/* Copyright (c) 2018 tevador This file is part of RandomX. RandomX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RandomX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RandomX. If not, see. */ #define MAGIC_DIVISION #include "JitCompilerX86.hpp" #include "Pcg32.hpp" #include #include #ifdef MAGIC_DIVISION #include "divideByConstantCodegen.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #ifndef MAP_ANONYMOUS #define MAP_ANONYMOUS MAP_ANON #endif #endif namespace RandomX { #if !defined(_M_X64) && !defined(__x86_64__) JitCompilerX86::JitCompilerX86() { //throw std::runtime_error("JIT compiler only supports x86-64 CPUs"); } void JitCompilerX86::generateProgram(Pcg32& gen) { } size_t JitCompilerX86::getCodeSize() { return 0; } #else /* REGISTER ALLOCATION: ; rax -> temporary ; rbx -> loop counter "lc" ; rcx -> temporary ; rdx -> temporary ; rsi -> scratchpad pointer ; rdi -> dataset pointer ; rbp -> memory registers "ma" (high 32 bits), "mx" (low 32 bits) ; rsp -> stack pointer ; r8 -> "r0" ; r9 -> "r1" ; r10 -> "r2" ; r11 -> "r3" ; r12 -> "r4" ; r13 -> "r5" ; r14 -> "r6" ; r15 -> "r7" ; xmm0 -> "f0" ; xmm1 -> "f1" ; xmm2 -> "f2" ; xmm3 -> "f3" ; xmm4 -> "e0" ; xmm5 -> "e1" ; xmm6 -> "e2" ; xmm7 -> "e3" ; xmm8 -> "a0" ; xmm9 -> "a1" ; xmm10 -> "a2" ; xmm11 -> "a3" ; xmm12 -> temporary ; xmm13 -> DBL_MIN ; xmm14 -> absolute value mask 0x7fffffffffffffff7fffffffffffffff ; xmm15 -> sign mask 0x80000000000000008000000000000000 */ #include "JitCompilerX86-static.hpp" const uint8_t* codePrologue = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_prologue; const uint8_t* codeLoopBegin = (uint8_t*)&randomx_loop_begin; const uint8_t* codeLoadInt = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_load_int; const uint8_t* codeLoadFlt = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_load_flt; const uint8_t* codeProgamStart = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_start; const uint8_t* codeReadDataset = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_read_dataset; const uint8_t* codeStoreInt = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_store_int; const uint8_t* codeStoreFlt = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_store_flt; const uint8_t* codeLoopEnd = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_loop_end; const uint8_t* codeEpilogue = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_epilogue; const uint8_t* codeProgramEnd = (uint8_t*)&randomx_program_end; const int32_t prologueSize = codeLoopBegin - codePrologue; const int32_t epilogueSize = codeProgramEnd - codeEpilogue; const int32_t loadIntSize = codeLoadFlt - codeLoadInt; const int32_t loadFltSize = codeProgamStart - codeLoadFlt; const int32_t readDatasetSize = codeStoreInt - codeReadDataset; const int32_t storeIntSize = codeStoreFlt - codeStoreInt; const int32_t storeFltSize = codeLoopEnd - codeStoreFlt; const int32_t epilogueOffset = CodeSize - epilogueSize; static const uint8_t REX_ADD_RR[] = { 0x4d, 0x03 }; static const uint8_t REX_ADD_RM[] = { 0x4c, 0x03 }; static const uint8_t REX_SUB_RR[] = { 0x4d, 0x2b }; static const uint8_t REX_SUB_RM[] = { 0x4c, 0x2b }; static const uint8_t REX_MOV_RR[] = { 0x41, 0x8b }; static const uint8_t REX_MOV_RR64[] = { 0x49, 0x8b }; static const uint8_t REX_MOV_R64R[] = { 0x4c, 0x8b }; static const uint8_t REX_IMUL_RR[] = { 0x4d, 0x0f, 0xaf }; static const uint8_t REX_IMUL_RRI[] = { 0x4d, 0x69 }; static const uint8_t REX_IMUL_RM[] = { 