#!/bin/python # # Cryptonote tipbot - withdrawal commands # Copyright 2014 moneromooo # # The Cryptonote tipbot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # import redis import json import string from tipbot.log import log_error, log_warn, log_info, log_log import tipbot.coinspecs as coinspecs from tipbot.utils import * from tipbot.ircutils import * from tipbot.redisdb import * from tipbot.command_manager import * withdraw_disabled = False def DisableWithdraw(nick,chan,cmd): global withdraw_disabled if nick: log_warn('DisableWithdraw: disabled by %s' % nick) else: log_warn('DisableWithdraw: disabled') withdraw_disabled = True def EnableWithdraw(nick,chan,cmd): global withdraw_disabled log_info('EnableWithdraw: enabled by %s' % nick) withdraw_disabled = False def CheckDisableWithdraw(): if config.disable_withdraw_on_error: DisableWithdraw(None,None,None) def Withdraw(nick,chan,cmd): local_withdraw_fee = config.withdrawal_fee or coinspecs.min_withdrawal_fee local_min_withdraw_amount = config.min_withdraw_amount or local_withdraw_fee if local_min_withdraw_amount <= 0 or local_withdraw_fee <= 0 or local_min_withdraw_amount < local_withdraw_fee: log_error('Withdraw: Inconsistent withdrawal settings') SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return try: address=cmd[1] except Exception,e: SendTo(nick, "Usage: withdraw address [amount]") return if not IsValidAddress(address): SendTo(nick, "Invalid address") return amount = GetParam(cmd,2) if amount: try: famount=float(amount) if (famount < 0): raise RuntimeError("") amount = long(famount * coinspecs.atomic_units) amount += local_withdraw_fee except Exception,e: SendTo(nick, "Invalid amount") return log_info("Withdraw: %s wants to withdraw %s to %s" % (nick, AmountToString(amount) if amount else "all", address)) if withdraw_disabled: log_error('Withdraw: disabled') SendTo(nick, "Sorry, withdrawal is disabled due to a wallet error which requires admin assistance") return try: balance = redis_hget("balances",nick) if balance == None: balance = 0 balance=long(balance) except Exception, e: log_error('Withdraw: exception: %s' % str(e)) SendTo(nick, "An error has occured") return if amount: if amount > balance: log_info("Withdraw: %s trying to withdraw %s, but only has %s" % (nick,AmountToString(amount),AmountToString(balance))) SendTo(nick, "You only have %s" % AmountToString(balance)) return else: amount = balance if amount <= 0 or amount < local_min_withdraw_amount: log_info("Withdraw: Minimum withdrawal balance: %s, %s cannot withdraw %s" % (AmountToString(config.min_withdraw_amount),nick,AmountToString(amount))) SendTo(nick, "Minimum withdrawal balance: %s, cannot withdraw %s" % (AmountToString(config.min_withdraw_amount),AmountToString(amount))) return try: fee = long(local_withdraw_fee) topay = long(amount - fee) log_info('Withdraw: Raw: fee: %s, to pay: %s' % (str(fee), str(topay))) log_info('Withdraw: fee: %s, to pay: %s' % (AmountToString(fee), AmountToString(topay))) params = { 'destinations': [{'address': address, 'amount': topay}], 'payment_id': GetPaymentID(nick), 'fee': fee, 'mixin': 0, 'unlock_time': 0, } j = SendWalletJSONRPCCommand("transfer",params) except Exception,e: log_error('Withdraw: Error in transfer: %s' % str(e)) CheckDisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return if not "result" in j: log_error('Withdraw: No result in transfer reply') CheckDisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return result = j["result"] if not "tx_hash" in result: log_error('Withdraw: No tx_hash in transfer reply') CheckDisableWithdraw() SendTo(nick,"An error has occured") return tx_hash = result["tx_hash"] log_info('%s has withdrawn %s, tx hash %s' % (nick, amount, str(tx_hash))) SendTo(nick, "Tx sent: %s" % tx_hash) try: redis_hincrby("balances",nick,-amount) except Exception, e: log_error('Withdraw: FAILED TO SUBTRACT BALANCE: exception: %s' % str(e)) CheckDisableWithdraw() def Help(nick,chan): fee = config.withdrawal_fee or coinspecs.min_withdrawal_fee min_amount = config.min_withdraw_amount or fee SendTo(nick, "Minimum withdrawal: %s" % AmountToString(min_amount)) SendTo(nick, "Withdrawal fee: %s" % AmountToString(fee)) RegisterModule({ 'name': __name__, 'help': Help, }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'withdraw', 'parms': '
[]', 'function': Withdraw, 'registered': True, 'help': "withdraw part or all of your balance" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'enable_withdraw', 'function': EnableWithdraw, 'admin': True, 'help': "Enable withdrawals" }) RegisterCommand({ 'module': __name__, 'name': 'disable_withdraw', 'function': DisableWithdraw, 'admin': True, 'help': "Disable withdrawals" })