#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot # Copyright 2014 moneromooo # Inspired by "Simple Python IRC bot" by berend # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import redis from tipbot.log import log_error, log_warn, log_info, log_log redisdb = None def connect_to_redis(host,port): log_info('Connecting to Redis at %s:%u' % (host, port)) try: global redisdb redisdb = redis.Redis(host=host,port=port) return redisdb except Exception, e: log_error( 'Error initializing redis: %s' % str(e)) exit() def redis_pipeline(): return redisdb.pipeline() def redis_exists(k): return redisdb.exists(k) def redis_get(k): return redisdb.get(k) def redis_set(k,v): return redisdb.set(k,v) def redis_hexists(t,k): return redisdb.hexists(t,k) def redis_hget(t,k): return redisdb.hget(t,k) def redis_hgetall(t): return redisdb.hgetall(t) def redis_hset(t,k,v): return redisdb.hset(t,k,v) def redis_hincrby(t,k,v): return redisdb.hincrby(t,k,v) def redis_hdel(t,k): return redisdb.hdel(t,k) def redis_incrby(k,v): return redisdb.incrby(k,v) def redis_sadd(k,v): return redisdb.sadd(k,v) def redis_smembers(k): return redisdb.smembers(k) def redis_rpush(k,v): return redisdb.rpush(k,v) def redis_lpop(k): return redisdb.lpop(k) def redis_lindex(k,n): return redisdb.lindex(k,n) def redis_zincrby(t,k,s): return redisdb.zincrby(t,k,s) def redis_delete(k): return redisdb.delete(k) def CompatibilityCheck(): try: r = redis.Redis() if not r.pipeline: raise RuntimeError('pipeline call not found') p = r.pipeline() if not p.exists: raise RuntimeError('exists call not found') if not p.get: raise RuntimeError('get call not found') if not p.set: raise RuntimeError('set call not found') if not p.hexists: raise RuntimeError('hexists call not found') if not p.hget: raise RuntimeError('hget call not found') if not p.hgetall: raise RuntimeError('hgetall call not found') if not p.hset: raise RuntimeError('hset call not found') if not p.hincrby: raise RuntimeError('hincrby call not found') if not p.hdel: raise RuntimeError('hdel call not found') if not p.incrby: raise RuntimeError('incrby call not found') if not p.sadd: raise RuntimeError('sadd call not found') if not p.smembers: raise RuntimeError('smembers call not found') if not p.rpush: raise RuntimeError('rpush call not found') if not p.lpop: raise RuntimeError('lpop call not found') if not p.lindex: raise RuntimeError('lindex call not found') if not p.zincrby: raise RuntimeError('zincrby call not found') if not p.execute: raise RuntimeError('execute call not found') if not p.delete: raise RuntimeError('delete call not found') except Exception,e: log_error('Error checking redis compatibility: %s' % str(e)) exit(1) CompatibilityCheck()