#!/bin/sh printf '%b\n' "\n\033[1m"WINDOWS_INIT:"\033[0m"" Executing extract_iso.sh" src/extract_iso.sh EXTRACT="win/" #printf '%b\n' "\n\033[1m"WINDOWS_INIT:"\033[0m"" Executing bootsect.sh" #./src/bootsect.sh #BOOT="bootsect.bin" # add answerfile cp data/autounattend.xml ${EXTRACT} # data for mkisofs BOOT="boot/etfsboot.com" EFI="efi/boot/bootx64.efi" LOAD_SEG="$(dumpet -i Win*.iso \ | grep "Media load segment: " \ | cut -d ':' -f2 \ | cut -d ' ' -f2)" LOAD_SIZE="$(dumpet -i Win*.iso \ | grep "Load Sectors: " \ | grep -o "[^:]*$" \ | cut -d ' ' -f2 \ | head -1)" LDA="$(dumpet -i Win*.iso \ | grep "LDA" \ | tail -n 1 \ | awk '{printf $3}')" CDROM_SECTOR_SIZE=2048 FLOPPY_SECTOR_SIZE=512 # number of floppy disk sectors dd if=Win*.iso bs=${CDROM_SECTOR_SIZE} skip=${LDA} count=1 > win.dmp FLOPPY_SECTORS="$(file win.dmp \ | sed -e "s/.*sectors\ //" \ | awk '{printf $1}')" rm win.dmp CDROM_SECTORS=`expr $FLOPPY_SECTOR_SIZE \ \* $FLOPPY_SECTORS \ / $CDROM_SECTOR_SIZE` dd if=Win*.iso bs=${CDROM_SECTOR_SIZE} skip=${LDA} count=${CDROM_SECTORS} of=win_efi_boot.img # install mkisofs # recreate iso cd ${EXTRACT} mkisofs \ -allow-limited-size \ -no-emul-boot \ -b ${BOOT} \ -boot-load-seg ${LOAD_SEG} \ -boot-load-size ${LOAD_SIZE} \ -eltorito-alt-boot \ -b ${EFI} \ -eltorito-platform efi \ -iso-level 2 \ -boot-info-table -udf -J -l -joliet-long \ -D \ -N \ -relaxed-filenames \ -V "WINSP" \ -o winsp.iso \ . mv winsp.iso ../ # clean up bootsect and iso extract cd .. rm -rf bootsect/ sudo rm -rf ${EXTRACT}