// // Created by mwo on 8/04/16. // #ifndef CROWXMR_PAGE_H #define CROWXMR_PAGE_H #include "mstch/mstch.hpp" #include "version.h" #include "monero_headers.h" #include "MicroCore.h" #include "tools.h" #include "rpccalls.h" #include "mylmdb.h" #include "../ext/crow/http_request.h" #include #include #include #define TMPL_DIR "./templates" #define TMPL_PARIALS_DIR TMPL_DIR "/partials" #define TMPL_CSS_STYLES TMPL_DIR "/css/style.css" #define TMPL_INDEX TMPL_DIR "/index.html" #define TMPL_INDEX2 TMPL_DIR "/index2.html" #define TMPL_MEMPOOL TMPL_DIR "/mempool.html" #define TMPL_HEADER TMPL_DIR "/header.html" #define TMPL_FOOTER TMPL_DIR "/footer.html" #define TMPL_BLOCK TMPL_DIR "/block.html" #define TMPL_TX TMPL_DIR "/tx.html" #define TMPL_ADDRESS TMPL_DIR "/address.html" #define TMPL_MY_OUTPUTS TMPL_DIR "/my_outputs.html" #define TMPL_SEARCH_RESULTS TMPL_DIR "/search_results.html" #define TMPL_MY_RAWTX TMPL_DIR "/rawtx.html" #define TMPL_MY_CHECKRAWTX TMPL_DIR "/checkrawtx.html" #define TMPL_MY_PUSHRAWTX TMPL_DIR "/pushrawtx.html" #define TMPL_MY_RAWKEYIMGS TMPL_DIR "/rawkeyimgs.html" #define TMPL_MY_CHECKRAWKEYIMGS TMPL_DIR "/checkrawkeyimgs.html" #define TMPL_MY_RAWOUTPUTKEYS TMPL_DIR "/rawoutputkeys.html" #define TMPL_MY_CHECKRAWOUTPUTKEYS TMPL_DIR "/checkrawoutputkeys.html" namespace xmreg { using namespace cryptonote; using namespace crypto; using namespace std; // define a checker to test if a structure has "tx_blob" // member variable. I use modified daemon with few extra // bits and pieces here and there. One of them is // tx_blob in cryptonote::tx_info structure // thus I check if I run my version, or just // generic one DEFINE_MEMBER_CHECKER(tx_blob) // define getter to get tx_blob, i.e., get_tx_blob function // as string if exists. the getter return empty string if // tx_blob does not exist DEFINE_MEMBER_GETTER(tx_blob, string) /** * Check if a given header filed contains value string * * @param req * @param field * @param value * @return string */ string does_header_has(const crow::request& req, const string& field = "Accept", const string& value = "q=.2, */*; q=.2") { string accept = req.get_header_value(field); if (!accept.empty()) { if (accept.find(value) != std::string::npos) { return accept; } } return string {}; } /** * @brief The tx_details struct * * Basic information about tx * */ struct tx_details { crypto::hash hash; crypto::hash prefix_hash; crypto::public_key pk; uint64_t xmr_inputs; uint64_t xmr_outputs; uint64_t fee; uint64_t mixin_no; uint64_t size; uint64_t blk_height; size_t version; uint64_t unlock_time; uint64_t no_confirmations; vector extra; crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash; // normal crypto::hash8 payment_id8 = null_hash8; // encrypted string json_representation; std::vector > signatures; // key images of inputs vector input_key_imgs; // public keys and xmr amount of outputs vector> output_pub_keys; mstch::map get_mstch_map() { // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string tx_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", hash)); string tx_prefix_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", prefix_hash)); string tx_pk_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", pk)); //cout << "payment_id: " << payment_id << endl; string pid_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", payment_id)); string pid8_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", payment_id8)); string mixin_str {"N/A"}; string fee_str {"N/A"}; string fee_short_str {"N/A"}; if (!input_key_imgs.empty()) { mixin_str = std::to_string(mixin_no - 1); fee_str = fmt::format("{:0.6f}", XMR_AMOUNT(fee)); fee_short_str = fmt::format("{:0.3f}", XMR_AMOUNT(fee)); } //cout << "extra: " << extra_str << endl; mstch::map txd_map { {"hash" , tx_hash_str}, {"prefix_hash" , tx_prefix_hash_str}, {"pub_key" , tx_pk_str}, {"tx_fee" , fee_str}, {"tx_fee_short" , fee_short_str}, {"sum_inputs" , xmr_amount_to_str(xmr_inputs , "{:0.6f}")}, {"sum_outputs" , xmr_amount_to_str(xmr_outputs, "{:0.6f}")}, {"sum_inputs_short" , xmr_amount_to_str(xmr_inputs , "{:0.3f}")}, {"sum_outputs_short" , xmr_amount_to_str(xmr_outputs, "{:0.3f}")}, {"no_inputs" , static_cast(input_key_imgs.size())}, {"no_outputs" , static_cast(output_pub_keys.size())}, {"mixin" , mixin_str}, {"blk_height" , blk_height}, {"version" , std::to_string(version)}, {"has_payment_id" , payment_id != null_hash}, {"has_payment_id8" , payment_id8 != null_hash8}, {"payment_id" , pid_str}, {"confirmations" , no_confirmations}, {"extra" , get_extra_str()}, {"payment_id8" , pid8_str}, {"unlock_time" , std::to_string(unlock_time)}, {"tx_size" , fmt::format("{:0.4f}", static_cast(size)/1024.0)}, {"tx_size_short" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", static_cast(size)/1024.0)} }; return txd_map; } string get_extra_str() { string extra_str = epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer( string{reinterpret_cast(extra.data()), extra.size()}); return extra_str; } mstch::array get_ring_sig_for_input(uint64_t in_i) { mstch::array ring_sigs {}; if (in_i >= signatures.size()) { return ring_sigs; } for (const crypto::signature &sig: signatures.at(in_i)) { ring_sigs.push_back(mstch::map{ {"ring_sig", print_signature(sig)} }); } return ring_sigs; } string print_signature(const signature& sig) { stringstream ss; ss << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(sig.c) << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(sig.r); return ss.str(); } }; class page { // check if we have tx_blob member in tx_info structure static const bool HAVE_TX_BLOB { HAS_MEMBER(cryptonote::tx_info, tx_blob) }; static const bool FULL_AGE_FORMAT {true}; MicroCore* mcore; Blockchain* core_storage; rpccalls rpc; time_t server_timestamp; string lmdb2_path; string css_styles; bool testnet; bool enable_pusher; uint64_t no_of_mempool_tx_of_frontpage; public: page(MicroCore* _mcore, Blockchain* _core_storage, string _deamon_url, string _lmdb2_path, bool _testnet, bool _enable_pusher) : mcore {_mcore}, core_storage {_core_storage}, rpc {_deamon_url}, server_timestamp {std::time(nullptr)}, lmdb2_path {_lmdb2_path}, testnet {_testnet}, enable_pusher {_enable_pusher} { css_styles = xmreg::read(TMPL_CSS_STYLES); no_of_mempool_tx_of_frontpage = 25; } /** * @brief Show recent blocks and mempool * * Not used currently. index2 method is used instead * * @param page_no block page to show * @param refresh_page enable autorefresh * @return rendered index page */ string index(uint64_t page_no = 0, bool refresh_page = false) { // connect to the deamon if not yet connected bool is_connected = rpc.connect_to_monero_deamon(); if (!is_connected) { cerr << "Connection to the Monero demon does not exist or was lost!" << endl; return "Connection to the Monero demon does not exist or was lost!"; } //get current server timestamp server_timestamp = std::time(nullptr); // number of last blocks to show uint64_t no_of_last_blocks {100 + 1}; uint64_t height = rpc.get_current_height() - 1; // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"refresh" , refresh_page}, {"height" , std::to_string(height)}, {"server_timestamp", xmreg::timestamp_to_str(server_timestamp)}, {"age_format" , string("[h:m:d]")}, {"page_no" , std::to_string(page_no)}, {"total_page_no" , std::to_string(height / (no_of_last_blocks))}, {"is_page_zero" , !bool(page_no)}, {"next_page" , std::to_string(page_no + 1)}, {"prev_page" , std::to_string((page_no > 0 ? page_no - 1 : 0))} }; context.emplace("blocks", mstch::array()); // get reference to blocks template map to be field below mstch::array& blocks = boost::get(context["blocks"]); // calculate starting and ending block numbers to show uint64_t start_height = height - no_of_last_blocks * (page_no + 1); uint64_t end_height = height - no_of_last_blocks * (page_no); // check few conditions to make sure we are whithin the avaliable range //@TODO its too messed up. needs to find cleaner way. start_height = start_height > 0 ? start_height : 0; end_height = end_height < height ? end_height : height; start_height = start_height > end_height ? 0 : start_height; end_height = end_height - start_height > no_of_last_blocks ? no_of_last_blocks : end_height; // previous blk timestamp, initalised to lowest possible value double prev_blk_timestamp {std::numeric_limits::lowest()}; // iterate over last no_of_last_blocks of blocks for (uint64_t i = start_height; i <= end_height; ++i) { // get block at the given height i block blk; if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(i, blk)) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << i << endl; continue; } // get block's hash crypto::hash blk_hash = core_storage->get_block_id_by_height(i); // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string blk_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", blk_hash)); // get block timestamp in user friendly format string timestamp_str = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp); pair age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp); context["age_format"] = age.second; // get time difference [m] between previous and current blocks string time_delta_str {}; if (prev_blk_timestamp > std::numeric_limits::lowest()) { time_delta_str = fmt::format("{:0.2f}", (double(blk.timestamp) - double(prev_blk_timestamp))/60.0); } // get xmr in the block reward array coinbase_tx = sum_money_in_tx(blk.miner_tx); // get transactions in the block const vector& txs_in_blk = core_storage->get_db().get_tx_list(blk.tx_hashes); // sum xmr in the inputs and ouputs of all transactions array sum_xmr_in_out = sum_money_in_txs(txs_in_blk); // get sum of all transactions in the block uint64_t sum_fees = sum_fees_in_txs(txs_in_blk); // get mixin number in each transaction vector mixin_numbers = xmreg::get_mixin_no_in_txs(txs_in_blk); // find minimum and maxium mixin numbers int mixin_min {-1}; int mixin_max {-1}; if (!mixin_numbers.empty()) { mixin_min = static_cast( *std::min_element(mixin_numbers.begin(), mixin_numbers.end())); mixin_max = static_cast( *max_element(mixin_numbers.begin(), mixin_numbers.end())); } // mixing format for the templates auto mixin_format = [=]() -> mstch::node { if (mixin_min < 0) { return string("N/A"); } return fmt::format("{:d}-{:d}", mixin_min - 1, mixin_max - 1); }; // get block size in bytes uint64_t blk_size = get_object_blobsize(blk); // set output page template map blocks.push_back(mstch::map { {"height" , to_string(i)}, {"timestamp" , timestamp_str}, {"time_delta" , time_delta_str}, {"age" , age.first}, {"hash" , blk_hash_str}, {"block_reward", fmt::format("{:0.4f}/{:0.4f}", XMR_AMOUNT(coinbase_tx[1] - sum_fees), XMR_AMOUNT(sum_fees))}, {"fees" , fmt::format("{:0.3f}", XMR_AMOUNT(sum_fees))}, {"notx" , fmt::format("{:d}", blk.tx_hashes.size())}, {"xmr_inputs" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", XMR_AMOUNT(sum_xmr_in_out[0]))}, {"xmr_outputs" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", XMR_AMOUNT(sum_xmr_in_out[1]))}, {"mixin_range" , mstch::lambda {mixin_format}}, {"blksize" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", static_cast(blk_size) / 1024.0)} }); // save current's block timestamp as reference for the next one prev_blk_timestamp = static_cast(blk.timestamp); } // for (uint64_t i = start_height; i <= end_height; ++i) // reverse blocks and remove last (i.e., oldest) // block. This is done so that time delats // are easier to calcualte in the above for loop std::reverse(blocks.begin(), blocks.end()); // if we look at the genesis time, we should not remove // the last block, i.e. genesis one. if (!(start_height < 2)) { blocks.pop_back(); } // get memory pool rendered template string mempool_html = mempool(); // append mempool_html to the index context map context["mempool_info"] = mempool_html; // read index.html string index_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_INDEX); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(index_html); context["css_styles"] = this->css_styles; // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } /** * @brief show recent transactions and mempool * @param page_no block page to show * @param refresh_page enable autorefresh * @return rendered index page */ string index2(uint64_t page_no = 0, bool refresh_page = false) { //get current server timestamp server_timestamp = std::time(nullptr); // number of last blocks to show uint64_t no_of_last_blocks {25 + 1}; // get the current blockchain height. Just to check uint64_t height = xmreg::MyLMDB::get_blockchain_height(mcore->get_blkchain_path()) - 1; // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet}, {"refresh" , refresh_page}, {"height" , std::to_string(height)}, {"server_timestamp", xmreg::timestamp_to_str(server_timestamp)}, {"age_format" , string("[h:m:d]")}, {"page_no" , std::to_string(page_no)}, {"total_page_no" , std::to_string(height / (no_of_last_blocks))}, {"is_page_zero" , !bool(page_no)}, {"next_page" , std::to_string(page_no + 1)}, {"prev_page" , std::to_string((page_no > 0 ? page_no - 1 : 0))}, }; context.emplace("txs", mstch::array()); // will keep tx to show // get reference to txs mstch map to be field below mstch::array& txs = boost::get(context["txs"]); // calculate starting and ending block numbers to show uint64_t start_height = height - no_of_last_blocks * (page_no + 1); uint64_t end_height = height - no_of_last_blocks * (page_no); // check few conditions to make sure we are whithin the avaliable range //@TODO its too messed up. needs to find cleaner way. start_height = start_height > 0 ? start_height : 0; end_height = end_height < height ? end_height : height; start_height = start_height > end_height ? 