#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot - commands # Copyright 2014,2015 moneromooo # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import tipbot.config as config from tipbot.utils import * from tipbot.ircutils import * modules = dict() commands = dict() calltable=dict() idles = [] cleanup = dict() def SendToProxy(nick,chan,msg): SendTo(GetSendTo(nick,chan),msg) def RunRegisteredCommand(nick,chan,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata): if nick not in calltable: calltable[nick] = [] calltable[nick].append([chan,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata]) if nick in registered_users: RunNextCommand(nick,True) else: SendTo('nickserv', "ACC " + nick) def IsAdmin(nick): return nick in config.admins def RunAdminCommand(nick,chan,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata): if not IsAdmin(nick): log_warn('RunAdminCommand: nick %s is not admin, cannot call %s with %s' % (str(nick),str(ifyes),str(yesdata))) SendTo(nick, "Access denied") return RunRegisteredCommand(nick,chan,ifyes,yesdata,ifno,nodata) def RunNextCommand(nick,registered): if registered: registered_users.add(nick) else: registered_users.discard(nick) if nick not in calltable: log_error( 'Nothing in queue for %s' % nick) return try: if registered: calltable[nick][0][1](nick,calltable[nick][0][0],calltable[nick][0][2]) else: calltable[nick][0][3](nick,calltable[nick][0][0],calltable[nick][0][4]) del calltable[nick][0] except Exception, e: log_error('RunNextCommand: Exception in action, continuing: %s' % str(e)) del calltable[nick][0] def Commands(nick,chan,cmd): if IsAdmin(nick): all = True else: all = False module_name = GetParam(cmd,1) if module_name: SendTo(nick, "Commands for %s's %s module:" % (config.tipbot_name,module_name)) else: SendTo(nick, "Commands for %s (use !commands for help about the module's commands):" % config.tipbot_name) msgs = dict() for command_name in commands: for c in commands[command_name]: if 'admin' in c and c['admin'] and not all: continue module = c['module'] if module_name: if module_name != module: continue synopsis = c['name'] if 'parms' in c: synopsis = synopsis + " " + c['parms'] SendTo(nick, "%s - %s" % (synopsis, c['help'])) else: if module in msgs: msgs[module] = msgs[module] +(", ") else: msgs[module] = module + " module: " msgs[module] = msgs[module] +(c['name']) if not module_name: for msg in msgs: SendTo(nick, "%s" % msgs[msg]) def RegisterModule(module): if module['name'] in modules: log_error('a module named %s is already registered' % module['name']) return modules[module['name']] = module def GetModuleNameList(admin): if admin: all = True else: all = False module_names = [] for command_name in commands: for c in commands[command_name]: if 'admin' in c and c['admin'] and not all: continue module = c['module'] if not module in module_names: module_names.append(module) return module_names def RegisterCommand(command): if command['name'] in commands: log_warn('module %s redefined function %s from module %s' % (command['module'],command['name'],commands[command['name']][0]['module'])) else: commands[command['name']] = [] commands[command['name']].append(command) def RegisterIdleFunction(module,function): idles.append((module,function)) def RegisterCleanupFunction(module,function): cleanup.append((module,function)) def OnCommand(cmd,chan,who,check_admin,check_registered): cmdparts = cmd[0].split(':') log_log('cmdparts: %s' % str(cmdparts)) if len(cmdparts) == 2: modulename = cmdparts[0] cmdname = cmdparts[1] elif len(cmdparts) == 1: modulename = None cmdname = cmdparts[0] else: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Invalid command, try !help") return log_log('modulename: %s, cmdname: %s' % (str(modulename),str(cmdname))) if cmdname in commands: log_log('%s found in commands' % (str(cmd[0]))) if len(commands[cmdname]) > 1: if not modulename: msg = "" for c in commands[cmdname]: if msg != "": msg = msg + ", " msg = msg + c['module'] + ":" + cmd[0] SendTo(GetNick(who), "Ambiguous command, try one of: %s" % msg) return c = None for command in commands[cmdname]: if command['module'] == modulename: c = command break if not c: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Invalid command, try !help") return else: c = commands[cmdname][0] if 'admin' in c and c['admin']: check_admin(GetNick(who),chan,c['function'],cmd,SendToProxy,"You must be admin") elif 'registered' in c and c['registered']: check_registered(GetNick(who),chan,c['function'],cmd,SendToProxy,"You must be registered with Freenode") else: c['function'](GetNick(who),chan,cmd) else: SendTo(GetNick(who), "Invalid command, try !help") def RunIdleFunctions(param): for f in idles: try: f[1](param) except Exception,e: log_error("Exception running idle function %s from module %s: %s" % (str(f[1]),str(f[2]),str(e))) def RunModuleHelpFunction(module,nick,chan): if module in modules: try: modules[module]['help'](nick,chan) except Exception,e: log_error("Exception running help function %s from module %s: %s" % (str(modules[module]['help']),str(module),str(e))) else: SendTo(nick,'No help found for module %s' % module) def UnregisterModule(module): global commands global idles if module in cleanup: cleanup[module]() del cleanup[module] if module in modules: del modules[module] new_idles = [] for f in idles: if f[0] != module: new_idles.append(f) idles = new_idles new_commands = dict() for cmd in commands: newlist = [] for c in commands[cmd]: if c['module'] != module: newlist.append(c) if len(newlist) > 0: new_commands[cmd] = newlist commands = new_commands