#ifndef BREEZE_DECORATION_H #define BREEZE_DECORATION_H /* * Copyright 2014 Martin Gräßlin * Copyright 2014 Hugo Pereira Da Costa * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "breeze.h" #include "breezesettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KDecoration2 { class DecorationButton; class DecorationButtonGroup; } namespace Breeze { class SizeGrip; class Decoration : public KDecoration2::Decoration { Q_OBJECT //* declare active state opacity Q_PROPERTY( qreal opacity READ opacity WRITE setOpacity ) public: //* constructor explicit Decoration(QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList()); //* destructor virtual ~Decoration(); //* paint void paint(QPainter *painter, const QRect &repaintRegion) override; //* internal settings InternalSettingsPtr internalSettings() const { return m_internalSettings; } //* caption height int captionHeight() const; //* button height int buttonHeight() const; //* icon size int iconSize() const; //*@name active state change animation //@{ void setOpacity( qreal ); qreal opacity() const { return m_opacity; } //@} //*@name colors //@{ QColor titleBarColor() const; QColor outlineColor() const; QColor fontColor() const; //@} //*@name maximization modes //@{ inline bool isMaximized() const; inline bool isMaximizedHorizontally() const; inline bool isMaximizedVertically() const; inline bool isLeftEdge() const; inline bool isRightEdge() const; inline bool isTopEdge() const; inline bool isBottomEdge() const; inline bool hideTitleBar() const; //@} public Q_SLOTS: void init() override; private Q_SLOTS: void reconfigure(); void recalculateBorders(); void updateButtonsGeometry(); void updateButtonsGeometryDelayed(); void updateTitleBar(); void updateAnimationState(); void updateSizeGripVisibility(); private: //* return the rect in which caption will be drawn QPair captionRect() const; void createButtons(); void paintTitleBar(QPainter *painter, const QRect &repaintRegion); void createShadow(); //*@name border size //@{ int borderSize(bool bottom = false) const; inline bool hasBorders() const; inline bool hasNoBorders() const; inline bool hasNoSideBorders() const; //@} //*@name color customization //@{ inline bool opaqueTitleBar() const; inline int titleBarAlpha() const; //@} //*@name size grip //@{ void createSizeGrip(); void deleteSizeGrip(); SizeGrip* sizeGrip() const { return m_sizeGrip; } //@} InternalSettingsPtr m_internalSettings; KDecoration2::DecorationButtonGroup *m_leftButtons = nullptr; KDecoration2::DecorationButtonGroup *m_rightButtons = nullptr; //* size grip widget SizeGrip *m_sizeGrip = nullptr; //* active state change animation QPropertyAnimation *m_animation; //* active state change opacity qreal m_opacity = 0; }; bool Decoration::hasBorders() const { if( m_internalSettings && m_internalSettings->mask() & BorderSize ) return m_internalSettings->borderSize() > InternalSettings::BorderNoSides; else return settings()->borderSize() > KDecoration2::BorderSize::NoSides; } bool Decoration::hasNoBorders() const { if( m_internalSettings && m_internalSettings->mask() & BorderSize ) return m_internalSettings->borderSize() == InternalSettings::BorderNone; else return settings()->borderSize() == KDecoration2::BorderSize::None; } bool Decoration::hasNoSideBorders() const { if( m_internalSettings && m_internalSettings->mask() & BorderSize ) return m_internalSettings->borderSize() == InternalSettings::BorderNoSides; else return settings()->borderSize() == KDecoration2::BorderSize::NoSides; } bool Decoration::isMaximized() const { return client().data()->isMaximized() && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::isMaximizedHorizontally() const { return client().data()->isMaximizedHorizontally() && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::isMaximizedVertically() const { return client().data()->isMaximizedVertically() && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::isLeftEdge() const { return (client().data()->isMaximizedHorizontally() || client().data()->adjacentScreenEdges().testFlag( Qt::LeftEdge ) ) && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::isRightEdge() const { return (client().data()->isMaximizedHorizontally() || client().data()->adjacentScreenEdges().testFlag( Qt::RightEdge ) ) && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::isTopEdge() const { return (client().data()->isMaximizedVertically() || client().data()->adjacentScreenEdges().testFlag( Qt::TopEdge ) ) && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::isBottomEdge() const { return (client().data()->isMaximizedVertically() || client().data()->adjacentScreenEdges().testFlag( Qt::BottomEdge ) ) && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::hideTitleBar() const { return m_internalSettings->hideTitleBar() && !client().data()->isShaded(); } bool Decoration::opaqueTitleBar() const { return m_internalSettings->opaqueTitleBar(); } int Decoration::titleBarAlpha() const { if (m_internalSettings->opaqueTitleBar()) return 255; int a = m_internalSettings->opacityOverride() > -1 ? m_internalSettings->opacityOverride() : m_internalSettings->backgroundOpacity(); a = qBound(0, a, 100); return qRound(static_cast(a) * static_cast(2.55)); } } #endif