0 : start_height; end_height = end_height - start_height > no_of_last_blocks ? no_of_last_blocks : end_height; // previous blk timestamp, initalised to lowest possible value double prev_blk_timestamp {std::numeric_limits::lowest()}; vector blk_sizes; // iterate over last no_of_last_blocks of blocks for (uint64_t i = start_height; i <= end_height; ++i) { // get block at the given height i block blk; if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(i, blk)) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << i << endl; continue; } // get block's hash crypto::hash blk_hash = core_storage->get_block_id_by_height(i); // get block size in kB double blk_size = static_cast(core_storage->get_db().get_block_size(i))/1024.0; string blk_size_str = fmt::format("{:0.2f}", blk_size); blk_sizes.push_back(blk_size); // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string blk_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", blk_hash)); // get block age pair age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp); context["age_format"] = age.second; // get time difference [m] between previous and current blocks string time_delta_str {}; if (prev_blk_timestamp > std::numeric_limits::lowest()) { time_delta_str = fmt::format("({:06.2f})", (double(blk.timestamp) - double(prev_blk_timestamp))/60.0); } // get all transactions in the block found // initialize the first list with transaction for solving // the block i.e. coinbase. list blk_txs {blk.miner_tx}; list missed_txs; if (!core_storage->get_transactions(blk.tx_hashes, blk_txs, missed_txs)) { cerr << "Cant get transactions in block: " << i << endl; continue; } uint64_t tx_i {0}; for(list::reverse_iterator rit = blk_txs.rbegin(); rit != blk_txs.rend(); ++rit) { const cryptonote::transaction& tx = *rit; tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx); mstch::map txd_map = txd.get_mstch_map(); //add age to the txd mstch map txd_map.insert({"height" , i}); txd_map.insert({"blk_hash" , blk_hash_str}); txd_map.insert({"time_delta", time_delta_str}); txd_map.insert({"age" , age.first}); txd_map.insert({"is_ringct" , (tx.version > 1)}); txd_map.insert({"rct_type" , tx.rct_signatures.type}); txd_map.insert({"blk_size" , blk_size_str}); // do not show block info for other than // last (i.e., first after reverse below) // tx in the block if (tx_i < blk_txs.size() - 1) { txd_map["height"] = string(""); txd_map["age"] = string(""); txd_map["time_delta"] = string(""); txd_map["blk_size"] = string(""); } txs.push_back(txd_map); ++tx_i; } // save current's block timestamp as reference for the next one prev_blk_timestamp = static_cast(blk.timestamp); } // for (uint64_t i = start_height; i <= end_height; ++i) // calculate median size of the blocks shown double blk_size_median = xmreg::calc_median(blk_sizes.begin(), blk_sizes.end()); context["blk_size_median"] = fmt::format("{:0.2f}", blk_size_median); // reverse txs and remove last (i.e., oldest) // tx. This is done so that time delats // are easier to calcualte in the above for loop std::reverse(txs.begin(), txs.end()); // get memory pool rendered template string mempool_html = mempool(); // append mempool_html to the index context map context["mempool_info"] = mempool_html; // read index.html string index2_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_INDEX2); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(index2_html); add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } /** * Render mempool data */ string mempool(bool add_header_and_footer = false) { std::vector mempool_txs; if (!rpc.get_mempool(mempool_txs)) { return "Getting mempool failed"; } // initalise page tempate map with basic info about mempool mstch::map context { {"mempool_size", std::to_string(mempool_txs.size())}, }; context.emplace("mempooltxs" , mstch::array()); // get reference to blocks template map to be field below mstch::array& txs = boost::get(context["mempooltxs"]); uint64_t mempool_size_bytes {0}; // for each transaction in the memory pool for (size_t i = 0; i < mempool_txs.size(); ++i) { // get transaction info of the tx in the mempool tx_info _tx_info = mempool_txs.at(i); // calculate difference between tx in mempool and server timestamps array delta_time = timestamp_difference( server_timestamp, _tx_info.receive_time); // use only hours, so if we have days, add // it to hours uint64_t delta_hours {delta_time[1]*24 + delta_time[2]}; string age_str = fmt::format("{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_hours, delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); // if more than 99 hourse, change formating // for the template if (delta_hours > 99) { age_str = fmt::format("{:03d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_hours, delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); } //cout << _tx_info.tx_json << endl; // sum xmr in inputs and ouputs in the given tx pair sum_inputs = xmreg::sum_money_in_inputs(_tx_info.tx_json); pair sum_outputs = xmreg::sum_money_in_outputs(_tx_info.tx_json); sum_money_in_outputs(_tx_info.tx_json); // get mixin number in each transaction vector mixin_numbers = xmreg::get_mixin_no(_tx_info.tx_json); uint64_t mixin_no = 0; if (!mixin_numbers.empty()) mixin_no = mixin_numbers.at(0) - 1; json j_tx; string is_ringct_str {"N/A"}; string rct_type_str {"N/A"}; try { j_tx = json::parse(_tx_info.tx_json); if (j_tx["version"].get() > 1) { is_ringct_str = "yes"; rct_type_str = string("/") + to_string(j_tx["rct_signatures"]["type"].get()); } else { is_ringct_str = "no"; rct_type_str = ""; } } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) { cerr << " j_tx = json::parse(_tx_info.tx_json);: " << e.what() << endl; } // set output page template map txs.push_back(mstch::map { {"timestamp_no" , _tx_info.receive_time}, {"timestamp" , xmreg::timestamp_to_str(_tx_info.receive_time)}, {"age" , age_str}, {"hash" , fmt::format("{:s}", _tx_info.id_hash)}, {"fee" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(_tx_info.fee , "{:0.3f}")}, {"xmr_inputs" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(sum_inputs.first , "{:0.3f}")}, {"xmr_outputs" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(sum_outputs.first, "{:0.3f}")}, {"no_inputs" , sum_inputs.second}, {"no_outputs" , sum_outputs.second}, {"is_ringct" , is_ringct_str}, {"rct_type" , rct_type_str}, {"mixin" , fmt::format("{:d}", mixin_no)}, {"txsize" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", static_cast(_tx_info.blob_size)/1024.0)} }); mempool_size_bytes += _tx_info.blob_size; } context.insert({"mempool_size_kB", fmt::format("{:0.2f}", static_cast(mempool_size_bytes)/1024.0)}); // sort txs in mempool based on their age std::sort(txs.begin(), txs.end(), [](mstch::node& m1, mstch::node& m2) { uint64_t t1 = boost::get(boost::get(m1)["timestamp_no"]); uint64_t t2 = boost::get(boost::get(m2)["timestamp_no"]); return t1 > t2; }); // read mempool.html string mempool_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MEMPOOL); if (add_header_and_footer) { // this is when mempool is on its own page, /mempool add_css_style(context); context["partial_mempool_shown"] = false; // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(mempool_html); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // this is for partial disply on front page. context["mempool_fits_on_front_page"] = (txs.size() <= no_of_mempool_tx_of_frontpage); context["no_of_mempool_tx_of_frontpage"] = no_of_mempool_tx_of_frontpage; if (txs.size() > no_of_mempool_tx_of_frontpage) { // dont show more than the specific number mempool txs on // the front page txs.resize(no_of_mempool_tx_of_frontpage); } context["partial_mempool_shown"] = true; // render the page return mstch::render(mempool_html, context); } string show_block(uint64_t _blk_height) { // get block at the given height i block blk; //cout << "_blk_height: " << _blk_height << endl; uint64_t current_blockchain_height = xmreg::MyLMDB::get_blockchain_height(mcore->get_blkchain_path()) - 1; if (_blk_height > current_blockchain_height) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << _blk_height << " since its higher than current blockchain height" << " i.e., " << current_blockchain_height << endl; return fmt::format("Cant get block {:d} since its higher than current blockchain height!", _blk_height); } if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(_blk_height, blk)) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << _blk_height << endl; return fmt::format("Cant get block {:d}!", _blk_height); } // get block's hash crypto::hash blk_hash = core_storage->get_block_id_by_height(_blk_height); crypto::hash prev_hash = blk.prev_id; crypto::hash next_hash = null_hash; if (_blk_height + 1 <= current_blockchain_height) { next_hash = core_storage->get_block_id_by_height(_blk_height + 1); } bool have_next_hash = (next_hash == null_hash ? false : true); bool have_prev_hash = (prev_hash == null_hash ? false : true); // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string prev_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", prev_hash)); string next_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", next_hash)); // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string blk_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", blk_hash)); // get block timestamp in user friendly format string blk_timestamp = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp); // get age of the block relative to the server time pair age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp); // get time from the last block string delta_time {"N/A"}; if (have_prev_hash) { block prev_blk = core_storage->get_db().get_block(prev_hash); pair delta_diff = get_age(blk.timestamp, prev_blk.timestamp); delta_time = delta_diff.first; } // get block size in bytes uint64_t blk_size = core_storage->get_db().get_block_size(_blk_height); // miner reward tx transaction coinbase_tx = blk.miner_tx; // transcation in the block vector tx_hashes = blk.tx_hashes; bool have_txs = !blk.tx_hashes.empty(); // sum of all transactions in the block uint64_t sum_fees = 0; // get tx details for the coinbase tx, i.e., miners reward tx_details txd_coinbase = get_tx_details(blk.miner_tx, true); // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet}, {"blk_hash" , blk_hash_str}, {"blk_height" , _blk_height}, {"blk_timestamp" , blk_timestamp}, {"blk_timestamp_epoch" , blk.timestamp}, {"prev_hash" , prev_hash_str}, {"next_hash" , next_hash_str}, {"have_next_hash" , have_next_hash}, {"have_prev_hash" , have_prev_hash}, {"have_txs" , have_txs}, {"no_txs" , std::to_string( blk.tx_hashes.size())}, {"blk_age" , age.first}, {"delta_time" , delta_time}, {"blk_nonce" , blk.nonce}, {"age_format" , age.second}, {"major_ver" , std::to_string(blk.major_version)}, {"minor_ver" , std::to_string(blk.minor_version)}, {"blk_size" , fmt::format("{:0.4f}", static_cast(blk_size) / 1024.0)}, }; context.emplace("coinbase_txs", mstch::array{{txd_coinbase.get_mstch_map()}}); context.emplace("blk_txs" , mstch::array()); // .push_back(txd_coinbase.get_mstch_map() // boost::get(context["blk_txs"]).push_back(txd_coinbase.get_mstch_map()); // now process nomral transactions // get reference to blocks template map to be field below mstch::array& txs = boost::get(context["blk_txs"]); // timescale representation for each tx in the block vector mixin_timescales_str; // for each transaction in the block for (size_t i = 0; i < blk.tx_hashes.size(); ++i) { // get transaction info of the tx in the mempool const crypto::hash& tx_hash = blk.tx_hashes.at(i); // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string tx_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", tx_hash)); // get transaction transaction tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(tx_hash, tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx: " << tx_hash << endl; continue; } tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx); // add fee to the rest sum_fees += txd.fee; // get mixins in time scale for visual representation //string mixin_times_scale = xmreg::timestamps_time_scale(mixin_timestamps, // server_timestamp); // add tx details mstch map to context txs.push_back(txd.get_mstch_map()); } // add total fees in the block to the context context["sum_fees"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(sum_fees, "{:0.6f}"); // get xmr in the block reward context["blk_reward"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(txd_coinbase.xmr_outputs - sum_fees, "{:0.6f}"); // read block.html string block_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_BLOCK); add_css_style(context); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(block_html); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string show_block(string _blk_hash) { crypto::hash blk_hash; if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(_blk_hash, blk_hash)) { cerr << "Cant parse blk hash: " << blk_hash << endl; return fmt::format("Cant get block {:s} due to block hash parse error!", blk_hash); } uint64_t blk_height; if (core_storage->have_block(blk_hash)) { blk_height = core_storage->get_db().get_block_height(blk_hash); } else { cerr << "Cant get block: " << blk_hash << endl; return fmt::format("Cant get block {:s} for some uknown reason", blk_hash); } return show_block(blk_height); } string show_tx(string tx_hash_str, uint with_ring_signatures = 0) { // parse tx hash string to hash object crypto::hash tx_hash; if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(tx_hash_str, tx_hash)) { cerr << "Cant parse tx hash: " << tx_hash_str << endl; return string("Cant get tx hash due to parse error: " + tx_hash_str); } // tx age pair age; string blk_timestamp {"N/A"}; // get transaction transaction tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(tx_hash, tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx in blockchain: " << tx_hash << ". \n Check mempool now" << endl; vector> found_txs = search_mempool(tx_hash); if (!found_txs.empty()) { // there should be only one tx found tx = found_txs.at(0).second; // since its tx in mempool, it has no blk yet // so use its recive_time as timestamp to show uint64_t tx_recieve_timestamp = found_txs.at(0).first.receive_time; blk_timestamp = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(tx_recieve_timestamp); age = get_age(server_timestamp, tx_recieve_timestamp, FULL_AGE_FORMAT); } else { // tx is nowhere to be found :-( return string("Cant get tx: " + tx_hash_str); } } mstch::map tx_context = construct_tx_context(tx, with_ring_signatures); if (boost::get(tx_context["has_error"])) { return boost::get(tx_context["error_msg"]); } mstch::map context { {"testnet" , this->testnet} }; context.emplace("txs" , mstch::array{}); boost::get(context["txs"]).push_back(tx_context); map partials { {"tx_details", xmreg::read(string(TMPL_PARIALS_DIR) + "/tx_details.html")}, }; // read tx.html string tx_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_TX); add_css_style(context); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(tx_html); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context, partials); } string show_my_outputs(string tx_hash_str, string xmr_address_str, string viewkey_str, /* or tx_prv_key_str when tx_prove == true */ bool tx_prove = false) { // remove white characters boost::trim(tx_hash_str); boost::trim(xmr_address_str); boost::trim(viewkey_str); if (tx_hash_str.empty()) { return string("tx hash not provided!"); } if (xmr_address_str.empty()) { return string("Monero address not provided!"); } if (viewkey_str.empty()) { if (!tx_prove) return string("Viewkey not provided!"); else return string("Tx private key not provided!"); } // parse tx hash string to hash object crypto::hash tx_hash; if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(tx_hash_str, tx_hash)) { cerr << "Cant parse tx hash: " << tx_hash_str << endl; return string("Cant get tx hash due to parse error: " + tx_hash_str); } // parse string representing given monero address cryptonote::account_public_address address; if (!xmreg::parse_str_address(xmr_address_str, address, testnet)) { cerr << "Cant parse string address: " << xmr_address_str << endl; return string("Cant parse xmr address: " + xmr_address_str); } // parse string representing given private key crypto::secret_key prv_view_key; if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(viewkey_str, prv_view_key)) { cerr << "Cant parse the private key: " << viewkey_str << endl; return string("Cant parse private key: " + viewkey_str); } // tx age pair age; string blk_timestamp {"N/A"}; // get transaction transaction tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(tx_hash, tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx in blockchain: " << tx_hash << ". \n Check mempool now" << endl; vector> found_txs = search_mempool(tx_hash); if (!found_txs.empty()) { // there should be only one tx found tx = found_txs.at(0).second; // since its tx in mempool, it has no blk yet // so use its recive_time as timestamp to show uint64_t tx_recieve_timestamp = found_txs.at(0).first.receive_time; blk_timestamp = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(tx_recieve_timestamp); age = get_age(server_timestamp, tx_recieve_timestamp, FULL_AGE_FORMAT); } else { // tx is nowhere to be found :-( return string("Cant get tx: " + tx_hash_str); } } tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx); uint64_t tx_blk_height {0}; bool tx_blk_found {false}; try { tx_blk_height = core_storage->get_db().get_tx_block_height(tx_hash); tx_blk_found = true; } catch (exception& e) { cerr << "Cant get block height: " << tx_hash << e.what() << endl; } // get block cointaining this tx block blk; if (tx_blk_found && !mcore->get_block_by_height(tx_blk_height, blk)) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << tx_blk_height << endl; } string tx_blk_height_str {"N/A"}; if (tx_blk_found) { // calculate difference between tx and server timestamps age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp, FULL_AGE_FORMAT); blk_timestamp = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp); tx_blk_height_str = std::to_string(tx_blk_height); } // payments id. both normal and encrypted (payment_id8) string pid_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.payment_id)); string pid8_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.payment_id8)); // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet}, {"tx_hash" , tx_hash_str}, {"tx_prefix_hash" , pod_to_hex(txd.prefix_hash)}, {"xmr_address" , xmr_address_str}, {"viewkey" , viewkey_str}, {"tx_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.pk))}, {"blk_height" , tx_blk_height_str}, {"tx_size" , fmt::format("{:0.4f}", static_cast(txd.size) / 1024.0)}, {"tx_fee" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(txd.fee)}, {"blk_timestamp" , blk_timestamp}, {"delta_time" , age.first}, {"outputs_no" , static_cast(txd.output_pub_keys.size())}, {"has_payment_id" , txd.payment_id != null_hash}, {"has_payment_id8" , txd.payment_id8 != null_hash8}, {"payment_id" , pid_str}, {"payment_id8" , pid8_str}, {"tx_prove" , tx_prove} }; string server_time_str = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(server_timestamp, "%F"); // public transaction key is combined with our viewkey // to create, so called, derived key. key_derivation derivation; public_key pub_key = tx_prove ? address.m_view_public_key : txd.pk; //cout << "txd.pk: " << pod_to_hex(txd.pk) << endl; if (!generate_key_derivation(pub_key, prv_view_key, derivation)) { cerr << "Cant get derived key for: " << "\n" << "pub_tx_key: " << pub_key << " and " << "prv_view_key" << prv_view_key << endl; return string("Cant get key_derivation"); } mstch::array outputs; uint64_t sum_xmr {0}; std::vector money_transfered(tx.vout.size(), 0); //std::deque mask(tx.vout.size()); uint64_t output_idx {0}; for (pair& outp: txd.output_pub_keys) { // get the tx output public key // that normally would be generated for us, // if someone had sent us some xmr. public_key tx_pubkey; derive_public_key(derivation, output_idx, address.m_spend_public_key, tx_pubkey); //cout << pod_to_hex(outp.first.key) << endl; //cout << pod_to_hex(tx_pubkey) << endl; // check if generated public key matches the current output's key bool mine_output = (outp.first.key == tx_pubkey); // if mine output has RingCT, i.e., tx version is 2 if (mine_output && tx.version == 2) { // cointbase txs have amounts in plain sight. // so use amount from ringct, only for non-coinbase txs if (!is_coinbase(tx)) { // initialize with regular amount uint64_t rct_amount = money_transfered[output_idx]; bool r; r = decode_ringct(tx.rct_signatures, pub_key, prv_view_key, output_idx, tx.rct_signatures.ecdhInfo[output_idx].mask, rct_amount); if (!r) { cerr << "\nshow_my_outputs: Cant decode ringCT! " << endl; } outp.second = rct_amount; money_transfered[output_idx] = rct_amount; } } if (mine_output) { sum_xmr += outp.second; } outputs.push_back(mstch::map { {"out_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS( fmt::format("{:s}", outp.first.key))}, {"amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(outp.second)}, {"mine_output" , mine_output}, {"output_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", output_idx)} }); ++output_idx; } // we can also test ouputs used in mixins for key images // this can show possible spending. Only possible, because // without a spend key, we cant know for sure. It might be // that our output was used by someone else for their mixins. bool show_key_images {false}; mstch::array inputs; vector input_key_imgs = xmreg::get_key_images(tx); // to hold sum of xmr in matched mixins, those that // perfectly match mixin public key with outputs in mixn_tx. uint64_t sum_mixin_xmr {0}; // this is used for the final check. we assument that number of // parefct matches must be equal to number of inputs in a tx. uint64_t no_of_matched_mixins {0}; for (const txin_to_key& in_key: input_key_imgs) { // get absolute offsets of mixins std::vector absolute_offsets = cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute( in_key.key_offsets); // get public keys of outputs used in the mixins that match to the offests std::vector mixin_outputs; try { core_storage->get_db().get_output_key(in_key.amount, absolute_offsets, mixin_outputs); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { cerr << "get_output_keys: " << e.what() << endl; continue; } inputs.push_back(mstch::map{ {"key_image" , pod_to_hex(in_key.k_image)}, {"key_image_amount", xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(in_key.amount)}, make_pair(string("mixins"), mstch::array{}) }); mstch::array& mixins = boost::get( boost::get(inputs.back())["mixins"] ); // to store our mixins found for the given key image vector> our_mixins_found; // mixin counter size_t count = 0; // for each found output public key check if its ours or not for (const uint64_t& abs_offset: absolute_offsets) { // get basic information about mixn's output cryptonote::output_data_t output_data = mixin_outputs.at(count); tx_out_index tx_out_idx; try { // get pair pair where first is tx hash // and second is local index of the output i in that tx tx_out_idx = core_storage->get_db() .get_output_tx_and_index(in_key.amount, abs_offset); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string out_msg = fmt::format( "Output with amount {:d} and index {:d} does not exist!", in_key.amount, abs_offset ); cerr << out_msg << endl; break; } string out_pub_key_str = pod_to_hex(output_data.pubkey); //cout << "out_pub_key_str: " << out_pub_key_str << endl; // get mixin transaction transaction mixin_tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(tx_out_idx.first, mixin_tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx: " << tx_out_idx.first << endl; break; } string mixin_tx_hash_str = pod_to_hex(tx_out_idx.first); mixins.push_back(mstch::map{ {"mixin_pub_key" , out_pub_key_str}, make_pair("mixin_outputs" , mstch::array{}), {"has_mixin_outputs" , false} }); mstch::array& mixin_outputs = boost::get( boost::get(mixins.back())["mixin_outputs"] ); mstch::node& has_mixin_outputs = boost::get(mixins.back())["has_mixin_outputs"]; bool found_something {false}; public_key mixin_tx_pub_key = xmreg::get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(mixin_tx); string mixin_tx_pub_key_str = pod_to_hex(mixin_tx_pub_key); // public transaction key is combined with our viewkey // to create, so called, derived key. key_derivation derivation; if (!generate_key_derivation(mixin_tx_pub_key, prv_view_key, derivation)) { cerr << "Cant get derived key for: " << "\n" << "pub_tx_key: " << mixin_tx_pub_key << " and " << "prv_view_key" << prv_view_key << endl; continue; } // vector> output_pub_keys; output_pub_keys = xmreg::get_ouputs_tuple(mixin_tx); mixin_outputs.push_back(mstch::map{ {"mix_tx_hash" , mixin_tx_hash_str}, {"mix_tx_pub_key" , mixin_tx_pub_key_str}, make_pair("found_outputs" , mstch::array{}), {"has_found_outputs", false} }); mstch::array& found_outputs = boost::get( boost::get(mixin_outputs.back())["found_outputs"] ); mstch::node& has_found_outputs = boost::get(mixin_outputs.back())["has_found_outputs"]; // for each output in mixin tx, find the one from key_image // and check if its ours. for (const auto& mix_out: output_pub_keys) { txout_to_key txout_k = std::get<0>(mix_out); uint64_t amount = std::get<1>(mix_out); uint64_t output_idx_in_tx = std::get<2>(mix_out); //cout << " - " << pod_to_hex(txout_k.key) << endl; // // analyze only those output keys // // that were used in mixins // if (txout_k.key != output_data.pubkey) // { // continue; // } // get the tx output public key // that normally would be generated for us, // if someone had sent us some xmr. public_key tx_pubkey_generated; derive_public_key(derivation, output_idx_in_tx, address.m_spend_public_key, tx_pubkey_generated); // check if generated public key matches the current output's key bool mine_output = (txout_k.key == tx_pubkey_generated); if (mine_output && mixin_tx.version == 2) { // cointbase txs have amounts in plain sight. // so use amount from ringct, only for non-coinbase txs if (!is_coinbase(mixin_tx)) { // initialize with regular amount uint64_t rct_amount = amount; bool r; r = decode_ringct(mixin_tx.rct_signatures, mixin_tx_pub_key, prv_view_key, output_idx_in_tx, mixin_tx.rct_signatures.ecdhInfo[output_idx_in_tx].mask, rct_amount); if (!r) { cerr << "show_my_outputs: key images: Cant decode ringCT!" << endl; } amount = rct_amount; } // if (mine_output && mixin_tx.version == 2) } // save our mixnin's public keys found_outputs.push_back(mstch::map { {"my_public_key" , pod_to_hex(txout_k.key)}, {"tx_hash" , tx_hash_str}, {"mine_output" , mine_output}, {"out_idx" , to_string(output_idx_in_tx)}, {"formed_output_pk", out_pub_key_str}, {"out_in_match" , (txout_k.key == output_data.pubkey)}, {"amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(amount)} }); //cout << "txout_k.key == output_data.pubkey" << endl; //cout << pod_to_hex(txout_k.key) << " == " << pod_to_hex(output_data.pubkey) << endl; if (mine_output) { found_something = true; show_key_images = true; // increase sum_mixin_xmr only when // public key of an outputs used in ring signature, // matches a public key in a mixin_tx if (txout_k.key != output_data.pubkey) { continue; } no_of_matched_mixins++; // for regular txs, just concentrated on outputs // which have same amount as the key image. // for ringct its not possible to know for sure amount // in key image without spend key, so we just use all // for regular/old txs there must be also a match // in amounts, not only in output public keys if (mixin_tx.version < 2 && amount == in_key.amount) { sum_mixin_xmr += amount; } else if (mixin_tx.version == 2) // ringct { sum_mixin_xmr += amount; } } } // for (const pair& mix_out: txd.output_pub_keys) has_found_outputs = !found_outputs.empty(); has_mixin_outputs = found_something; ++count; } // for (const cryptonote::output_data_t& output_data: mixin_outputs) } // for (const txin_to_key& in_key: input_key_imgs) context.emplace("outputs", outputs); context["found_our_outputs"] = (sum_xmr > 0); context["sum_xmr"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(sum_xmr); context.emplace("inputs", inputs); context["show_inputs"] = show_key_images; context["inputs_no"] = static_cast(inputs.size()); context["sum_mixin_xmr"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str( sum_mixin_xmr, "{:0.12f}", false); uint64_t possible_spending {0}; // show spending only if sum of mixins is more than // what we get + fee, and number of perferctly matched // mixis is equal to number of inputs if (sum_mixin_xmr > (sum_xmr + txd.fee) && no_of_matched_mixins == inputs.size()) { // (outcoming - incoming) - fee possible_spending = (sum_mixin_xmr - sum_xmr) - txd.fee; } context["possible_spending"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str( possible_spending, "{:0.12f}", false); //cout << "no_of_matched_mixins: " << no_of_matched_mixins << endl; // read my_outputs.html string my_outputs_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_OUTPUTS); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(my_outputs_html); add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string show_prove(string tx_hash_str, string xmr_address_str, string tx_prv_key_str) { return show_my_outputs(tx_hash_str, xmr_address_str, tx_prv_key_str, true); } string show_rawtx() { // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet} }; // read rawtx.html string rawtx_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_RAWTX); // add header and footer string full_page = rawtx_html + get_footer(); add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string show_checkrawtx(string raw_tx_data, string action) { clean_post_data(raw_tx_data); string decoded_raw_tx_data = epee::string_encoding::base64_decode(raw_tx_data); //cout << decoded_raw_tx_data << endl; const size_t magiclen = strlen(UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX); string data_prefix = xmreg::make_printable(decoded_raw_tx_data.substr(0, magiclen)); bool unsigned_tx_given {false}; if (strncmp(decoded_raw_tx_data.c_str(), UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX, magiclen) == 0) { unsigned_tx_given = true; } // initalize page template context map mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet}, {"unsigned_tx_given" , unsigned_tx_given}, {"have_raw_tx" , true}, {"data_prefix" , data_prefix}, }; context.emplace("txs", mstch::array{}); if (unsigned_tx_given) { bool r {false}; string s = decoded_raw_tx_data.substr(magiclen); ::tools::wallet2::unsigned_tx_set exported_txs; try { std::istringstream iss(s); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> exported_txs; r = true; } catch (...) { cerr << "Failed to parse unsigned tx data " << endl; } if (r) { mstch::array& txs = boost::get(context["txs"]); for (const ::tools::wallet2::tx_construction_data& tx_cd: exported_txs.txes) { size_t no_of_sources = tx_cd.sources.size(); const tx_destination_entry& tx_change = tx_cd.change_dts; crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash; crypto::hash8 payment_id8 = null_hash8; get_payment_id(tx_cd.extra, payment_id, payment_id8); // payments id. both normal and encrypted (payment_id8) string pid_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", payment_id)); string pid8_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", payment_id8)); mstch::map tx_cd_data { {"no_of_sources" , static_cast(no_of_sources)}, {"use_rct" , tx_cd.use_rct}, {"change_amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(tx_change.amount)}, {"has_payment_id" , (payment_id != null_hash)}, {"has_payment_id8" , (payment_id8 != null_hash8)}, {"payment_id" , pid_str}, {"payment_id8" , pid8_str}, }; tx_cd_data.emplace("dest_sources" , mstch::array{}); tx_cd_data.emplace("dest_infos" , mstch::array{}); mstch::array& dest_sources = boost::get(tx_cd_data["dest_sources"]); mstch::array& dest_infos = boost::get(tx_cd_data["dest_infos"]); for (const tx_destination_entry& a_dest: tx_cd.splitted_dsts) { mstch::map dest_info { {"dest_address" , get_account_address_as_str(testnet, a_dest.addr)}, {"dest_amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(a_dest.amount)} }; dest_infos.push_back(dest_info); } vector> mixin_timestamp_groups; vector real_output_indices; uint64_t sum_outputs_amounts {0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < no_of_sources; ++i) { const tx_source_entry& tx_source = tx_cd.sources.at(i); mstch::map single_dest_source { {"output_amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(tx_source.amount)}, {"real_output" , static_cast(tx_source.real_output)}, {"real_out_tx_key" , pod_to_hex(tx_source.real_out_tx_key)}, {"real_output_in_tx_index" , static_cast(tx_source.real_output_in_tx_index)}, }; single_dest_source.emplace("outputs", mstch::array{}); sum_outputs_amounts += tx_source.amount; //cout << "tx_source.real_output: " << tx_source.real_output << endl; //cout << "tx_source.real_out_tx_key: " << tx_source.real_out_tx_key << endl; //cout << "tx_source.real_output_in_tx_index: " << tx_source.real_output_in_tx_index << endl; uint64_t index_of_real_output = tx_source.outputs[tx_source.real_output].first; tx_out_index real_toi; uint64_t tx_source_amount = (tx_source.rct ? 0 : tx_source.amount); try { // get tx of the real output real_toi = core_storage->get_db() .get_output_tx_and_index(tx_source_amount, index_of_real_output); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string out_msg = fmt::format( "Output with amount {:d} and index {:d} does not exist!", tx_source_amount, index_of_real_output ); cerr << out_msg << endl; return string(out_msg); } transaction real_source_tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(real_toi.first, real_source_tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx in blockchain: " << real_toi.first << endl; return string("Cant get tx: " + pod_to_hex(real_toi.first)); } tx_details real_txd = get_tx_details(real_source_tx); real_output_indices.push_back(tx_source.real_output); public_key real_out_pub_key = real_txd.output_pub_keys[tx_source.real_output_in_tx_index].first.key; //cout << "real_txd.hash: " << pod_to_hex(real_txd.hash) << endl; //cout << "real_txd.pk: " << pod_to_hex(real_txd.pk) << endl; //cout << "real_out_pub_key: " << pod_to_hex(real_out_pub_key) << endl; mstch::array& outputs = boost::get(single_dest_source["outputs"]); vector mixin_timestamps; size_t output_i {0}; for(const tx_source_entry::output_entry& oe: tx_source.outputs) { tx_out_index toi; try { // get tx of the real output toi = core_storage->get_db() .get_output_tx_and_index(tx_source_amount, oe.first); } catch (OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string out_msg = fmt::format( "Output with amount {:d} and index {:d} does not exist!", tx_source_amount, oe.first ); cerr << out_msg << endl; return string(out_msg); } transaction tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(toi.first, tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx in blockchain: " << toi.first << ". \n Check mempool now" << endl; // tx is nowhere to be found :-( return string("Cant get tx: " + pod_to_hex(toi.first)); } tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx); public_key out_pub_key = txd.output_pub_keys[toi.second].first.key; // get block cointaining this tx block blk; if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(txd.blk_height, blk)) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << txd.blk_height << endl; return string("Cant get block: " + to_string(txd.blk_height)); } pair age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp); mstch::map single_output { {"out_index" , oe.first}, {"tx_hash" , pod_to_hex(txd.hash)}, {"out_pub_key" , pod_to_hex(out_pub_key)}, {"ctkey" , pod_to_hex(oe.second)}, {"output_age" , age.first}, {"is_real" , (out_pub_key == real_out_pub_key)} }; single_dest_source.insert({"age_format" , age.second}); outputs.push_back(single_output); mixin_timestamps.push_back(blk.timestamp); ++output_i; } // for(const tx_source_entry::output_entry& oe: tx_source.outputs) dest_sources.push_back(single_dest_source); mixin_timestamp_groups.push_back(mixin_timestamps); } // for (size_t i = 0; i < no_of_sources; ++i) tx_cd_data.insert({"sum_outputs_amounts" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(sum_outputs_amounts)}); uint64_t min_mix_timestamp; uint64_t max_mix_timestamp; pair mixins_timescales = construct_mstch_mixin_timescales( mixin_timestamp_groups, min_mix_timestamp, max_mix_timestamp ); tx_cd_data.emplace("timescales", mixins_timescales.first); tx_cd_data["min_mix_time"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(min_mix_timestamp); tx_cd_data["max_mix_time"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(max_mix_timestamp); tx_cd_data["timescales_scale"] = fmt::format("{:0.2f}", mixins_timescales.second / 3600.0 / 24.0); // in days // mark real mixing in the mixins timescale graph mark_real_mixins_on_timescales(real_output_indices, tx_cd_data); txs.push_back(tx_cd_data); } // for (const ::tools::wallet2::tx_construction_data& tx_cd: exported_txs.txes) } else { cerr << "deserialization of unsigned tx data NOT successful" << endl; return string("deserialization of unsigned tx data NOT successful. " "Maybe its not base64 encoded?"); } } // if (unsigned_tx_given) else { // if raw data is not unsigined tx, then assume it is signed tx const size_t magiclen = strlen(SIGNED_TX_PREFIX); string data_prefix = xmreg::make_printable(decoded_raw_tx_data.substr(0, magiclen)); if (strncmp(decoded_raw_tx_data.c_str(), SIGNED_TX_PREFIX, magiclen) != 0) { // ok, so its not signed tx data. but maybe it is raw tx data // used in rpc call "/sendrawtransaction". This is for example // used in mymonero and openmonero projects. // to check this, first we need to encode data back to base64. // the reason is that txs submited to "/sendrawtransaction" // are not base64, and we earlier always asume it is base64. // string reencoded_raw_tx_data = epee::string_encoding::base64_decode(raw_tx_data); //cout << "raw_tx_data: " << raw_tx_data << endl; cryptonote::blobdata tx_data_blob; if (!epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(raw_tx_data, tx_data_blob)) { string msg = fmt::format("The data is neither unsigned, signed tx or raw tx! " "Its prefix is: {:s}", data_prefix); cout << msg << endl; return string(msg); } crypto::hash tx_hash_from_blob; crypto::hash tx_prefix_hash_from_blob; cryptonote::transaction tx_from_blob; if (!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_data_blob, tx_from_blob, tx_hash_from_blob, tx_prefix_hash_from_blob)) { string msg = fmt::format("failed to validate transaction"); cout << msg << endl; return string(msg); } //cout << "tx_from_blob.vout.size(): " << tx_from_blob.vout.size() << endl; // tx has been correctly deserialized. So // we just dispaly it. We dont have any information about real mixins, etc, // so there is not much more we can do with tx data. mstch::map tx_context = construct_tx_context(tx_from_blob); if (boost::get(tx_context["has_error"])) { return boost::get(tx_context["error_msg"]); } context["data_prefix"] = string("none as this is pure raw tx data"); context.emplace("txs" , mstch::array{}); boost::get(context["txs"]).push_back(tx_context); map partials { {"tx_details", xmreg::read(string(TMPL_PARIALS_DIR) + "/tx_details.html")}, }; // read checkrawtx.html string checkrawtx_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_CHECKRAWTX); // add header and footer string full_page = checkrawtx_html + get_footer(); add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context, partials); } // if (strncmp(decoded_raw_tx_data.c_str(), SIGNED_TX_PREFIX, magiclen) != 0) context["data_prefix"] = data_prefix; bool r {false}; string s = decoded_raw_tx_data.substr(magiclen); ::tools::wallet2::signed_tx_set signed_txs; try { std::istringstream iss(s); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> signed_txs; r = true; } catch (...) { cerr << "Failed to parse signed tx data " << endl; } if (!r) { cerr << "deserialization of signed tx data NOT successful" << endl; return string("deserialization of signed tx data NOT successful. " "Maybe its not base64 encoded?"); } std::vector ptxs = signed_txs.ptx; context.insert({"txs", mstch::array{}}); for (tools::wallet2::pending_tx& ptx: ptxs) { mstch::map tx_context = construct_tx_context(ptx.tx); if (boost::get(tx_context["has_error"])) { return boost::get(tx_context["error_msg"]); } tx_context["tx_prv_key"] = fmt::format("{:s}", ptx.tx_key); mstch::array destination_addresses; vector real_ammounts; uint64_t outputs_xmr_sum {0}; // destiantion address for this tx for (tx_destination_entry& a_dest: ptx.construction_data.splitted_dsts) { //stealth_address_amount.insert({dest.addr, dest.amount}); //cout << get_account_address_as_str(testnet, a_dest.addr) << endl; //address_amounts.push_back(a_dest.amount); destination_addresses.push_back( mstch::map { {"dest_address" , get_account_address_as_str(testnet, a_dest.addr)}, {"dest_amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(a_dest.amount)}, {"is_this_change" , false} } ); outputs_xmr_sum += a_dest.amount; real_ammounts.push_back(a_dest.amount); } // get change address and amount info if (ptx.construction_data.change_dts.amount > 0) { destination_addresses.push_back( mstch::map { {"dest_address" , get_account_address_as_str(testnet, ptx.construction_data.change_dts.addr)}, {"dest_amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(ptx.construction_data.change_dts.amount)}, {"is_this_change" , true} } ); real_ammounts.push_back(ptx.construction_data.change_dts.amount); }; tx_context["outputs_xmr_sum"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(outputs_xmr_sum); tx_context.insert({"dest_infos", destination_addresses}); // get reference to inputs array created of the tx mstch::array& outputs = boost::get(tx_context["outputs"]); // show real output amount for ringct outputs. // otherwise its only 0.000000000 for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) { mstch::map& output_map = boost::get(outputs.at(i)); string& out_amount_str = boost::get(output_map["amount"]); //cout << boost::get(output_map["out_pub_key"]) // <<", " << out_amount_str << endl; uint64_t output_amount; if (parse_amount(output_amount, out_amount_str)) { if (output_amount == 0) { out_amount_str = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(real_ammounts.at(i)); } } } // get public keys of real outputs vector real_output_pub_keys; vector real_output_indices; vector real_amounts; uint64_t inputs_xmr_sum {0}; for (const tx_source_entry& tx_source: ptx.construction_data.sources) { transaction real_source_tx; uint64_t index_of_real_output = tx_source.outputs[tx_source.real_output].first; uint64_t tx_source_amount = (tx_source.rct ? 