0x4c, 0x0f, 0xaf }; static const uint8_t REX_MUL_R[] = { 0x49, 0xf7 }; static const uint8_t REX_MUL_M[] = { 0x48, 0xf7 }; static const uint8_t REX_81[] = { 0x49, 0x81 }; static const uint8_t AND_EAX_I = 0x25; static const uint8_t MOV_EAX_I = 0xb8; static const uint8_t MOV_RAX_I[] = { 0x48, 0xb8 }; static const uint8_t MOV_RCX_I[] = { 0x48, 0xb9 }; static const uint8_t REX_LEA[] = { 0x4f, 0x8d }; static const uint8_t REX_MUL_MEM[] = { 0x48, 0xf7, 0x24, 0x0e }; static const uint8_t REX_IMUL_MEM[] = { 0x48, 0xf7, 0x2c, 0x0e }; static const uint8_t REX_SHR_RAX[] = { 0x48, 0xc1, 0xe8 }; static const uint8_t RAX_ADD_SBB_1[] = { 0x48, 0x83, 0xC0, 0x01, 0x48, 0x83, 0xD8, 0x00 }; static const uint8_t MUL_RCX[] = { 0x48, 0xf7, 0xe1 }; static const uint8_t REX_SHR_RDX[] = { 0x48, 0xc1, 0xea }; static const uint8_t REX_SH[] = { 0x49, 0xc1 }; static const uint8_t MOV_RCX_RAX_SAR_RCX_63[] = { 0x48, 0x89, 0xc1, 0x48, 0xc1, 0xf9, 0x3f }; static const uint8_t AND_ECX_I[] = { 0x81, 0xe1 }; static const uint8_t ADD_RAX_RCX[] = { 0x48, 0x01, 0xC8 }; static const uint8_t SAR_RAX_I8[] = { 0x48, 0xC1, 0xF8 }; static const uint8_t NEG_RAX[] = { 0x48, 0xF7, 0xD8 }; static const uint8_t ADD_R_RAX[] = { 0x49, 0x01 }; static const uint8_t XOR_EAX_EAX[] = { 0x31, 0xC0 }; static const uint8_t ADD_RDX_R[] = { 0x4c, 0x01 }; static const uint8_t SUB_RDX_R[] = { 0x4c, 0x29 }; static const uint8_t SAR_RDX_I8[] = { 0x48, 0xC1, 0xFA }; static const uint8_t TEST_RDX_RDX[] = { 0x48, 0x85, 0xD2 }; static const uint8_t SETS_AL_ADD_RDX_RAX[] = { 0x0F, 0x98, 0xC0, 0x48, 0x01, 0xC2 }; static const uint8_t REX_NEG[] = { 0x49, 0xF7 }; static const uint8_t REX_XOR_RR[] = { 0x4D, 0x33 }; static const uint8_t REX_XOR_RI[] = { 0x49, 0x81 }; static const uint8_t REX_XOR_RM[] = { 0x4c, 0x33 }; static const uint8_t REX_ROT_CL[] = { 0x49, 0xd3 }; static const uint8_t REX_ROT_I8[] = { 0x49, 0xc1 }; static const uint8_t SHUFPD[] = { 0x66, 0x0f, 0xc6 }; static const uint8_t REX_ADDPD[] = { 0x66, 0x41, 0x0f, 0x58 }; static const uint8_t REX_CVTDQ2PD_XMM12[] = { 0xf3, 0x44, 0x0f, 0xe6, 0x24, 0x06 }; static const uint8_t REX_SUBPD[] = { 0x66, 0x41, 0x0f, 0x5c }; static const uint8_t REX_XORPS[] = { 0x41, 0x0f, 0x57 }; static const uint8_t REX_MULPD[] = { 0x66, 0x41, 0x0f, 0x59 }; static const uint8_t REX_MAXPD[] = { 0x66, 0x41, 0x0f, 0x5f }; static const uint8_t REX_DIVPD[] = { 0x66, 0x41, 0x0f, 0x5e }; static const uint8_t SQRTPD[] = { 0x66, 0x0f, 0x51 }; static const uint8_t AND_OR_MOV_LDMXCSR[] = { 0x25, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D, 0xC0, 0x9F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0xF8, 0x0F, 0xAE, 0x54, 0x24, 0xF8 }; static const uint8_t ROL_RAX[] = { 0x48, 0xc1, 0xc0 }; static const uint8_t XOR_ECX_ECX[] = { 0x33, 0xC9 }; static const uint8_t REX_CMP_R32I[] = { 0x41, 0x81 }; static const uint8_t REX_CMP_M32I[] = { 0x81, 0x3c, 0x06 }; static const uint8_t MOVAPD[] = { 0x66, 0x0f, 0x29 }; static const uint8_t REX_MOV_MR[] = { 0x4c, 0x89 }; static const uint8_t REX_XOR_EAX[] = { 0x41, 0x33 }; static const uint8_t SUB_EBX[] = { 0x83, 0xEB, 0x01 }; static const uint8_t JNZ[] = { 0x0f, 0x85 }; static const uint8_t JMP = 0xe9; size_t JitCompilerX86::getCodeSize() { return codePos - prologueSize; } JitCompilerX86::JitCompilerX86() { #ifdef _WIN32 code = (uint8_t*)VirtualAlloc(nullptr, CodeSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (code == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("VirtualAlloc