diff --git a/piped_api.html b/piped_api.html index ce858f2..769293f 100644 --- a/piped_api.html +++ b/piped_api.html @@ -105,20 +105,56 @@ On the other hand, this package accessed the E-mail me | -| Ethereum | 0x12C598b3bC084710507c9d6d19C9434fD26864Cc | -| Litecoin | LgHQK1NQrRQ56AKvVtSxMubqbjSWh7DTD2 | -| Dash | Xe7TYoRCYPdZyiQYDjgzCGxR5juPWV8PgZ | -| Zcash: | t1Pesobv3SShMHGfrZWe926nsnBo2pyqN3f | -| Dogecoin: | DALxrKSbcCXz619QqLj9qKXFnTp8u2cS12 | -| Ripple: | rNQsgQvMbbBAd957XyDeNudA4jLH1ANERL | -| Monero: | 48TfTddnpgnKBn13MdJNJwHfxDwwGngPgL3v6bNSTwGaXveeaUWzJcMUVrbWUyDSyPDwEJVoup2gmDuskkcFuNG99zatYFS | -| Bitcoin Cash: | qzx6pqzcltm7ely24wnhpzp65r8ltrqgeuevtrsj9n | -| Ethereum Classic: | 0x383Dc3B83afBD66b4a5e64511525FbFeb2C023Db | -

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
BitcoinE-mail me
Bitcoin Cash:qzx6pqzcltm7ely24wnhpzp65r8ltrqgeuevtrsj9n
Ethereum Classic:0x383Dc3B83afBD66b4a5e64511525FbFeb2C023Db

More cryptocurrencies are supported. If you are interested in donating with a different one, please E-mail me. No other forms of donation are currently supported.

