#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot - bookie commands # Copyright 2015 moneromooo # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import sys import os import redis import string import random import tipbot.config as config from tipbot.log import log_error, log_warn, log_info, log_log import tipbot.coinspecs as coinspecs from tipbot.utils import * from tipbot.command_manager import * from tipbot.redisdb import * from tipbot.betutils import * def GetActiveBooks(): return redis_hgetall('bookie:active') def SweepClosingTimes(): books = GetActiveBooks() if not books: return now=time.time() for book_index in books.keys(): book_index = long(book_index) tname = "bookie:%d" % book_index if redis_hexists(tname,'closing_time'): closing_time=float(redis_hget(tname,'closing_time')) if closing_time<=now and not redis_hget(tname,'closed'): book_name=redis_hget(tname,'name') redis_hset(tname,'closed',1) log_info('Closing book #%d (%s) as scheduled, dt %s' % (book_index, book_name, TimeToString(now-closing_time))) def Bookie(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() name = GetParam(cmd,1) if not name: link.send('usage: !bookie [...]') return outcomes = cmd[2:] if len(outcomes) < 2: link.send('usage: !bookie [...]') return active_books = GetActiveBooks() if active_books and name in active_books.values(): link.send('A book is already active with that name') return book_index=long(redis_get('bookie:last_book') or 0) book_index += 1 tname = "bookie:%d" % book_index log_info('%s opens book #%d for %s, with outcomes %s' % (identity, book_index, name, str(outcomes))) try: p = redis_pipeline() p.hset(tname,'name',name) for o in outcomes: p.sadd(tname+':outcomes',o) p.hset('bookie:active',book_index,name) redis_set('bookie:last_book',book_index) p.execute() except Exception,e: log_error('Bookie: Failed to register book for %s with outcomes %s: %s' % (name, str(outcomes), str(e))) link.send('Failed to create book') return link.send('%s opens book #%d for %s, with outcomes: %s' % (link.user.nick, book_index, name, ", ".join(outcomes))) def Cancel(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() SweepClosingTimes() active_books=GetActiveBooks() if len(active_books) == 0: link.send('There is no open book to cancel') return name = GetParam(cmd,1) if name: if not name in active_books.values(): link.send('Book not found') return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[active_books.values().index(name)]) else: if len(active_books) > 1: link.send('There are several open books, specify the one to cancel: %s' % ", ".join(active_books.values())) return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[0]) tname='bookie:%d' % book_index book_name=redis_hget(tname,'name') log_info('Cancelling book %d (%s)' % (book_index, book_name)) try: p = redis_pipeline() bettors = redis_smembers(tname+':bettors') refundmsg = [] for bettor in bettors: units = long(redis_hget(tname,bettor+":units")) log_info('Refunding %s to %s' % (AmountToString(units),bettor)) p.hincrby('balances',bettor,units) p.hincrby('earmarked','bookie',-units) refundmsg.append('%s to %s' % (AmountToString(units), NickFromIdentity(bettor))) p.hdel('bookie:active',book_index) p.execute() if len(refundmsg) == 0: link.send('Book %s cancelled, nobody had bet' % book_name) else: link.send('Book %s cancelled, refunding %s' % (book_name, ", ".join(refundmsg))) except Exception,e: log_error('Cancel: Failed to cancel book: %s' % str(e)) link.send('Failed to cancel book %s' % book_name) return def Close(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() SweepClosingTimes() active_books=GetActiveBooks() if len(active_books) == 0: link.send('There is no open book to close') return name = GetParam(cmd,1) if name: if not name in active_books.values(): link.send('Book not found') return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[active_books.values().index(name)]) else: if len(active_books) > 1: link.send('There are several open books, specify the one to close: %s' % ", ".join(active_books.values())) return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[0]) tname = "bookie:%d" % book_index book_name=redis_hget(tname,'name') log_info('Closing book %d' % book_index) try: redis_hset(tname,'closed',1) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to close book: %s' % str(e)) link.send('An error occured') return link.send('%s closed book #%d (%s) to new bets' % (link.user.nick, book_index, book_name)) def ScheduleClose(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() SweepClosingTimes() active_books=GetActiveBooks() if len(active_books) == 0: link.send('There is no open book to close') return if GetParam(cmd,2): name = GetParam(cmd,1) if not name in active_books.values(): link.send('Book not