started work on /checkandpush

This commit is contained in:
moneroexamples 2016-09-27 17:35:28 +08:00
parent 2aff4fc98e
commit f6037bc33e
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -217,9 +217,12 @@ int main(int ac, const char* av[]) {
CROW_ROUTE(app, "/checkandpush").methods("POST"_method)
([&](const crow::request& req) {
//string rawtxdata = string("rawtxdata"));
//crow::query_string post_data = crow::query_string(string("?#")+req.body);
//cout << post_data.get("rawtxdata") << endl;
crow::query_string post_data(req.body);
//cout << req.url_params.get("rawtxdata") << endl;
cout << req.body << endl;
//auto j = crow::json::load(req.body);
//cout << req.get_header_value("rawtxdata") << endl;
//cout << j["rawtxdata"] << endl;
return xmrblocks.show_checkandpushtx();