construct_tx_context method added

This commit is contained in:
moneroexamples 2016-10-04 13:05:45 +08:00
parent 16f6785bad
commit 2b3a034bb9

View file

@ -943,291 +943,7 @@ namespace xmreg {
tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx);
uint64_t tx_blk_height {0};
bool tx_blk_found {false};
tx_blk_height = core_storage->get_db().get_tx_block_height(tx_hash);
tx_blk_found = true;
catch (exception& e)
cerr << "Cant get block height: " << tx_hash
<< e.what() << endl;
// get block cointaining this tx
block blk;
if (tx_blk_found && !mcore->get_block_by_height(tx_blk_height, blk))
cerr << "Cant get block: " << tx_blk_height << endl;
string tx_blk_height_str {"N/A"};
if (tx_blk_found)
// calculate difference between tx and server timestamps
age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp, FULL_AGE_FORMAT);
blk_timestamp = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp);
tx_blk_height_str = std::to_string(tx_blk_height);
// payments id. both normal and encrypted (payment_id8)
string pid_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.payment_id));
string pid8_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.payment_id8));
string tx_json = obj_to_json_str(tx);
// initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain
mstch::map context {
{"testnet" , testnet},
{"tx_hash" , tx_hash_str},
{"tx_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}",},
{"blk_height" , tx_blk_height_str},
{"tx_size" , fmt::format("{:0.4f}",
static_cast<double>(txd.size) / 1024.0)},
{"tx_fee" , fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(txd.fee))},
{"tx_version" , fmt::format("{:d}", txd.version)},
{"blk_timestamp" , blk_timestamp},
{"blk_timestamp_uint" , blk.timestamp},
{"delta_time" , age.first},
{"inputs_no" , txd.input_key_imgs.size()},
{"has_inputs" , !txd.input_key_imgs.empty()},
{"outputs_no" , txd.output_pub_keys.size()},
{"has_payment_id" , txd.payment_id != null_hash},
{"has_payment_id8" , txd.payment_id8 != null_hash8},
{"payment_id" , pid_str},
{"payment_id8" , pid8_str},
{"extra" , txd.get_extra_str()},
{"with_ring_signatures" , static_cast<bool>(
{"tx_json" , tx_json}
string server_time_str = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(server_timestamp, "%F");
mstch::array inputs = mstch::array{};
mstch::array mixins_timescales;
double timescale_scale {0.0}; // size of one '_' in days
uint64_t input_idx {0};
uint64_t inputs_xmr_sum {0};
// initialize with some large and some numbers
uint64_t min_mix_timestamp = server_timestamp*2L;
uint64_t max_mix_timestamp {0};
vector<vector<uint64_t>> mixin_timestamp_groups;
// make timescale maps for mixins in input
for (const txin_to_key& in_key: txd.input_key_imgs)
// get absolute offsets of mixins
std::vector<uint64_t> absolute_offsets
= cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute(
// get public keys of outputs used in the mixins that match to the offests
std::vector<cryptonote::output_data_t> outputs;
inputs.push_back(mstch::map {
{"in_key_img", REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", in_key.k_image))},
{"amount" , fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(in_key.amount))},
{"input_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", input_idx)},
{"mixins" , mstch::array{}},
{"ring_sigs" , txd.get_ring_sig_for_input(input_idx)}
inputs_xmr_sum += in_key.amount;
vector<uint64_t> mixin_timestamps;
// get reference to mixins array created above
mstch::array& mixins = boost::get<mstch::array>(
// mixin counter
size_t count = 0;
// for each found output public key find its block to get timestamp
for (const uint64_t &i: absolute_offsets)
// get basic information about mixn's output
cryptonote::output_data_t output_data =;
// get pair pair<crypto::hash, uint64_t> where first is tx hash
// and second is local index of the output i in that tx
tx_out_index tx_out_idx =
core_storage->get_db().get_output_tx_and_index(in_key.amount, i);
// get block of given height, as we want to get its timestamp
cryptonote::block blk;
