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@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ Algorithms with a fixed or slowly changing sequence of operations can be impleme
### Branches
Modern CPUs include a sophisticated branch predictor unit [[3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_predictor)] to ensure uninterrupted flow of instructions. If a branch prediction fails, the speculatively executed instructions are thrown away, which results in a certain amount of wasted energy with each misprediction. To maximize the amount of useful work per unit of energy, mispredictions must be avoided.
Modern CPUs include a sophisticated branch predictor unit [[3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_predictor)] to ensure uninterrupted flow of instructions. If a branch prediction fails, the speculatively executed instructions are thrown away, which results in a certain amount of wasted energy with each misprediction. To maximize the amount of useful work per unit of energy, mispredictions must be minimized.
For a consensus protocol, we could use either random branches or predefined branching patterns. With random branches, CPU misprediction rate is slightly higher than it would be without pattern recognition because the processor keeps trying to find repeated patterns in a sequence that has no regularities [[4](https://www.agner.org/optimize/microarchitecture.pdf)]. With predefined branching patterns, the general-purpose CPU predictor would be always less efficient than a specialized predictor that exactly matches the pattern.
The best way to maximize CPU efficiency is not to have any branches at all. However, CPUs invest a lot of die area and energy to handle branches. Without branches, CPU design can be significantly simplified because there is no need for commit/retire stages, which must be part of all speculative-execution designs to be able to recover from branch mispredictions.
Therefore, the best way to maximize CPU efficiency is not to have any branches at all. RandomX programs are branchless.
RandomX therefore uses random branches with a jump probability of 1/128. These branches will be predicted as "not taken" by the CPU. Such branches are "free" in most CPU designs unless they are taken. The branching conditions and jump targets are chosen in such way that infinite loops in RandomX code are impossible because the register controlling the branch will never be modified in the repeated code block. The additional instructions executed due to branches represent less than 1% of all instructions.
### CPU Caches
@ -16,19 +16,20 @@ RandomX has several configurable parameters that are listed in Table 1.1.1 with
|`RANDOMX_ARGON_SALT`|`52 61 6e 64 6f 6d 58 03` (`"RandomX\x03"`)|
|`RANDOMX_DATASET_SIZE`|`(4ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)` (4 GiB)|
|`RANDOMX_DS_GROWTH`|`(2 * 1024 * 1024)`|
|`RANDOMX_DATASET_SIZE`|`(2ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)` (2 GiB)|
|`RANDOMX_SCRATCHPAD_L3`|`(2 * 1024 * 1024)` (2 MiB)|
|`RANDOMX_SCRATCHPAD_L2`|`(256 * 1024)` (256 KiB)|
|`RANDOMX_SCRATCHPAD_L1`|`(16 * 1024)` (16 KiB)|
Instruction frequencies listed in Tables 5.2.1, 5.3.1 and 5.4.1 are also configurable.
Instruction frequencies listed in Tables 5.2.1, 5.3.1, 5.4.1 and 5.5.1 are also configurable.
### 1.2 Definitions
@ -373,10 +374,11 @@ There are 256 opcodes, which are distributed between 32 distinct instructions. E
|integer |19|137|53.5%|
|floating point |9|94|36.7%|
|other |4|25|9.8%|
|store |2|17|6.6%|
|conditional |2|8|3.2%|
All instructions are described below in chapters 5.2 - 5.4.
All instructions are described below in chapters 5.2 - 5.5.
#### 5.1.2 dst
Destination register. Only bits 0-1 (register groups A, F, E) or 0-2 (groups R, F+E) are used to encode a register according to Table 5.1.2.
@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ The `mod` flag is encoded as:
|0-1|`mod.mem` flag|
|2-4|`mod.cond` flag|
|5-7|`mod.shift` flag|
The `mod.mem` flag determines the Scratchpad level when reading from or writing to memory except for cases when `address_base` is an immediate value.
@ -426,7 +428,7 @@ The `mod.mem` flag determines the Scratchpad level when reading from or writing
The address for reading/writing is calculated by applying bitwise AND operation to `address_base` and the 8-byte aligned address mask listed in Table 4.2.1.
The `mod.cond` flag is used only by the COND instruction to select a condition to be tested (see 5.4.1).
The `mod.cond` and `mod.shift` flags is used only by the conditional instructions (see 5.5).
#### 5.1.5 imm32
A 32-bit immediate value that can be used as the source operand. The immediate value is sign-extended to 64 bits unless specified otherwise.
@ -541,23 +543,58 @@ Double precision floating point division. This instruction uses only a memory so
Double precision floating point square root of the destination register.
### 5.4 Other instructions
There are 4 special instructions that have more than one source operand or the destination operand is a memory value.
### 5.4 Store instructions
There are 2 explicit store instructions.
