/* Copyright (c) 2018 tevador This file is part of RandomX. RandomX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RandomX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RandomX. If not, see. */ //#define TRACE //#define FPUCHECK #define RANDOMX_JUMP #include "InterpretedVirtualMachine.hpp" #include "dataset.hpp" #include "Cache.hpp" #include "LightClientAsyncWorker.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "intrinPortable.h" #include "reciprocal.h" #ifdef STATS #include #endif #include "LightProgramGenerator.hpp" #ifdef FPUCHECK constexpr bool fpuCheck = true; #else constexpr bool fpuCheck = false; #endif namespace RandomX { template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::setDataset(dataset_t ds, uint64_t size, LightProgram(&programs)[RANDOMX_CACHE_ACCESSES]) { mem.ds = ds; readDataset = &datasetReadLight; datasetRange = (size - RANDOMX_DATASET_SIZE + CacheLineSize) / CacheLineSize; if(superscalar) precompileSuperscalar(programs); } template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::setDataset(dataset_t ds, uint64_t size, LightProgram(&programs)[RANDOMX_CACHE_ACCESSES]); template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::setDataset(dataset_t ds, uint64_t size, LightProgram(&programs)[RANDOMX_CACHE_ACCESSES]); template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::initialize() { VirtualMachine::initialize(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < RANDOMX_PROGRAM_SIZE; ++i) { program(i).src %= RegistersCount; program(i).dst %= RegistersCount; } } template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::initialize(); template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::initialize(); template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::executeBytecode(int_reg_t(&r)[8], __m128d (&f)[4], __m128d (&e)[4], __m128d (&a)[4]) { for (int ic = 0; ic < RANDOMX_PROGRAM_SIZE; ++ic) { executeBytecode(ic, r, f, e, a); } } template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::executeBytecode(int_reg_t(&r)[8], __m128d (&f)[4], __m128d (&e)[4], __m128d (&a)[4]); template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::executeBytecode(int_reg_t(&r)[8], __m128d (&f)[4], __m128d (&e)[4], __m128d (&a)[4]); static void print(int_reg_t r) { std::cout << std::hex << std::setw(16) << std::setfill('0') << r << std::endl; } static void print(__m128d f) { uint64_t lo = *(((uint64_t*)&f) + 0); uint64_t hi = *(((uint64_t*)&f) + 1); std::cout << std::hex << std::setw(16) << std::setfill('0') << hi << '-' << std::hex << std::setw(16) << std::setfill('0') << lo << std::endl; } static void printState(int_reg_t(&r)[8], __m128d (&f)[4], __m128d (&e)[4], __m128d (&a)[4]) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { std::cout << "r" << i << " = "; print(r[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { std::cout << "f" << i << " = "; print(f[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { std::cout << "e" << i << " = "; print(e[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { std::cout << "a" << i << " = "; print(a[i]); } } static bool isDenormal(double x) { return std::fpclassify(x) == FP_SUBNORMAL; } template FORCE_INLINE void InterpretedVirtualMachine::executeBytecode(int& ic, int_reg_t(&r)[8], __m128d (&f)[4], __m128d (&e)[4], __m128d (&a)[4]) { auto& ibc = byteCode[ic]; if (trace) std::cout << std::dec << std::setw(3) << ic << " " << program(ic); //if(trace) printState(r, f, e, a); switch (ibc.type) { case InstructionType::IADD_RS: { *ibc.idst += (*ibc.isrc << ibc.shift) + ibc.imm; } break; case InstructionType::IADD_M: { *ibc.idst += load64(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask)); } break; case InstructionType::IADD_RC: { *ibc.idst += *ibc.isrc + ibc.imm; } break; case InstructionType::ISUB_R: { *ibc.idst -= *ibc.isrc; } break; case InstructionType::ISUB_M: { *ibc.idst -= load64(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask)); } break; case InstructionType::IMUL_9C: { *ibc.idst += 8 * *ibc.idst + ibc.imm; } break; case InstructionType::IMUL_R: { //also handles IMUL_RCP *ibc.idst *= *ibc.isrc; } break; case InstructionType::IMUL_M: { *ibc.idst *= load64(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask)); } break; case InstructionType::IMULH_R: { *ibc.idst = mulh(*ibc.idst, *ibc.isrc); } break; case InstructionType::IMULH_M: { *ibc.idst = mulh(*ibc.idst, load64(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask))); } break; case