failed"); #else code = (uint8_t*)mmap(nullptr, CodeSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); if (code == (uint8_t*)-1) throw std::runtime_error("mmap failed"); #endif memcpy(code, codePrologue, prologueSize); memcpy(code + CodeSize - epilogueSize, codeEpilogue, epilogueSize); } void JitCompilerX86::generateProgram(Pcg32& gen) { auto addressRegisters = gen(); int readReg1 = addressRegisters & 1; addressRegisters >>= 1; int readReg2 = 2 + (addressRegisters & 1); addressRegisters >>= 1; int writeReg1 = 4 + (addressRegisters & 1); addressRegisters >>= 1; int writeReg2 = 6 + (addressRegisters & 1); codePos = prologueSize; emit(REX_XOR_EAX); emitByte(0xc0 + readReg1); memcpy(code + codePos, codeLoadInt, loadIntSize); codePos += loadIntSize; emit(REX_XOR_EAX); emitByte(0xc0 + readReg2); memcpy(code + codePos, codeLoadFlt, loadFltSize); codePos += loadFltSize; Instruction instr; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ProgramLength; ++i) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < sizeof(instr) / sizeof(Pcg32::result_type); ++j) { *(((uint32_t*)&instr) + j) = gen(); } instr.src %= RegistersCount; instr.dst %= RegistersCount; generateCode(instr); } emit(REX_MOV_RR); emitByte(0xc0 + readReg1); emit(REX_XOR_EAX); emitByte(0xc0 + readReg2); memcpy(code + codePos, codeReadDataset, readDatasetSize); codePos += readDatasetSize; emit(REX_MOV_RR); emitByte(0xc0 + writeReg1); memcpy(code + codePos, codeStoreInt, storeIntSize); codePos += storeIntSize; emit(REX_XOR_EAX); emitByte(0xc0 + writeReg2); memcpy(code + codePos, codeStoreFlt, storeFltSize); codePos += storeFltSize; emit(SUB_EBX); emit(JNZ); emit32(prologueSize - codePos - 4); emitByte(JMP); emit32(epilogueOffset - codePos - 4); emitByte(0x90); } void JitCompilerX86::generateCode(Instruction& instr) { auto generator = engine[instr.opcode]; (this->*generator)(instr); } void JitCompilerX86::genAddressReg(Instruction& instr, bool rax = true) { emit(REX_MOV_RR); emitByte((rax ? 0xc0 : 0xc8) + instr.src); if (rax) emitByte(AND_EAX_I); else emit(AND_ECX_I); emit32((instr.alt % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } void JitCompilerX86::genAddressRegDst(Instruction& instr, bool align16 = false) { emit(REX_MOV_RR); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emitByte(AND_EAX_I); int32_t maskL1 = align16 ? ScratchpadL1Mask16 : ScratchpadL1Mask; int32_t maskL2 = align16 ? ScratchpadL2Mask16 : ScratchpadL2Mask; emit32((instr.alt % 4) ? maskL1 : maskL2); } void JitCompilerX86::genAddressImm(Instruction& instr) { emit32(instr.imm32 & ((instr.alt % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask)); } void JitCompilerX86::h_IADD_R(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { emit(REX_ADD_RR); emitByte(0xc0 + 8 * instr.dst + instr.src); } else { emit(REX_81); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emit32(instr.imm32); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_IADD_M(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_ADD_RM); emitByte(0x04 + 8 * instr.dst); emitByte(0x06); } else { emit(REX_ADD_RM); emitByte(0x86 + 8 * instr.dst); genAddressImm(instr); } } void JitCompilerX86::genSIB(int scale, int index, int base) { emitByte((scale << 5) | (index << 3) | base); } void JitCompilerX86::h_IADD_RC(Instruction& instr) { emit(REX_LEA); emitByte(0x84 + 8 * instr.dst); genSIB(0, instr.src, instr.dst); emit32(instr.imm32); } void