**Table 5.4.1 - Other instructions**
**Table 5.4.1 - Store instructions**
|1/256|CFROUND|`fprc`|R|`fprc = src >>> imm32`
|16/256|ISTORE|mem|R|`[dst] = src`
#### 5.4.2 CFROUND
This instruction calculates a 2-bit value by rotating the source register right by `imm32` bits and taking the 2 least significant bits (the value of the source register is unaffected). The result is stored in the `fprc` register. This changes the rounding mode of all subsequent floating point instructions.
#### 5.4.3 ISTORE
This instruction stores the value of the source integer register to the memory at the address specified by the destination register. The `src` and `dst` register can be the same.
### 5.5 Conditional instructions
There are 2 conditional instructions. They both behave exactly the same way except COND_R takes an explicit register source operand and COND_M takes an explicit memory operand. Additionally, both instructions have an implicit register operand.
**Table 5.5.1 - Conditional instructions**
|7/256|COND_R|R|R|`if(condition(src, imm32)) dst = dst + 1`
|1/256|COND_M|R|mem|`if(condition([src], imm32)) dst = dst + 1`
|1/256|CFROUND|`fprc`|R|`fprc = src >>> imm32`
|16/256|ISTORE|mem|R|`[dst] = src`
#### 5.4.1 COND
The conditional instructions consist of two actions:
These instructions conditionally increment the destination register. The condition function depends on the `mod.cond` flag and takes the lower 32 bits of the source operand and the value `imm32` (see Table 5.4.2). COND_R uses a register source operand, COND_M uses a memory source operand. Source and destination can be the same register.
1. Conditionally jump back in the instruction stream.
2. Conditionally increment the destination register.
**Table 5.4.2 - Conditions**
The conditional jump is evaluated first and if it's taken, the second action doesn't take place.
#### 5.5.1 Conditional jump
The conditional jump action uses an implicit register operand `creg`. It is the integer register which was least recently modified by a previous instruction. All registers are considered unmodified at the start of each program iteration. A register is considered as modified by an instruction in the following cases:
* It is the destination register of an integer instruction except IMUL_RCP and ISWAP_R.
* It is the destination register of IMUL_RCP and `imm32` is not zero.
* It is the source or the destination register of ISWAP_R and the destination and source registers are distinct.
* The COND_R and COND_M instructions are considered to modify all integer registers.
Unmodified registers have priority over modified registers. In case of a tie, the register with lower index is selected (`r0` before `r1` etc.).
Before the jump condition is evaluated, `creg` is incremented by `1 << mod.shift`. Then, a bitwise AND operation is performed between `creg` and the condition mask. The condition mask is constructed as `RANDOMX_CONDITION_BITS` one-bits shifted right by `mod.shift`. If the result of the AND operation is zero, execution jumps to the instruction following the instruction when `creg` was last modified. If `creg` has not been modified during this program iteration, execution jumps back to the first instruction.
#### 5.5.2 Conditional increment
The destination register is conditionally incremented. The condition function depends on the `mod.cond` flag and takes the lower 32 bits of the source operand and the value `imm32` (see Table 5.4.2). COND_R uses a register source operand, COND_M uses a memory source operand. Source and destination can be the same register.
**Table 5.5.2 - Conditions**
@ -572,12 +609,6 @@ These instructions conditionally increment the destination register. The conditi
The 'signed' column specifies if the operands are interpreted as signed or unsigned 32-bit numbers. Column 'probability' lists the expected probability the condition is true (range means that the actual value for a specific instruction depends on `imm32`).
#### 5.4.2 CFROUND
This instruction sets the value of the `fprc` register to the 2 least significant bits of the source register rotated right by `imm32`. This changes the rounding mode of all subsequent floating point instructions.
#### 5.4.3 ISTORE
This instruction stores the value of the source integer register to the memory at the address specified by the destination register. The `src` and `dst` register can be the same.
## 6. Dataset
The initial size of the dataset is `RANDOMX_DATASET_SIZE` bytes and it's divided into 64-byte blocks.
@ -595,9 +626,9 @@ The whole dataset is constructed from a 256-bit hash of the last block whose hei
|block|Seed block|
|1-1088|Genesis block|
|1-2112|Genesis block|
### 6.2 Cache construction
@ -631,7 +662,7 @@ The block data is arranged into 8 columns of 64-bit unsigned integers: `c0`-`c7`
1. Let `i = 0`
1. Let `currentColumn` be column with index `i` (wraps around if `i > 7`).
1. Let `nextColumn` be column with index `i + 1` (wraps around if `i > 6`).
1. Load a 64-byte block from the Cache. The block index is given by `currentColumn` modulo the total number of blocks in Cache.
1. Load a 64-byte block from the Cache. The block index is given by `currentColumn` modulo the total number of 64-byte blocks in Cache.
1. Set `nextColumn = SquareHash(currentColumn + nextColumn)`
1. XOR all columns with the 64 bytes loaded in step 6 (8 bytes per column in order `c0`-`c7`).
1. Set `i = i + 1` and go back to step 4 if `i < RANDOMX_CACHE_ACCESSES`.
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