/* Copyright (c) 2018 tevador This file is part of RandomX. RandomX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RandomX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RandomX. If not, see. */ #include "instruction.hpp" #include "common.hpp" namespace randomx { void Instruction::print(std::ostream& os) const { os << names[opcode] << " "; auto handler = engine[opcode]; (this->*handler)(os); } void Instruction::genAddressReg(std::ostream& os) const { os << (getModMem() ? "L1" : "L2") << "[r" << (int)src << std::showpos << (int32_t)getImm32() << std::noshowpos << "]"; } void Instruction::genAddressRegDst(std::ostream& os) const { if (getModCond() < StoreL3Condition) os << (getModMem() ? "L1" : "L2"); else os << "L3"; os << "[r" << (int)dst << std::showpos << (int32_t)getImm32() << std::noshowpos << "]"; } void Instruction::genAddressImm(std::ostream& os) const { os << "L3" << "[" << (getImm32() & ScratchpadL3Mask) << "]"; } void Instruction::h_IADD_RS(std::ostream& os) const { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src; if(dst == RegisterNeedsDisplacement) { os << ", " << (int32_t)getImm32(); } os << ", SHFT " << (int)getModShift() << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_IADD_M(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressImm(os); os << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_ISUB_R(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", " << (int32_t)getImm32() << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_ISUB_M(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressImm(os); os << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_IMUL_R(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", " << (int32_t)getImm32() << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_IMUL_M(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressImm(os); os << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_IMULH_R(std::ostream& os) const { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_IMULH_M(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressImm(os); os << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_ISMULH_R(std::ostream& os) const { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_ISMULH_M(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressImm(os); os << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_INEG_R(std::ostream& os) const { os << "r" << (int)dst << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_IXOR_R(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", " << (int32_t)getImm32() << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_IXOR_M(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", "; genAddressImm(os); os << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_IROR_R(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", " << (getImm32() & 63) << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_IROL_R(std::ostream& os) const { if (src != dst) { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } else { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", " << (getImm32() & 63) << std::endl; } } void Instruction::h_IMUL_RCP(std::ostream& os) const { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", " << getImm32() << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_ISWAP_R(std::ostream& os) const { os << "r" << (int)dst << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FSWAP_R(std::ostream& os) const { const char reg = (dst >= RegisterCountFlt) ? 'e' : 'f'; auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; os << reg << dstIndex << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FADD_R(std::ostream& os) const { auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; auto srcIndex = src % RegisterCountFlt; os << "f" << dstIndex << ", a" << srcIndex << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FADD_M(std::ostream& os) const { auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; os << "f" << dstIndex << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FSUB_R(std::ostream& os) const { auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; auto srcIndex = src % RegisterCountFlt; os << "f" << dstIndex << ", a" << srcIndex << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FSUB_M(std::ostream& os) const { auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; os << "f" << dstIndex << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FSCAL_R(std::ostream& os) const { auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; os << "f" << dstIndex << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FMUL_R(std::ostream& os) const { auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; auto srcIndex = src % RegisterCountFlt; os << "e" << dstIndex << ", a" << srcIndex << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FDIV_M(std::ostream& os) const { auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; os << "e" << dstIndex << ", "; genAddressReg(os); os << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_FSQRT_R(std::ostream& os) const { auto dstIndex = dst % RegisterCountFlt; os << "e" << dstIndex << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_CFROUND(std::ostream& os) const { os << "r" << (int)src << ", " << (getImm32() & 63) << std::endl; } static inline const char* condition(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: return "be"; case 1: return "ab"; case 2: return "sg"; case 3: return "ns"; case 4: return "of"; case 5: return "no"; case 6: return "lt"; case 7: return "ge"; default: UNREACHABLE; } } void Instruction::h_CBRANCH(std::ostream& os) const { os << (int32_t)getImm32() << ", COND " << (int)(getModCond()) << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_ISTORE(std::ostream& os) const { genAddressRegDst(os); os << ", r" << (int)src << std::endl; } void Instruction::h_NOP(std::ostream& os) const { os << std::endl; } #include "instruction_weights.hpp" #define INST_NAME(x) REPN(#x, WT(x)) #define INST_HANDLE(x) REPN(&Instruction::h_##x, WT(x)) const char* Instruction::names[256] = { INST_NAME(IADD_RS) INST_NAME(IADD_M) INST_NAME(ISUB_R) INST_NAME(ISUB_M) INST_NAME(IMUL_R) INST_NAME(IMUL_M) INST_NAME(IMULH_R) INST_NAME(IMULH_M) INST_NAME(ISMULH_R) INST_NAME(ISMULH_M) INST_NAME(IMUL_RCP) INST_NAME(INEG_R) INST_NAME(IXOR_R) INST_NAME(IXOR_M) INST_NAME(IROR_R) INST_NAME(ISWAP_R) INST_NAME(FSWAP_R) INST_NAME(FADD_R) INST_NAME(FADD_M) INST_NAME(FSUB_R) INST_NAME(FSUB_M) INST_NAME(FSCAL_R) INST_NAME(FMUL_R) INST_NAME(FDIV_M) INST_NAME(FSQRT_R) INST_NAME(CBRANCH) INST_NAME(CFROUND) INST_NAME(ISTORE) INST_NAME(NOP) }; InstructionFormatter Instruction::engine[256] = { INST_HANDLE(IADD_RS) INST_HANDLE(IADD_M) INST_HANDLE(ISUB_R) INST_HANDLE(ISUB_M) INST_HANDLE(IMUL_R) INST_HANDLE(IMUL_M) INST_HANDLE(IMULH_R) INST_HANDLE(IMULH_M) INST_HANDLE(ISMULH_R) INST_HANDLE(ISMULH_M) INST_HANDLE(IMUL_RCP) INST_HANDLE(INEG_R) INST_HANDLE(IXOR_R) INST_HANDLE(IXOR_M) INST_HANDLE(IROR_R) INST_HANDLE(IROL_R) INST_HANDLE(ISWAP_R) INST_HANDLE(FSWAP_R) INST_HANDLE(FADD_R) INST_HANDLE(FADD_M) INST_HANDLE(FSUB_R) INST_HANDLE(FSUB_M) INST_HANDLE(FSCAL_R) INST_HANDLE(FMUL_R) INST_HANDLE(FDIV_M) INST_HANDLE(FSQRT_R) INST_HANDLE(CBRANCH) INST_HANDLE(CFROUND) INST_HANDLE(ISTORE) INST_HANDLE(NOP) }; }