JitCompilerX86::h_ISUB_R(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { emit(REX_SUB_RR); emitByte(0xc0 + 8 * instr.dst + instr.src); } else { emit(REX_81); emitByte(0xe8 + instr.dst); genAddressImm(instr); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_ISUB_M(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_SUB_RM); emitByte(0x04 + 8 * instr.dst); emitByte(0x06); } else { emit(REX_SUB_RM); emitByte(0x86 + 8 * instr.dst); genAddressImm(instr); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_IMUL_9C(Instruction& instr) { emit(REX_LEA); emitByte(0x84 + 8 * instr.dst); genSIB(3, instr.src, instr.dst); emit32(instr.imm32); } void JitCompilerX86::h_IMUL_R(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { emit(REX_IMUL_RR); emitByte(0xc0 + 8 * instr.dst + instr.src); } else { emit(REX_IMUL_RRI); emitByte(0xc0 + 9 * instr.dst); genAddressImm(instr); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_IMUL_M(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_IMUL_RM); emitByte(0x04 + 8 * instr.dst); emitByte(0x06); } else { emit(REX_IMUL_RM); emitByte(0x86 + 8 * instr.dst); genAddressImm(instr); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_IMULH_R(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emit(REX_MUL_R); emitByte(0xe0 + instr.src); emit(REX_MOV_R64R); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); } else { emitByte(MOV_EAX_I); emit32(instr.imm32); emit(REX_MUL_R); emitByte(0xe0 + instr.dst); emit(REX_ADD_RM); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_IMULH_M(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { genAddressReg(instr, false); emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emit(REX_MUL_MEM); } else { emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emit(REX_MUL_M); emitByte(0xa6); genAddressImm(instr); } emit(REX_MOV_R64R); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_ISMULH_R(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emit(REX_MUL_R); emitByte(0xe8 + instr.src); emit(REX_MOV_R64R); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); } else { emitByte(MOV_EAX_I); emit32(instr.imm32); emit(REX_MUL_R); emitByte(0xe8 + instr.dst); emit(REX_ADD_RM); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_ISMULH_M(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { genAddressReg(instr, false); emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emit(REX_IMUL_MEM); } else { emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emit(REX_MUL_M); emitByte(0xae); genAddressImm(instr); } emit(REX_MOV_R64R); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_IDIV_C(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.imm32 != 0) { uint32_t divisor = instr.imm32; if (divisor & (divisor - 1)) { magicu_info mi = compute_unsigned_magic_info(divisor, sizeof(uint64_t) * 8); if (mi.pre_shift == 0 && !mi.increment) { emit(MOV_RAX_I); emit64(mi.multiplier); emit(REX_MUL_R); emitByte(0xe0 + instr.dst); } else { emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); if (mi.pre_shift > 0) { emit(REX_SHR_RAX); emitByte(mi.pre_shift); } if (mi.increment) { emit(RAX_ADD_SBB_1); } emit(MOV_RCX_I); emit64(mi.multiplier); emit(MUL_RCX); } if (mi.post_shift > 0) { emit(REX_SHR_RDX); emitByte(mi.post_shift); } emit(REX_ADD_RR); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); } else { //divisor is a power of two int shift = 0; while (divisor >>= 1) ++shift; if (shift > 0) { emit(REX_SH); emitByte(0xe8 + instr.dst); } } } } void JitCompilerX86::h_ISDIV_C(Instruction& instr) { int64_t divisor = instr.imm32; if ((divisor & -divisor) == divisor || (divisor & -divisor) == -divisor) { emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); // +/- power of two bool negative = divisor < 0; if (negative) divisor = -divisor; int shift = 0; uint64_t unsignedDivisor = divisor; while (unsignedDivisor >>= 1) ++shift; if (shift > 0) { emit(MOV_RCX_RAX_SAR_RCX_63); uint32_t mask = (1ULL << shift) - 1; emit(AND_ECX_I); emit32(mask); emit(ADD_RAX_RCX); emit(SAR_RAX_I8); emitByte(shift); } if (negative) emit(NEG_RAX); emit(ADD_R_RAX); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); } else if (divisor != 0) { magics_info mi = compute_signed_magic_info(divisor); emit(MOV_RAX_I); emit64(mi.multiplier); emit(REX_MUL_R); emitByte(0xe8 + instr.dst); emit(XOR_EAX_EAX); bool haveSF = false; if (divisor > 0 && mi.multiplier < 0) { emit(ADD_RDX_R); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); haveSF = true; } if (divisor < 0 && mi.multiplier > 0) { emit(SUB_RDX_R); emitByte(0xc2 + 8 * instr.dst); haveSF = true; } if (mi.shift > 0) { emit(SAR_RDX_I8); emitByte(mi.shift); haveSF = true; } if (!haveSF) emit(TEST_RDX_RDX); emit(SETS_AL_ADD_RDX_RAX); emit(ADD_R_RAX); emitByte(0xd0 + instr.dst); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_INEG_R(Instruction& instr) { emit(REX_NEG); emitByte(0xd8 + instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_IXOR_R(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { emit(REX_XOR_RR); emitByte(0xc0 + 8 * instr.dst + instr.src); } else { emit(REX_XOR_RI); emitByte(0xf0 + instr.dst); emit32(instr.imm32); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_IXOR_M(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_XOR_RM); emitByte(0x04 + 8 * instr.dst); emitByte(0x06); } else { emit(REX_XOR_RM); emitByte(0x86 + 8 * instr.dst); genAddressImm(instr); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_IROR_R(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { emit(REX_MOV_RR); emitByte(0xc8 + instr.src); emit(REX_ROT_CL); emitByte(0xc8 + instr.dst); } else { emit(REX_ROT_I8); emitByte(0xc8 + instr.dst); emitByte(instr.imm32 & 63); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_IROL_R(Instruction& instr) { if (instr.src != instr.dst) { emit(REX_MOV_RR); emitByte(0xc8 + instr.src); emit(REX_ROT_CL); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); } else { emit(REX_ROT_I8); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.dst); emitByte(instr.imm32 & 63); } } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPSWAP_R(Instruction& instr) { emit(SHUFPD); emitByte(0xc0 + 9 * instr.dst); emitByte(1); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPADD_R(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; instr.src %= 4; emit(REX_ADDPD); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.src + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPADD_M(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_CVTDQ2PD_XMM12); emit(REX_ADDPD); emitByte(0xc4 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPSUB_R(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; instr.src %= 4; emit(REX_SUBPD); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.src + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPSUB_M(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_CVTDQ2PD_XMM12); emit(REX_SUBPD); emitByte(0xc4 