found') return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[active_books.values().index(name)]) parm_offset = 1 else: if len(active_books) > 1: link.send('There are several open books, specify the one to close: %s' % ", ".join(active_books.values())) return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[0]) parm_offset = 0 tname = "bookie:%d" % book_index book_name=redis_hget(tname,'name') try: minutes = float(GetParam(cmd,1+parm_offset)) except Exception,e: log_error('error getting minutes: %s' % str(e)) link.send('usage: schedule_close [] ') return if minutes < 0: log_error('error: negative minutes: %f' % minutes) link.send('minutes to closing must not be negative') return try: redis_hset(tname,'closing_time',time.time()+minutes*60) except Exception,e: log_error('error setting closing time: %s' % str(e)) link.send('Failed to schedule closing time') return link.send('Book #%d (%s) will be closed to new bets in %s' % (book_index, book_name, TimeToString(minutes*60))) def Book(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() SweepClosingTimes() active_books=GetActiveBooks() if len(active_books) == 0: link.send('The book is empty') return for book_index in active_books.keys(): book_index = long(book_index) tname='bookie:%s' % book_index try: name = redis_hget(tname,'name') outcomes = redis_smembers(tname+':outcomes') outcome = redis_hget(tname,identity+":outcome") units = redis_hget(tname,identity+":units") except Exception,e: log_error('Book: Failed to retrieve book %d: %s' % (book_index, str(e))) link.send('An error occured') return link.send('Book #%d is for %s, with outcomes %s' % (book_index, name, ", ".join(outcomes))) msg = [] outcomes = redis_smembers(tname+':outcomes') for o in outcomes: ou = long(redis_hget(tname+":bets",o) or 0) if ou > 0: msg.append('%s are on %s' % (AmountToString(ou),o)) if not msg: msg = ["There are no bets placed for %s yet" % name] link.send('%s' % ", ".join(msg)) if redis_hget(tname,'closed'): link.send('This book is closed to new bets') elif redis_hexists(tname,'closing_time'): try: closing_time=float(redis_hget(tname,'closing_time')) link.send('This book closes to new bets in %s' % (TimeToString(closing_time-time.time()))) except Exception,e: log_error('Failed to get closing time: %s' % (str(e))) if outcome: link.send('%s has %s on %s' % (NickFromIdentity(identity), AmountToString(units), outcome)) else: if not redis_hget(tname,'closed'): link.send('%s did not bet on this book yet' % NickFromIdentity(identity)) def Bet(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() SweepClosingTimes() active_books=GetActiveBooks() if len(active_books) == 0: link.send('The book is empty') return if GetParam(cmd,3): # name outcome amount name = GetParam(cmd,1) if not name in active_books.values(): link.send('Book not found') return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[active_books.values().index(name)]) parm_offset = 1 else: # outcome amount if len(active_books) > 1: link.send('There are several open books, specify the one to bet on: %s' % ", ".join(active_books.values())) return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[0]) parm_offset = 0 tname = "bookie:%d" % book_index book_name=redis_hget(tname,'name') if redis_hget(tname,'closed'): link.send('The %s book is closed to new bets' % book_name) return outcome = GetParam(cmd,1+parm_offset) amount = GetParam(cmd,2+parm_offset) if not outcome or not amount: link.send('usage: !bet [] ') return try: amount = float(amount) except Exception,e: link.send('usage: !bet [] ') return units = long(amount*coinspecs.atomic_units) if units <= 0: link.send("Invalid amount") return valid,reason = IsBetValid(link,amount,config.bookie_min_bet,config.bookie_max_bet,0,0,0) if not valid: log_info("Bookie: %s's bet refused: %s" % (identity, reason)) link.send("%s: %s" % (link.user.nick, reason)) return outcomes = redis_smembers(tname+':outcomes') if not outcome in outcomes: link.send("%s is not a valid outcome, try one of: %s" % (outcome, ", ".join(outcomes))) return if redis_hexists(tname,identity+":outcome"): previous_outcome = redis_hget(tname,identity+":outcome") if previous_outcome != outcome: link.send("%s: you can only bet on one outcome per book, and you already bet on %s" % (NickFromIdentity(identity),previous_outcome)) return log_info('%s wants to bet %s on %s' % (identity, AmountToString(units), outcome)) try: log_info('Bet: %s betting %s on outcome %s' % (identity, AmountToString(units), outcome)) try: p = redis_pipeline() p.hincrby("balances",identity,-units) p.hincrby("earmarked","bookie",units) p.hincrby(tname+":bets",outcome,units) p.hincrby(tname,"bets",units) p.hset(tname,identity+":outcome",outcome) p.hincrby(tname,identity+":units",units) p.sadd(tname+":bettors",identity) p.execute() total_bet=long(redis_hget(tname,"bets")) if total_bet == units: link.send("%s