
292 lines
8.6 KiB

Copyright (c) 2019 tevador
This file is part of RandomX.
RandomX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
RandomX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RandomX. If not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "common.hpp"
#include "InterpretedVirtualMachine.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
namespace RandomX {
class Mul9Transform : public ITransform {
Mul9Transform(int32_t cc) : c(cc) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "mul9_" << std::hex << (cc & 255);
name = oss.str();
int32_t apply(int32_t x) const override {
return 9 * x + c;
const char* getName() const override {
return name.c_str();
std::ostream& printAsm(std::ostream& os) const override {
os << "lea ecx, [rcx+rcx*8" << std::showpos << c << "]" << std::noshowpos << std::endl;
return os;
std::ostream& printCxx(std::ostream& os) const override {
os << "static const Mul9Transform " << name << "(" << c << ");" << std::endl;
return os;
int32_t c;
std::string name;
class AddTransform : public ITransform {
AddTransform(int32_t cc) : c(cc) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "add_" << std::hex << (cc & 255);
name = oss.str();
int32_t apply(int32_t x) const override {
return x + c;
const char* getName() const override {
return name.c_str();
std::ostream& printAsm(std::ostream& os) const override {
os << "db 64" << std::endl;
os << "add ecx, " << c << std::endl;
return os;
std::ostream& printCxx(std::ostream& os) const override {
os << "static const AddTransform " << name << "(" << c << ");" << std::endl;
return os;
int32_t c;
std::string name;
class XorTransform : public ITransform {
XorTransform(int32_t cc) : c(cc) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "xor_" << std::hex << (cc & 255);
name = oss.str();
int32_t apply(int32_t x) const override {
return x ^ c;
const char* getName() const override {
return name.c_str();
std::ostream& printAsm(std::ostream& os) const override {
os << "db 64" << std::endl;
os << "xor ecx, " << c << std::endl;
return os;
std::ostream& printCxx(std::ostream& os) const override {
os << "static const XorTransform " << name << "(" << c << ");" << std::endl;
return os;
int32_t c;
std::string name;
static const Mul9Transform mul9_6d(109);
static const XorTransform xor_60(96);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_ed(-19);
static const AddTransform add_9e(-98);
static const AddTransform add_eb(-21);
static const XorTransform xor_b0(-80);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_a4(-92);
static const AddTransform add_71(113);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_64(100);
static const AddTransform add_d9(-39);
static const XorTransform xor_78(120);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_89(-119);
static const AddTransform add_8f(-113);
static const AddTransform add_6f(111);
static const XorTransform xor_68(104);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_ad(-83);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_7f(127);
static const XorTransform xor_90(-112);
static const AddTransform add_59(89);
static const AddTransform add_e0(-32);
static const AddTransform add_68(104);
static const XorTransform xor_88(-120);
static const XorTransform xor_18(24);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_9(9);
static const AddTransform add_e1(-31);
static const XorTransform xor_f0(-16);
static const AddTransform add_44(68);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_92(-110);
static const XorTransform xor_40(64);
static const XorTransform xor_d8(-40);
static const XorTransform xor_f8(-8);
static const AddTransform add_f6(-10);
static const XorTransform xor_e0(-32);
static const AddTransform add_e(14);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_d2(-46);
static const XorTransform xor_98(-104);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_24(36);
static const AddTransform add_64(100);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_bf(-65);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_1b(27);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_5b(91);
static const AddTransform add_9b(-101);
static const AddTransform add_a2(-94);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_f6(-10);
static const XorTransform xor_50(80);
static const AddTransform add_94(-108);
static const AddTransform add_c6(-58);
static const XorTransform xor_30(48);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_49(73);
static const XorTransform xor_d0(-48);
static const XorTransform xor_20(32);
static const XorTransform xor_a0(-96);
static const AddTransform add_76(118);
static const AddTransform add_5b(91);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_12(18);
static const AddTransform add_f5(-11);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_3f(63);
static const AddTransform add_72(114);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_2d(45);
static const AddTransform add_bd(-67);
static const AddTransform add_35(53);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_9b(-101);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_ff(-1);
static const XorTransform xor_10(16);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_db(-37);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_e4(-28);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_c9(-55);
static const XorTransform xor_a8(-88);
static const XorTransform xor_b8(-72);
static const AddTransform add_24(36);
static const XorTransform xor_c8(-56);
static const AddTransform add_74(116);
static const XorTransform xor_58(88);
static const XorTransform xor_80(-128);
static const AddTransform add_32(50);
static const AddTransform add_69(105);
static const AddTransform add_db(-37);
static const XorTransform xor_70(112);
static const XorTransform xor_8(8);
static const XorTransform xor_e8(-24);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_76(118);
static const XorTransform xor_48(72);
static const XorTransform xor_c0(-64);
static const AddTransform add_28(40);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_b6(-74);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_52(82);
static const Mul9Transform mul9_36(54);
static const XorTransform xor_38(56);
static const XorTransform xor_28(40);
static const AddTransform add_57(87);
const ITransform* InterpretedVirtualMachine::addressTransformations[TransformationCount] = {