#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot # Copyright 2014 moneromooo # Inspired by "Simple Python IRC bot" by berend # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import sys import os import socket import select import random import redis import hashlib import json import httplib import time import string import importlib import tipbot.coinspecs as coinspecs import tipbot.config as config from tipbot.log import log_error, log_warn, log_info, log_log from tipbot.utils import * from tipbot.irc import * from tipbot.redisdb import * from tipbot.command_manager import * selected_coin = None modulenames = [] argc = 1 while argc < len(sys.argv): arg = sys.argv[argc] if arg == "-c" or arg == "--coin": if argc+1 == len(sys.argv): log_error('Usage: tipbot.py [-h|--help] [-m|--module modulename]* -c|--coin ') exit(1) argc = argc+1 selected_coin = sys.argv[argc] try: log_info('Importing %s coin setup' % selected_coin) if not selected_coin in coinspecs.coinspecs: log_error('Unknown coin: %s' % selected_coin) exit(1) for field in coinspecs.coinspecs[selected_coin]: setattr(coinspecs, field, coinspecs.coinspecs[selected_coin][field]) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to load coin setup for %s: %s' % (selected_coin, str(e))) exit(1) elif arg == "-m" or arg == "--module": if argc+1 == len(sys.argv): log_error('Usage: tipbot.py [-m|--module modulename]* -c|--coin ') exit(1) argc = argc+1 modulenames.append(sys.argv[argc]) elif arg == "-h" or arg == "--help": log_info('Usage: tipbot.py [-m|--module modulename]* -c|--coin ') exit(0) else: log_error('Usage: tipbot.py [-m|--module modulename]* -c|--coin ') exit(1) argc = argc + 1 if not selected_coin: log_error('Coin setup needs to be specified with -c. See --help') exit(1) sys.path.append(os.path.join('tipbot','modules')) for modulename in modulenames: log_info('Importing %s module' % modulename) try: __import__(modulename) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to load module "%s": %s' % (modulename, str(e))) exit(1) def GetTipbotAddress(): try: j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("getaddress",None) if not "result" in j: log_error('GetTipbotAddress: No result found in getaddress reply') return ERROR result = j["result"] if not "address" in result: log_error('GetTipbotAddress: No address found in getaddress reply') return ERROR return result["address"] except Exception,e: log_error("GetTipbotAddress: Error retrieving %s's address: %s" % (config.tipbot_name, str(e))) return "ERROR" def GetBalance(nick,chan,cmd): sendto=GetSendTo(nick,chan) log_log("GetBalance: checking %s" % nick) try: balance = redis_hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 sbalance = AmountToString(balance) SendTo(sendto, "%s's balance is %s" % (nick, sbalance)) except Exception, e: log_error('GetBalance: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(sendto, "An error has occured") def AddBalance(nick,chan,cmd): amount=cmd[1] log_info("AddBalance: Adding %s to %s's balance" % (AmountToString(amount),nick)) try: balance = redis_hincrby("balances",nick,amount) except Exception, e: log_error('AddBalance: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") def ScanWho(nick,chan,cmd): Who(chan) def GetHeight(nick,chan,cmd): log_info('GetHeight: %s wants to know block height' % nick) try: j = SendDaemonHTMLCommand("getheight") except Exception,e: log_error('GetHeight: error: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return log_log('GetHeight: Got reply: %s' % str(j)) if not "height" in j: log_error('GetHeight: Cannot see height in here') SendTo(nick, "Height not found") return height=j["height"] log_info('GetHeight: height is %s' % str(height)) SendTo(nick, "Height: %s" % str(height)) def GetTipbotBalance(nick,chan,cmd): log_info('%s wants to know the tipbot balance' % nick) try: j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("getbalance",None) except Exception,e: SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return if not "result" in j: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: result not found in reply') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return result = j["result"] if not "balance" in result: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: balance not found in result') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if not "unlocked_balance" in result: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: unlocked_balance not found in result') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return balance = result["balance"] unlocked_balance = result["unlocked_balance"] log_log('GetTipbotBalance: balance: %s' % str(balance)) log_log('GetTipbotBalance: unlocked_balance: %s' % str(unlocked_balance)) pending = long(balance)-long(unlocked_balance) if pending < 0: log_error('GetTipbotBalance: Negative pending balance! balance %s, unlocked %s' % (str(balance),str(unlocked))) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if