2018-11-16 18:12:32 +01:00

589 lines
24 KiB

import random
import sys
import os
("ADD_64", 16),
("ADD_32", 8),
("SUB_64", 16),
("SUB_32", 8),
("MUL_64", 7),
("MULH_64", 7),
("MUL_32", 7),
("IMUL_32", 7),
("IMULH_64", 7),
("DIV_64", 1),
("IDIV_64", 1),
("AND_64", 4),
("AND_32", 3),
("OR_64", 4),
("OR_32", 3),
("XOR_64", 4),
("XOR_32", 3),
("SHL_64", 6),
("SHR_64", 6),
("SAR_64", 6),
("ROL_64", 9),
("ROR_64", 9),
("FADD", 22),
("FSUB", 22),
("FMUL", 22),
("FDIV", 8),
("FSQRT", 6),
("FROUND", 2),
("CALL", 17),
("RET", 15),
def genBytes(count):
return ', '.join(str(random.getrandbits(8)) for i in range(count))
class OperandType:
INT32 = 0
UINT32 = 1
INT64 = 2
UINT64 = 3
def declareType(type):
converters = {
0: "int32_t",
1: "uint32_t",
2: "int64_t",
3: "uint64_t",
4: "double",
5: "int32_t"
return converters.get(type)
def toSigned32(x):
return x - ((x & 0x80000000) << 1)
def toSigned64(x):
return x - ((x & 0x8000000000000000) << 1)
def immediateTo(symbol, type):
converters = {
0: toSigned32(symbol.imm1),
1: symbol.imm1,
2: toSigned32(symbol.imm1),
3: symbol.imm1,
4: float(toSigned32(symbol.imm1) << 32),
5: symbol.imm0 & 63
return repr(converters.get(type))
def registerTo(expr, type):
converters = {
0: "(int64_t){0}",
1: "{0}",
2: "(int64_t){0}",
3: "{0}",
4: "{0}",
5: "({0} & 63)"
return converters.get(type).format(expr)
def registerFrom(num, type):
converters = {
0: "r{0}",
1: "r{0}",
2: "r{0}",
3: "r{0}",
4: "((convertible_t)f{0}).u64",
5: "r{0}"
return converters.get(type).format(num)
def convertibleTo(expr, type):
converters = {
0: "{0}.i32",
1: "{0}.u32",
2: "{0}.i64",
3: "{0}.u64",
4: "(double){0}.i64",
5: "({0}.u64 & 63)"
return converters.get(type).format(expr)
def convertibleFrom(expr, type):
converters = {
0: "{0}.i32",
1: "{0}.u32",
2: "{0}.i64",
3: "{0}.u64",
4: "{0}.f64",
5: "({0}.u64 & 63)"
return converters.get(type).format(expr)
def getRegister(num, type):
registers = {
0: "r{0}",
1: "r{0}",
2: "r{0}",
3: "r{0}",
4: "f{0}",
5: "r{0}"
return registers.get(type).format(num)
def writeInitialValues(file):
file.write("#ifdef RAM\n")
file.write("\tmmu.buffer = (char*)_mm_malloc(DRAM_SIZE, 16);\n")
file.write("\tif(!mmu.buffer) {\n")
file.write('\t\tprintf("DRAM buffer allocation failed\\n");\n')
file.write("\t\treturn 1;\n")
file.write('\tprintf("Initializing DRAM buffer...\\n");\n')
file.write("\taesInitialize((__m128i*)aesKey, (__m128i*)aesSeed, (__m128i*)mmu.buffer, DRAM_SIZE);\n")
file.write("\tclock_t clockStart = clock(), clockEnd;\n")
for i in range(8):
file.write("\tr{0} = *(uint64_t*)(aesSeed + {1});\n".format(i, i * 8))
for i in range(8):
file.write("\tf{0} = *(int64_t*)(aesSeed + {1});\n".format(i, 64 + i * 8))
file.write("\taesInitialize((__m128i*)aesKey, (__m128i*)aesSeed, (__m128i*)scratchpad, SCRATCHPAD_SIZE);\n")
file.write("\tmmu.m0 = (aesKey[10] << 16) | (aesKey[11] << 24);\n")
file.write("\tmmu.mx = 0;\n")
file.write("\tsp = 0;\n")
file.write("\tic = {0};\n".format(INSTRUCTION_COUNT))
file.write("\tmxcsr = (_mm_getcsr() | _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON) & ~_MM_ROUND_MASK; //flush denormals to zero, round to nearest\n")
def writeEpilog(file):
file.write("\t\tclockEnd = clock();\n")
for i in range(8):
file.write('\t\tprintf("r{0} = %-36" PRIu64 " f{0} = %g\\n", r{0}, f{0});\n'.format(i))
file.write(("\t\tuint64_t spadsum = 0;\n"
"\t\tfor(int i = 0; i < SCRATCHPAD_LENGTH; ++i) {\n"
"\t\t spadsum += scratchpad[i].u64;\n"
'\t\tprintf("scratchpad sum = %" PRIu64 "\\n", spadsum);\n'
'\t\tprintf("runtime: %f\\n", (clockEnd - clockStart) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);\n'
"#ifdef RAM\n"
file.write("\t\treturn 0;")
def writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, name):
file.write("\ti_{0}: {{ //{1}\n".format(i, name))
file.write("\t\tif(0 == ic--) goto end;\n")