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPNEG_R(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; emit(REX_XORPS); emitByte(0xc7 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPMUL_R(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; instr.src %= 4; emit(REX_MULPD); emitByte(0xe0 + instr.src + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPMUL_M(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_CVTDQ2PD_XMM12); emit(REX_MULPD); emitByte(0xe4 + 8 * instr.dst); emit(REX_MAXPD); emitByte(0xe5 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPDIV_R(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; instr.src %= 4; emit(REX_DIVPD); emitByte(0xe0 + instr.src + 8 * instr.dst); emit(REX_MAXPD); emitByte(0xe5 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPDIV_M(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_CVTDQ2PD_XMM12); emit(REX_DIVPD); emitByte(0xe4 + 8 * instr.dst); emit(REX_MAXPD); emitByte(0xe5 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FPSQRT_R(Instruction& instr) { instr.dst %= 4; emit(SQRTPD); emitByte(0xe4 + 9 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_CFROUND(Instruction& instr) { emit(REX_MOV_RR64); emitByte(0xc0 + instr.src); int rotate = (13 - (instr.alt & 63)) & 63; if (rotate != 0) { emit(ROL_RAX); emitByte(rotate); } emit(AND_OR_MOV_LDMXCSR); } static inline uint8_t condition(Instruction& instr, bool invert = false) { switch ((instr.alt & 7) ^ invert) { case 0: return 0x96; //setbe case 1: return 0x97; //seta case 2: return 0x98; //sets case 3: return 0x99; //setns case 4: return 0x90; //seto case 5: return 0x91; //setno case 6: return 0x9c; //setl case 7: return 0x9d; //setge } } void JitCompilerX86::h_COND_R(Instruction& instr) { emit(XOR_ECX_ECX); emit(REX_CMP_R32I); emitByte(0xf8 + instr.src); emit32(instr.imm32); emitByte(0x0f); emitByte(condition(instr)); emitByte(0xc1); emit(REX_ADD_RM); emitByte(0xc1 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_COND_M(Instruction& instr) { emit(XOR_ECX_ECX); genAddressReg(instr); emit(REX_CMP_M32I); emit32(instr.imm32); emitByte(0x0f); emitByte(condition(instr)); emitByte(0xc1); emit(REX_ADD_RM); emitByte(0xc1 + 8 * instr.dst); } void JitCompilerX86::h_ISTORE(Instruction& instr) { genAddressRegDst(instr); emit(REX_MOV_MR); emitByte(0x04 + 8 * instr.src); emitByte(0x06); } void JitCompilerX86::h_FSTORE(Instruction& instr) { genAddressRegDst(instr, true); emit(MOVAPD); emitByte(0x04 + 8 * instr.src); emitByte(0x06); } void JitCompilerX86::h_NOP(Instruction& instr) { emitByte(0x90); } #include "instructionWeights.hpp" #define INST_HANDLE(x) REPN(&JitCompilerX86::h_##x, WT(x)) InstructionGeneratorX86 JitCompilerX86::engine[256] = { INST_HANDLE(IADD_R) INST_HANDLE(IADD_M) INST_HANDLE(IADD_RC) INST_HANDLE(ISUB_R) INST_HANDLE(ISUB_M) INST_HANDLE(IMUL_9C) INST_HANDLE(IMUL_R) INST_HANDLE(IMUL_M) INST_HANDLE(IMULH_R) INST_HANDLE(IMULH_M) INST_HANDLE(ISMULH_R) INST_HANDLE(ISMULH_M) INST_HANDLE(IDIV_C) INST_HANDLE(ISDIV_C) INST_HANDLE(INEG_R) INST_HANDLE(IXOR_R) INST_HANDLE(IXOR_M) INST_HANDLE(IROR_R) INST_HANDLE(IROL_R) INST_HANDLE(FPSWAP_R) INST_HANDLE(FPADD_R) INST_HANDLE(FPADD_M) INST_HANDLE(FPSUB_R) INST_HANDLE(FPSUB_M) INST_HANDLE(FPNEG_R) INST_HANDLE(FPMUL_R) INST_HANDLE(FPMUL_M) INST_HANDLE(FPDIV_R) INST_HANDLE(FPDIV_M) INST_HANDLE(FPSQRT_R) INST_HANDLE(COND_R) INST_HANDLE(COND_M) INST_HANDLE(CFROUND) INST_HANDLE(ISTORE) INST_HANDLE(FSTORE) INST_HANDLE(NOP) }; #endif }