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import typing as t

from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta

from . import BasePipedModel

class Video(BasePipedModel):
    def title(self) -> str:
            The title/name of the video

        return self.data['title']

    def description(self) -> str:
            The description of the video

        return self.data['description']

    def upload_date(self) -> date:
            The date the video was uploaded at.

            ### Note:
            Use `Video.data['uploadDate']` to get the raw string that was obtained from the API - this package
            automatically converts the raw string to a `datetime.date` object.

        raw = self.data['uploadDate']

        return datetime.strptime(raw, r"%Y-%m-%d").date()

    def uploader(self) -> str:
            The channel name of the author of the video

        return self.data['uploader']

    def uploader_url(self) -> str:
            The URI to the author's channel

        return self.data['uploaderUrl']

    def uploader_avatar(self) -> str:
            The URL to the video author's avatar image

        return self.data['uploaderAvatar']

    def thumbnail_url(self) -> str:
            The URL to the video's thumbnail image

        return self.data['thumbnail']

    def hls(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
            The hls manifest URL, to be used for Livestreams

        return self.data['hls']

    def dash(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
            The dash manifest URL for OTF streams

        return self.data['dash']

    def lbry_id(self) -> str:
            The lbry id of the video, if available. I assume this has something to do with https://lbry.com/

        return self.data['lbryId']

    def uploader_verified(self) -> str:
            Whether or not the channel that uploaded the video is verified by YouTube (badge)

        return self.data['uploaderVerified']

    def duration(self) -> timedelta:
            The duration of the video.

            ### Note:
            The original value from the API was in seconds (`Video.data['duration']`), but this package
            converts it to a `datetime.timedelta` object.

        return timedelta(seconds=self.data['duration'])

    def views(self) -> int:
            The number of views the video has received

        return self.data['views']

    def likes(self) -> int:
            The amount of likes the video has received. `-1` if hidden

        return self.data['likes']

    def dislikes(self) -> int:
            The amount of dislikes the video has received. `-1` if hidden

            ### Note:
            This is obsolete since YouTube did a tiny gigantical little big whoopsie with their like system and screwed it all up
            You can use awesome user-made projects such as https://returnyoutubedislike.com to obtain the dislike count

        return self.data['dislikes']

    class Stream(BasePipedModel):
            Either an audio or video stream of a video

        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL of the stream

            return self.data['url']

        def format(self) -> str:
                The format of the stream (`'M4A' or 'WEBMA_OPUS' or 'MPEG_4' or 'WEBM' or 'v3GPP'`
                No, I don't know how many are there or what does each mean

            return self.data['format']

        def quality(self) -> str:
                The standard quality we all know and love (e. g.: `'240p'` for video or `'128k'` for audio)

            return self.data['quality']

        def mime_type(self) -> str:
                If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),
                then you already know what this is. If not, consider [checking the Mozilla documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types)

            return self.data['mimeType']

        def codec(self) -> str:
                What is this? I don't know. A codec?

            return self.data['codec']

        def video_only(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the stream is video only (AKA. muted video)

            return self.data['videoOnly']

        def bitrate(self) -> int:
                The bitrate of the stream

            return self.data['bitrate']

        def init_start(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['initStart']

        def init_end(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['initEnd']

        def index_start(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['indexStart']

        def index_end(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['indexEnd']

        def width(self) -> int:
                The width of the stream. `'0'` for audio streams (makes sense)

            return self.data['width']

        def height(self) -> int:
                The height of the stream. `'0'` for audio streams (makes sense)

            return self.data['width']

        def fps(self) -> int:
                Frames Per Second. This is usually `'0'` for audio and `'30'` or `'60'` for video

            return self.data['fps']

    def get_streams(self, type: t.Literal['video', 'audio']='video') -> t.List[Stream]:
            Get the streams of a video.

            ### Parameters:
            - `type` - The type of stream to get. Either `'video'` or `'audio'`

        if type == 'video' or type == 'audio':
            return [self.Stream(stream_data) for stream_data in self.data[f"{type}Streams"]]

        raise ValueError('Invalid stream type. Must be either `video` or `audio`')

    class RelatedStream(BasePipedModel):
            A related stream (e. g.: related video to the current one from the right sidebar, video related to/uploaded by a channel and trending video).

        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL to the related video

            return self.data['url']

        def title(self) -> str:
                The title of the related video

            return self.data['title']

        def thumbnail(self) -> str:
                The thumbnail URL of the related video

            return self.data['thumbnail']

        def uploader_name(self) -> str:
                The name of the channel that uploaded the related video

            return self.data['uploaderName']

        def uploader_url(self) -> str:
                The URL of the channel that uploaded the related video

            return self.data['uploaderUrl']

        def uploader_avatar(self) -> str:
                The URL of the channel's avatar

            return self.data['uploaderAvatar']

        def uploaded_date(self) -> str:
                The date the related video was uploaded (format: `'x y ago'`)

            return self.data['uploadedDate']

        def short_description(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
                The short description of the related video. As far as I know, this is always `None` - perhaps some unused YouTube feature?

            return self.data['shortDescription']

        def duration(self) -> timedelta:
                The duration of the related video.

                ### Note:
                The original value from the API was in seconds (`Video.data['duration']`), but this package
                converts it to a `datetime.timedelta` object.

            return timedelta(seconds=self.data['duration'])

        def views(self) -> str:
                The amount of views the related video has received

            return self.data['views']

        def uploaded(self) -> datetime:
                The date the related video was uploaded (as a `datetime.datetime` object).

                ### Note:
                The original value was in milliseconds since epoch (`Video.data['uploaded']`), but this package converts it to a `datetime.datetime` object.

            return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.data['uploaded'] / 1000)

        def uploader_verified(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the channel that uploaded the related video is verified by YouTube (e. g.: has badge)

            return self.data['uploaderVerified']

    def related_videos(self) -> t.List[RelatedStream]:
            List of related streams

        return [self.RelatedStream(video_data) for video_data in self.data['relatedStreams']]

    class Subtitle(BasePipedModel):
        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL to the subtitle

            return self.data['url']

        def mime_type(self) -> str:
                If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),
                then you already know what this is. If not, consider [checking the Mozilla documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types)

            return self.data['mimeType']

        def name(self) -> str:
                The name of the language the captions are in

            return self.data['name']

        def code(self) -> str:
                The country code for the captions

            return self.data['code']

        def auto_generated(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the captions are auto-generated by YouTube

            return self.data['autoGenerated']

    def subtitles(self) -> t.List[Subtitle]:
            A list of captions for the video

        return [self.Subtitle(subtitle_data) for subtitle_data in self.data['subtitles']]

    def livestream(self) -> bool:
            Whether or not the video is a livestream

        return self.data['livestream']

    def proxy_url(self) -> str:
            The base URL for Piped proxy

        return self.data['proxyUrl']

    class Chapter(BasePipedModel):
            A video chapter (or "section").

            YouTube displays a list of chapters, if there are timestamps in the description.

        def title(self) -> str:
                The title of the chapter

            return self.data['title']

        def image(self) -> str:
                The image URL for the chapter

            return self.data['image']

        def start(self) -> timedelta:
                The start time of the chapter

                ### Note:
                The original value from the API was in seconds, this package automatically converts it to `datetime.timedelta`

            return timedelta(seconds=self.data['start'])

    def chapters(self) -> t.List[Chapter]:
            A list of chapters for the video

        return [self.Chapter(chapter_data) for chapter_data in self.data['chapters']]
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class Video(BasePipedModel):
    def title(self) -> str:
            The title/name of the video

        return self.data['title']

    def description(self) -> str:
            The description of the video

        return self.data['description']

    def upload_date(self) -> date:
            The date the video was uploaded at.

            ### Note:
            Use `Video.data['uploadDate']` to get the raw string that was obtained from the API - this package
            automatically converts the raw string to a `datetime.date` object.

        raw = self.data['uploadDate']

        return datetime.strptime(raw, r"%Y-%m-%d").date()

    def uploader(self) -> str:
            The channel name of the author of the video

        return self.data['uploader']

    def uploader_url(self) -> str:
            The URI to the author's channel

        return self.data['uploaderUrl']

    def uploader_avatar(self) -> str:
            The URL to the video author's avatar image

        return self.data['uploaderAvatar']

    def thumbnail_url(self) -> str:
            The URL to the video's thumbnail image

        return self.data['thumbnail']

    def hls(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
            The hls manifest URL, to be used for Livestreams

        return self.data['hls']

    def dash(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
            The dash manifest URL for OTF streams

        return self.data['dash']

    def lbry_id(self) -> str:
            The lbry id of the video, if available. I assume this has something to do with https://lbry.com/

        return self.data['lbryId']

    def uploader_verified(self) -> str:
            Whether or not the channel that uploaded the video is verified by YouTube (badge)

        return self.data['uploaderVerified']

    def duration(self) -> timedelta:
            The duration of the video.

            ### Note:
            The original value from the API was in seconds (`Video.data['duration']`), but this package
            converts it to a `datetime.timedelta` object.

        return timedelta(seconds=self.data['duration'])

    def views(self) -> int:
            The number of views the video has received

        return self.data['views']

    def likes(self) -> int:
            The amount of likes the video has received. `-1` if hidden

        return self.data['likes']

    def dislikes(self) -> int:
            The amount of dislikes the video has received. `-1` if hidden

            ### Note:
            This is obsolete since YouTube did a tiny gigantical little big whoopsie with their like system and screwed it all up
            You can use awesome user-made projects such as https://returnyoutubedislike.com to obtain the dislike count

        return self.data['dislikes']

    class Stream(BasePipedModel):
            Either an audio or video stream of a video

        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL of the stream

            return self.data['url']

        def format(self) -> str:
                The format of the stream (`'M4A' or 'WEBMA_OPUS' or 'MPEG_4' or 'WEBM' or 'v3GPP'`
                No, I don't know how many are there or what does each mean

            return self.data['format']

        def quality(self) -> str:
                The standard quality we all know and love (e. g.: `'240p'` for video or `'128k'` for audio)

            return self.data['quality']

        def mime_type(self) -> str:
                If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),
                then you already know what this is. If not, consider [checking the Mozilla documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types)

            return self.data['mimeType']

        def codec(self) -> str:
                What is this? I don't know. A codec?

            return self.data['codec']

        def video_only(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the stream is video only (AKA. muted video)

            return self.data['videoOnly']

        def bitrate(self) -> int:
                The bitrate of the stream

            return self.data['bitrate']

        def init_start(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['initStart']

        def init_end(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['initEnd']

        def index_start(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['indexStart']

        def index_end(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['indexEnd']

        def width(self) -> int:
                The width of the stream. `'0'` for audio streams (makes sense)

            return self.data['width']

        def height(self) -> int:
                The height of the stream. `'0'` for audio streams (makes sense)

            return self.data['width']

        def fps(self) -> int:
                Frames Per Second. This is usually `'0'` for audio and `'30'` or `'60'` for video

            return self.data['fps']

    def get_streams(self, type: t.Literal['video', 'audio']='video') -> t.List[Stream]:
            Get the streams of a video.

            ### Parameters:
            - `type` - The type of stream to get. Either `'video'` or `'audio'`

        if type == 'video' or type == 'audio':
            return [self.Stream(stream_data) for stream_data in self.data[f"{type}Streams"]]

        raise ValueError('Invalid stream type. Must be either `video` or `audio`')

    class RelatedStream(BasePipedModel):
            A related stream (e. g.: related video to the current one from the right sidebar, video related to/uploaded by a channel and trending video).

        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL to the related video

            return self.data['url']

        def title(self) -> str:
                The title of the related video

            return self.data['title']

        def thumbnail(self) -> str:
                The thumbnail URL of the related video

            return self.data['thumbnail']

        def uploader_name(self) -> str:
                The name of the channel that uploaded the related video

            return self.data['uploaderName']

        def uploader_url(self) -> str:
                The URL of the channel that uploaded the related video

            return self.data['uploaderUrl']

        def uploader_avatar(self) -> str:
                The URL of the channel's avatar

            return self.data['uploaderAvatar']

        def uploaded_date(self) -> str:
                The date the related video was uploaded (format: `'x y ago'`)

            return self.data['uploadedDate']

        def short_description(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
                The short description of the related video. As far as I know, this is always `None` - perhaps some unused YouTube feature?

            return self.data['shortDescription']

        def duration(self) -> timedelta:
                The duration of the related video.

                ### Note:
                The original value from the API was in seconds (`Video.data['duration']`), but this package
                converts it to a `datetime.timedelta` object.

            return timedelta(seconds=self.data['duration'])

        def views(self) -> str:
                The amount of views the related video has received

            return self.data['views']

        def uploaded(self) -> datetime:
                The date the related video was uploaded (as a `datetime.datetime` object).

                ### Note:
                The original value was in milliseconds since epoch (`Video.data['uploaded']`), but this package converts it to a `datetime.datetime` object.

            return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.data['uploaded'] / 1000)

        def uploader_verified(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the channel that uploaded the related video is verified by YouTube (e. g.: has badge)

            return self.data['uploaderVerified']

    def related_videos(self) -> t.List[RelatedStream]:
            List of related streams

        return [self.RelatedStream(video_data) for video_data in self.data['relatedStreams']]

    class Subtitle(BasePipedModel):
        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL to the subtitle

            return self.data['url']

        def mime_type(self) -> str:
                If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),
                then you already know what this is. If not, consider [checking the Mozilla documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types)

            return self.data['mimeType']

        def name(self) -> str:
                The name of the language the captions are in

            return self.data['name']

        def code(self) -> str:
                The country code for the captions

            return self.data['code']

        def auto_generated(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the captions are auto-generated by YouTube

            return self.data['autoGenerated']

    def subtitles(self) -> t.List[Subtitle]:
            A list of captions for the video

        return [self.Subtitle(subtitle_data) for subtitle_data in self.data['subtitles']]

    def livestream(self) -> bool:
            Whether or not the video is a livestream

        return self.data['livestream']

    def proxy_url(self) -> str:
            The base URL for Piped proxy

        return self.data['proxyUrl']

    class Chapter(BasePipedModel):
            A video chapter (or "section").

            YouTube displays a list of chapters, if there are timestamps in the description.

        def title(self) -> str:
                The title of the chapter

            return self.data['title']

        def image(self) -> str:
                The image URL for the chapter

            return self.data['image']

        def start(self) -> timedelta:
                The start time of the chapter

                ### Note:
                The original value from the API was in seconds, this package automatically converts it to `datetime.timedelta`

            return timedelta(seconds=self.data['start'])

    def chapters(self) -> t.List[Chapter]:
            A list of chapters for the video

        return [self.Chapter(chapter_data) for chapter_data in self.data['chapters']]

Base class for all Piped models.

#   title: str

The title/name of the video

#   description: str

The description of the video

#   upload_date: datetime.date

The date the video was uploaded at.


Use Video.data['uploadDate'] to get the raw string that was obtained from the API - this package automatically converts the raw string to a datetime.date object.

#   uploader: str

The channel name of the author of the video

#   uploader_url: str

The URI to the author's channel

#   uploader_avatar: str

The URL to the video author's avatar image

#   thumbnail_url: str

The URL to the video's thumbnail image

#   hls: Optional[str]

The hls manifest URL, to be used for Livestreams

#   dash: Optional[str]

The dash manifest URL for OTF streams

#   lbry_id: str

The lbry id of the video, if available. I assume this has something to do with https://lbry.com/

#   uploader_verified: str

Whether or not the channel that uploaded the video is verified by YouTube (badge)

#   duration: datetime.timedelta

The duration of the video.


The original value from the API was in seconds (Video.data['duration']), but this package converts it to a datetime.timedelta object.

#   views: int

The number of views the video has received

#   likes: int

The amount of likes the video has received. -1 if hidden

#   dislikes: int

The amount of dislikes the video has received. -1 if hidden


This is obsolete since YouTube did a tiny gigantical little big whoopsie with their like system and screwed it all up You can use awesome user-made projects such as https://returnyoutubedislike.com to obtain the dislike count

#   def get_streams( self, type: Literal['video', 'audio'] = 'video' ) -> List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream]:
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    def get_streams(self, type: t.Literal['video', 'audio']='video') -> t.List[Stream]:
            Get the streams of a video.

            ### Parameters:
            - `type` - The type of stream to get. Either `'video'` or `'audio'`

        if type == 'video' or type == 'audio':
            return [self.Stream(stream_data) for stream_data in self.data[f"{type}Streams"]]

        raise ValueError('Invalid stream type. Must be either `video` or `audio`')

Get the streams of a video.


  • type - The type of stream to get. Either 'video' or 'audio'

List of related streams

A list of captions for the video

#   livestream: bool

Whether or not the video is a livestream

#   proxy_url: str

The base URL for Piped proxy

A list of chapters for the video

#   class Video.Stream(piped_api.models.BasePipedModel):
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    class Stream(BasePipedModel):
            Either an audio or video stream of a video

        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL of the stream

            return self.data['url']

        def format(self) -> str:
                The format of the stream (`'M4A' or 'WEBMA_OPUS' or 'MPEG_4' or 'WEBM' or 'v3GPP'`
                No, I don't know how many are there or what does each mean

            return self.data['format']

        def quality(self) -> str:
                The standard quality we all know and love (e. g.: `'240p'` for video or `'128k'` for audio)

            return self.data['quality']

        def mime_type(self) -> str:
                If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),
                then you already know what this is. If not, consider [checking the Mozilla documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types)

            return self.data['mimeType']

        def codec(self) -> str:
                What is this? I don't know. A codec?

            return self.data['codec']

        def video_only(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the stream is video only (AKA. muted video)

            return self.data['videoOnly']

        def bitrate(self) -> int:
                The bitrate of the stream

            return self.data['bitrate']

        def init_start(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['initStart']

        def init_end(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['initEnd']

        def index_start(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['indexStart']

        def index_end(self) -> int:
                Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

            return self.data['indexEnd']

        def width(self) -> int:
                The width of the stream. `'0'` for audio streams (makes sense)

            return self.data['width']

        def height(self) -> int:
                The height of the stream. `'0'` for audio streams (makes sense)

            return self.data['width']

        def fps(self) -> int:
                Frames Per Second. This is usually `'0'` for audio and `'30'` or `'60'` for video

            return self.data['fps']

Either an audio or video stream of a video

#   url: str

The URL of the stream

#   format: str

The format of the stream ('M4A' or 'WEBMA_OPUS' or 'MPEG_4' or 'WEBM' or 'v3GPP'

No, I don't know how many are there or what does each mean

#   quality: str

The standard quality we all know and love (e. g.: '240p' for video or '128k' for audio)

#   mime_type: str

If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes), then you already know what this is. If not, consider checking the Mozilla documentation

#   codec: str

What is this? I don't know. A codec?

#   video_only: bool

Whether or not the stream is video only (AKA. muted video)

#   bitrate: int

The bitrate of the stream

#   init_start: int

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

#   init_end: int

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

#   index_start: int

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

#   index_end: int

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

#   width: int

The width of the stream. '0' for audio streams (makes sense)

#   height: int

The height of the stream. '0' for audio streams (makes sense)

#   fps: int

Frames Per Second. This is usually '0' for audio and '30' or '60' for video

#   class Video.RelatedStream(piped_api.models.BasePipedModel):
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    class RelatedStream(BasePipedModel):
            A related stream (e. g.: related video to the current one from the right sidebar, video related to/uploaded by a channel and trending video).

        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL to the related video

            return self.data['url']

        def title(self) -> str:
                The title of the related video

            return self.data['title']

        def thumbnail(self) -> str:
                The thumbnail URL of the related video

            return self.data['thumbnail']

        def uploader_name(self) -> str:
                The name of the channel that uploaded the related video

            return self.data['uploaderName']

        def uploader_url(self) -> str:
                The URL of the channel that uploaded the related video

            return self.data['uploaderUrl']

        def uploader_avatar(self) -> str:
                The URL of the channel's avatar

            return self.data['uploaderAvatar']

        def uploaded_date(self) -> str:
                The date the related video was uploaded (format: `'x y ago'`)

            return self.data['uploadedDate']

        def short_description(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
                The short description of the related video. As far as I know, this is always `None` - perhaps some unused YouTube feature?

            return self.data['shortDescription']

        def duration(self) -> timedelta:
                The duration of the related video.