file.write("\t\tr{0} ^= {1};\n".format(symbol.rega, symbol.addr0))
file.write("\t\taddr_t addr = r{0};\n".format(symbol.rega))
def readA(symbol, type):
location = {
0: "readDram(&mmu, addr)",
1: "readDram(&mmu, addr)",
2: "readDram(&mmu, addr)",
3: "readDram(&mmu, addr)",
4: "SCRATCHPAD_256K(addr)",
5: "SCRATCHPAD_16K(addr)",
6: "SCRATCHPAD_16K(addr)",
7: "SCRATCHPAD_16K(addr)",
return convertibleTo(location.get(symbol.loca), type)
def writeC(symbol, type):
location = {
0: "SCRATCHPAD_256K(r{0} ^ {1})",
1: "SCRATCHPAD_16K(r{0} ^ {1})",
2: "SCRATCHPAD_16K(r{0} ^ {1})",
3: "SCRATCHPAD_16K(r{0} ^ {1})",
4: "",
5: "",
6: "",
7: ""
c = location.get(symbol.locc)
if c == "":
c = getRegister(symbol.regc, type)
c = convertibleFrom(c.format(symbol.regc, symbol.addr1), type)
return c
def readB(symbol, type):
if symbol.locb < 6:
return registerTo(getRegister(symbol.regb, type), type)
return immediateTo(symbol, type)
class CodeSymbol:
def __init__(self, qi):
self.opcode = qi & 255
self.loca = (qi >> 8) & 7
self.rega = (qi >> 16) & 7
self.locb = (qi >> 24) & 7
self.regb = (qi >> 32) & 7
self.locc = (qi >> 40) & 7
self.regc = (qi >> 48) & 7
self.imm0 = (qi >> 56) & 255
self.addr0 = (qi >> 64) & 0xFFFFFFFF
self.addr1 = self.imm1 = qi >> 96
def writeOperation(file, i, symbol, type, name, op):
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, name)
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readB(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = A {1} B; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type), op))
def write_ADD_64(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT64, 'ADD_64', '+');
def write_ADD_32(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT32, 'ADD_32', '+');
def write_SUB_64(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT64, 'SUB_64', '-');
def write_SUB_32(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT32, 'SUB_32', '-');
def write_MUL_64(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT64, 'MUL_64', '*');
def write_MULH_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'MULH_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readB(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = ((uint128_t)A * B) >> 64; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_MUL_32(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT32
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'MUL_32')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readB(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = (uint64_t)A * B; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, OperandType.UINT64)))
def write_IMUL_32(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.INT32
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'IMUL_32')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readB(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = (int64_t)A * B; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, OperandType.INT64)))
def write_IMULH_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.INT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'IMULH_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readB(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = ((int128_t)A * B) >> 64; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_DIV_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'DIV_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(OperandType.UINT32), readB(symbol, OperandType.UINT32)))
file.write("\t\tif(B == 0) B = 1;\n".format(declareType(type), readB(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = A / B; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_IDIV_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.INT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'IDIV_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(OperandType.INT32), readB(symbol, OperandType.INT32)))
