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package com.cutthecord.commands;
import com.cutthecord.commands.commands.*;
import com.discord.api.commands.ApplicationCommandType;
import com.discord.api.commands.CommandChoice;
import com.discord.models.commands.*;
import com.discord.stores.BuiltInCommands;
import d0.z.d.m;
import d0.z.d.o;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;
public class CTCCommands {
static long ID = -100;
// Helper class for replacements
public static class StrPair {
final String a;
final String b;
public StrPair(String a, String b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
// Need to inject a call at end of init for p0 to this class in BuiltinCommands.smali
// Create commands
public static void CreateCTCCommands(BuiltInCommands builtIn) {
// Used in command creation in BuiltinCommands, one more than the last reference
// TODO help text?
// Add existing commands
ArrayList<ApplicationCommand> commands = new ArrayList<>(builtIn.getBuiltInCommands());
// Add our commands
commands.add(createWrappedSlashCommand("st", "Puts a strikethrough the message", "Message", "~~", "~~")); // Strikethrough
commands.add(createWrappedSlashCommand("bold", "Makes text bold", "Message", "**", "**")); // Bold
commands.add(createWrappedSlashCommand("slap", "Slaps people with a large trout", "Message", "*Slaps ", " around a bit with a large trout.*")); // Slap
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("clap", "Please \uD83D\uDC4F clap", "Message", Collections.singletonList(new StrPair(" ", ":clap:")))); // Clap
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("flip", "Flips text (like “ʇɥıs”)", "Message", Replacements.FLIP)); // Flip
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("fw", "Makes text fullwidth (like “Sent from my Android Device”)", "Message", Replacements.FULL_WIDTH)); // fw
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("morse", "Converts text into morse code", "Message", Replacements.MORSE, Case.UPPER)); // morse
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("gordon", "\uD835\uDDDB\uD835\uDDF2\uD835\uDDF9\uD835\uDDF9\uD835\uDDFC\uD835\uDDDA\uD835\uDDFC\uD835\uDDFF\uD835\uDDF1\uD835\uDDFC\uD835\uDDFB", "Message", Replacements.GORDON)); // gordon
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("small", "Makes text smaller (like “ᴛʜɪs”)", "Message", Replacements.SMALL, Case.LOWER)); // small
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("smaller", "Makes text even smaller (like “ᵗʰvˢ”)", "Message", Replacements.SMALLER, Case.LOWER)); // smaller
//noinspection unchecked
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("upper", "Makes text uppercase", "Message", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Case.UPPER)); // upper
//noinspection unchecked
commands.add(createReplaceTextSlashCommand("lower", "Makes text lowercase", "Message", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Case.LOWER)); // lower
commands.add(createAppendToEndCommand("lenny", "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)", "Message", " ( \u0361\u00B0 \u035C\u0296 \u0361\u00B0)")); // lenny
commands.add(createHandleRawMessageCommand("owo", "Myakes tyext reawwy owo-ly, nya :3", "Message", new CmdOwo())); // owo
commands.add(createHandleRawMessageCommand("emojify", "Emojify text", "Message", new CmdEmojify())); // emojify
cmds.put("spoilerimg", new CmdSpoilerImg());
// TODO can we add an CTC user that responds for these?
Command ctcCommand = new CmdCtc();
ctcCommand.registerSubCommand("channelleak", new CmdCtc.CmdCtcChannelLeak());
ctcCommand.registerSubCommand("showtyping", new CmdCtc.CmdCtcShowTyping());
ctcCommand.registerSubCommand("token", new CmdCtc.CmdCtcToken());
ctcCommand.registerSubCommand("account", new CmdCtc.CmdCtcAccount());
ctcCommand.registerSubCommand("addaccount", new CmdCtc.CmdCtcAddAccount());
ctcCommand.registerSubCommand("nodelete", new CmdCtc.CmdCtcNoDelete());
cmds.put("ctc", ctcCommand);
// Builtin list is non modifiable, lets hijack it instead :)
try {
Field commandListField = BuiltInCommands.class.getDeclaredField("builtInCommands");
commandListField.set(builtIn, commands);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failed to replace buildInCommands");
// Wrapper for naming
public static class CTCCommand extends ApplicationCommand {
public CTCCommand(String id, long applicationID, String name, String description, Integer descriptionRes, List<ApplicationCommandOption> options, boolean builtIn, Long guildId, String version, Boolean defaultPermissions, Map map, Function1 handler, int flags, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) {
super(id, applicationID, name, description, descriptionRes, options, builtIn, guildId, version, defaultPermissions, map, handler, flags, defaultConstructorMarker);
// Wrapper for naming
public static ApplicationCommandOption makeOption(ApplicationCommandType type, String name, String description, Integer descriptionRes, boolean required, boolean defaultOpt, List<CommandChoice> choices, List<ApplicationCommandOption> options) {
return new ApplicationCommandOption(type, name, description, descriptionRes, required, defaultOpt, choices, options);
// Wrapper for naming