diff --git a/search.js b/search.js index 2a80e55..db26e4a 100644 --- a/search.js +++ b/search.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ window.pdocSearch = (function(){ /** elasticlunr - http://weixsong.github.io * Copyright (C) 2017 Oliver Nightingale * Copyright (C) 2017 Wei Song * MIT Licensed */!function(){function e(e){if(null===e||"object"!=typeof e)return e;var t=e.constructor();for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t[n]=e[n]);return t}var t=function(e){var n=new t.Index;return n.pipeline.add(t.trimmer,t.stopWordFilter,t.stemmer),e&&e.call(n,n),n};t.version="0.9.5",lunr=t,t.utils={},t.utils.warn=function(e){return function(t){e.console&&console.warn&&console.warn(t)}}(this),t.utils.toString=function(e){return void 0===e||null===e?"":e.toString()},t.EventEmitter=function(){this.events={}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),t=e.pop(),n=e;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("last argument must be a function");n.forEach(function(e){this.hasHandler(e)||(this.events[e]=[]),this.events[e].push(t)},this)},t.EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var n=this.events[e].indexOf(t);-1!==n&&(this.events[e].splice(n,1),0==this.events[e].length&&delete this.events[e])}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(e){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);this.events[e].forEach(function(e){e.apply(void 0,t)},this)}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.hasHandler=function(e){return e in this.events},t.tokenizer=function(e){if(!arguments.length||null===e||void 0===e)return[];if(Array.isArray(e)){var n=e.filter(function(e){return null===e||void 0===e?!1:!0});n=n.map(function(e){return t.utils.toString(e).toLowerCase()});var i=[];return n.forEach(function(e){var n=e.split(t.tokenizer.seperator);i=i.concat(n)},this),i}return e.toString().trim().toLowerCase().split(t.tokenizer.seperator)},t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator=/[\s\-]+/,t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator,t.tokenizer.setSeperator=function(e){null!==e&&void 0!==e&&"object"==typeof e&&(t.tokenizer.seperator=e)},t.tokenizer.resetSeperator=function(){t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator},t.tokenizer.getSeperator=function(){return t.tokenizer.seperator},t.Pipeline=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions={},t.Pipeline.registerFunction=function(e,n){n in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions&&t.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: "+n),e.label=n,t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[n]=e},t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction=function(e){return e in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions!=!0?null:t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e]},t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered=function(e){var n=e.label&&e.label in this.registeredFunctions;n||t.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n",e)},t.Pipeline.load=function(e){var n=new t.Pipeline;return e.forEach(function(e){var i=t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction(e);if(!i)throw new Error("Cannot load un-registered function: "+e);n.add(i)}),n},t.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);e.forEach(function(e){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),this._queue.push(e)},this)},t.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i+1,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this._queue.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&this._queue.splice(t,1)},t.Pipeline.prototype.run=function(e){for(var t=[],n=e.length,i=this._queue.length,o=0;n>o;o++){for(var r=e[o],s=0;i>s&&(r=this._queue[s](r,o,e),void 0!==r&&null!==r);s++);void 0!==r&&null!==r&&t.push(r)}return t},t.Pipeline.prototype.reset=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.prototype.get=function(){return this._queue},t.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this._queue.map(function(e){return t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),e.label})},t.Index=function(){this._fields=[],this._ref="id",this.pipeline=new t.Pipeline,this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore,this.index={},this.eventEmitter=new t.EventEmitter,this._idfCache={},this.on("add","remove","update",function(){this._idfCache={}}.bind(this))},t.Index.prototype.on=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);return this.eventEmitter.addListener.apply(this.eventEmitter,e)},t.Index.prototype.off=function(e,t){return this.eventEmitter.removeListener(e,t)},t.Index.load=function(e){e.version!==t.version&&t.utils.warn("version mismatch: current "+t.version+" importing "+e.version);var n=new this;n._fields=e.fields,n._ref=e.ref,n.documentStore=t.DocumentStore.load(e.documentStore),n.pipeline=t.Pipeline.load(e.pipeline),n.index={};for(var i in e.index)n.index[i]=t.InvertedIndex.load(e.index[i]);return n},t.Index.prototype.addField=function(e){return this._fields.push(e),this.index[e]=new t.InvertedIndex,this},t.Index.prototype.setRef=function(e){return this._ref=e,this},t.Index.prototype.saveDocument=function(e){return this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore(e),this},t.Index.prototype.addDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.addDoc(i,e),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var o=this.pipeline.run(t.tokenizer(e[n]));this.documentStore.addFieldLength(i,n,o.length);var r={};o.forEach(function(e){e in r?r[e]+=1:r[e]=1},this);for(var s in r){var u=r[s];u=Math.sqrt(u),this.index[n].addToken(s,{ref:i,tf:u})}},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("add",e,this)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDocByRef=function(e){if(e&&this.documentStore.isDocStored()!==!1&&this.documentStore.hasDoc(e)){var t=this.documentStore.getDoc(e);this.removeDoc(t,!1)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.hasDoc(i)&&(this.documentStore.removeDoc(i),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var o=this.pipeline.run(t.tokenizer(e[n]));o.forEach(function(e){this.index[n].removeToken(e,i)},this)},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("remove",e,this))}},t.Index.prototype.updateDoc=function(e,t){var t=void 0===t?!0:t;this.removeDocByRef(e[this._ref],!1),this.addDoc(e,!1),t&&this.eventEmitter.emit("update",e,this)},t.Index.prototype.idf=function(e,t){var n="@"+t+"/"+e;if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._idfCache,n))return this._idfCache[n];var i=this.index[t].getDocFreq(e),o=1+Math.log(this.documentStore.length/(i+1));return this._idfCache[n]=o,o},t.Index.prototype.getFields=function(){return this._fields.slice()},t.Index.prototype.search=function(e,n){if(!e)return[];e="string"==typeof e?{any:e}:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));var i=null;null!=n&&(i=JSON.stringify(n));for(var o=new t.Configuration(i,this.getFields()).get(),r={},s=Object.keys(e),u=0;u0&&t.push(e);for(var i in n)"docs"!==i&&"df"!==i&&this.expandToken(e+i,t,n[i]);return t},t.InvertedIndex.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{root:this.root}},t.Configuration=function(e,n){var e=e||"";if(void 0==n||null==n)throw new Error("fields should not be null");this.config={};var i;try{i=JSON.parse(e),this.buildUserConfig(i,n)}catch(o){t.utils.warn("user configuration parse failed, will use default configuration"),this.buildDefaultConfig(n)}},t.Configuration.prototype.buildDefaultConfig=function(e){this.reset(),e.forEach(function(e){this.config[e]={boost:1,bool:"OR",expand:!1}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.buildUserConfig=function(e,n){var i="OR",o=!1;if(this.reset(),"bool"in e&&(i=e.bool||i),"expand"in e&&(o=e.expand||o),"fields"in e)for(var r in e.fields)if(n.indexOf(r)>-1){var s=e.fields[r],u=o;void 0!=s.expand&&(u=s.expand),this.config[r]={boost:s.boost||0===s.boost?s.boost:1,bool:s.bool||i,expand:u}}else t.utils.warn("field name in user configuration not found in index instance fields");else this.addAllFields2UserConfig(i,o,n)},t.Configuration.prototype.addAllFields2UserConfig=function(e,t,n){n.forEach(function(n){this.config[n]={boost:1,bool:e,expand:t}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.get=function(){return this.config},t.Configuration.prototype.reset=function(){this.config={}},lunr.SortedSet=function(){this.length=0,this.elements=[]},lunr.SortedSet.load=function(e){var t=new this;return t.elements=e,t.length=e.length,t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.add=function(){var e,t;for(e=0;e1;){if(r===e)return o;e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o]}return r===e?o:-1},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.locationFor=function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.elements.length,i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];i>1;)e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];return r>e?o:e>r?o+1:void 0},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.intersect=function(e){for(var t=new lunr.SortedSet,n=0,i=0,o=this.length,r=e.length,s=this.elements,u=e.elements;;){if(n>o-1||i>r-1)break;s[n]!==u[i]?s[n]u[i]&&i++:(t.add(s[n]),n++,i++)}return t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new lunr.SortedSet;return e.elements=this.toArray(),e.length=e.elements.length,e},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.union=function(e){var t,n,i;this.length>=e.length?(t=this,n=e):(t=e,n=this),i=t.clone();for(var o=0,r=n.toArray();oPiped API client (Python)\n\n