file.write("\t\tif(B == 0) B = 1;\n".format(declareType(type), readB(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = A / B; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_AND_64(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT64, 'AND_64', '&');
def write_AND_32(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT32, 'AND_32', '&');
def write_OR_64(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT64, 'OR_64', '|');
def write_OR_32(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT32, 'OR_32', '|');
def write_XOR_64(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT64, 'XOR_64', '^');
def write_XOR_32(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.UINT32, 'XOR_32', '^');
def write_SHL_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'SHL_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(OperandType.SHIFT), readB(symbol, OperandType.SHIFT)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = A << B; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_SHR_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'SHR_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(OperandType.SHIFT), readB(symbol, OperandType.SHIFT)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = A >> B; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_SAR_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.INT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'SAR_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(OperandType.SHIFT), readB(symbol, OperandType.SHIFT)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = A >> B; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_ROL_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'ROL_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(OperandType.SHIFT), readB(symbol, OperandType.SHIFT)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = __rolq(A, B); }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_ROR_64(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'ROR_64')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} B = {1};\n".format(declareType(OperandType.SHIFT), readB(symbol, OperandType.SHIFT)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = __rorq(A, B); }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_FADD(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.FLOAT, 'FADD', '+');
def write_FSUB(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.FLOAT, 'FSUB', '-');
def write_FMUL(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.FLOAT, 'FMUL', '*');
def write_FDIV(file, i, symbol):
writeOperation(file, i, symbol, OperandType.FLOAT, 'FDIV', '/');
def write_FSQRT(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.FLOAT
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'FSQRT')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = fabs({1});\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm_sqrt_sd(_mm_setzero_pd(), _mm_load_pd(&A))); }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_FROUND(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.FLOAT
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'FROUND')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(OperandType.INT64), readA(symbol, OperandType.INT64)))
file.write("\t\t{0} = A;\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t_mm_setcsr(mxcsr | ((uint32_t)(A << 13) & _MM_ROUND_MASK)); }\n")
def write_CALL(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'CALL')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
if symbol.locb < 6:
file.write("\t\tif((uint32_t)r{0} <= {1}) {{\n".format(symbol.regb, symbol.imm1))
file.write("\t\t\tPUSH_ADDRESS(&&i_{0});\n".format((i + 1) & (PROGRAM_SIZE - 1)));
file.write("\t\t\tgoto i_{0};\n".format((i + 1 + (symbol.imm0 & ((PROGRAM_SIZE >> 2) - 1))) & (PROGRAM_SIZE - 1)));
