
127 lines
5.4 KiB

<!-- todo - simplify if logic, use model logic -->
{% if swap.wow_to_xmr %}
{% set receive_coin = 'WOW' %}
{% set send_coin = 'XMR' %}
{% set receive_amount = swap.receive_amount_atomic | from_atomic_wow %}
{% set send_amount = swap.send_amount_atomic | from_atomic_xmr %}
{% set fee_amount = swap.fee_amount_atomic | from_atomic_xmr %}
{% set fee_value = ((fee_amount) * (swap.xmr_price_ausd | from_atomic_usd)) | round(4) %}
{% set swap_value = ((receive_amount) * (swap.wow_price_ausd | from_atomic_usd)) | round(4) %}
{% else %}
{% set receive_coin = 'XMR' %}
{% set send_coin = 'WOW' %}
{% set receive_amount = swap.receive_amount_atomic | from_atomic_xmr %}
{% set send_amount = swap.send_amount_atomic | from_atomic_wow %}
{% set fee_amount = swap.fee_amount_atomic | from_atomic_wow %}
{% set fee_value = (fee_amount) * (swap.wow_price_ausd | from_atomic_usd) | round(4) %}
{% set swap_value = (receive_amount) * (swap.xmr_price_ausd | from_atomic_usd) | round(4) %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'includes/head.html' %}
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300">
<body class="is-preload landing">
<div id="page-wrapper">
{% include 'includes/header.html' %}
<section class="wrapper style1 special fade-down">
<div class="container">
<header class="major">
<h2>Swap Details</h2>
<p>Your swap ID is <span class="highlight">{{ }}</span>. Use this ID to check back in on the status of the swap.</p>
{% if not swap.funds_received and not swap.completed %}
You will be receiving {{ send_amount }} {{ send_coin }} (${{ swap_value }}) to the {{ send_coin }} address below when funds are received.
I will be withholding {{ fee_amount }} {{ send_coin }} (${{ fee_value }}) as a service fee.
<br /><br />
Double-check the details below are correct and send {{ receive_amount }} {{ receive_coin }}
to <span class="highlight">{{ swap.swap_address }}</span> to initiate the swap.
<img src="data:image/png;base64,{{ qrcode }}" width=200 class="center">
<!-- todo - implement block explorer link template filters -->
{% if %}
<br />
<h3>Found Transactions!</h3>
{% for tx in %}
{% if swap.wow_to_xmr %}
<span class="highlight"><a href="{{ tx.txid | wow_block_explorer }}" target="_blank">{{ tx.txid }}</a></span> -
{{ tx.amount | from_atomic_wow }}
{% else %}
<span class="highlight"><a href="{{ tx.txid | xmr_block_explorer }}" target="_blank">{{ tx.txid }}</a></span> -
{{ tx.amount | from_atomic_xmr }}
{% endif %} -
{{ tx.confirmations }} confirmations
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="box alt">
<p class="small white">Your WOW Address:<br /><span class="highlight">{{ swap.return_wow_address }}</span></p>
<p class="small white">Your XMR Address:<br /><span class="highlight">{{ swap.return_xmr_address }}</span></p>
{% elif swap.funds_received and not swap.completed %}
<p>Incoming {{ receive_coin }} funds have been confirmed! Your {{ send_coin }} funds should be sent soon.</p>
{% endif %}
{% if swap.send_tx_id %}
<p>Outgoing {{ send_coin }} funds have been sent! Tx ID:
{% if swap.wow_to_xmr %}
<span class="highlight"><a href="{{ swap.send_tx_id | xmr_block_explorer }}" target="_blank">{{ swap.send_tx_id }}</a></span>
{% else %}
<span class="highlight"><a href="{{ swap.send_tx_id | wow_block_explorer }}" target="_blank">{{ swap.send_tx_id }}</a></span>
{% endif %}
<p>No further action is required; you can close this tab. Thanks for using the service!</p>
{% endif %}
<section class="wrapper style2 special fade-down">
<div class="container">
<header class="major">
<h2>Need Help?</h2>
<p>You can contact me for support at the links in the footer below. Please provide your swap ID.</p>
If you'd like to cancel the swap and have not sent funds,
simply do nothing and the swap will be deleted after several days of inactivity.
{% include 'includes/footer.html' %}
{% include 'includes/scripts.html' %}
{% if config.DEBUG %}
<ul class="no-bullets">
<li>Datetime: {{ }} UTC</li>
<li>WOW Price: ${{ swap.wow_price_ausd | from_atomic_usd }}</li>
<li>XMR Price: ${{ swap.xmr_price_ausd | from_atomic_usd }}</li>
<li>Swap type: {{ receive_coin }} to {{ send_coin }}</li>
<li>Swap value: ${{ swap_value }}</li>
<li>Fee Amount: {{ fee_amount }} {{ send_coin }}</li>
<li>Send Amount: {{ send_amount }} {{ send_coin }}</li>
<li>Funds Received: {{ swap.funds_received }}</li>
<li>Send Tx ID: {{ swap.send_tx_id }}</li>
<li>Completed: {{ swap.completed }}</li>
{% endif %}