#include "src/MicroCore.h" #include "ext/crow/crow.h" #include "mstch/mstch.hpp" #include "ext/format.h" #include using boost::filesystem::path; using namespace std; namespace epee { unsigned int g_test_dbg_lock_sleep = 0; } int main() { path blockchain_path {"/home/mwo/.bitmonero/lmdb"}; // enable basic monero log output xmreg::enable_monero_log(); // create instance of our MicroCore xmreg::MicroCore mcore; cryptonote::Blockchain* core_storage; if (!xmreg::init_blockchain(blockchain_path.string(), mcore, core_storage)) { cerr << "Error accessing blockchain." << endl; return 1; } // get the current blockchain height. Just to check if it reads ok. uint64_t height = core_storage->get_current_blockchain_height() - 1; fmt::print("\n\n" "Top block height : {:d}\n", height); std::string view {"Blockchain height {{height}}"}; mstch::map context { {"height", fmt::format("{:d}", height)} }; crow::SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([&]() { return mstch::render(view, context); }); app.port(8080).multithreaded().run(); return 0; }