Locate our mixins in key images added

This commit is contained in:
moneroexamples 2016-12-20 15:08:33 +08:00
parent c797e2d59e
commit bd15cb874f
3 changed files with 229 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1259,11 +1259,202 @@ public:
//cout << "outputs.size(): " << outputs.size() << endl;
// we can also test ouputs used in mixins for key images
// this can show possible spending. Only possible, because
// without a spend key, we cant know for sure. It might be
// that our output was used by someelse for their mixin.
// for this we can look in our custom db, for efficiencly
unique_ptr<xmreg::MyLMDB> mylmdb;
if (bf::is_directory(lmdb2_path))
mylmdb = make_unique<xmreg::MyLMDB>(lmdb2_path);
mstch::array inputs;
vector<txin_to_key> input_key_imgs = xmreg::get_key_images(tx);
for (const txin_to_key& in_key: input_key_imgs)
if (!mylmdb)
// get absolute offsets of mixins
std::vector<uint64_t> absolute_offsets
= cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute(
// get public keys of outputs used in the mixins that match to the offests
std::vector<cryptonote::output_data_t> mixin_outputs;
catch (const OUTPUT_DNE& e)
cerr << "get_output_keys: " << e.what() << endl;
{"key_image" , pod_to_hex(in_key.k_image)},
{"key_image_amount", xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(in_key.amount)},
{"mixins" , mstch::array{}}
mstch::array& mixins = boost::get<mstch::array>(
// to store our mixins found for the given key image
vector<map<string, string>> our_mixins_found;
// for each found output public key find check if its ours or not
for (const cryptonote::output_data_t& output_data: mixin_outputs)
string out_pub_key_str = pod_to_hex(output_data.pubkey);
//cout << "out_pub_key_str: " << out_pub_key_str << endl;
// this will be txs where the outputs come from
vector<string> found_tx_hashes;
{"mixin_pub_key", out_pub_key_str},
{"mixin_outputs", mstch::array{}}
mstch::array& mixin_outputs = boost::get<mstch::array>(
// for each output transaction, check if its ours
// as before
for (string tx_hash_str: found_tx_hashes)
crypto::hash tx_hash;
hex_to_pod(tx_hash_str, tx_hash);
transaction mixin_tx;
if (!mcore->get_tx(tx_hash, mixin_tx))
cerr << "Cant get tx in blockchain: " << tx_hash << endl;
public_key tx_pub_key
= xmreg::get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(mixin_tx);
// public transaction key is combined with our viewkey
// to create, so called, derived key.
key_derivation derivation;
if (!generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, prv_view_key, derivation))
cerr << "Cant get derived key for: " << "\n"
<< "pub_tx_key: " << tx_pub_key << " and "
<< "prv_view_key" << prv_view_key << endl;
// <public_key , amount , out idx>
vector<tuple<txout_to_key, uint64_t, uint64_t>> output_pub_keys;
output_pub_keys = xmreg::get_ouputs_tuple(mixin_tx);
{"mix_tx_hash" , tx_hash_str},
{"found_outputs", mstch::array{}}
mstch::array& found_outputs = boost::get<mstch::array>(
// for each output in mixin tx, find the one from key_image
// and check if its ours.
for (const auto& mix_out: output_pub_keys)
txout_to_key txout_k = std::get<0>(mix_out);
uint64_t amount = std::get<1>(mix_out);
uint64_t output_idx_in_tx = std::get<2>(mix_out);
// if (mix_out.first.key != output_data.pubkey)
// {
// continue;
// }
// get the tx output public key
// that normally would be generated for us,
// if someone had sent us some xmr.
public_key tx_pubkey_generated;
// check if generated public key matches the current output's key
bool mine_output = (txout_k.key == tx_pubkey_generated);
// save our mixnin's public keys
found_outputs.push_back(mstch::map {
{"my_public_key" , pod_to_hex(txout_k.key)},
{"tx_hash" , tx_hash_str},
{"mine_output" , mine_output},
{"out_idx" , to_string(output_idx_in_tx)},
{"formed_output_pk", out_pub_key_str},
{"amount" , xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(amount)},
if (mine_output)
// cout << " - " << pod_to_hex(txout_k.key)
// <<": " << mine_output << " amount: "
// << xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(amount)
// << endl;
} // for (const pair<txout_to_key, uint64_t>& mix_out: txd.output_pub_keys)
} // for (string tx_hash_str: found_tx_hashes)
} // for (const cryptonote::output_data_t& output_data: mixin_outputs)
} // for (const txin_to_key& in_key: input_key_imgs)
context["outputs"] = outputs;
context["sum_xmr"] = xmreg::xmr_amount_to_str(sum_xmr);
context["inputs"] = inputs;
// read my_outputs.html
string my_outputs_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_MY_OUTPUTS);

View file

@ -63,6 +63,42 @@
<h3>Sum XMR from matched outputs: {{sum_xmr}}</h3>
<div class="center">
<h4>Key image: {{key_image}}, amount {{key_image_amount}}</h4>
<h5>Mixin of pub key: {{mixin_pub_key}}</h5>
uses outputs from tx:
<a href="/tx/{{mix_tx_hash}}">{{mix_tx_hash}}</a>
<h6 style="font-family: 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal;">
Output public key: {{my_public_key}},
amount: {{amount}},
is ours:
<span style="color: #008009;font-weight: bold">{{mine_output}}</span>