InstructionType::ISMULH_R: { *ibc.idst = smulh(unsigned64ToSigned2sCompl(*ibc.idst), unsigned64ToSigned2sCompl(*ibc.isrc)); } break; case InstructionType::ISMULH_M: { *ibc.idst = smulh(unsigned64ToSigned2sCompl(*ibc.idst), unsigned64ToSigned2sCompl(load64(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask)))); } break; case InstructionType::INEG_R: { *ibc.idst = ~(*ibc.idst) + 1; //two's complement negative } break; case InstructionType::IXOR_R: { *ibc.idst ^= *ibc.isrc; } break; case InstructionType::IXOR_M: { *ibc.idst ^= load64(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask)); } break; case InstructionType::IROR_R: { *ibc.idst = rotr(*ibc.idst, *ibc.isrc & 63); } break; case InstructionType::IROL_R: { *ibc.idst = rotl(*ibc.idst, *ibc.isrc & 63); } break; case InstructionType::ISWAP_R: { int_reg_t temp = *ibc.isrc; *ibc.isrc = *ibc.idst; *ibc.idst = temp; } break; case InstructionType::FSWAP_R: { *ibc.fdst = _mm_shuffle_pd(*ibc.fdst, *ibc.fdst, 1); } break; case InstructionType::FADD_R: { *ibc.fdst = _mm_add_pd(*ibc.fdst, *ibc.fsrc); } break; case InstructionType::FADD_M: { __m128d fsrc = load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask)); *ibc.fdst = _mm_add_pd(*ibc.fdst, fsrc); } break; case InstructionType::FSUB_R: { *ibc.fdst = _mm_sub_pd(*ibc.fdst, *ibc.fsrc); } break; case InstructionType::FSUB_M: { __m128d fsrc = load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask)); *ibc.fdst = _mm_sub_pd(*ibc.fdst, fsrc); } break; case InstructionType::FSCAL_R: { const __m128d mask = _mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_set1_epi64x(0x81F0000000000000)); *ibc.fdst = _mm_xor_pd(*ibc.fdst, mask); } break; case InstructionType::FMUL_R: { *ibc.fdst = _mm_mul_pd(*ibc.fdst, *ibc.fsrc); } break; case InstructionType::FDIV_M: { __m128d fsrc = ieee_set_exponent<-240>(load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask))); *ibc.fdst = _mm_div_pd(*ibc.fdst, fsrc); } break; case InstructionType::FSQRT_R: { *ibc.fdst = _mm_sqrt_pd(*ibc.fdst); } break; case InstructionType::COND_R: { #ifdef RANDOMX_JUMP *ibc.creg += (1 << ibc.shift); const uint64_t conditionMask = ((1ULL << RANDOMX_CONDITION_BITS) - 1) << ibc.shift; if ((*ibc.creg & conditionMask) == 0) { #ifdef STATS count_JUMP_taken++; #endif ic = ibc.target; break; } #ifdef STATS count_JUMP_not_taken++; #endif #endif *ibc.idst += condition(ibc.condition, *ibc.isrc, ibc.imm) ? 1 : 0; } break; case InstructionType::COND_M: { #ifdef RANDOMX_JUMP *ibc.creg += (1uLL << ibc.shift); const uint64_t conditionMask = ((1ULL << RANDOMX_CONDITION_BITS) - 1) << ibc.shift; if ((*ibc.creg & conditionMask) == 0) { #ifdef STATS count_JUMP_taken++; #endif ic = ibc.target; break; } #ifdef STATS count_JUMP_not_taken++; #endif #endif *ibc.idst += condition(ibc.condition, load64(scratchpad + (*ibc.isrc & ibc.memMask)), ibc.imm) ? 1 : 0; } break; case InstructionType::CFROUND: { setRoundMode(rotr(*ibc.isrc, ibc.imm) % 4); } break; case InstructionType::ISTORE: { store64(scratchpad + (*ibc.idst & ibc.memMask), *ibc.isrc); } break; case InstructionType::NOP: { //nothing } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } if (trace) { if(ibc.type < 20 || ibc.type == 31 || ibc.type == 32) print(*ibc.idst); else //if(ibc.type >= 20 && ibc.type <= 30) print(0); } #ifdef FPUCHECK if (ibc.type >= 26 && ibc.type <= 30) { double lo = *(((double*)ibc.fdst) + 0); double hi = *(((double*)ibc.fdst) + 1); if (lo <= 0 || hi <= 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Underflow in operation " << ibc.type; printState(r, f, e, a); throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } } #endif } template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::execute() { int_reg_t r[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; __m128d f[4]; __m128d e[4]; __m128d a[4]; a[0] = _mm_load_pd(®.a[0].lo); a[1] = _mm_load_pd(®.a[1].lo); a[2] = _mm_load_pd(®.a[2].lo); a[3] = _mm_load_pd(®.a[3].lo); precompileProgram(r, f, e, a); uint32_t spAddr0 = mem.mx; uint32_t spAddr1 = mem.ma; if (trace) { std::cout << "execute (reg: r" << readReg0 << ", r" << readReg1 << ", r" << readReg2 << ", r" << readReg3 << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "spAddr " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << spAddr1 << " / " << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << spAddr0 << std::endl; std::cout << "ma/mx " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << mem.ma << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << mem.mx << std::endl; printState(r, f, e, a); } for(unsigned ic = 0; ic < RANDOMX_PROGRAM_ITERATIONS; ++ic) { //std::cout << "Iteration " << iter << std::endl; uint64_t spMix = r[readReg0] ^ r[readReg1]; spAddr0 ^= spMix; spAddr0 &= ScratchpadL3Mask64; spAddr1 ^= spMix >> 32; spAddr1 &= ScratchpadL3Mask64; r[0] ^= load64(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 0); r[1] ^= load64(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 8); r[2] ^= load64(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 16); r[3] ^= load64(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 24); r[4] ^= load64(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 32); r[5] ^= load64(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 40); r[6] ^= load64(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 48); r[7] ^= load64(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 56); f[0] = load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 0); f[1] = load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 8); f[2] = load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 16); f[3] = load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 24); e[0] = ieee_set_exponent<-240>(load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 32)); e[1] = ieee_set_exponent<-240>(load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 40)); e[2] = ieee_set_exponent<-240>(load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 48)); e[3] = ieee_set_exponent<-240>(load_cvt_i32x2(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 56)); if (trace) { std::cout << "iteration " << std::dec << ic << std::endl; std::cout << "spAddr " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << spAddr1 << " / " << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << spAddr0 << std::endl; std::cout << "ma/mx " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << mem.ma << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << mem.mx << std::endl; printState(r, f, e, a); std::cout << "-----------------------------------" << std::endl; } executeBytecode(r, f, e, a); mem.mx ^= r[readReg2] ^ r[readReg3]; mem.mx &= CacheLineAlignMask; if (superscalar) { executeSuperscalar(datasetBase + mem.ma / CacheLineSize, r); } else { Cache& cache = mem.ds.cache; uint64_t datasetLine[CacheLineSize / sizeof(uint64_t)]; initBlock(cache, (uint8_t*)datasetLine, datasetBase + mem.ma / CacheLineSize, RANDOMX_CACHE_ACCESSES / 8); for (int i = 0; i < RegistersCount; ++i) r[i] ^= datasetLine[i]; } std::swap(mem.mx, mem.ma); if (trace) { std::cout << "iteration " << std::dec << ic << std::endl; std::cout << "spAddr " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << spAddr1 << " / " << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << spAddr0 << std::endl; std::cout << "ma/mx " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << mem.ma << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << mem.mx << std::endl; printState(r, f, e, a); std::cout << "===================================" << std::endl; } store64(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 0, r[0]); store64(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 8, r[1]); store64(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 16, r[2]); store64(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 24, r[3]); store64(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 32, r[4]); store64(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 40, r[5]); store64(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 48, r[6]); store64(scratchpad + spAddr1 + 56, r[7]); f[0] = _mm_xor_pd(f[0], e[0]); f[1] = _mm_xor_pd(f[1], e[1]); f[2] = _mm_xor_pd(f[2], e[2]); f[3] = _mm_xor_pd(f[3], e[3]); #ifdef FPUCHECK for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { double lo = *(((double*)&f[i]) + 0); double hi = *(((double*)&f[i]) + 1); if (isDenormal(lo) || isDenormal(hi)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Denormal f" << i; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } } #endif _mm_store_pd((double*)(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 0), f[0]); _mm_store_pd((double*)(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 16), f[1]); _mm_store_pd((double*)(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 32), f[2]); _mm_store_pd((double*)(scratchpad + spAddr0 + 48), f[3]); spAddr0 = 0; spAddr1 = 