if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(output_data.height, blk))
cerr << "- cant get block of height: " << output_data.height << endl;
return fmt::format("- cant get block of height: {}", output_data.height);
// get age of mixin relative to server time
pair<string, string> mixin_age = get_age(server_timestamp,
// get mixin transaction
transaction mixin_tx;
if (!mcore->get_tx(tx_out_idx.first, mixin_tx))
cerr << "Cant get tx: " << tx_out_idx.first << endl;
return fmt::format("Cant get tx: {:s}", tx_out_idx.first);
// mixin tx details
tx_details mixin_txd = get_tx_details(mixin_tx, true);
mixins.push_back(mstch::map {
{"mix_blk" , fmt::format("{:08d}", output_data.height)},
{"mix_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}",
{"mix_tx_hash" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}",
{"mix_out_indx" , fmt::format("{:d}", tx_out_idx.second)},
{"mix_timestamp" , xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp)},
{"mix_age" , mixin_age.first},
{"mix_mixin_no" , mixin_txd.mixin_no},
{"mix_inputs_no" , mixin_txd.input_key_imgs.size()},
{"mix_outputs_no" , mixin_txd.output_pub_keys.size()},
{"mix_age_format" , mixin_age.second},
{"mix_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", count)},
if (blk.timestamp < min_mix_timestamp)
min_mix_timestamp = blk.timestamp;
if (blk.timestamp > max_mix_timestamp)
max_mix_timestamp = blk.timestamp;
// get mixin timestamp from its orginal block
} // for (const uint64_t &i: absolute_offsets)
} // for (const txin_to_key& in_key: txd.input_key_imgs)
min_mix_timestamp -= 3600;
max_mix_timestamp += 3600;
// make timescale maps for mixins in input with adjusted range
for (auto& mixn_timestamps: mixin_timestamp_groups)
// get mixins in time scale for visual representation
pair<string, double> mixin_times_scale = xmreg::timestamps_time_scale(
// save resolution of mixin timescales
timescale_scale = mixin_times_scale.second;
// save the string timescales for later to show
mixins_timescales.push_back(mstch::map {
{"timescale", mixin_times_scale.first}});
context["inputs_xmr_sum"] = fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(inputs_xmr_sum));
context["server_time"] = server_time_str;
context["inputs"] = inputs;
context["min_mix_time"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(min_mix_timestamp);
context["max_mix_time"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(max_mix_timestamp);
context["timescales"] = mixins_timescales;
context["timescales_scale"] = fmt::format("{:0.2f}",
timescale_scale / 3600.0 / 24.0); // in days
// get indices of outputs in amounts tables
vector<uint64_t> out_amount_indices;
uint64_t tx_index;
if (core_storage->get_db().tx_exists(txd.hash, tx_index))
out_amount_indices = core_storage->get_db()
cerr << "get_tx_outputs_gindexs failed to find transaction with id = " << txd.hash;
catch(const exception& e)
cerr << e.what() << endl;
uint64_t output_idx {0};
mstch::array outputs;
uint64_t outputs_xmr_sum {0};
for (pair<txout_to_key, uint64_t>& outp: txd.output_pub_keys)
// total number of ouputs in the blockchain for this amount
uint64_t num_outputs_amount = core_storage->get_db()
string out_amount_index_str {"N/A"};
// outputs in tx in them mempool dont have yet global indices
// thus for them, we print N/A
if (!out_amount_indices.empty())
out_amount_index_str = fmt::format("{:d}",;
outputs_xmr_sum += outp.second;
outputs.push_back(mstch::map {
{"out_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", outp.first.key))},
{"amount" , fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(outp.second))},
{"amount_idx" , out_amount_index_str},
{"num_outputs" , fmt::format("{:d}", num_outputs_amount)},
{"output_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", output_idx++)}
context["outputs_xmr_sum"] = fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(outputs_xmr_sum));
context["outputs"] = outputs;
mstch::map context = construct_tx_context(tx, with_ring_signatures);
// read tx.html
string tx_html = xmreg::read(TMPL_TX);
