dice: change the multiplier semantics to be hopefully more intuitive

x2 now means even odds - you pay your bet, and get a x2 payout back,
which leaves you with a profit equal to your original bet.

Minimum multiplier is bumped from 0.1 to 1.1 to reflect this change.
This commit is contained in:
moneromooo 2015-01-19 19:39:43 +00:00
parent 48476969d3
commit 7347480a86

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@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ def Dice(link,cmd):
except Exception,e:
link.send("Usage: dice amount multiplier [over|under]")
if multiplier < 0.1 or multiplier > 10:
link.send("Invalid multiplier: should be between 0.1 and 10")
if multiplier < 1.1 or multiplier > 10:
link.send("Invalid multiplier: should be between 1.1 and 10")
if overunder == "over":
@ -103,22 +103,22 @@ def Dice(link,cmd):
link.send("An error occured")
target = (1 - config.dice_edge) / (1+multiplier)
target = (1 - config.dice_edge) / multiplier
if not under:
target = 1 - target
log_info("Dice: %s's #%d roll: %.16g, target %s %.16g" % (identity, rolls, roll, "under" if under else "over", target))
lose_units = units
win_units = long(units * multiplier)
win_units = long(units * multiplier) - lose_units
log_log('units %s, multiplier %f, edge %f, lose_units %s, win_units %s' % (AmountToString(units), multiplier, config.dice_edge, AmountToString(lose_units), AmountToString(win_units)))
if under:
win = roll <= target
win = roll >= target
if win:
msg = "%s wins %s on roll #%d! %.16g %s %.16g" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(win_units), rolls, roll, "<=" if under else ">=", target)
msg = "%s bets %s and wins %s on roll #%d! %.16g %s %.16g" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(lose_units), AmountToString(win_units+lose_units), rolls, roll, "<=" if under else ">=", target)
msg = "%s loses %s on roll #%d. %.16g %s %.16g" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(lose_units), rolls, roll, ">" if under else "<", target)
msg = "%s bets %s and loses on roll #%d. %.16g %s %.16g" % (link.user.nick, AmountToString(lose_units), rolls, roll, ">" if under else "<", target)
RecordGameResult(link,"dice",win,not win,win_units if win else lose_units)