public static ApplicationCommandOption makeOption(ApplicationCommandType type, String name, String description, Integer descriptionRes, boolean required, boolean defaultOpt, List<CommandChoice> choices, List<ApplicationCommandOption> options, int flags, DefaultConstructorMarker marker) {
return new ApplicationCommandOption(type, name, description, descriptionRes, required, defaultOpt, choices, options, flags, marker);
4 - description = null
8 - descriptionRes = null
64 - choices = null
128 - options = null
// Wrapper for naming
public static ApplicationCommand makeCtcCommand(String name, String cmdDesc, List<ApplicationCommandOption> options, Function1<? super Map<String, ? extends Object>, String> handler) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(name, "name");
m.checkNotNullParameter(options, "options");
return new CTCCommand(String.valueOf(ID--), -1L, name, cmdDesc, null, options, true, null, null, null, null, handler, 1936, null);
8 - description = null
16 - descriptionRes = null
64 - builtIn = false
128 - guildID = null
256 - version = null
512 - defaultPermissions = false
1024 - permissions = null
2048 - handler = null
1928 = 1024, 512, 256, 128, 8
// Lets try 1936 for out purposes
static final class WrapTextCommand extends o<String> implements Function1<Map<String, ?>, String> {
public final String prefix;
public final String suffix;
public WrapTextCommand(String prefix, String suffix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
this.suffix = suffix;
public final String invoke(Map<String, ?> options) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(options, "commandOptions");
StringBuilder newMessage = new StringBuilder();
Object originalMessage = options.get("message");
if (originalMessage == null) {
originalMessage = "";
return newMessage.toString();
private static ApplicationCommand createWrappedSlashCommand(String name, String cmdDesc, String optionDesc, String prefix, String suffix) {
return makeCtcCommand(name, cmdDesc, Collections.singletonList(
makeOption(ApplicationCommandType.STRING, "message", optionDesc, null, true, false, null, null, 192, null)
), new WrapTextCommand(prefix, suffix));
final static class AppendToEndCommand extends o<String> implements Function1<Map<String, ?>, String> {
public String suffix;
public AppendToEndCommand(String suffix) {
this.suffix = suffix;
public final String invoke(Map<String, ?> options) {
m.checkNotNullParameter( options, "commandOptions");
StringBuilder newMessage = new StringBuilder();
Object originalMessage = options.get("message");
if (originalMessage == null) {
originalMessage = "";
newMessage.append(' ');
return newMessage.toString();
private static ApplicationCommand createAppendToEndCommand(String name, String cmdDesc, String optionDesc, String suffix) {
return makeCtcCommand(name, cmdDesc, Collections.singletonList(
makeOption(ApplicationCommandType.STRING, "message", optionDesc, null, false, false, null, null, 192, null)
), new AppendToEndCommand(suffix));
final static class ReplaceMatchesCommand extends o<String> implements Function1<Map<String, ?>, String> {
public final List<StrPair> replacements;
public final Case c;
public ReplaceMatchesCommand(List<StrPair> replacements, Case c) {
this.replacements = replacements;
this.c = c;
public final String invoke(Map<String, ?> options) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(options, "commandOptions");
StringBuilder newMessage = new StringBuilder();
Object originalMessage = options.get("message");
if (originalMessage == null) {
originalMessage = "";
if (c == Case.UPPER) {
originalMessage = ((String)originalMessage).toUpperCase();
} else if (c == Case.LOWER) {
originalMessage = ((String)originalMessage).toLowerCase();
for (StrPair replacement : replacements) {
originalMessage = ((String)originalMessage).replace(replacement.a, replacement.b);
return newMessage.toString();
enum Case {
private static ApplicationCommand createReplaceTextSlashCommand(String name, String cmdDesc, String optionDesc, List<StrPair> replaceList, Case c) {
return makeCtcCommand(name, cmdDesc, Collections.singletonList(
makeOption(ApplicationCommandType.STRING, "message", optionDesc, null, true, true, null, null, 192, null)
), new ReplaceMatchesCommand(replaceList, c));
private static ApplicationCommand createReplaceTextSlashCommand(String name, String cmdDesc, String optionDesc, List<StrPair> replaceList) {
return createReplaceTextSlashCommand(name, cmdDesc, optionDesc, replaceList, Case.ORIGINAL);
final static class RawMessageCommand extends o<String> implements Function1<Map<String, ?>, String> {
public final RawMsgHandler handler;
public RawMessageCommand(RawMsgHandler handler) {
this.handler = handler;
public final String invoke(Map<String, ?> options) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(options, "commandOptions");
StringBuilder newMessage = new StringBuilder();
Object originalMessage = options.get("message");
if (originalMessage == null) {
originalMessage = "";
newMessage.append(handler.processRawMessage((String) originalMessage));
return newMessage.toString();
private static ApplicationCommand createHandleRawMessageCommand(String name, String cmdDesc, String optionDesc, RawMsgHandler handler) {
return makeCtcCommand(name, cmdDesc, Collections.singletonList(
makeOption(ApplicationCommandType.STRING, "message", optionDesc, null, false, false, null, null, 192, null)
), new RawMessageCommand(handler));