@ -2384,9 +2100,313 @@ namespace xmreg {
construct_tx_context(transaction tx, uint with_ring_signatures = 0)
tx_details txd = get_tx_details(tx);
crypto::hash tx_hash = txd.hash;
string tx_hash_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", tx_hash));
uint64_t tx_blk_height {0};
bool tx_blk_found {false};
if (core_storage->have_tx(tx_hash))
tx_blk_height = core_storage->get_db().get_tx_block_height(tx_hash);
tx_blk_found = true;
// get block cointaining this tx
block blk;
if (tx_blk_found && !mcore->get_block_by_height(tx_blk_height, blk))
cerr << "Cant get block: " << tx_blk_height << endl;
string tx_blk_height_str {"N/A"};
// tx age
pair<string, string> age;
string blk_timestamp {"N/A"};
if (tx_blk_found)
// calculate difference between tx and server timestamps
age = get_age(server_timestamp, blk.timestamp, FULL_AGE_FORMAT);
blk_timestamp = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp);
tx_blk_height_str = std::to_string(tx_blk_height);
// payments id. both normal and encrypted (payment_id8)
string pid_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.payment_id));
string pid8_str = REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", txd.payment_id8));
string tx_json = obj_to_json_str(tx);
// initalise page tempate map with basic info about blockchain
mstch::map context {
{"testnet" , testnet},
{"tx_hash" , tx_hash_str},
{"tx_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}",},
{"blk_height" , tx_blk_height_str},
{"tx_size" , fmt::format("{:0.4f}",
static_cast<double>(txd.size) / 1024.0)},
{"tx_fee" , fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(txd.fee))},
{"tx_version" , fmt::format("{:d}", txd.version)},
{"blk_timestamp" , blk_timestamp},
{"blk_timestamp_uint" , blk.timestamp},
{"delta_time" , age.first},
{"inputs_no" , txd.input_key_imgs.size()},
{"has_inputs" , !txd.input_key_imgs.empty()},
{"outputs_no" , txd.output_pub_keys.size()},
{"has_payment_id" , txd.payment_id != null_hash},
{"has_payment_id8" , txd.payment_id8 != null_hash8},
{"payment_id" , pid_str},
{"payment_id8" , pid8_str},
{"extra" , txd.get_extra_str()},
{"with_ring_signatures" , static_cast<bool>(
{"tx_json" , tx_json},
{"has_error" , false},
{"error_msg" , string("")}
string server_time_str = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(server_timestamp, "%F");
mstch::array inputs = mstch::array{};
mstch::array mixins_timescales;
double timescale_scale {0.0}; // size of one '_' in days
uint64_t input_idx {0};
uint64_t inputs_xmr_sum {0};
// initialize with some large and some numbers
uint64_t min_mix_timestamp = server_timestamp*2L;
uint64_t max_mix_timestamp {0};
vector<vector<uint64_t>> mixin_timestamp_groups;
// make timescale maps for mixins in input
for (const txin_to_key& in_key: txd.input_key_imgs)
// get absolute offsets of mixins
std::vector<uint64_t> absolute_offsets
= cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute(
// get public keys of outputs used in the mixins that match to the offests
std::vector<cryptonote::output_data_t> outputs;
inputs.push_back(mstch::map {
{"in_key_img", REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", in_key.k_image))},
{"amount" , fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(in_key.amount))},
{"input_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", input_idx)},
{"mixins" , mstch::array{}},
{"ring_sigs" , txd.get_ring_sig_for_input(input_idx)}
inputs_xmr_sum += in_key.amount;
vector<uint64_t> mixin_timestamps;
// get reference to mixins array created above
mstch::array& mixins = boost::get<mstch::array>(
// mixin counter
size_t count = 0;
// for each found output public key find its block to get timestamp
for (const uint64_t &i: absolute_offsets)
// get basic information about mixn's output
cryptonote::output_data_t output_data =;
// get pair pair<crypto::hash, uint64_t> where first is tx hash
// and second is local index of the output i in that tx
tx_out_index tx_out_idx =
core_storage->get_db().get_output_tx_and_index(in_key.amount, i);