pending == 0: log_info("GetTipbotBalance: Tipbot balance: %s" % AmountToString(balance)) SendTo(nick,"Tipbot balance: %s" % AmountToString(balance)) else: log_info("GetTipbotBalance: Tipbot balance: %s (%s pending)" % (AmountToString(unlocked_balance), AmountToString(pending))) SendTo(nick,"Tipbot balance: %s (%s pending)" % (AmountToString(unlocked_balance), AmountToString(pending))) def DumpUsers(nick,chan,cmd): userstable = GetUsersTable() log_info(str(userstable)) def Help(nick,chan,cmd): SendTo(nick, "See available commands with !commands") if 'payment' in modulenames: SendTo(nick, "You can send %s to your account:" % coinspecs.name); SendTo(nick, " Address: %s" % GetTipbotAddress()) SendTo(nick, " Payment ID: %s" % GetPaymentID(nick)) SendTo(nick, "NO WARRANTY, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR COINS") if 'withdraw' in modulenames: fee = config.withdrawal_fee or coinspecs.min_withdrawal_fee min_amount = config.min_withdraw_amount or fee SendTo(nick, "Minimum withdrawal: %s" % AmountToString(min_amount)) SendTo(nick, "Withdrawal fee: %s" % AmountToString(fee)) if coinspecs.web_wallet_url: SendTo(nick, "No %s address ? You can use %s" % (coinspecs.name, coinspecs.web_wallet_url)) def Info(nick,chan,cmd): SendTo(nick, "Info for %s:" % config.tipbot_name) SendTo(nick, "Copyright 2014 moneromooo - http://duckpool.mooo.com/tipbot/") SendTo(nick, "Type !help for a list of commands") SendTo(nick, "NO WARRANTY, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR COINS") SendTo(nick, "By sending your %s to %s, you are giving up their control" % (coinspecs.name, config.tipbot_name)) SendTo(nick, "to whoever runs the tipbot. Any tip you make/receive using %s" % config.tipbot_name) SendTo(nick, "is obviously not anonymous. %s's wallet may end up corrupt, or be" % config.tipbot_name) SendTo(nick, "stolen, the server compromised, etc. While I hope this won't be the case,") SendTo(nick, "I will not offer any warranty whatsoever for the use of %s or the" % config.tipbot_name) SendTo(nick, "return of any %s. Use at your own risk." % coinspecs.name) SendTo(nick, "That being said, I hope you enjoy using it :)") def InitScanBlockHeight(): try: scan_block_height = redis_get("scan_block_height") scan_block_height = long(scan_block_height) except Exception,e: try: redis_set("scan_block_height",0) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to initialize scan_block_height: %s' % str(e)) def ShowActivity(nick,chan,cmd): achan=cmd[1] anick=cmd[2] activity = GetTimeSinceActive(achan,anick) if activity: SendTo(nick,"%s was active in %s %f seconds ago" % (anick,achan,activity)) else: SendTo(nick,"%s was never active in %s" % (anick,achan)) def SendToNick(nick,chan,msg): SendTo(nick,msg) def IsRegistered(nick,chan,cmd): RunRegisteredCommand(nick,chan,SendToNick,"You are registered",SendToNick,"You are not registered") def OnIdle(): RunIdleFunctions([irc,redisdb]) def OnIdentified(nick, identified): RunNextCommand(nick, identified) def RegisterCommands(): RegisterCommand({'name': 'help', 'function': Help, 'help': "Displays help about %s" % config.tipbot_name}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'commands', 'function': Commands, 'help': "Displays list of commands"}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'isregistered', 'function': IsRegistered, 'help': "show whether you are currently registered with freenode"}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'balance', 'function': GetBalance, 'registered': True, 'help': "show your current balance"}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'info', 'function': Info, 'help': "infornmation about %s" % config.tipbot_name}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'height', 'function': GetHeight, 'admin': True, 'help': "Get current blockchain height"}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'tipbot_balance', 'function': GetTipbotBalance, 'admin': True, 'help': "Get current blockchain height"}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'addbalance', 'function': AddBalance, 'admin': True, 'help': "Add balance to your account"}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'scanwho', 'function': ScanWho, 'admin': True, 'help': "Refresh users list in a channel"}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'dump_users', 'function': DumpUsers, 'admin': True, 'help': "Dump users table to log"}) RegisterCommand({'name': 'show_activity', 'function': ShowActivity, 'admin': True, 'help': "Show time since a user was last active"}) def OnCommandProxy(cmd,chan,who): OnCommand(cmd,chan,who,RunAdminCommand,RunRegisteredCommand) redisdb = connect_to_redis(config.redis_host,config.redis_port) irc = connect_to_irc(config.irc_network,config.irc_port,config.tipbot_name,GetPassword(),config.irc_send_delay) InitScanBlockHeight() RegisterCommands() IRCLoop(OnIdle,OnIdentified,OnCommandProxy)