// // Created by mwo on 8/04/16. // #ifndef CROWXMR_PAGE_H #define CROWXMR_PAGE_H #include "mstch/mstch.hpp" #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include "../ext/format.h" #include "monero_headers.h" #include "MicroCore.h" #include "tools.h" #include "rpccalls.h" #include #include #define TMPL_DIR "./templates" #define TMPL_INDEX TMPL_DIR "/index.html" #define TMPL_MEMPOOL TMPL_DIR "/mempool.html" #define TMPL_HEADER TMPL_DIR "/header.html" #define TMPL_FOOTER TMPL_DIR "/footer.html" #define TMPL_BLOCK TMPL_DIR "/block.html" namespace xmreg { using namespace cryptonote; using namespace crypto; using namespace std; using request = cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::request; using response = cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::response; using http_simple_client = epee::net_utils::http::http_simple_client; class page { MicroCore* mcore; Blockchain* core_storage; rpccalls rpc; time_t server_timestamp; public: page(MicroCore* _mcore, Blockchain* _core_storage) : mcore {_mcore}, core_storage {_core_storage}, server_timestamp {std::time(nullptr)} { } string index(uint64_t page_no = 0, bool refresh_page = false) { // connect to the deamon if not yet connected bool is_connected = rpc.connect_to_monero_deamon(); if (!is_connected) { cerr << "Connection to the Monero demon does not exist or was lost!" << endl; return "Connection to the Monero demon does not exist or was lost!"; } //get current server timestamp server_timestamp = std::time(nullptr); // number of last blocks to show uint64_t no_of_last_blocks {100 + 1}; uint64_t height = rpc.get_current_height() - 1; // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"refresh" , refresh_page}, {"height" , fmt::format("{:d}", height)}, {"server_timestamp", xmreg::timestamp_to_str(server_timestamp)}, {"blocks" , mstch::array()}, {"age_format" , string("[h:m:d]")}, {"page_no" , fmt::format("{:d}", page_no)}, {"total_page_no" , fmt::format("{:d}", height / (no_of_last_blocks))}, {"is_page_zero" , !bool(page_no)}, {"next_page" , fmt::format("{:d}", page_no + 1)}, {"prev_page" , fmt::format("{:d}", (page_no > 0 ? page_no - 1 : 0))} }; // get reference to blocks template map to be field below mstch::array& blocks = boost::get(context["blocks"]); // calculate starting and ending block numbers to show uint64_t start_height = height - no_of_last_blocks * (page_no + 1); uint64_t end_height = height - no_of_last_blocks * (page_no); // check few conditions to make sure we are whithin the avaliable range //@TODO its too messed up. needs to find cleaner way. start_height = start_height > 0 ? start_height : 0; end_height = end_height < height ? end_height : height; start_height = start_height > end_height ? 0 : start_height; end_height = end_height - start_height > no_of_last_blocks ? no_of_last_blocks : end_height; // iterate over last no_of_last_blocks of blocks for (uint64_t i = start_height; i <= end_height; ++i) { // get block at the given height i block blk; if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(i, blk)) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << i << endl; continue; } // get block's hash crypto::hash blk_hash = core_storage->get_block_id_by_height(i); // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string blk_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", blk_hash)); // get block timestamp in user friendly format string timestamp_str = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp); pair age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp); context["age_format"] = age.second; // get xmr in the block reward array coinbase_tx = sum_money_in_tx(blk.miner_tx); // get transactions in the block const vector& txs_in_blk = core_storage->get_db().get_tx_list(blk.tx_hashes); // sum xmr in the inputs and ouputs of all transactions array sum_xmr_in_out = sum_money_in_txs(txs_in_blk); // get sum of all transactions in the block uint64_t sum_fees = sum_fees_in_txs(txs_in_blk); // get mixin number in each transaction vector mixin_numbers = xmreg::get_mixin_no_in_txs(txs_in_blk); // find minimum and maxium mixin numbers int mixin_min {-1}; int mixin_max {-1}; if (!mixin_numbers.empty()) { mixin_min = static_cast( *std::min_element(mixin_numbers.begin(), mixin_numbers.end())); mixin_max = static_cast( *max_element(mixin_numbers.begin(), mixin_numbers.end())); } // mixing format for the templates auto mixin_format = [=]() -> mstch::node { if (mixin_min < 0) { return string("N/A"); } return fmt::format("{:d}-{:d}", mixin_min - 1, mixin_max - 1); }; // get block size in bytes uint64_t blk_size = get_object_blobsize(blk); // set output page template map blocks.push_back(mstch::map { {"height" , to_string(i)}, {"timestamp" , timestamp_str}, {"age" , age.first}, {"hash" , blk_hash_str}, {"block_reward", fmt::format("{:0.4f}/{:0.4f}", XMR_AMOUNT(coinbase_tx[1] - sum_fees), XMR_AMOUNT(sum_fees))}, {"notx" , fmt::format("{:d}", blk.tx_hashes.size())}, {"xmr_inputs" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", XMR_AMOUNT(sum_xmr_in_out[0]))}, {"xmr_outputs" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", XMR_AMOUNT(sum_xmr_in_out[1]))}, {"mixin_range" , mstch::lambda {mixin_format}}, {"blksize" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", static_cast(blk_size) / 1024.0)} }); } // for (uint64_t i = start_height; i <= end_height; ++i) // reverse blocks and remove last (i.e., oldest) // block. This is done so that time delats // are easier to calcualte in the above for loop std::reverse(blocks.begin(), blocks.end()); //blocks.pop_back(); // get memory pool rendered template string mempool_html = mempool(); // append mempool_html to the index context map context["mempool_info"] = mempool_html; // read index.html string index_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_INDEX); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(index_html); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string mempool() { std::vector mempool_txs; if (!rpc.get_mempool(mempool_txs)) { return "Getting mempool failed"; } // initalise page tempate map with basic info about mempool mstch::map context { {"mempool_size", fmt::format("{:d}", mempool_txs.size())}, {"mempooltxs" , mstch::array()} }; // get reference to blocks template map to be field below mstch::array& txs = boost::get(context["mempooltxs"]); // for each transaction in the memory pool for (size_t i = 0; i < mempool_txs.size(); ++i) { // get transaction info of the tx in the mempool tx_info _tx_info = mempool_txs.at(i); // calculate difference between tx in mempool and server timestamps array delta_time = timestamp_difference( server_timestamp, _tx_info.receive_time); // use only hours, so if we have days, add // it to hours uint64_t delta_hours {delta_time[1]*24 + delta_time[2]}; string age_str = fmt::format("{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_hours, delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); // if more than 99 hourse, change formating // for the template if (delta_hours > 99) { age_str = fmt::format("{:03d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_hours, delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); } // sum xmr in inputs and ouputs in the given tx uint64_t sum_inputs = sum_xmr_inputs(_tx_info.tx_json); uint64_t sum_outputs = sum_xmr_outputs(_tx_info.tx_json); // get mixin number in each transaction vector mixin_numbers = get_mixin_no_in_txs(_tx_info.tx_json); // set output page template map txs.push_back(mstch::map { {"timestamp" , xmreg::timestamp_to_str(_tx_info.receive_time)}, {"age" , age_str}, {"hash" , fmt::format("{:s}", _tx_info.id_hash)}, {"fee" , fmt::format("{:0.4f}", XMR_AMOUNT(_tx_info.fee))}, {"xmr_inputs" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", XMR_AMOUNT(sum_inputs))}, {"xmr_outputs" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", XMR_AMOUNT(sum_outputs))}, {"mixin" , fmt::format("{:d}", mixin_numbers.at(0) - 1)}, {"txsize" , fmt::format("{:0.2f}", static_cast(_tx_info.blob_size)/1024.0)} }); } // read index.html string mempool_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MEMPOOL); // render the page return mstch::render(mempool_html, context); } string show_block(uint64_t _blk_height) { // get block at the given height i block blk; if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(_blk_height, blk)) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << _blk_height << endl; return fmt::format("Block of height {:d} not found!", _blk_height); } // get block's hash crypto::hash blk_hash = core_storage->get_block_id_by_height(_blk_height); crypto::hash prev_hash = blk.prev_id; crypto::hash next_hash = core_storage->get_block_id_by_height(_blk_height + 1); bool have_next_hash = (next_hash == null_hash ? false : true); bool have_prev_hash = (prev_hash == null_hash ? false : true); // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string prev_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", prev_hash)); string next_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", next_hash)); // remove "<" and ">" from the hash string string blk_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", blk_hash)); // get block timestamp in user friendly format string blk_timestamp = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp); // get age of the block relative to the server time pair age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp); // get time from the last block string delta_time {"N/A"}; if (have_prev_hash) { block prev_blk = core_storage->get_db().get_block(prev_hash); pair delta_diff = get_age(blk.timestamp, prev_blk.timestamp); delta_time = delta_diff.first; } // get