A Python API wrapper for Piped. This can essentially be used as an alternative way to access YouTube's API, without needing to use an API key.



pip install piped-api\n



Getting started is very easy:

from piped_api import PipedClient\n\nCLIENT = PipedClient()\n\n\n# Print out the first audio stream URL for a video:\nvideo = CLIENT.get_video(video_id)\naudio_stream = video.get_streams('audio')[0]\n\nprint(f"Audio stream URL: {audio_stream.url} ({audio_stream.mime_type})")\n



This package has allowed me to start creating my open-source project, ArchiveTube - a scrapper and archive for YouTube content (videos and comments) - to preserve them and make them available to anyone, with ability to search for comments and videos. View hall of fame (most liked comments and videos), bring back dislikes via ReturnYouTubeDislike.com, view deleted content and much more!\nGoogle has showed us that they make YouTube own us by harvesting our data. This is also followed by non-throught out decisions, which their users aren't happy with. Let's do it the other way around this time by reclaiming our content and entertainment back & make YouTube great again!


The creation of this package was also primarily fueled by the same type of motivation Piped has.


Google's API is not very easy-to-use - you must obtain some JSON thingy to use it, and it is very low-level and not very user-friendly.\nOn the other hand, this package accessed the Piped API, which has a much more high-level API and doesn't need an account or API keys.


It is not meant to be a replacement for the official YouTube API, but it can help you to cut the strings that Google attaches to you when using their API.


Useful links


\ud83c\udf81 Support me


I create free software to benefit people.\nIf this project helps you and you like it, consider supporting me by donating via cryptocurrency:


\n| Crypto: | Address: |\n|-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| Bitcoin | E-mail me |\n| Ethereum | 0x12C598b3bC084710507c9d6d19C9434fD26864Cc |\n| Litecoin | LgHQK1NQrRQ56AKvVtSxMubqbjSWh7DTD2 |\n| Dash | Xe7TYoRCYPdZyiQYDjgzCGxR5juPWV8PgZ |\n| Zcash: | t1Pesobv3SShMHGfrZWe926nsnBo2pyqN3f |\n| Dogecoin: | DALxrKSbcCXz619QqLj9qKXFnTp8u2cS12 |\n| Ripple: | rNQsgQvMbbBAd957XyDeNudA4jLH1ANERL |\n| Monero: | 48TfTddnpgnKBn13MdJNJwHfxDwwGngPgL3v6bNSTwGaXveeaUWzJcMUVrbWUyDSyPDwEJVoup2gmDuskkcFuNG99zatYFS |\n| Bitcoin Cash: | qzx6pqzcltm7ely24wnhpzp65r8ltrqgeuevtrsj9n |\n| Ethereum Classic: | 0x383Dc3B83afBD66b4a5e64511525FbFeb2C023Db |\n


More cryptocurrencies are supported. If you are interested in donating with a different one, please E-mail me.\nNo other forms of donation are currently supported.

\n"}, "piped_api.client": {"fullname": "piped_api.client", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient", "type": "class", "doc": "

An API client for Piped.

\n"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.__init__": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient.__init__", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "


  • base_api_url - The base URL to the instance's API. Trailing slashes will be stripped.
  • \n
  • session - A class/subclass of requests.Session to use for all requests.\nFor example, you could use requests-cache to make all requests cacheable.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n base_api_url: str = 'https://pipedapi.kavin.rocks',\n session: Type[requests.sessions.Session] = \n)", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_comments": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_comments", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient.get_comments", "type": "function", "doc": "

Gets a list of comments for a specific video.