0; } store64(®.r[0], r[0]); store64(®.r[1], r[1]); store64(®.r[2], r[2]); store64(®.r[3], r[3]); store64(®.r[4], r[4]); store64(®.r[5], r[5]); store64(®.r[6], r[6]); store64(®.r[7], r[7]); _mm_store_pd(®.f[0].lo, f[0]); _mm_store_pd(®.f[1].lo, f[1]); _mm_store_pd(®.f[2].lo, f[2]); _mm_store_pd(®.f[3].lo, f[3]); _mm_store_pd(®.e[0].lo, e[0]); _mm_store_pd(®.e[1].lo, e[1]); _mm_store_pd(®.e[2].lo, e[2]); _mm_store_pd(®.e[3].lo, e[3]); } template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::execute(); template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::execute(); static int getConditionRegister(int(®isterUsage)[8]) { int min = INT_MAX; int minIndex; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (registerUsage[i] < min) { min = registerUsage[i]; minIndex = i; } } return minIndex; } constexpr uint64_t superscalarMul0 = 6364136223846793005ULL; constexpr uint64_t superscalarAdd1 = 9298410992540426048ULL; constexpr uint64_t superscalarAdd2 = 12065312585734608966ULL; constexpr uint64_t superscalarAdd3 = 9306329213124610396ULL; constexpr uint64_t superscalarAdd4 = 5281919268842080866ULL; constexpr uint64_t superscalarAdd5 = 10536153434571861004ULL; constexpr uint64_t superscalarAdd6 = 3398623926847679864ULL; constexpr uint64_t superscalarAdd7 = 9549104520008361294ULL; static uint8_t* getMixBlock(uint64_t registerValue, Cache& cache) { uint8_t* mixBlock; if (RANDOMX_ARGON_GROWTH == 0) { constexpr uint32_t mask = (RANDOMX_ARGON_MEMORY * ArgonBlockSize / CacheLineSize - 1); mixBlock = cache.memory + (registerValue & mask) * CacheLineSize; } else { const uint32_t modulus = cache.size / CacheLineSize; mixBlock = cache.memory + (registerValue % modulus) * CacheLineSize; } return mixBlock; } template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::executeSuperscalar(uint32_t blockNumber, int_reg_t(&r)[8]) { int_reg_t rl[8]; uint8_t* mixBlock; uint64_t registerValue = blockNumber; rl[0] = (blockNumber + 1) * superscalarMul0; rl[1] = rl[0] ^ superscalarAdd1; rl[2] = rl[0] ^ superscalarAdd2; rl[3] = rl[0] ^ superscalarAdd3; rl[4] = rl[0] ^ superscalarAdd4; rl[5] = rl[0] ^ superscalarAdd5; rl[6] = rl[0] ^ superscalarAdd6; rl[7] = rl[0] ^ superscalarAdd7; Cache& cache = mem.ds.cache; for (unsigned i = 0; i < RANDOMX_CACHE_ACCESSES; ++i) { mixBlock = getMixBlock(registerValue, cache); LightProgram& prog = superScalarPrograms[i]; for (unsigned j = 0; j < prog.getSize(); ++j) { Instruction& instr = prog(j); switch (instr.opcode) { case RandomX::LightInstructionType::ISUB_R: rl[instr.dst] -= rl[instr.src]; break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IXOR_R: rl[instr.dst] ^= rl[instr.src]; break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IADD_RS: rl[instr.dst] += rl[instr.src] << (instr.mod % 4); break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IMUL_R: rl[instr.dst] *= rl[instr.src]; break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IROR_C: rl[instr.dst] = rotr(rl[instr.dst], instr.getImm32()); break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IADD_C7: case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IADD_C8: case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IADD_C9: rl[instr.dst] += signExtend2sCompl(instr.getImm32()); break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IXOR_C7: case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IXOR_C8: case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IXOR_C9: rl[instr.dst] ^= signExtend2sCompl(instr.getImm32()); break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IMULH_R: rl[instr.dst] = mulh(rl[instr.dst], rl[instr.src]); break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R: rl[instr.dst] = smulh(rl[instr.dst], rl[instr.src]); break; case RandomX::LightInstructionType::IMUL_RCP: rl[instr.dst] *= reciprocals[instr.getImm32()]; break; default: UNREACHABLE; } } for(unsigned q = 0; q < 8; ++q) rl[q] ^= load64(mixBlock + 8 * q); registerValue = rl[prog.getAddressRegister()]; } for (unsigned q = 0; q < 8; ++q) r[q] ^= rl[q]; } template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::precompileSuperscalar(LightProgram* programs) { memcpy(superScalarPrograms, programs, sizeof(superScalarPrograms)); reciprocals.