block size in bytes uint64_t blk_size = get_object_blobsize(blk); // miner reward tx transaction coinbase_tx = blk.miner_tx; // transcation in the block vector tx_hashes = blk.tx_hashes; bool have_txs = !blk.tx_hashes.empty(); // initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain mstch::map context { {"blk_hash" , blk_hash_str}, {"blk_height" , fmt::format("{:d}", _blk_height)}, {"blk_timestamp" , blk_timestamp}, {"prev_hash" , prev_hash_str}, {"next_hash" , next_hash_str}, {"have_next_hash" , have_next_hash}, {"have_prev_hash" , have_prev_hash}, {"blk_age" , age.first}, {"delta_time" , delta_time}, {"blk_nonce" , std::to_string(blk.nonce)}, {"age_format" , age.second}, {"major_ver" , std::to_string(blk.major_version)}, {"minor_ver" , std::to_string(blk.minor_version)}, {"blk_size" , fmt::format("{:0.4f}", static_cast(blk_size) / 1024.0)} }; // read block.html string block_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_BLOCK); // add header and footer string full_page = get_full_page(block_html); // render the page return mstch::render(full_page, context); } string show_block(string _blk_hash) { crypto::hash blk_hash; if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(_blk_hash, blk_hash)) { cerr << "Cant parse blk hash: " << blk_hash << endl; return fmt::format("Cant parse block hash {:s}!", blk_hash); } uint64_t blk_height; try { blk_height = core_storage->get_db().get_block_height(blk_hash); } catch (const BLOCK_DNE& e) { cerr << "Block does not exist: " << blk_hash << endl; return fmt::format("Block of hash {:s} does not exist!", blk_hash); } catch (const std::exception& e) { cerr << "Cant get block: " << blk_hash << endl; return fmt::format("Block of hash {:s} not found!", blk_hash); } return show_block(blk_height); } private: pair get_age(uint64_t timestamp1, uint64_t timestamp2) { pair age_pair; // calculate difference between server and block timestamps array delta_time = timestamp_difference( timestamp1, timestamp2); // default format for age string age_str = fmt::format("{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_time[2], delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); string age_format {"[h:m:s]"}; // if have days or years, change age format if (delta_time[0] > 0) { age_str = fmt::format("{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_time[0], delta_time[1], delta_time[2], delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); age_format = string("[y:d:h:m:s]"); } else if (delta_time[1] > 0) { age_str = fmt::format("{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}", delta_time[1], delta_time[2], delta_time[3], delta_time[4]); age_format = string("[d:h:m:s]"); } age_pair.first = age_str; age_pair.second = age_format; return age_pair; } uint64_t sum_xmr_outputs(const string& json_str) { uint64_t sum_xmr {0}; rapidjson::Document json; if (json.Parse(json_str.c_str()).HasParseError()) { cerr << "Failed to parse JSON" << endl; return 0; } // get information about outputs const rapidjson::Value& vout = json["vout"]; if (vout.IsArray()) { for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < vout.Size(); ++i) { //print(" - {:s}, {:0.8f} xmr\n", // vout[i]["target"]["key"].GetString(), // XMR_AMOUNT(vout[i]["amount"].GetUint64())); sum_xmr += vout[i]["amount"].GetUint64(); } } return sum_xmr; } uint64_t sum_xmr_inputs(const string& json_str) { uint64_t sum_xmr {0}; rapidjson::Document json; if (json.Parse(json_str.c_str()).HasParseError()) { cerr << "Failed to parse JSON" << endl; return 0; } // get information about inputs const rapidjson::Value& vin = json["vin"]; if (vin.IsArray()) { // print("Input key images:\n"); for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < vin.Size(); ++i) { if (vin[i].HasMember("key")) { const rapidjson::Value& key_img = vin[i]["key"]; // print(" - {:s}, {:0.8f} xmr\n", // key_img["k_image"].GetString(), // XMR_AMOUNT(key_img["amount"].GetUint64())); sum_xmr += key_img["amount"].GetUint64(); } } } return sum_xmr; } vector get_mixin_no_in_txs(const string& json_str) { vector mixin_no; rapidjson::Document json; if (json.Parse(json_str.c_str()).HasParseError()) { cerr << "Failed to parse JSON" << endl; return mixin_no; } // get information about inputs const rapidjson::Value& vin = json["vin"]; if (vin.IsArray()) { // print("Input key images:\n"); for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < vin.Size(); ++i) { if (vin[i].HasMember("key")) { const rapidjson::Value& key_img = vin[i]["key"]; // print(" - {:s}, {:0.8f} xmr\n", // key_img["k_image"].GetString(), // XMR_AMOUNT(key_img["amount"].GetUint64())); mixin_no.push_back(key_img["key_offsets"].Size()); } } } return mixin_no; } string get_full_page(string& middle) { return xmreg::read(TMPL_HEADER) + middle + xmreg::read(TMPL_FOOTER); } }; } #endif //CROWXMR_PAGE_H