymentID(nick), 'fee': fee, 'mixin': 0, 'unlock_time': 0, } j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("transfer",params) except Exception,e: log_error('Withdraw: Error in transfer: %s' % str(e)) DisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return if not "result" in j: log_error('Withdraw: No result in transfer reply') DisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return result = j["result"] if not "tx_hash" in result: log_error('Withdraw: No tx_hash in transfer reply') DisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return tx_hash = result["tx_hash"] log_info('%s has withdrawn %s, tx hash %s' % (nick, balance, str(tx_hash))) try: redis.hincrby("balances",nick,-balance) except Exception, e: log_error('Withdraw: FAILED TO SUBTRACT BALANCE: exception: %s' % str(e)) DisableWithdraw() log_info('%s has withdrawn %s, tx hash %s' % (nick, balance, str(tx_hash))) SendTo(nick, "Tx sent: %s" % tx_hash) def SendJSONRPCCommand(host,port,method,params): try: http = httplib.HTTPConnection(host,port) except Exception,e: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Error connecting to %s:%u: %s' % (host, port, str(e))) raise d = dict(id="0",jsonrpc="2.0",method=method,params=params) try: j = json.dumps(d).encode() except Exception,e: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Failed to encode JSON: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise log_log('SendJSONRPCCommand: Sending json as body: %s' % j) headers = None try: http.request("POST","/json_rpc",body=j) except Exception,e: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Failed to post request: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise response = http.getresponse() log_log('SendJSONRPCCommand: Received reply status: %s' % response.status) if response.status != 200: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Error, not 200: %s' % str(response.status)) http.close() raise RuntimeError("Error "+response.status) s = response.read() log_log('SendJSONRPCCommand: Received reply: %s' % str(s)) try: j = json.loads(s) except Exception,e: log_error('SendJSONRPCCommand: Failed to decode JSON: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise http.close() return j def SendHTMLCommand(host,port,method): try: http = httplib.HTTPConnection(host,port) except Exception,e: log_error('SendHTMLCommand: Error connecting to %s:%u: %s' % (host, port, str(e))) raise headers = None try: http.request("POST","/"+method) except Exception,e: log_error('SendHTMLCommand: Failed to post request: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise response = http.getresponse() log_log('SendHTMLCommand: Received reply status: %s' % response.status) if response.status != 200: log_error('SendHTMLCommand: Error, not 200: %s' % str(response.status)) http.close() raise RuntimeError("Error "+response.status) s = response.read() log_log('SendHTMLCommand: Received reply: %s' % s) try: j = json.loads(s) except Exception,e: log_error('SendHTMLCommand: Failed to decode JSON: %s' % str(e)) http.close() raise http.close() return j def SendWalletJSONRPCCommand(method,params): return SendJSONRPCCommand(wallet_host,wallet_port,method,params) def SendBitmonerodJSONRPCCommand(method,params): return SendJSONRPCCommand(bitmonerod_host,bitmonerod_port,method,params) def SendBitmonerodHTMLCommand(method): return SendHTMLCommand(bitmonerod_host,bitmonerod_port,method) def GetHeight(nick,data): log_info('GetHeight: %s wants to know block height' % nick) try: j = SendBitmonerodHTMLCommand("getheight") except Exception,e: log_error('GetHeight: error: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return log_log('GetHeight: Got reply: %s' % str(j)) if not "height" in j: log_error('GetHeight: Cannot see height in here') SendTo(nick, "Height not found") return height=j["height"] log_info('GetHeight: geight is %s' % str(height)) SendTo(nick, "Height: %s" % str(height)) def GetTipbotBalance(nick,data): log_info('%s wants to know the tipbot balance' % nick) try: j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("getbalance",None) except Exception,e: SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return if not "result" in j: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: result not found in reply') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return result = j["result"] if not "balance" in result: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: balance not found in result') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if not "unlocked_balance" in result: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: unlocked_balance not found in result') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return balance = result["balance"] unlocked_balance = result["unlocked_balance"] log_log('GetTipbotBalance: balance: %s' % str(balance)) log_log('GetTipbotBalance: unlocked_balance: %s' % str(unlocked_balance)) pending = long(balance)-long(unlocked_balance) if pending < 0: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: Negative pending balance! balance %s, unlocked %s' % (str(balance),str(unlocked))) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if pending == 0: log_info("GetTipbotBalance: Tipbot balance: %s" % AmountToString(balance)) SendTo(nick,"Tipbot balance: %s" % AmountToString(balance)) else: log_info("GetTipbotBalance: Tipbot balance: %s (%s pending)" % (AmountToString(unlocked_balance), AmountToString(pending))) SendTo(nick,"Tipbot balance: %s (%s pending)" % (AmountToString(unlocked_balance), AmountToString(pending))) def EnableWithdraw(nick,data): log_info('EnableWithdraw: enabled by %s' % nick) withdraw_disabled = False def DumpUsers(nick,data): log_info(str(userstable)) def Help(nick): SendTo(nick, "Help for the monero tipbot:") SendTo(nick, "!isregistered - show whether you are currently registered with freenode") SendTo(nick, "!balance - show your current balance") SendTo(nick, "!tip - tip another user") SendTo(nick, "!rain [] - rain some monero on everyone (or just a few)") SendTo(nick, "!withdraw
- withdraw your balance") SendTo(nick, "!info - information about the tipbot") SendTo(nick, "You can send monero to your tipbot account:"); SendTo(nick, " Address: %s" % GetTipbotAddress()) SendTo(nick, " Payment ID: %s" % GetPaymentID(nick)) SendTo(nick, "NO WARRANTY, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR COINS") SendTo(nick, "Minimum withdrawal: %s" % AmountToString(min_withdraw_amount)) SendTo(nick, "Withdrawal fee: %s" % AmountToString(withdrawal_fee)) SendTo(nick, "No Monero address ? You can use https://mymonero.com/") def Info(nick): SendTo(nick, "Info for the monero tipbot:") SendTo(nick, "Type !help for a list of commands") SendTo(nick, "NO WARRANTY, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR COINS") SendTo(nick, "By sending your monero to the tipbot, you are giving up their control") SendTo(nick, "to whoever runs the tipbot. Any tip you make/receive using the tipbot") SendTo(nick, "is obviously not anonymous. The tipbot wallet may end up corrupt, or be") SendTo(nick, "stolen, the server compromised, etc. While I hope this won't be the case,") SendTo(nick, "I will not offer any warranty whatsoever for the use of the tipbot or the") SendTo(nick, "return of any monero. Use at your own risk.") SendTo(nick, "That being said, I hope you enjoy using it :)") def InitScanBlockHeight(): try: scan_block_height = redis.get("scan_block_height") scan_block_height = long(scan_block_height) except Exception,e: try: redis.set("scan_block_height",0) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to initialize scan_block_height: %s' % str(e)) def UpdateCoin(): global last_wallet_update_time if last_wallet_update_time == None: last_wallet_update_time = 0 t=time.time() dt = t - last_wallet_update_time if dt < wallet_update_time: return try: try: scan_block_height = redis.get("scan_block_height") scan_block_height = long(scan_block_height) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get scan_block_height: %s' % str(e)) last_wallet_update_time = time.time() return full_payment_ids = redis.hgetall("paymentid") #print 'Got full payment ids: %s' % str(full_payment_ids) payment_ids = [] for pid in full_payment_ids: payment_ids.append(pid) #print 'Got payment ids: %s' % str(payment_ids) params = { "payment_ids": payment_ids, "min_block_height": scan_block_height } j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("get_bulk_payments",params) #print 'Got j: %s' % str(j) if "result" in j: result = j["result"] if "payments" in result: payments = result["payments"] log_info('UpdateCoin: Got %d payments' % len(payments)) for p in payments: log_log('UpdateCoin: Looking at payment %s' % str(p)) bh = p["block_height"] if bh > scan_block_height: scan_block_height = bh log_log('UpdateCoin: seen payments up to block %d' % scan_block_height) try: pipe = redis.pipeline() pipe.set("scan_block_height", scan_block_height) log_log('UpdateCoin: processing payments') for p in payments: payment_id=p["payment_id"] tx_hash=p["tx_hash"] amount=p["amount"] try: recipient = GetNickFromPaymendID(payment_id) log_info('UpdateCoin: Found payment %s to %s for %s' % (tx_hash,recipient, AmountToString(amount))) pipe.hincrby("balances",recipient,amount); except Exception,e: log_error('UpdateCoin: No nick found for payment id %s, tx hash %s, amount %s' % (payment_id, tx_hash, amount)) log_log('UpdateCoin: Executing received payments pipeline') pipe.execute() except Exception,e: log_error('UpdateCoin: failed to set scan_block_height: %s' % str(e)) else: log_log('UpdateCoin: No payments in get_bulk_payments reply') else: log_error('UpdateCoin: No results in get_bulk_payments reply') except Exception,e: log_error('UpdateCoin: Failed to get bulk payments: %s' % str(e)) last_wallet_update_time = time.time() #def Op(to_op, chan): # irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' +o: ' + to_op + '\r\n') # #def DeOp(to_deop, chan): # irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' -o: ' + to_deop + '\r\n') # #def Voice(to_v, chan): # irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' +v: ' + to_v + '\r\n') # #def DeVoice(to_dv, chan): # irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' -v: ' + to_dv + '\r\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# buffered_data = "" def getline(s): global buffered_data idx = buffered_data.find("\n") if idx == -1: try: (r,w,x)=select.select([s.fileno()],[],[],1) if s.fileno() in r: newdata=s.recv(4096,socket.MSG_DONTWAIT) else: newdata = None if s.fileno() in x: log_error('getline: IRC socket in exception set') newdata = None except Exception,e: log_error('getline: Exception: %s' % str(e)) newdata = None if newdata == None: return None buffered_data+=newdata idx = buffered_data.find("\n") if idx == -1: ret = buffered_data buffered_data = "" return ret ret = buffered_data[0:idx+1] buffered_data = buffered_data[idx+1:] return ret connect_to_irc(irc_network,irc_port) redis = connect_to_redis(redis_host,redis_port) InitScanBlockHeight() while True: action = None data = getline(irc) # All that must be done even when nothing from IRC - data may be None here UpdateCoin() if data == None: if time.time() - last_ping_time > 600: log_warn('600 seconds without PING, reconnecting') last_ping_time = time.time() connect_to_irc(irc_network,irc_port) continue data = data.strip("\r\n") log_IRCRECV(data) # consider any IRC data as a ping last_ping_time = time.time() if data.find ( 'Welcome to the freenode Internet Relay Chat Network' ) != -1: SendTo("nickserv", "IDENTIFY %s" % GetPassword()) Join(irc_homechan) #ScanWho(None,[irc_homechan]) if data.find ( 'PING' ) == 0: log_log('Got PING, replying PONG') last_ping_time = time.time() irc.send ( 'PONG ' + data.split() [ 1 ] + '\r\n' ) continue #--------------------------- Action check --------------------------------# if data.find(':') == -1: continue try: cparts = data.split(':') if len(cparts) < 2: continue if len(cparts) >= 3: text = cparts[2] else: text = "" parts = cparts[1].split(' ') who = parts[0] action = parts[1] chan = parts[2] except Exception, e: log_error('main parser: Exception, continuing: %s' % str(e)) continue if action == None: continue #print 'text: ', text #print 'who: ', who #print 'action: ', action #print 'chan: ', chan # if data.find('#') != -1: # action = data.split('#')[0] # action = action.split(' ')[1] # if data.find('NICK') != -1: # if data.find('#') == -1: # action = 'NICK' #----------------------------- Actions -----------------------------------# try: if action == 'NOTICE': if who == "NickServ!NickServ@services.": #if text.find('Information on ') != -1: # ns_nick = text.split(' ')[2].strip("\002") # print 'NickServ says %s is registered' % ns_nick # PerformNextAction(ns_nick, True) #elif text.find(' is not registered') != -1: # ns_nick = text.split(' ')[0].strip("\002") # print 'NickServ says %s is not registered' % ns_nick # PerformNextAction(ns_nick, False) if text.find(' ACC ') != -1: stext = text.split(' ') ns_nick = stext[0] ns_acc = stext[1] ns_status = stext[2] if ns_acc == "ACC": if ns_status == "3": log_info('NickServ says %s is identified' % ns_nick) PerformNextAction(ns_nick, True) else: log_info('NickServ says %s is not identified' % ns_nick) PerformNextAction(ns_nick, False) else: log_error('ACC line not as expected...') elif action == '352': try: who_chan = parts[3] who_chan_user = parts[7] if not who_chan_user in userstable[who_chan]: userstable[who_chan].append(who_chan_user) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (who_chan, str(userstable[who_chan]))) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to parse "who" line: %s: %s' % (data, str(e))) elif action == '353': try: log_log("parts: %s" % str(parts)) who_chan = parts[4] who_chan_users = cparts[2].split(" ") for who_chan_user in who_chan_users: if not who_chan_user in userstable[who_chan]: if who_chan_user[0] == "@": who_chan_user = who_chan_user[1:] userstable[who_chan].append(who_chan_user) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (who_chan, str(userstable[who_chan]))) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to parse "who" line: %s: %s' % (data, str(e))) elif action == 'PRIVMSG': if text.find('!') != -1: cmd = text.split('!')[1] cmd = cmd.split(' ') cmd[0] = cmd[0].strip(' \t\n\r') if chan[0] == '#': sendto=chan else: sendto=GetNick(who) log_log('Found command: "%s" in channel "%s", replying to %s' % (str(cmd), str(chan), sendto)) #if cmd[0] == 'join': # Join('#' + cmd[1]) #elif cmd[0] == 'part': # Part('#' + cmd[1]) if cmd[0] == 'help': Help(GetNick(who)) elif cmd[0] == 'isregistered': CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),SendTo,"You are registered",SendTo,"You are not registered") elif cmd[0] == 'balance': CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),GetBalance,[sendto],SendTo,"You must be registered with Freenode to query balance") elif cmd[0] == 'tip': if len(cmd) == 3: CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),Tip,[sendto,cmd[1],cmd[2]],SendTo,"You must be registered with Freenode to tip") else: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Usage: !tip nick amount"); elif cmd[0] == 'withdraw': if len(cmd) == 2: CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),Withdraw,[cmd[1]],SendTo,"You must be registered with Freenode to withdraw") else: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Usage: !withdraw address"); elif cmd[0] == 'info': Info(GetNick(who)) elif cmd[0] == 'rain': if chan[0] == '#': if len(cmd) == 2 or len(cmd) == 3: users = None if len(cmd) == 3: users = cmd[2] CheckRegistered(GetNick(who),Rain,[chan,cmd[1],users],SendTo,"You must be registered with Freenode to rain") else: SendTo(sendto, "Usage: !rain amount [users]"); else: SendTo(sendto, "Raining can only be done in a channel") # admin commands elif cmd[0] == 'height': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),GetHeight,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'tipbot_balance': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),GetTipbotBalance,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'addbalance': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),AddBalance,cmd[1],SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'scanwho': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),ScanWho,[chan],SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'enable_withdraw': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),EnableWithdraw,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") elif cmd[0] == 'dump_users': CheckAdmin(GetNick(who),DumpUsers,None,SendTo,"You must be admin") else: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Invalid command, try !help") elif action == 'JOIN': nick = GetNick(who) log_info('%s joined the channel' % nick) if not chan in userstable: userstable[chan] = [] if nick in userstable[chan]: log_warn('%s joined, but already in %s' % (nick, chan)) else: userstable[chan].append(nick) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (chan, str(userstable[chan]))) elif action == 'PART': nick = GetNick(who) log_info('%s joined the channel' % nick) if not nick in userstable[chan]: log_warn('%s parted, but was not in %s' % (nick, chan)) else: userstable[chan].remove(nick) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (chan, str(userstable[chan]))) elif action == 'NICK': nick = GetNick(who) new_nick = text log_info('%s renamed to %s' % (nick, new_nick)) for c in userstable: log_log('checking %s' % c) if nick in userstable[c]: userstable[c].remove(nick) if new_nick in userstable[c]: log_warn('%s is the new name of %s, but was already in %s' % (new_nick, nick, c)) else: userstable[c].append(new_nick) log_log("New list of users in %s: %s" % (c, str(userstable[c]))) except Exception,e: log_error('Exception in top level action processing: %s' % str(e))