0 : tx_source.amount); tx_out_index real_toi; try { // get tx of the real output real_toi = core_storage->get_db() .get_output_tx_and_index(tx_source_amount, index_of_real_output); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string out_msg = fmt::format( "Output with amount {:d} and index {:d} does not exist!", tx_source_amount, index_of_real_output ); cerr << out_msg << endl; return string(out_msg); } if (!mcore->get_tx(real_toi.first, real_source_tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx in blockchain: " << real_toi.first << endl; return string("Cant get tx: " + pod_to_hex(real_toi.first)); } tx_details real_txd = get_tx_details(real_source_tx); public_key real_out_pub_key = real_txd.output_pub_keys[tx_source.real_output_in_tx_index].first.key; real_output_pub_keys.push_back( REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}",real_out_pub_key)) ); real_output_indices.push_back(tx_source.real_output); real_amounts.push_back(tx_source.amount); inputs_xmr_sum += tx_source.amount; } // mark that we have signed tx data for use in mstch tx_context["have_raw_tx"] = true; // provide total mount of inputs xmr tx_context["inputs_xmr_sum"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(inputs_xmr_sum); // get reference to inputs array created of the tx mstch::array& inputs = boost::get(tx_context["inputs"]); uint64_t input_idx {0}; // mark which mixin is real in each input's mstch context for (mstch::node& input_node: inputs) { mstch::map& input_map = boost::get(input_node); // show input amount string& amount = boost::get( boost::get(input_node)["amount"] ); amount = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(real_amounts.at(input_idx)); // check if key images are spend or not string& in_key_img_str = boost::get( boost::get(input_node)["in_key_img"] ); key_image key_imgage; if (epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(in_key_img_str, key_imgage)) { input_map["already_spent"] = core_storage->get_db().has_key_image(key_imgage); } // mark real mixings mstch::array& mixins = boost::get( boost::get(input_node)["mixins"] ); for (mstch::node& mixin_node: mixins) { mstch::map& mixin = boost::get(mixin_node); string mix_pub_key_str = boost::get(mixin["mix_pub_key"]); //cout << mix_pub_key_str << endl; if (std::find( real_output_pub_keys.begin(), real_output_pub_keys.end(), mix_pub_key_str) != real_output_pub_keys.end()) { mixin["mix_is_it_real"] = true; } } ++input_idx; } // mark real mixing in the mixins timescale graph mark_real_mixins_on_timescales(real_output_indices, tx_context); boost::get(context["txs"]).push_back(tx_context); } } map partials { {"tx_details", xmreg::read(string(TMPL_PARIALS_DIR) + "/tx_details.html")}, }; // read checkrawtx.html string checkrawtx_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_CHECKRAWTX); // add header and footer string full_page = checkrawtx_html + get_footer(); add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context, partials); } string show_pushrawtx(string raw_tx_data, string action) { clean_post_data(raw_tx_data); string decoded_raw_tx_data = epee::string_encoding::base64_decode(raw_tx_data); const size_t magiclen = strlen(SIGNED_TX_PREFIX); string data_prefix = xmreg::make_printable(decoded_raw_tx_data.substr(0, magiclen)); // initalize page template context map mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet}, {"have_raw_tx" , true}, {"has_error" , false}, {"error_msg" , string {}}, {"data_prefix" , data_prefix}, }; context.emplace("txs", mstch::array{}); // read pushrawtx.html string pushrawtx_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_PUSHRAWTX); // add header and footer string full_page = pushrawtx_html + get_footer(); add_css_style(context); if (strncmp(decoded_raw_tx_data.c_str(), SIGNED_TX_PREFIX, magiclen) != 0) { string error_msg = fmt::format("The data does not appear to be signed raw tx! Data prefix: {:s}", data_prefix); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } if (this->enable_pusher == false) { string error_msg = fmt::format( "Pushing disabled!\n " "Run explorer with --enable-pusher flag to enable it."); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } bool r {false}; string s = decoded_raw_tx_data.substr(magiclen); ::tools::wallet2::signed_tx_set signed_txs; try { std::istringstream iss(s); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> signed_txs; r = true; } catch (...) { cerr << "Failed to parse signed tx data " << endl; } if (!r) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Deserialization of signed tx data NOT successful! " "Maybe its not base64 encoded?"); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } mstch::array& txs = boost::get(context["txs"]); std::vector ptx_vector = signed_txs.ptx; // actually commit the transactions while (!ptx_vector.empty()) { tools::wallet2::pending_tx& ptx = ptx_vector.back(); tx_details txd = get_tx_details(ptx.tx); string tx_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.hash)); mstch::map tx_cd_data { {"tx_hash" , tx_hash_str} }; // check in mempool already contains tx to be submited vector> found_mempool_txs = search_mempool(txd.hash); if (!found_mempool_txs.empty()) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Tx already exist in the mempool: {:s}\n", tx_hash_str); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; break; } // check if tx to be submited already exists in the blockchain if (core_storage->have_tx(txd.hash)) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Tx already exist in the blockchain: {:s}\n", tx_hash_str); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; break; } // check if any key images of the tx to be submited are already spend vector key_images_spent; for (const txin_to_key& tx_in: txd.input_key_imgs) { if (core_storage->have_tx_keyimg_as_spent(tx_in.k_image)) key_images_spent.push_back(tx_in.k_image); } if (!key_images_spent.empty()) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Tx with hash {:s} has already spent inputs\n", tx_hash_str); for (key_image& k_img: key_images_spent) { error_msg += REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", k_img)); error_msg += "
"; } context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; break; } string rpc_error_msg; if (this->enable_pusher == false) { string error_msg = fmt::format( "Pushing signed transactions is disabled. " "Run explorer with --enable-pusher flag to enable it.\n"); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; break; } if (!rpc.commit_tx(ptx, rpc_error_msg)) { string error_msg = fmt::format( "Submitting signed tx {:s} to daemon failed: {:s}\n", tx_hash_str, rpc_error_msg); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; break; } txs.push_back(tx_cd_data); // if no exception, remove element from vector ptx_vector.pop_back(); } // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string show_rawkeyimgs() { // initalize page template context map mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet} }; // read rawkeyimgs.html string rawkeyimgs_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_RAWKEYIMGS); // add header and footer string full_page = rawkeyimgs_html + get_footer(); add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string show_rawoutputkeys() { // initalize page template context map mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet} }; // read rawoutputkeys.html string rawoutputkeys_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_RAWOUTPUTKEYS); // add header and footer string full_page = rawoutputkeys_html + get_footer(); add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string show_checkrawkeyimgs(string raw_data, string viewkey_str) { clean_post_data(raw_data); // remove white characters boost::trim(viewkey_str); string decoded_raw_data = epee::string_encoding::base64_decode(raw_data); secret_key prv_view_key; // initalize page template context map mstch::map context{ {"testnet" , testnet}, {"has_error", false}, {"error_msg", string{}}, }; // read page template string checkrawkeyimgs_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_CHECKRAWKEYIMGS); // add footer string full_page = checkrawkeyimgs_html + get_footer(); add_css_style(context); if (viewkey_str.empty()) { string error_msg = fmt::format("View key not given. Cant decode " "the key image data without it!"); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(viewkey_str, prv_view_key)) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Cant parse the private key: " + viewkey_str); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } const size_t magiclen = strlen(KEY_IMAGE_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC); string data_prefix = xmreg::make_printable(decoded_raw_data.substr(0, magiclen)); context["data_prefix"] = data_prefix; if (!strncmp(decoded_raw_data.c_str(), KEY_IMAGE_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC, magiclen) == 0) { string error_msg = fmt::format("This does not seem to be key image export data."); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // decrypt key images data using private view key decoded_raw_data = xmreg::decrypt( std::string(decoded_raw_data, magiclen), prv_view_key, true); if (decoded_raw_data.empty()) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Failed to authenticate key images data. " "Maybe wrong viewkey was porvided?"); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // header is public spend and keys const size_t header_lenght = 2 * sizeof(crypto::public_key); const size_t key_img_size = sizeof(crypto::key_image); const size_t record_lenght = key_img_size + sizeof(crypto::signature); const size_t chacha_length = sizeof(crypto::chacha8_key); if (decoded_raw_data.size() < header_lenght) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Bad data size from submitted key images raw data."); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // get xmr address stored in this key image file const account_public_address* xmr_address = reinterpret_cast( decoded_raw_data.data()); context.insert({"address" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(xmreg::print_address(*xmr_address, testnet))}); context.insert({"viewkey" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", prv_view_key))}); context.insert({"has_total_xmr" , false}); context.insert({"total_xmr" , string{}}); context.insert({"key_imgs" , mstch::array{}}); unique_ptr mylmdb; if (bf::is_directory(lmdb2_path)) { mylmdb = make_unique(lmdb2_path); } else { cout << "Custom lmdb database seem does not exist at: " << lmdb2_path << endl; } size_t no_key_images = (decoded_raw_data.size() - header_lenght) / record_lenght; //vector> signed_key_images; mstch::array& key_imgs_ctx = boost::get(context["key_imgs"]); uint64_t total_xmr {0}; for (size_t n = 0; n < no_key_images; ++n) { const char* record_ptr = decoded_raw_data.data() + header_lenght + n * record_lenght; crypto::key_image key_image = *reinterpret_cast(record_ptr); crypto::signature signature = *reinterpret_cast(record_ptr + key_img_size); vector found_tx_hashes; if (mylmdb) { mylmdb->search(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(key_image), found_tx_hashes, "key_images"); } mstch::map key_img_info { {"key_no" , fmt::format("{:03d}", n)}, {"key_image" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", key_image))}, {"signature" , fmt::format("{:s}", signature)}, {"address" , xmreg::print_address(*xmr_address, testnet)}, {"amount" , string{}}, {"is_spent" , core_storage->have_tx_keyimg_as_spent(key_image)}, {"tx_hash_found" , !found_tx_hashes.empty()}, {"tx_hash" , string{}} }; if (!found_tx_hashes.empty()) { string tx_hash_str = found_tx_hashes.at(0); key_img_info["tx_hash"] = tx_hash_str; key_img_info["timestamp"] = ""; transaction tx; if (mcore->get_tx(tx_hash_str, tx)) { crypto::hash tx_hash; epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(tx_hash_str, tx_hash); // get timestamp of the tx's block uint64_t blk_height = core_storage ->get_db().get_tx_block_height(tx_hash); uint64_t blk_timestamp = core_storage ->get_db().get_block_timestamp(blk_height); vector tx_key_imgs = get_key_images(tx); for (auto it = tx_key_imgs.begin(); it != tx_key_imgs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).k_image != key_image) { continue; } uint64_t xmr_amount = (*it).amount; // RingCT, i.e., tx version is 2 // thus need to decode the amounts // otherwise they all appear to be zero. // so to find the amount, first we need to find // our output in the key images's mixins, and then // decode it using ringct. // this requires to loop over mixins of each key image, // get its source txs, get mixin index in that tx, // and check if its our mixin or not using private_view_key // and public_spend_key_provided if (tx.version == 2) { vector absolute_offsets = relative_output_offsets_to_absolute((*it).key_offsets); // need to go through each mixin, fetch its tx // find its index in that txs, obtain tx_public_key // derive a deriviec_key, compare derived output key // with the output key in txs, and decode rct amount // if equal for (uint64_t out_idx: absolute_offsets) { //tx_out_index is pair tx_out_index toi; try { // get pair toi = core_storage->get_db() .get_output_tx_and_index((*it).amount, out_idx); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string error_msg = fmt::format( "Output with amount {:d} and index {:d} does not exist!", (*it).amount, out_idx); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // get actual transaction structure from tx_hash transaction output_source_tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(toi.first, output_source_tx)) { string error_msg = fmt::format( "Cant get tx in blockchain: {:s}", toi.first); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } uint64_t output_idx_in_tx = toi.second; // get tx outpout key const txout_to_key& output_pub_key = boost::get( output_source_tx.vout[output_idx_in_tx].target); uint64_t rct_amount = output_source_tx.vout[output_idx_in_tx].amount; public_key tx_pub_key = xmreg::get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs( output_source_tx); // public transaction key is combined with our viewkey // to create, so called, derived key. key_derivation derivation; if (!generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, prv_view_key, derivation)) { string error_msg = fmt::format( "Cant get derived key for " "pub_tx_key: {:s}, prv_view_key: {:s}" , tx_pub_key, prv_view_key); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // get the tx output public key // that normally would be generated for us, // if someone had sent us some xmr. public_key derived_output_pubkey; derive_public_key(derivation, output_idx_in_tx, xmr_address->m_spend_public_key, derived_output_pubkey); // check if generated public key matches the current output's key bool mine_output = (output_pub_key.key == derived_output_pubkey); if (mine_output) { // seems we found our output. so now lets decode its amount // using ringct if (output_source_tx.version == 2 && !is_coinbase(output_source_tx)) { bool r; r = decode_ringct(output_source_tx.rct_signatures, tx_pub_key, prv_view_key, output_idx_in_tx, output_source_tx.rct_signatures.ecdhInfo[output_idx_in_tx].mask, rct_amount); if (!r) { string error_msg = fmt::format( "Cant decode ringCT for " "pub_tx_key: {:s} " "using prv_view_key: {:s}", tx_pub_key, prv_view_key); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } xmr_amount = rct_amount; } // if (output_source_tx.version == 2 && !is_coinbase(output_source_tx)) break; } // if (mine_output) } // for (uint64_t out_idx: (*it).key_offsets) } // if (tx.version == 2) key_img_info["amount"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(xmr_amount); key_img_info["is_ringct"] = tx.version == 2 ? true: false; total_xmr += xmr_amount; } // for (it = tx_key_imgs.begin(); it != tx_key_imgs.end(); ++it) key_img_info["timestamp"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk_timestamp); } // if (mcore->get_tx(tx_hash_str, tx)) } // if (!found_tx_hashes.empty()) key_imgs_ctx.push_back(key_img_info); } // for (size_t n = 0; n < no_key_images; ++n) if (total_xmr > 0) { context["has_total_xmr"] = true; context["total_xmr"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(total_xmr); } // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string show_checkcheckrawoutput(string raw_data, string viewkey_str) { clean_post_data(raw_data); // remove white characters boost::trim(viewkey_str); string decoded_raw_data = epee::string_encoding::base64_decode(raw_data); secret_key prv_view_key; // initalize page template context map mstch::map context{ {"testnet", testnet}, {"has_error", false}, {"error_msg", string{}}, }; // read page template string checkoutputkeys_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_CHECKRAWOUTPUTKEYS); // add footer string full_page = checkoutputkeys_html + get_footer(); add_css_style(context); if (viewkey_str.empty()) { string error_msg = fmt::format("View key not given. Cant decode " "the outputs data without it!"); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(viewkey_str, prv_view_key)) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Cant parse the private key: " + viewkey_str); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } const size_t magiclen = strlen(OUTPUT_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC); string data_prefix = xmreg::make_printable(decoded_raw_data.substr(0, magiclen)); context["data_prefix"] = data_prefix; if (!strncmp(decoded_raw_data.c_str(), OUTPUT_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC, magiclen) == 0) { string error_msg = fmt::format("This does not seem to be output keys export data."); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // decrypt key images data using private view key decoded_raw_data = xmreg::decrypt( std::string(decoded_raw_data, magiclen), prv_view_key, true); if (decoded_raw_data.empty()) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Failed to authenticate outputs data. " "Maybe wrong viewkey was porvided?"); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // header is public spend and keys const size_t header_lenght = 2 * sizeof(crypto::public_key); // get xmr address stored in this key image file const account_public_address* xmr_address = reinterpret_cast( decoded_raw_data.data()); context.insert({"address" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(xmreg::print_address(*xmr_address, testnet))}); context.insert({"viewkey" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", prv_view_key))}); context.insert({"has_total_xmr" , false}); context.insert({"total_xmr" , string{}}); context.insert({"output_keys" , mstch::array{}}); mstch::array& output_keys_ctx = boost::get(context["output_keys"]); unique_ptr mylmdb; if (bf::is_directory(lmdb2_path)) { mylmdb = make_unique(lmdb2_path); } else { cout << "Custom lmdb database seem does not exist at: " << lmdb2_path << endl; } std::vector outputs; try { std::string body(decoded_raw_data, header_lenght); std::stringstream iss; iss << body; boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> outputs; //size_t n_outputs = m_wallet->import_outputs(outputs); } catch (const std::exception &e) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Failed to import outputs: {:s}", e.what()); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } uint64_t total_xmr {0}; uint64_t output_no {0}; context["are_key_images_known"] = false; for (const tools::wallet2::transfer_details& td: outputs) { const transaction_prefix& txp = td.m_tx; txout_to_key txout_key = boost::get( txp.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target); uint64_t xmr_amount = td.amount(); // if the output is RingCT, i.e., tx version is 2 // need to decode its amount if (td.m_tx.version == 2) { // get tx associated with the given output transaction tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(td.m_txid, tx)) { string error_msg = fmt::format("Cant get tx of hash: {:s}", td.m_txid); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } public_key tx_pub_key = xmreg::get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(tx); bool r = decode_ringct(tx.rct_signatures, tx_pub_key, prv_view_key, td.m_internal_output_index, tx.rct_signatures.ecdhInfo[td.m_internal_output_index].mask, xmr_amount); if (!r) { string error_msg = fmt::format( "Cant decode RingCT for output: {:s}", txout_key.key); context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = error_msg; return mstch::render(full_page, context); } } uint64_t blk_timestamp = core_storage ->get_db().get_block_timestamp(td.m_block_height); const key_image* output_key_img; bool is_output_spent {false}; if (td.m_key_image_known) { //are_key_images_known output_key_img = &td.m_key_image; is_output_spent = core_storage->have_tx_keyimg_as_spent(*output_key_img); context["are_key_images_known"] = true; } mstch::map output_info { {"output_no" , fmt::format("{:03d}", output_no)}, {"output_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txout_key.key))}, {"amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(xmr_amount)}, {"tx_hash" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", td.m_txid))}, {"timestamp" , xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk_timestamp)}, {"is_spent" , is_output_spent}, {"is_ringct" , td.m_rct} }; ++output_no; if (!is_output_spent) { total_xmr += xmr_amount; } output_keys_ctx.push_back(output_info); } if (total_xmr > 0) { context["has_total_xmr"] = true; context["total_xmr"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(total_xmr); } return mstch::render(full_page, context);; } string search(string search_text) { // remove white characters boost::trim(search_text); string default_txt {"No such thing found: " + search_text}; string result_html {default_txt}; // check first if we look for output with given global index // such search start with "goi_", e.g., "goi_543" bool search_for_global_output_idx = (search_text.substr(0, 4) == "goi_"); // check if we look for output with amout index and amount // such search start with "aoi_", e.g., "aoi_444-23.00" bool search_for_amount_output_idx = (search_text.substr(0, 4) == "aoi_"); // first check if searching for block of given height if (search_text.size() < 12 && (search_for_global_output_idx == false ||search_for_amount_output_idx == false)) { uint64_t blk_height; try { blk_height = boost::lexical_cast(search_text); result_html = show_block(blk_height); // nasty check if output is "Cant get" as a sign of // a not found tx. Later need to think of something better. if (result_html.find("Cant get") == string::npos) { return result_html; } } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast &e) { cerr << fmt::format("Parsing {:s} into uint64_t failed", search_text) << endl; } } // check if monero address is given based on its length // if yes, then we can only show its public components if (search_text.length() == 95) { // parse string representing given monero address cryptonote::account_public_address address; bool testnet_addr {false}; if (search_text[0] == '9' || search_text[0] == 'A') testnet_addr = true; if (!xmreg::parse_str_address(search_text, address, testnet_addr)) { cerr << "Cant parse string address: " << search_text << endl; return string("Cant parse address (probably incorrect format): ") + search_text; } return show_address_details(address, testnet_addr); } // check if integrated monero address is given based on its length // if yes, then show its public components search tx based on encrypted id if (search_text.length() == 106) { cryptonote::account_public_address address; bool has_payment_id; crypto::hash8 encrypted_payment_id; bool testnet; if (!get_account_integrated_address_from_str(address, has_payment_id, encrypted_payment_id, testnet, search_text)) { cerr << "Cant parse string integerated address: " << search_text << endl; return string("Cant parse address (probably incorrect format): ") + search_text; } return show_integrated_address_details(address, encrypted_payment_id, testnet); } // second let try searching for tx result_html = show_tx(search_text); // nasty check if output is "Cant get" as a sign of // a not found tx. Later need to think of something better. if (result_html.find("Cant get") == string::npos) { return result_html; } // if tx search not successful, check if we are looking // for a block with given hash result_html = show_block(search_text); if (result_html.find("Cant get") == string::npos) { return result_html; } result_html = default_txt; // get mempool transaction so that what we search, // might be there. Note: show_tx above already searches it // but only looks for tx hash. Now want to check // for key_images, public_keys, payments_id, etc. vector mempool_txs = get_mempool_txs(); // key is string indicating where search_text was found. map> tx_search_results = search_txs(mempool_txs, search_text); // now search my own custom lmdb database // with key_images, public_keys, payments_id etc. vector>> all_possible_tx_hashes; try { unique_ptr mylmdb; if (!bf::is_directory(lmdb2_path)) { cout << "Custom lmdb database seem does not exist at: " << lmdb2_path << endl; result_html = show_search_results(search_text, all_possible_tx_hashes); return result_html; } cout << "Custom lmdb database seem to exist at: " << lmdb2_path << endl; cout << "So lets try to search there for what we are after." << endl; mylmdb = make_unique(lmdb2_path); // check if date given in format: 2015-04-15 12:02:33 // this is 19 characters if (search_text.length() == 19) { uint64_t estimated_blk_height {0}; // first parse the string to date::sys_seconds and then to timestamp // since epoch uint64_t blk_timestamp_utc = parse(search_text).time_since_epoch().count(); if (blk_timestamp_utc) { // seems we have a correct date! // so try to estimate block height from it. // // to find block we can use our lmdb outputs_info table // its indexes are timestamps. vector out_infos; if (mylmdb->get_output_info(blk_timestamp_utc, out_infos)) { // since many outputs can be in a single block // just get the first one to obtained its block uint64_t found_blk_height = core_storage->get_db() .get_tx_block_height(out_infos.at(0).tx_hash); return show_block(found_blk_height); } } } else if (search_text.length() == 16) { // check if date given in format: 2015-04-15 12:02 // this is 16 characters, i.e., only minut given // so search all blocks made within that minute // first parse the string to date::sys_seconds and then to timestamp // since epoch uint64_t blk_timestamp_utc_start = parse(search_text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") .time_since_epoch().count(); if (blk_timestamp_utc_start) { // seems we have a correct date! // add 60 seconds, i.e. 1 min uint64_t blk_timestamp_utc_end = blk_timestamp_utc_start + 59; all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("tx_in_the_minute", vector{})); vector& txs_found_ref = all_possible_tx_hashes.back().second; get_txs_from_timestamp_range( blk_timestamp_utc_start, blk_timestamp_utc_end, mylmdb, txs_found_ref); } } else if (search_text.length() == 13) { // check if date given in format: 2015-04-15 12 // this is 13 characters, i.e., only hour given // so search all blocks made within that hour // first parse the string to date::sys_seconds and then to timestamp // since epoch uint64_t blk_timestamp_utc_start = parse(search_text, "%Y-%m-%d %H") .time_since_epoch().count(); if (blk_timestamp_utc_start) { // seems we have a correct date! // add 60 seconds, i.e. 1 hour uint64_t blk_timestamp_utc_end = blk_timestamp_utc_start + 3599; all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("tx_in_the_hour", vector{})); vector& txs_found_ref = all_possible_tx_hashes.back().second; get_txs_from_timestamp_range( blk_timestamp_utc_start, blk_timestamp_utc_end, mylmdb, txs_found_ref); } } else if (search_text.length() == 10) { // check if date given in format: 2015-04-15 // this is 10 characters, i.e., only day given // so search all blocks made within that day // first parse the string to date::sys_seconds and then to timestamp // since epoch uint64_t blk_timestamp_utc_start = parse(search_text, "%Y-%m-%d") .time_since_epoch().count(); if (blk_timestamp_utc_start) { // seems we have a correct date! // add 60 seconds, i.e. 1 day uint64_t blk_timestamp_utc_end = blk_timestamp_utc_start + 86399; all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("tx_in_the_day", vector{})); vector& txs_found_ref = all_possible_tx_hashes.back().second; get_txs_from_timestamp_range( blk_timestamp_utc_start, blk_timestamp_utc_end, mylmdb, txs_found_ref); } } mylmdb->search(search_text, tx_search_results["key_images"], "key_images"); //cout << "size: " << tx_search_results["key_images"].size() << endl; all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("key_images", tx_search_results["key_images"])); // search the custum lmdb for tx_public_keys and append the result // to those from the mempool search if found mylmdb->search(search_text, tx_search_results["tx_public_keys"], "tx_public_keys"); if (!tx_search_results["tx_public_keys"].empty()) { all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("tx_public_keys", tx_search_results["tx_public_keys"])); } else { // if private tx key is added, use it to obtained tx_public_key // and than search for corresponding tx public_key tx_pub_key = null_pkey; secret_key tx_prv_key; if (hex_to_pod(search_text, tx_prv_key)) { secret_key recovery_key = tx_prv_key; const unsigned char * tx_prv_key_ptr = reinterpret_cast(&tx_prv_key); unsigned