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < RANDOMX_CACHE_ACCESSES; ++i) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < superScalarPrograms[i].getSize(); ++j) { Instruction& instr = superScalarPrograms[i](j); if (instr.opcode == LightInstructionType::IMUL_RCP) { auto rcp = reciprocal(instr.getImm32()); instr.setImm32(reciprocals.size()); reciprocals.push_back(rcp); } } } } #include "instructionWeights.hpp" template void InterpretedVirtualMachine::precompileProgram(int_reg_t(&r)[8], __m128d (&f)[4], __m128d (&e)[4], __m128d (&a)[4]) { int registerUsage[8]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { registerUsage[i] = -1; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < RANDOMX_PROGRAM_SIZE; ++i) { auto& instr = program(i); auto& ibc = byteCode[i]; switch (instr.opcode) { CASE_REP(IADD_RS) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IADD_RS; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (dst != 5) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.shift = instr.mod % 4; ibc.imm = 0; } else { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.shift = instr.mod % 4; ibc.imm = signExtend2sCompl(instr.getImm32()); } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IADD_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IADD_M; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (instr.src != instr.dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } else { ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; ibc.memMask = ScratchpadL3Mask; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IADD_RC) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IADD_RC; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.imm = signExtend2sCompl(instr.getImm32()); registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(ISUB_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::ISUB_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (src != dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; } else { ibc.imm = signExtend2sCompl(instr.getImm32()); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(ISUB_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::ISUB_M; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (instr.src != instr.dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } else { ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; ibc.memMask = ScratchpadL3Mask; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IMUL_9C) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IMUL_9C; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.imm = signExtend2sCompl(instr.getImm32()); registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IMUL_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IMUL_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (src != dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; } else { ibc.imm = signExtend2sCompl(instr.getImm32()); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IMUL_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IMUL_M; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (instr.src != instr.dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } else { ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; ibc.memMask = ScratchpadL3Mask; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IMULH_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IMULH_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IMULH_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IMULH_M; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (instr.src != instr.dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } else { ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; ibc.memMask = ScratchpadL3Mask; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(ISMULH_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::ISMULH_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(ISMULH_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::ISMULH_M; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (instr.src != instr.dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } else { ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; ibc.memMask = ScratchpadL3Mask; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IMUL_RCP) { uint32_t divisor = instr.getImm32(); if (divisor != 0) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IMUL_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.imm = reciprocal(divisor); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } else { ibc.type = InstructionType::NOP; } } break; CASE_REP(INEG_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::INEG_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IXOR_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IXOR_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (src != dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; } else { ibc.imm = signExtend2sCompl(instr.getImm32()); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IXOR_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IXOR_M; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (instr.src != instr.dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } else { ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; ibc.memMask = ScratchpadL3Mask; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IROR_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IROR_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (src != dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; } else { ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(IROL_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::IROL_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; if (src != dst) { ibc.isrc = &r[src]; } else { ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.isrc = &ibc.imm; } registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; } break; CASE_REP(ISWAP_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; if (src != dst) { ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.type = InstructionType::ISWAP_R; registerUsage[instr.dst] = i; registerUsage[instr.src] = i; } else { ibc.type = InstructionType::NOP; } } break; CASE_REP(FSWAP_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::FSWAP_R; if (dst < 4) ibc.fdst = &f[dst]; else ibc.fdst = &e[dst - 4]; } break; CASE_REP(FADD_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % 4; auto src = instr.src % 4; ibc.type = InstructionType::FADD_R; ibc.fdst = &f[dst]; ibc.fsrc = &a[src]; } break; CASE_REP(FADD_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % 4; auto src = instr.src % 8; ibc.type = InstructionType::FADD_M; ibc.fdst = &f[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } break; CASE_REP(FSUB_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % 4; auto src = instr.src % 4; ibc.type = InstructionType::FSUB_R; ibc.fdst = &f[dst]; ibc.fsrc = &a[src]; } break; CASE_REP(FSUB_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % 4; auto src = instr.src % 8; ibc.type = InstructionType::FSUB_M; ibc.fdst = &f[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } break; CASE_REP(FSCAL_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % 4; ibc.fdst = &f[dst]; ibc.type = InstructionType::FSCAL_R; } break; CASE_REP(FMUL_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % 4; auto src = instr.src % 4; ibc.type = InstructionType::FMUL_R; ibc.fdst = &e[dst]; ibc.fsrc = &a[src]; } break; CASE_REP(FDIV_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % 4; auto src = instr.src % 8; ibc.type = InstructionType::FDIV_M; ibc.fdst = &e[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } break; CASE_REP(FSQRT_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % 4; ibc.type = InstructionType::FSQRT_R; ibc.fdst = &e[dst]; } break; CASE_REP(COND_R) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::COND_R; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.condition = (instr.mod >> 2) & 7; ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); //jump condition int reg = getConditionRegister(registerUsage); ibc.target = registerUsage[reg]; ibc.shift = (instr.mod >> 5); ibc.creg = &r[reg]; for (unsigned j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { //mark all registers as used registerUsage[j] = i; } } break; CASE_REP(COND_M) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::COND_M; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.condition = (instr.mod >> 2) & 7; ibc.imm = instr.getImm32(); ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); //jump condition int reg = getConditionRegister(registerUsage); ibc.target = registerUsage[reg]; ibc.shift = (instr.mod >> 5); ibc.creg = &r[reg]; for (unsigned j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { //mark all registers as used registerUsage[j] = i; } } break; CASE_REP(CFROUND) { auto src = instr.src % 8; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.type = InstructionType::CFROUND; ibc.imm = instr.getImm32() & 63; } break; CASE_REP(ISTORE) { auto dst = instr.dst % RegistersCount; auto src = instr.src % RegistersCount; ibc.type = InstructionType::ISTORE; ibc.idst = &r[dst]; ibc.isrc = &r[src]; ibc.memMask = ((instr.mod % 4) ? ScratchpadL1Mask : ScratchpadL2Mask); } break; CASE_REP(NOP) { ibc.type = InstructionType::NOP; } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } } } }