from tests import CLIENT from datetime import timedelta from random import choice def test_channel_by_id(channel_id: str='UCuAXFkgsw1L7xaCfnd5JJOw') -> None: """ Prints out information about a channel by its ID. """ channel = CLIENT.get_channel_by_id(channel_id) video_id = channel.uploaded_videos[0].url.removeprefix('/watch?v=') likes = CLIENT.get_video(video_id).likes print(f"Total likes for last video of {}: {likes}") def test_channel_by_name(channel_name: str='SusanWojcicki') -> None: """ Prints out information about a channel by its ID. """ channel = CLIENT.get_channel_by_name(channel_name) print(f""" Channel ID: {} Name: {} Description: {channel.description} Subscriber count: {channel.subscriber_count} """) def test_get_watchtime_trending() -> None: """ Prints out the total watchtime for recent videos of a random trending channel """ trending_channel_id = choice(CLIENT.get_trending('SK')).uploader_url.removeprefix('/channel/') trending_channel = CLIENT.get_channel_by_id(trending_channel_id) total_watchtime = timedelta(milliseconds=0) for video in trending_channel.uploaded_videos: total_watchtime += video.duration print(f"Total watchtime for recent {len(trending_channel.uploaded_videos)} videos of {} ({}): {total_watchtime}") if __name__ == '__main__': test_channel_by_name() test_channel_by_id() test_get_watchtime_trending()