package com.discord.models.domain; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import com.discord.models.messages.LocalAttachment; import com.discord.models.sticker.dto.ModelSticker; import com.discord.utilities.time.Clock; import; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import lanchon.dexpatcher.annotation.DexAdd; import lanchon.dexpatcher.annotation.DexEdit; import lanchon.dexpatcher.annotation.DexIgnore; import lanchon.dexpatcher.annotation.DexWrap; @DexEdit public class ModelMessage implements Model { @DexIgnore public static class Call implements Model { @DexIgnore @Override public void assignField(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException { } } @DexIgnore public ModelMessage( long id, String nonce, long channelId, int type, String content, @NonNull ModelUser author, List mentions, String timestamp, String editedTimestamp, List attachments, List embeds, boolean tts, Call call, boolean mentionEveryone, LinkedHashMap reactions, Boolean pinned, Long webhookId, ModelApplication application, Activity activity, boolean hit, List mentionRoles, boolean hasLocalUploads, Long flags, MessageReference messageReference, ModelAllowedMentions allowedMentions, List localAttachments, Long lastManualAttemptTimestamp, Long initialAttemptTimestamp, Integer num, List stickers) { } @DexAdd private boolean isCTCMessage = false; @DexAdd public void setCTCMessage(boolean isCTCMessage) { this.isCTCMessage = isCTCMessage; } @DexWrap public boolean canResend() { // Prevent resending of messages from commands that are not public. return canResend() && !isCTCMessage; } @DexIgnore public static ModelMessage createLocalMessage( String content, long channelId, @NonNull ModelUser author, List mentions, boolean z2, boolean hasLocalUploads, ModelApplication application, Activity activity, Clock clock, List localAttachments, Long lastManualAttemptTimestamp, Long initialAttemptTimestamp, Integer num, List stickers, MessageReference messageReference, ModelAllowedMentions allowedMentions) { return null; } @DexIgnore @Override public void assignField(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException { } @DexIgnore public static class MessageReference { } @DexIgnore public static class Activity { } }