                ### Note:
                The original value from the API was in seconds (`Video.data['duration']`), but this package
                converts it to a `datetime.timedelta` object.

            return timedelta(seconds=self.data['duration'])

        def views(self) -> str:
                The amount of views the related video has received

            return self.data['views']

        def uploaded(self) -> datetime:
                The date the related video was uploaded (as a `datetime.datetime` object).

                ### Note:
                The original value was in milliseconds since epoch (`Video.data['uploaded']`), but this package converts it to a `datetime.datetime` object.

            return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.data['uploaded'] / 1000)

        def uploader_verified(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the channel that uploaded the related video is verified by YouTube (e. g.: has badge)

            return self.data['uploaderVerified']

A related stream (e. g.: related video to the current one from the right sidebar, video related to/uploaded by a channel and trending video).

#   url: str

The URL to the related video

#   title: str

The title of the related video

#   thumbnail: str

The thumbnail URL of the related video

#   uploader_name: str

The name of the channel that uploaded the related video

#   uploader_url: str

The URL of the channel that uploaded the related video

#   uploader_avatar: str

The URL of the channel's avatar

#   uploaded_date: str

The date the related video was uploaded (format: 'x y ago')

#   short_description: Optional[str]

The short description of the related video. As far as I know, this is always None - perhaps some unused YouTube feature?

#   duration: datetime.timedelta

The duration of the related video.


The original value from the API was in seconds (Video.data['duration']), but this package converts it to a datetime.timedelta object.

#   views: str

The amount of views the related video has received

#   uploaded: datetime.datetime

The date the related video was uploaded (as a datetime.datetime object).


The original value was in milliseconds since epoch (Video.data['uploaded']), but this package converts it to a datetime.datetime object.

#   uploader_verified: bool

Whether or not the channel that uploaded the related video is verified by YouTube (e. g.: has badge)

#   class Video.Subtitle(piped_api.models.BasePipedModel):
View Source
    class Subtitle(BasePipedModel):
        def url(self) -> str:
                The URL to the subtitle

            return self.data['url']

        def mime_type(self) -> str:
                If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),
                then you already know what this is. If not, consider [checking the Mozilla documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types)

            return self.data['mimeType']

        def name(self) -> str:
                The name of the language the captions are in

            return self.data['name']

        def code(self) -> str:
                The country code for the captions

            return self.data['code']

        def auto_generated(self) -> bool:
                Whether or not the captions are auto-generated by YouTube

            return self.data['autoGenerated']

Base class for all Piped models.

#   url: str

The URL to the subtitle

#   mime_type: str

If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes), then you already know what this is. If not, consider checking the Mozilla documentation

#   name: str

The name of the language the captions are in

#   code: str

The country code for the captions

#   auto_generated: bool

Whether or not the captions are auto-generated by YouTube

#   class Video.Chapter(piped_api.models.BasePipedModel):
View Source
    class Chapter(BasePipedModel):
            A video chapter (or "section").

            YouTube displays a list of chapters, if there are timestamps in the description.

        def title(self) -> str:
                The title of the chapter

            return self.data['title']

        def image(self) -> str:
                The image URL for the chapter

            return self.data['image']

        def start(self) -> timedelta:
                The start time of the chapter

                ### Note:
                The original value from the API was in seconds, this package automatically converts it to `datetime.timedelta`

            return timedelta(seconds=self.data['start'])

A video chapter (or "section").

YouTube displays a list of chapters, if there are timestamps in the description.

#   title: str

The title of the chapter

#   image: str

The image URL for the chapter

#   start: datetime.timedelta

The start time of the chapter


The original value from the API was in seconds, this package automatically converts it to datetime.timedelta