if symbol.locb < 6:
file.write("\t\t}}\n\t\t{0} = A;".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
def write_RET(file, i, symbol):
type = OperandType.UINT64
writeCommon(file, i, symbol, type, 'RET')
file.write("\t\t{0} A = {1};\n".format(declareType(type), readA(symbol, type)))
if symbol.locb < 6:
file.write(" && (uint32_t)r{0} <= {1}".format(symbol.regb, symbol.imm1))
file.write(") {\n")
file.write("\t\t\tvoid* target = POP_ADDRESS();\n")
file.write("\t\t\tuint64_t C = POP_VALUE();\n")
file.write("\t\t\t{0} = A ^ C;\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
file.write("\t\t\tgoto *target;\n")
file.write("\t\t}}\n\t\t{0} = A; }}\n".format(writeC(symbol, type)))
opcodeMap = { }
def buildOpcodeMap():
functions = globals()
totalWeight = 0;
for instruction, weight in INSTRUCTION_WEIGHTS:
func = functions['write_' + instruction]
for i in range(weight):
opcodeMap[totalWeight] = func
totalWeight = totalWeight + 1
assert totalWeight == 256
def writeCode(file, i, symbol):
opcodeMap.get(symbol.opcode)(file, i, symbol)
def writeMain(file):
file.write(('__attribute__((optimize("Os"))) int main() {\n'
" register uint64_t r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7;\n"
" register double f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7;\n"
" register uint64_t ic, sp;\n"
" stack_t stack[STACK_LENGTH];\n"
" convertible_t scratchpad[SCRATCHPAD_LENGTH] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));\n"
" mmu_t mmu;\n"
" uint32_t mxcsr;\n"
def writeProlog(file):
file.write(("#include <stdint.h>\n"
"#include <time.h>\n"
"#include <stdio.h>\n"
"#include <x86intrin.h>\n"
"#include <emmintrin.h>\n"
"#include <wmmintrin.h>\n"
"#include <math.h>\n"
"#include <inttypes.h>\n"
"typedef uint32_t addr_t;\n"
"typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;\n"
"typedef __int128 int128_t;\n"
"typedef unsigned char byte;\n"
"typedef union {\n"
" double f64;\n"
" int64_t i64;\n"
" uint64_t u64;\n"
" int32_t i32;\n"
" uint32_t u32;\n"
"} convertible_t;\n"
"typedef union {\n"
" uint64_t value;\n"
" void* address;\n"
"} stack_t;\n"
"typedef struct {\n"
" addr_t m0;\n"
" addr_t mx;\n"
"#ifdef RAM\n"
" const char* buffer;\n"
"} mmu_t;\n"
"#define DRAM_SIZE (1ULL << 32)\n"
"#define SCRATCHPAD_SIZE (256 * 1024)\n"
"#define SCRATCHPAD_LENGTH (SCRATCHPAD_SIZE / sizeof(convertible_t))\n"
"#define SCRATCHPAD_MASK14 (16 * 1024 / sizeof(convertible_t) - 1)\n"
"#define SCRATCHPAD_16K(x) scratchpad[(x) & SCRATCHPAD_MASK14]\n"
"#define SCRATCHPAD_256K(x) scratchpad[(x) & SCRATCHPAD_MASK18]\n"
"#define STACK_LENGTH (128 * 1024)\n"
"#ifdef RAM\n"
"#define DRAM_READ(mmu) (convertible_t)*(uint64_t*)((mmu)->buffer + (mmu)->m0)\n"
"#define PREFETCH(mmu) _mm_prefetch(((mmu)->buffer + (mmu)->m0), _MM_HINT_T0)\n"
"#define DRAM_READ(mmu) (convertible_t)(uint64_t)__rolq(6364136223846793005ULL*((mmu)->m0)+1442695040888963407ULL,32)\n"
"#define PREFETCH(mmu)\n"
"#define PUSH_VALUE(x) stack[sp++].value = x\n"
"#define PUSH_ADDRESS(x) stack[sp++].address = x\n"
"#define STACK_IS_EMPTY() (sp == 0)\n"
"#define POP_VALUE() stack[--sp].value\n"
"#define POP_ADDRESS() stack[--sp].address\n"
"static convertible_t readDram(mmu_t* mmu, addr_t addr) {\n"
" convertible_t data;\n"
" data = DRAM_READ(mmu);\n"
" mmu->m0 += 8;\n"
" mmu->mx ^= addr;\n"
" if((mmu->mx & 0xFFF8) == 0) {\n"
" mmu->m0 = mmu->mx & ~7U;\n"
"#if defined(PREF)\n"
" PREFETCH(mmu);\n"
" }\n"
" return data;\n"
"static inline __m128i sl_xor(__m128i tmp1) {\n"
" __m128i tmp4;\n"
" tmp4 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp1, 0x04);\n"
" tmp1 = _mm_xor_si128(tmp1, tmp4);\n"
" tmp4 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp4, 0x04);\n"
" tmp1 = _mm_xor_si128(tmp1, tmp4);\n"
" tmp4 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp4, 0x04);\n"