// get block of given height, as we want to get its timestamp
cryptonote::block blk;
if (!mcore->get_block_by_height(output_data.height, blk))
cerr << "- cant get block of height: " << output_data.height << endl;
context["has_error"] = true;
context["error_msg"] = fmt::format("- cant get block of height: {}",
// get age of mixin relative to server time
pair<string, string> mixin_age = get_age(server_timestamp,
// get mixin transaction
transaction mixin_tx;
if (!mcore->get_tx(tx_out_idx.first, mixin_tx))
cerr << "Cant get tx: " << tx_out_idx.first << endl;
context["has_error"] = true;
context["error_msg"] = fmt::format("Cant get tx: {:s}", tx_out_idx.first);
// mixin tx details
tx_details mixin_txd = get_tx_details(mixin_tx, true);
mixins.push_back(mstch::map {
{"mix_blk" , fmt::format("{:08d}", output_data.height)},
{"mix_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}",
{"mix_tx_hash" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}",
{"mix_out_indx" , fmt::format("{:d}", tx_out_idx.second)},
{"mix_timestamp" , xmreg::timestamp_to_str(blk.timestamp)},
{"mix_age" , mixin_age.first},
{"mix_mixin_no" , mixin_txd.mixin_no},
{"mix_inputs_no" , mixin_txd.input_key_imgs.size()},
{"mix_outputs_no" , mixin_txd.output_pub_keys.size()},
{"mix_age_format" , mixin_age.second},
{"mix_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", count)},
if (blk.timestamp < min_mix_timestamp)
min_mix_timestamp = blk.timestamp;
if (blk.timestamp > max_mix_timestamp)
max_mix_timestamp = blk.timestamp;
// get mixin timestamp from its orginal block
} // for (const uint64_t &i: absolute_offsets)
} // for (const txin_to_key& in_key: txd.input_key_imgs)
min_mix_timestamp -= 3600;
max_mix_timestamp += 3600;
// make timescale maps for mixins in input with adjusted range
for (auto& mixn_timestamps: mixin_timestamp_groups)
// get mixins in time scale for visual representation
pair<string, double> mixin_times_scale = xmreg::timestamps_time_scale(
// save resolution of mixin timescales
timescale_scale = mixin_times_scale.second;
// save the string timescales for later to show
mixins_timescales.push_back(mstch::map {
{"timescale", mixin_times_scale.first}});
context["inputs_xmr_sum"] = fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(inputs_xmr_sum));
context["server_time"] = server_time_str;
context["inputs"] = inputs;
context["min_mix_time"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(min_mix_timestamp);
context["max_mix_time"] = xmreg::timestamp_to_str(max_mix_timestamp);
context["timescales"] = mixins_timescales;
context["timescales_scale"] = fmt::format("{:0.2f}",
timescale_scale / 3600.0 / 24.0); // in days
// get indices of outputs in amounts tables
vector<uint64_t> out_amount_indices;
uint64_t tx_index;
if (core_storage->get_db().tx_exists(txd.hash, tx_index))
out_amount_indices = core_storage->get_db()
cerr << "get_tx_outputs_gindexs failed to find transaction with id = " << txd.hash;
catch(const exception& e)
cerr << e.what() << endl;
uint64_t output_idx {0};
mstch::array outputs;
uint64_t outputs_xmr_sum {0};
for (pair<txout_to_key, uint64_t>& outp: txd.output_pub_keys)
// total number of ouputs in the blockchain for this amount
uint64_t num_outputs_amount = core_storage->get_db()
string out_amount_index_str {"N/A"};
// outputs in tx in them mempool dont have yet global indices
// thus for them, we print N/A
if (!out_amount_indices.empty())
out_amount_index_str = fmt::format("{:d}",;
outputs_xmr_sum += outp.second;
outputs.push_back(mstch::map {
{"out_pub_key" , REMOVE_HASH_BRAKETS(fmt::format("{:s}", outp.first.key))},
{"amount" , fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(outp.second))},
{"amount_idx" , out_amount_index_str},
{"num_outputs" , fmt::format("{:d}", num_outputs_amount)},
{"output_idx" , fmt::format("{:02d}", output_idx++)}
context["outputs_xmr_sum"] = fmt::format("{:0.12f}", XMR_AMOUNT(outputs_xmr_sum));
context["outputs"] = outputs;
return context;
get_tx_details(const transaction& tx, bool coinbase = false)