Tx hash: {{tx_hash}}

Tx public key: {{tx_pub_key}}
Payment id: {{payment_id}}
{{/has_payment_id}} {{#has_payment_id8}}
Payment id (encrypted): {{payment_id8}}
Block: {{blk_height}} Timestamp [UCT]: {{blk_timestamp}} Age [y:d:h:m:s]: {{delta_time}} Fee: {{tx_fee}} Tx size: {{tx_size}} kB

Checking which outputs belong to the given address and viewkey

address: {{xmr_address}}
viewkey: {{viewkey}}
{{/tx_prove}} {{#tx_prove}}

Prove that you send this tx to the given address

address: {{xmr_address}}
Tx private key: {{viewkey}}

Outputs ({{outputs_no}})

{{#outputs}} {{#mine_output}} {{/mine_output}} {{^mine_output}} {{/mine_output}} {{/outputs}}
Stealth address amount output match?
{{output_idx}}: {{out_pub_key}} {{amount}} {{mine_output}} {{mine_output}}

Sum XMR from matched outputs: {{sum_xmr}}



Key image: {{key_image}}, amount {{key_image_amount}}

Mixin of pub key: {{mixin_pub_key}}
uses outputs from tx: {{mix_tx_hash}}
Output public key: {{my_public_key}}, amount: {{amount}}, is ours: {{#mine_output}} {{mine_output}} {{/mine_output}} {{^mine_output}} {{mine_output}} {{/mine_output}}
{{/found_outputs}} {{/mixin_outputs}} {{/mixins}} {{/inputs}}