" tmp1 = _mm_xor_si128(tmp1, tmp4);\n"
" return tmp1;\n"
"#define AES_GENKEY_SUB(rcon) do { \\\n"
" __m128i xout1 = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(xout2, rcon); \\\n"
" xout1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xout1, 0xFF); \\\n"
" xout0 = sl_xor(xout0); \\\n"
" xout0 = _mm_xor_si128(xout0, xout1); \\\n"
" xout1 = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(xout0, 0x00); \\\n"
" xout1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xout1, 0xAA); \\\n"
" xout2 = sl_xor(xout2); \\\n"
" xout2 = _mm_xor_si128(xout2, xout1); } while(0)\n"
"static inline void aes_genkey(const __m128i* memory, __m128i* k0, __m128i* k1, __m128i* k2, __m128i* k3, __m128i* k4, __m128i* k5, __m128i* k6, __m128i* k7, __m128i* k8, __m128i* k9) {\n"
" __m128i xout0, xout2;\n"
" xout0 = _mm_load_si128(memory);\n"
" xout2 = _mm_load_si128(memory+1);\n"
" *k0 = xout0;\n"
" *k1 = xout2;\n"
" AES_GENKEY_SUB(0x01);\n"
" *k2 = xout0;\n"
" *k3 = xout2;\n"
" AES_GENKEY_SUB(0x02);\n"
" *k4 = xout0;\n"
" *k5 = xout2;\n"
" AES_GENKEY_SUB(0x04);\n"
" *k6 = xout0;\n"
" *k7 = xout2;\n"
" AES_GENKEY_SUB(0x08);\n"
" *k8 = xout0;\n"
" *k9 = xout2;\n"
"static inline void aes_round(__m128i key, __m128i* x0, __m128i* x1, __m128i* x2, __m128i* x3, __m128i* x4, __m128i* x5, __m128i* x6, __m128i* x7) {\n"
" *x0 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x0, key);\n"
" *x1 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x1, key);\n"
" *x2 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x2, key);\n"
" *x3 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x3, key);\n"
" *x4 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x4, key);\n"
" *x5 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x5, key);\n"
" *x6 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x6, key);\n"
" *x7 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x7, key);\n"
"static void aesInitialize(__m128i* key, __m128i* seed, __m128i* output, size_t count) {\n"
" \n"
" __m128i xin0, xin1, xin2, xin3, xin4, xin5, xin6, xin7;\n"
" __m128i k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9;\n"
" \n"
" aes_genkey(key, &k0, &k1, &k2, &k3, &k4, &k5, &k6, &k7, &k8, &k9);\n"
" \n"
" xin0 = _mm_load_si128(seed + 0);\n"
" xin1 = _mm_load_si128(seed + 1);\n"
" xin2 = _mm_load_si128(seed + 2);\n"
" xin3 = _mm_load_si128(seed + 3);\n"
" xin4 = _mm_load_si128(seed + 4);\n"
" xin5 = _mm_load_si128(seed + 5);\n"
" xin6 = _mm_load_si128(seed + 6);\n"
" xin7 = _mm_load_si128(seed + 7);\n"
" \n"
" for (size_t i = 0; i < count / sizeof(__m128i); i += 8)\n"
" {\n"
" aes_round(k0, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k1, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k2, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k3, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k4, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k5, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k6, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k7, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k8, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" aes_round(k9, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7);\n"
" \n"
" _mm_store_si128(output + i + 0, xin0);\n"
" _mm_store_si128(output + i + 1, xin1);\n"
" _mm_store_si128(output + i + 2, xin2);\n"
" _mm_store_si128(output + i + 3, xin3);\n"
" _mm_store_si128(output + i + 4, xin4);\n"
" _mm_store_si128(output + i + 5, xin5);\n"
" _mm_store_si128(output + i + 6, xin6);\n"
" _mm_store_si128(output + i + 7, xin7);\n"
" }\n"
with sys.stdout as file:
file.write("const byte aesKey[32] = {{ {0} }};\n".format(genBytes(32)))
file.write("const byte aesSeed[128] = {{ {0} }};\n".format(genBytes(128)))
for i in range(PROGRAM_SIZE):
writeCode(file, i, CodeSymbol(random.getrandbits(128)))
file.write("\t\tgoto i_0;\n")