char * tx_pub_key_ptr = reinterpret_cast(&tx_pub_key); //memcpy(&tx_pub_key.data, reinterpret_cast(tx_pub_key_ptr), sizeof(tx_pub_key.data)); ge_p3 point; ge_scalarmult_base(&point, tx_prv_key_ptr); ge_p3_tobytes(tx_pub_key_ptr, &point); string tx_pub_key_str = pod_to_hex(tx_pub_key); mylmdb->search(tx_pub_key_str, tx_search_results["tx_public_keys"], "tx_public_keys"); all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("tx_public_keys", tx_search_results["tx_public_keys"])); } } // search the custum lmdb for payments_id and append the result // to those from the mempool search if found mylmdb->search(search_text, tx_search_results["payments_id"], "payments_id"); all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("payments_id", tx_search_results["payments_id"])); // search the custum lmdb for encrypted_payments_id and append the result // to those from the mempool search if found mylmdb->search(search_text, tx_search_results["encrypted_payments_id"], "encrypted_payments_id"); all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("encrypted_payments_id", tx_search_results["encrypted_payments_id"])); // search the custum lmdb for output_public_keys and append the result // to those from the mempool search if found mylmdb->search(search_text, tx_search_results["output_public_keys"], "output_public_keys"); all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("output_public_keys", tx_search_results["output_public_keys"])); // seach for output using output global index if (search_for_global_output_idx) { try { uint64_t global_idx = boost::lexical_cast( search_text.substr(4)); output_data_t output_data; try { // get info about output of a given global index output_data = core_storage->get_db() .get_output_key(global_idx); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string out_msg = fmt::format( "Output with index {:d} does not exist!", global_idx ); cerr << out_msg << endl; return out_msg; } //cout << "tx_out.first: " << tx_out.first << endl; //cout << "tx_out.second: " << tx_out.second << endl; string output_pub_key = pod_to_hex(output_data.pubkey); //cout << "output_pub_key: " << output_pub_key << endl; vector found_outputs; mylmdb->search(output_pub_key, found_outputs, "output_public_keys"); //cout << "found_outputs.size(): " << found_outputs.size() << endl; all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("output_public_keys_based_on_global_idx", found_outputs)); } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast &e) { cerr << "Cant cast global_idx string: " << search_text.substr(4) << endl; } } // if (search_for_global_output_idx) // seach for output using output amount index and amount if (search_for_amount_output_idx) { try { string str_to_split = search_text.substr(4); vector string_parts; boost::split(string_parts, str_to_split, boost::is_any_of("-")); if (string_parts.size() != 2) { throw; } uint64_t amount_idx = boost::lexical_cast( string_parts[0]); uint64_t amount = static_cast (boost::lexical_cast( string_parts[1]) * 1e12); //cout << "amount_idx: " << amount_idx << endl; //cout << "amount: " << amount << endl; output_data_t output_data; try { // get info about output of a given global index output_data = core_storage->get_db() .get_output_key( amount, amount_idx); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string out_msg = fmt::format( "Output with amount {:d} and index {:d} does not exist!", amount, amount_idx ); cerr << out_msg << endl; return out_msg; } string output_pub_key = pod_to_hex(output_data.pubkey); //cout << "output_pub_key: " << output_pub_key << endl; vector found_outputs; mylmdb->search(output_pub_key, found_outputs, "output_public_keys"); //cout << "found_outputs.size(): " << found_outputs.size() << endl; all_possible_tx_hashes.push_back( make_pair("output_public_keys_based_on_amount_idx", found_outputs)); } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) { cerr << "Cant parse amout index and amout string: " << search_text.substr(4) << endl; } catch(const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { cerr << "Output not found in the blockchain: " << search_text.substr(4) << endl; return(string("Output not found in the blockchain: ") + search_text.substr(4)); } } // if (search_for_amount_output_idx) } catch (const lmdb::runtime_error& e) { cerr << "Error opening/accessing custom lmdb database: " << e.what() << endl; } catch (std::exception& e) { cerr << "Error opening/accessing custom lmdb database: " << e.what() << endl; } result_html = show_search_results(search_text, all_possible_tx_hashes); return result_html; } string show_address_details(const account_public_address& address, bool testnet = false) { string address_str = xmreg::print_address(address, testnet); string pub_viewkey_str = fmt::format("{:s}", address.m_view_public_key); string pub_spendkey_str = fmt::format("{:s}", address.m_spend_public_key); mstch::map context { {"xmr_address" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(address_str)}, {"public_viewkey" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(pub_viewkey_str)}, {"public_spendkey" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(pub_spendkey_str)}, {"is_integrated_addr" , false}, {"testnet" , testnet}, }; // read address.html string address_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_ADDRESS); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(address_html); add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } // ; string show_integrated_address_details(const account_public_address& address, const crypto::hash8& encrypted_payment_id, bool testnet = false) { string address_str = xmreg::print_address(address, testnet); string pub_viewkey_str = fmt::format("{:s}", address.m_view_public_key); string pub_spendkey_str = fmt::format("{:s}", address.m_spend_public_key); string enc_payment_id_str = fmt::format("{:s}", encrypted_payment_id); mstch::map context { {"xmr_address" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(address_str)}, {"public_viewkey" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(pub_viewkey_str)}, {"public_spendkey" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(pub_spendkey_str)}, {"encrypted_payment_id" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(enc_payment_id_str)}, {"is_integrated_addr" , true}, {"testnet" , testnet}, }; // read address.html string address_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_ADDRESS); add_css_style(context); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(address_html); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } map> search_txs(vector txs, const string& search_text) { map> tx_hashes; // initlizte the map with empty results tx_hashes["key_images"] = {}; tx_hashes["tx_public_keys"] = {}; tx_hashes["payments_id"] = {}; tx_hashes["encrypted_payments_id"] = {}; tx_hashes["output_public_keys"] = {}; for (const transaction& tx: txs) { tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx); string tx_hash_str = pod_to_hex(txd.hash); // check if any key_image matches the search_text vector::iterator it1 = find_if(begin(txd.input_key_imgs), end(txd.input_key_imgs), [&](const txin_to_key& key_img) { return pod_to_hex(key_img.k_image) == search_text; }); if (it1 != txd.input_key_imgs.end()) { tx_hashes["key_images"].push_back(tx_hash_str); } // check if tx_public_key matches the search_text if (pod_to_hex(txd.pk) == search_text) { tx_hashes["tx_public_keys"].push_back(tx_hash_str); } // check if payments_id matches the search_text if (pod_to_hex(txd.payment_id) == search_text) { tx_hashes["payment_id"].push_back(tx_hash_str); } // check if encrypted_payments_id matches the search_text if (pod_to_hex(txd.payment_id8) == search_text) { tx_hashes["encrypted_payments_id"].push_back(tx_hash_str); } // check if output_public_keys matche the search_text vector>::iterator it2 = find_if(begin(txd.output_pub_keys), end(txd.output_pub_keys), [&](const pair& tx_out_pk) { return pod_to_hex(tx_out_pk.first.key) == search_text; }); if (it2 != txd.output_pub_keys.end()) { tx_hashes["output_public_keys"].push_back(tx_hash_str); } } return tx_hashes; } vector get_mempool_txs() { // get mempool data using rpc call vector> mempool_data = search_mempool(); // output only transactions vector mempool_txs; mempool_txs.reserve(mempool_data.size()); for (const auto& a_pair: mempool_data) { mempool_txs.push_back(a_pair.second); } return mempool_txs; } string show_search_results(const string& search_text, const vector>>& all_possible_tx_hashes) { // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet}, {"search_text" , search_text}, {"no_results" , true}, {"to_many_results", false} }; for (const pair>& found_txs: all_possible_tx_hashes) { // define flag, e.g., has_key_images denoting that // tx hashes for key_image searched were found context.insert({"has_" + found_txs.first, !found_txs.second.empty()}); // cout << "found_txs.first: " << found_txs.first << endl; // insert new array based on what we found to context if not exist pair< mstch::map::iterator, bool> res = context.insert({found_txs.first, mstch::array{}}); if (!found_txs.second.empty()) { uint64_t tx_i {0}; // for each found tx_hash, get the corresponding tx // and its details, and put into mstch for rendering for (const string& tx_hash: found_txs.second) { crypto::hash tx_hash_pod; epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(tx_hash, tx_hash_pod); transaction tx; uint64_t blk_height {0}; int64_t blk_timestamp; // first check in the blockchain if (mcore->get_tx(tx_hash, tx)) { // get timestamp of the tx's block blk_height = core_storage ->get_db().get_tx_block_height(tx_hash_pod); blk_timestamp = core_storage ->get_db().get_block_timestamp(blk_height); } else { // check in mempool if tx_hash not found in the // blockchain vector> found_txs = search_mempool(tx_hash_pod); if (!found_txs.empty()) { // there should be only one tx found tx = found_txs.at(0).second; } else { return string("Cant get tx of hash (show_search_results): " + tx_hash); } // tx in mempool have no blk_timestamp // but can use their recive time blk_timestamp = found_txs.at(0).first.receive_time; } tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx); mstch::map txd_map = txd.get_mstch_map(); // add the timestamp to tx mstch map txd_map.insert({"timestamp", xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk_timestamp)}); boost::get((res.first)->second).push_back(txd_map); // dont show more than 500 results if (tx_i > 500) { context["to_many_results"] = true; break; } ++tx_i; } // if found something, set this flag to indicate this fact context["no_results"] = false; } } // read search_results.html string search_results_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_SEARCH_RESULTS); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(search_results_html); // read partial for showing details of tx(s) found map partials { {"tx_table_head", xmreg::read(string(TMPL_PARIALS_DIR) + "/tx_table_header.html")}, {"tx_table_row" , xmreg::read(string(TMPL_PARIALS_DIR) + "/tx_table_row.html")} }; add_css_style(context); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context, partials); } private: void mark_real_mixins_on_timescales( const vector& real_output_indices, mstch::map& tx_context) { // mark real mixing in the mixins timescale graph mstch::array& mixins_timescales = boost::get(tx_context["timescales"]); uint64_t idx {0}; for (mstch::node& timescale_node: mixins_timescales) { string& timescale = boost::get( boost::get(timescale_node)["timescale"] ); // claculated number of timescale points // due to resolution, no of points might be lower than no of mixins size_t no_points = std::count(timescale.begin(), timescale.end(), '*'); size_t point_to_find = real_output_indices.at(idx); // adjust point to find based on total number of points if (point_to_find >= no_points) point_to_find = no_points - 1; boost::iterator_range r = boost::find_nth(timescale, "*", point_to_find); *(r.begin()) = 'R'; ++idx; } } mstch::map construct_tx_context(transaction tx, uint with_ring_signatures = 0) { tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx); crypto::hash tx_hash = txd.hash; string tx_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", tx_hash)); uint64_t tx_blk_height {0}; bool tx_blk_found {false}; if (core_storage->have_tx(tx_hash)) { // currently get_tx_block_height seems to return a block hight // +1. Before it was not like this. tx_blk_height = core_storage->get_db().get_tx_block_height(tx_hash) - 1; tx_blk_found = true; } // get block cointaining this tx block blk; if (tx_blk_found && !mcore->get_block_by_height(tx_blk_height, blk)) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << tx_blk_height << endl; } string tx_blk_height_str {"N/A"}; // tx age pair age; string blk_timestamp {"N/A"}; if (tx_blk_found) { // calculate difference between tx and server timestamps age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp, FULL_AGE_FORMAT); blk_timestamp = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp); tx_blk_height_str = std::to_string(tx_blk_height); } // payments id. both normal and encrypted (payment_id8) string pid_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.payment_id)); string pid8_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.payment_id8)); string tx_json = obj_to_json_str(tx); // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"testnet" , testnet}, {"tx_hash" , tx_hash_str}, {"tx_prefix_hash" , pod_to_hex(txd.prefix_hash)}, {"tx_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.pk))}, {"blk_height" , tx_blk_height_str}, {"tx_size" , fmt::format("{:0.4f}", static_cast(txd.size) / 1024.0)}, {"tx_fee" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(txd.fee)}, {"tx_version" , fmt::format("{:d}", txd.version)}, {"blk_timestamp" , blk_timestamp}, {"blk_timestamp_uint" , blk.timestamp}, {"delta_time" , age.first}, {"inputs_no" , static_cast(txd.input_key_imgs.size())}, {"has_inputs" , !txd.input_key_imgs.empty()}, {"outputs_no" , static_cast(txd.output_pub_keys.size())}, {"has_payment_id" , txd.payment_id != null_hash}, {"has_payment_id8" , txd.payment_id8 != null_hash8}, {"confirmations" , txd.no_confirmations}, {"payment_id" , pid_str}, {"payment_id8" , pid8_str}, {"extra" , txd.get_extra_str()}, {"with_ring_signatures" , static_cast( with_ring_signatures)}, {"tx_json" , tx_json}, {"is_ringct" , (tx.version > 1)}, {"rct_type" , tx.rct_signatures.type}, {"has_error" , false}, {"error_msg" , string("")}, {"have_raw_tx" , false}, }; string server_time_str = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(server_timestamp, "%F"); mstch::array inputs = mstch::array{}; uint64_t input_idx {0}; uint64_t inputs_xmr_sum {0}; vector> mixin_timestamp_groups; // make timescale maps for mixins in input for (const txin_to_key& in_key: txd.input_key_imgs) { // get absolute offsets of mixins std::vector absolute_offsets = cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute( in_key.key_offsets); // get public keys of outputs used in the mixins that match to the offests std::vector outputs; try { core_storage->get_db().get_output_key(in_key.amount, absolute_offsets, outputs); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string out_msg = fmt::format( "Outputs with amount {:d} do not exist and indexes ", in_key.amount ); for (auto offset: absolute_offsets) out_msg += ", " + to_string(offset); out_msg += " don't exist!"; cerr << out_msg << endl; context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = out_msg; return context; } inputs.push_back(mstch::map { {"in_key_img" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", in_key.k_image))}, {"amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(in_key.amount)}, {"input_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", input_idx)}, {"mixins" , mstch::array{}}, {"ring_sigs" , txd.get_ring_sig_for_input(input_idx)}, {"already_spent", false} // placeholder for later }); inputs_xmr_sum += in_key.amount; vector mixin_timestamps; // get reference to mixins array created above mstch::array& mixins = boost::get( boost::get(inputs.back())["mixins"]); // mixin counter size_t count = 0; // for each found output public key find its block to get timestamp for (const uint64_t &i: absolute_offsets) { // get basic information about mixn's output cryptonote::output_data_t output_data = outputs.at(count); tx_out_index tx_out_idx; try { // get pair pair where first is tx hash // and second is local index of the output i in that tx tx_out_idx = core_storage->get_db() .get_output_tx_and_index(in_key.amount, i); } catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e) { string out_msg = fmt::format( "Output with amount {:d} and index {:d} does not exist!", in_key.amount, i ); cerr << out_msg << endl; context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = out_msg; return context; } // get block of given height, as we want to get its timestamp cryptonote::block blk; if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(output_data.height, blk)) { cerr << "- cant get block of height: " << output_data.height << endl; context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = fmt::format("- cant get block of height: {}", output_data.height); } // get age of mixin relative to server time pair mixin_age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp, FULL_AGE_FORMAT); // get mixin transaction transaction mixin_tx; if (!mcore->get_tx(tx_out_idx.first, mixin_tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx: " << tx_out_idx.first << endl; context["has_error"] = true; context["error_msg"] = fmt::format("Cant get tx: {:s}", tx_out_idx.first); } // mixin tx details tx_details mixin_txd = get_tx_details(mixin_tx, true); mixins.push_back(mstch::map { {"mix_blk" , fmt::format("{:08d}", output_data.height)}, {"mix_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", output_data.pubkey))}, {"mix_tx_hash" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", tx_out_idx.first))}, {"mix_out_indx" , fmt::format("{:d}", tx_out_idx.second)}, {"mix_timestamp" , xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp)}, {"mix_age" , mixin_age.first}, {"mix_mixin_no" , mixin_txd.mixin_no}, {"mix_inputs_no" , static_cast(mixin_txd.input_key_imgs.size())}, {"mix_outputs_no" , static_cast(mixin_txd.output_pub_keys.size())}, {"mix_age_format" , mixin_age.second}, {"mix_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", count)}, {"mix_is_it_real" , false}, // a placeholder for future }); // get mixin timestamp from its orginal block mixin_timestamps.push_back(blk.timestamp); ++count; } // for (const uint64_t &i: absolute_offsets) mixin_timestamp_groups.push_back(mixin_timestamps); input_idx++; } // for (const txin_to_key& in_key: txd.input_key_imgs) uint64_t min_mix_timestamp; uint64_t max_mix_timestamp; pair mixins_timescales = construct_mstch_mixin_timescales( mixin_timestamp_groups, min_mix_timestamp, max_mix_timestamp ); context["inputs_xmr_sum"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(inputs_xmr_sum); context["server_time"] = server_time_str; context.emplace("inputs", inputs); context["min_mix_time"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(min_mix_timestamp); context["max_mix_time"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(max_mix_timestamp); context.emplace("timescales", mixins_timescales.first); context["timescales_scale"] = fmt::format("{:0.2f}", mixins_timescales.second / 3600.0 / 24.0); // in days // get indices of outputs in amounts tables vector out_amount_indices; try { uint64_t tx_index; if (core_storage->get_db().tx_exists(txd.hash, tx_index)) { out_amount_indices = core_storage->get_db() .get_tx_amount_output_indices(tx_index); } else { cerr << "get_tx_outputs_gindexs failed to find transaction with id = " << txd.hash; } } catch(const exception& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } uint64_t output_idx {0}; mstch::array outputs; uint64_t outputs_xmr_sum {0}; for (pair& outp: txd.output_pub_keys) { // total number of ouputs in the blockchain for this amount uint64_t num_outputs_amount = core_storage->get_db() .get_num_outputs(outp.second); string out_amount_index_str {"N/A"}; // outputs in tx in them mempool dont have yet global indices // thus for them, we print N/A if (!out_amount_indices.empty()) { out_amount_index_str = fmt::format("{:d}", out_amount_indices.at(output_idx)); } outputs_xmr_sum += outp.second; outputs.push_back(mstch::map { {"out_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", outp.first.key))}, {"amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(outp.second)}, {"amount_idx" , out_amount_index_str}, {"num_outputs" , fmt::format("{:d}", num_outputs_amount)}, {"output_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", output_idx++)} }); } context["outputs_xmr_sum"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(outputs_xmr_sum); context.emplace("outputs", outputs); return context; } pair construct_mstch_mixin_timescales( const vector>& mixin_timestamp_groups, uint64_t& min_mix_timestamp, uint64_t& max_mix_timestamp ) { mstch::array mixins_timescales; double timescale_scale {0.0}; // size of one '_' in days // initialize with some large and some numbers min_mix_timestamp = server_timestamp*2L; max_mix_timestamp = 0; // find min and maximum timestamps for (const vector& mixn_timestamps : mixin_timestamp_groups) { uint64_t min_found = *min_element(mixn_timestamps.begin(), mixn_timestamps.end()); uint64_t max_found = *max_element(mixn_timestamps.begin(), mixn_timestamps.end()); if (min_found < min_mix_timestamp) min_mix_timestamp = min_found; if (max_found > max_mix_timestamp) max_mix_timestamp = max_found; } min_mix_timestamp -= 3600; max_mix_timestamp += 3600; // make timescale maps for mixins in input with adjusted range for (auto& mixn_timestamps : mixin_timestamp_groups) { // get mixins in time scale for visual representation pair mixin_times_scale = xmreg::timestamps_time_scale( mixn_timestamps, max_mix_timestamp, 170, min_mix_timestamp); // save resolution of mixin timescales timescale_scale = mixin_times_scale.second; // save the string timescales for later to show mixins_timescales.push_back(mstch::map { {"timescale", mixin_times_scale.first} }); } return make_pair(mixins_timescales, timescale_scale); } tx_details get_tx_details(const transaction& tx, bool coinbase = false) { tx_details txd; // get tx hash txd.hash = get_transaction_hash(tx); // get tx prefix hash txd.prefix_hash = get_transaction_prefix_hash(tx); // get tx public key from extra // this check if there are two public keys // due to previous bug with sining txs: // https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/1358/commits/7abfc5474c0f86e16c405f154570310468b635c2 txd.pk = xmreg::get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(tx); // sum xmr in inputs and ouputs in the given tx txd.xmr_inputs = sum_money_in_inputs(tx); txd.xmr_outputs = sum_money_in_outputs(tx); // get mixin number txd.mixin_no = get_mixin_no(tx); txd.fee = 0; transaction tx_copy = tx; txd.json_representation = obj_to_json_str(tx_copy); if (!coinbase && tx.vin.size() > 0) { // check if not miner tx // i.e., for blocks without any user transactions if (tx.vin.at(0).type() != typeid(txin_gen)) { // get tx fee txd.fee = get_tx_fee(tx); } } get_payment_id(tx, txd.payment_id, txd.payment_id8); //blobdata tx_blob = t_serializable_object_to_blob(tx); // get tx size in bytes txd.size = get_object_blobsize(tx); //txd.size = tx_blob.size(); //txd.size = core_storage->get_db().get_block_size(); txd.input_key_imgs = get_key_images(tx); txd.output_pub_keys = get_ouputs(tx); txd.extra = tx.extra; // get tx signatures for each input txd.signatures = tx.signatures; // get tx version txd.version = tx.version; // get unlock time txd.unlock_time = tx.unlock_time; txd.no_confirmations = 0; if (core_storage->have_tx(txd.hash)) { txd.blk_height = core_storage->get_db().get_tx_block_height(txd.hash); // get the current blockchain height. Just to check uint64_t bc_height = xmreg::MyLMDB::get_blockchain_height(mcore->get_blkchain_path()) - 1; txd.no_confirmations = bc_height - (txd.blk_height - 1); } return txd; } void clean_post_data(string& raw_tx_data) { // remove white characters boost::trim(raw_tx_data); boost::erase_all(raw_tx_data, "\r\n"); boost::erase_all(raw_tx_data, "\n"); // remove header and footer from base64 data // produced by certutil.exe in windows boost::erase_all(raw_tx_data, "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"); boost::erase_all(raw_tx_data, "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"); } bool get_txs_from_timestamp_range( uint64_t timestamp_start, uint64_t timestamp_end, const unique_ptr& mylmdb, vector& out_txs) { vector txs_found; if (mylmdb->get_txs_from_timestamp_range( timestamp_start, timestamp_end, txs_found)) { for (auto tf: txs_found) { out_txs.push_back(pod_to_hex(tf)); } return true; } return false; } vector> search_mempool(crypto::hash tx_hash = null_hash) { vector> found_txs; // get txs in the mempool std::vector mempool_txs; if (!rpc.get_mempool(mempool_txs)) { cerr << "Getting mempool failed " << endl; return found_txs; } // if we have tx blob disply more. // this info can also be obtained from json that is // normally returned by the RCP call (see below in detailed view) if (HAVE_TX_BLOB) { // get tx_blob if exists //string tx_blob = get_tx_blob(_tx_info); for (size_t i = 0; i < mempool_txs.size(); ++i) { // get transaction info of the tx in the mempool tx_info _tx_info = mempool_txs.at(i); // get tx_blob if exists string tx_blob = get_tx_blob(_tx_info); if (tx_blob.empty()) { cerr << "tx_blob is empty. Probably its not a custom deamon." << endl; continue; } // pare tx_blob into tx class transaction tx; if (!parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob( tx_blob, tx)) { cerr << "Cant get tx from blob" << endl; continue; } // if we dont provide tx_hash, just get all txs in // the mempool if (tx_hash != null_hash) { // check if tx hash matches, and if yes, save it for return if (tx_hash == get_transaction_hash(tx)) { found_txs.push_back(make_pair(_tx_info, tx)); break; } } else { found_txs.push_back(make_pair(_tx_info, tx)); } } } else { // if dont have tx_blob member, construct tx // from json obtained from the rpc call for (size_t i = 0; i < mempool_txs.size(); ++i) { // get transaction info of the tx in the mempool tx_info _tx_info = mempool_txs.at(i); crypto::hash mem_tx_hash = null_hash; if (hex_to_pod(_tx_info.id_hash, mem_tx_hash)) { transaction tx; //cout << "\n\n\n_tx_info.id_hash:" << _tx_info.id_hash << endl; if (!xmreg::make_tx_from_json(_tx_info.tx_json, tx)) { cerr << "Cant make tx from _tx_info.tx_json" << endl; continue; } if (_tx_info.id_hash != pod_to_hex(get_transaction_hash(tx))) { cerr << "Hash of reconstructed tx from json does not match " "what we should get!" << endl; continue; } if (tx_hash == mem_tx_hash) { found_txs.push_back(make_pair(_tx_info, tx)); break; } } } } return found_txs; } pair get_age(uint64_t timestamp1, uint64_t timestamp2, bool full_format = 0) { pair age_pair; // calculate difference between server and block timestamps array delta_time = timestamp_difference( timestamp1, timestamp2); // default format for age string age_str = fmt::format("{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_time[2], delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); string age_format {"[h:m:s]"}; // if have days or years, change age format if (delta_time[0] > 0 || full_format == true) { age_str = fmt::format("{:02d}:{:03d}:{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_time[0], delta_time[1], delta_time[2], delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); age_format = string("[y:d:h:m:s]"); } else if (delta_time[1] > 0) { age_str = fmt::format("{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_time[1], delta_time[2], delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); age_format = string("[d:h:m:s]"); } age_pair.first = age_str; age_pair.second = age_format; return age_pair; } string get_full_page(string& middle) { return xmreg::read(TMPL_HEADER) + middle + get_footer(); } string get_footer() { // set last git commit date based on // autogenrated version.h during compilation static const mstch::map footer_context { {"last_git_commit_hash", string {GIT_COMMIT_HASH}}, {"last_git_commit_date", string {GIT_COMMIT_DATETIME}} }; string footer_html = mstch::render(xmreg::read(TMPL_FOOTER), footer_context); return footer_html; } void add_css_style(mstch::map& context) { context["css_styles"] = mstch::lambda{[&](const std::string& text) -> mstch::node { return this->css_styles; }}; } }; } #endif //CROWXMR_PAGE_H