has bet %s on %s for %s" % (NickFromIdentity(identity), AmountToString(units), outcome, book_name)) else: link.send("%s has bet another %s on %s for %s, for a total of %s" % (NickFromIdentity(identity), AmountToString(units), outcome, book_name,AmountToString(total_bet))) except Exception, e: log_error("Bet: Error updating redis: %s" % str(e)) link.send("An error occured") return except Exception, e: log_error('Bet: exception: %s' % str(e)) link.send("An error has occured") def Result(link,cmd): identity=link.identity() SweepClosingTimes() active_books=GetActiveBooks() if len(active_books) == 0: link.send('The book is empty') return if GetParam(cmd,2): # name outcome name = GetParam(cmd,1) if not name in active_books.values(): link.send('Book not found') return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[active_books.values().index(name)]) parm_offset = 1 else: # outcome if len(active_books) > 1: link.send('There are several open books, specify the one to call result for: %s' % ", ".join(active_books.values())) return book_index = long(active_books.keys()[0]) parm_offset = 0 tname = "bookie:%d" % book_index book_name=redis_hget(tname,'name') outcome = GetParam(cmd,1+parm_offset) if not outcome: link.send('usage: !result [] ') return outcomes = redis_smembers(tname+':outcomes') if not outcome in outcomes: link.send("%s is not a valid outcome for %s, try one of: %s" % (outcome, book_name, ", ".join(outcomes))) return log_info('%s calls %s on book %d' % (identity, outcome, book_index)) try: p = redis_pipeline() total_units_bet = long(redis_hget(tname,"bets") or 0) total_units_bet_by_winners = long(redis_hget(tname+":bets",outcome) or 0) resultmsg = [] bettors = redis_smembers(tname+':bettors') p.hincrby("earmarked","bookie",-total_units_bet) for bettor in bettors: o = redis_hget(tname,bettor+":outcome") ounits = long(redis_hget(tname,bettor+":units")) if o == outcome: owinunits = long(total_units_bet * (1-config.bookie_fee) * ounits / total_units_bet_by_winners) resultmsg.append("%s wins %s" % (NickFromIdentity(bettor), AmountToString(owinunits))) p.hincrby("balances",bettor,owinunits) else: resultmsg.append("%s loses %s" % (NickFromIdentity(bettor), AmountToString(ounits))) p.hdel('bookie:active',book_index) p.execute() if len(bettors) == 0: resultmsg = ["nobody had bet"] log_info('Book outcome is %s - %s' % (outcome, ", ".join(resultmsg))) link.send('Book #%d (%s) outcome is %s - %s' % (book_index, book_name, outcome, ", ".join(resultmsg))) except Exception,e: log_error('Result: Failed to process result: %s' % str(e)) link.send('An error occured') return def Help(link): link.send_private("The bookie module allows you to bet on particular events") link.send_private("Basic usage: !bet outcome amount") link.send_private("Administrators can setup a book over any particular event") link.send_private("Anyone can then bet on one of the available outcomes until the book") link.send_private("closes to new bets (a player can bet only bet on one outcome per book)") link.send_private("After the event result is in, winners share the total amount bet") link.send_private("(minus bookie fee) pro rata to their original bet amount") link.send_private("Once placed, a bet may not be cancelled (unless the book itself") link.send_private("is cancelled, in which case every bettor gets a full refund)") link.send_private("Minimum bet %s, maximum bet %s" % (config.bookie_min_bet, config.bookie_max_bett )) RegisterModule({ 'name': __name__, 'help': Help, }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'bookie', 'parms': ' [...]', 'function': Bookie, 'admin': True, 'registered': True, 'help': "start a bookie game - bookie fee %.1f%%" % (float(config.bookie_fee)*100) }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'cancel', 'parms': '[]', 'function': Cancel, 'admin': True, 'registered': True, 'help': "cancels a running book, refunding everyone who bet on it" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'book', 'function': Book, 'admin': True, 'registered': True, 'help': "shows current book" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'close', 'parms': '[]', 'function': Close, 'admin': True, 'registered': True, 'help': "close a book to new bets" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'schedule_close', 'parms': '[] ', 'function': ScheduleClose, 'admin': True, 'registered': True, 'help': "schedule closing a book to new bets in X minutes" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'result', 'parms': '[] ', 'function': Result, 'admin': True, 'registered': True, 'help': "declare the result of a running book, paying winners" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'bet', 'parms': '[] ', 'function': Bet, 'admin': True, 'registered': True, 'help': "bet some %s on a particular outcome" % coinspecs.name })