  • video_id - The ID of the video to get comments for
  • \n
  • nextpage - Nextpage data, obtained from .models.comments.Comments.nextpage property. If this is None, the first page of comments is returned.\nThere are often 20 comments per page.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n video_id: str,\n nextpage: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None\n) -> piped_api.models.comments.Comments", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_video": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_video", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient.get_video", "type": "function", "doc": "

Gets information about a specific video.



  • video_id - The ID of the video to get information for
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, video_id: str) -> piped_api.models.videos.Video", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_trending": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_trending", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient.get_trending", "type": "function", "doc": "

Obtains trending videos for a specific country. If there are no trending videos (or country_code is invalid),\nan empty list is returned.



  • country_code - The country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) to get trending videos for. This is automatically capitalized by this package,\nsince Piped for some reason doesn't accept lowercase country codes. Note: countries such as China or North Korea don't have trending videos, so they will always return an empty list.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n country_code: str = 'US'\n) -> List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream]", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.models": {"fullname": "piped_api.models", "modulename": "piped_api.models", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel", "modulename": "piped_api.models", "qualname": "BasePipedModel", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n"}, "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel.__init__": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel.__init__", "modulename": "piped_api.models", "qualname": "BasePipedModel.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "


  • data - The JSON (dict) data to initialize the model with.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, data: Dict[str, Any])", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.models.comments": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.author": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.author", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.author", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The name of the author of the comment

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.comment_id": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.comment_id", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.comment_id", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The comment ID

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.comment_text": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.comment_text", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.comment_text", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The text of the comment

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.commented_time": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.commented_time", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.commented_time", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The time the comment was made (format: 'x y ago').




The raw time from API also includes the '(edited)' suffix to mark comment as edited (if it was).\nBy accessing this property, the suffix is automatically removed.\nIf you for whatever reason want to keep the suffix, access this property directly via Comment.data['commentedTime']

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.is_edited": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.is_edited", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.is_edited", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the comment is edited.




This property checks whether there is '(edited)' in the commentedTime property, because that's where you get that from.\nSee Comments.Comment.commented_time

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.commentor_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.commentor_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.commentor_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL of the channel that made the comment

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.replies_page": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.replies_page", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.replies_page", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Same as Comments.nextpage, but to load replies.


None means that there are no replies.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.hearted": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.hearted", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.hearted", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the comment has been hearted

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.like_count": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.like_count", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.like_count", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The number of likes the comment has

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.pinned": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.pinned", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.pinned", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the comment is pinned

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.thumbnail": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.thumbnail", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.thumbnail", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The thumbnail of the commentor's channel

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.verified": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.verified", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.verified", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the author of the comment is verified

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.get_comments": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.get_comments", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.get_comments", "type": "function", "doc": "

Obtain a list of comments

\n", "signature": "(self) -> List[piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment]", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.disabled": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.disabled", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.disabled", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the comments are disabled

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.nextpage": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.nextpage", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.nextpage", "type": "variable", "doc": "

A JSON encoded page, which is used for the nextpage endpoint.


If there is no nextpage data, this returns None.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.videos": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.title": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.title", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.title", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The title/name of the video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.description": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.description", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.description", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The description of the video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.upload_date": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.upload_date", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.upload_date", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The date the video was uploaded at.




Use Video.data['uploadDate'] to get the raw string that was obtained from the API - this package\nautomatically converts the raw string to a datetime.date object.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.date"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.uploader", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The channel name of the author of the video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.uploader_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URI to the author's channel

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_avatar": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_avatar", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.uploader_avatar", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL to the video author's avatar image

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.thumbnail_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.thumbnail_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.thumbnail_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL to the video's thumbnail image

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.hls": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.hls", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.hls", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The hls manifest URL, to be used for Livestreams

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.dash": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.dash", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.dash", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The dash manifest URL for OTF streams

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.lbry_id": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.lbry_id", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.lbry_id", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The lbry id of the video, if available. I assume this has something to do with https://lbry.com/

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_verified": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_verified", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.uploader_verified", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the channel that uploaded the video is verified by YouTube (badge)

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.duration": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.duration", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.duration", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The duration of the video.




The original value from the API was in seconds (Video.data['duration']), but this package\nconverts it to a datetime.timedelta object.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.timedelta"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.views": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.views", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.views", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The number of views the video has received

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.likes": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.likes", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.likes", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The amount of likes the video has received. -1 if hidden

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.dislikes": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.dislikes", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.dislikes", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The amount of dislikes the video has received. -1 if hidden




This is obsolete since YouTube did a tiny gigantical little big whoopsie with their like system and screwed it all up\nYou can use awesome user-made projects such as https://returnyoutubedislike.com to obtain the dislike count

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream", "type": "class", "doc": "

Either an audio or video stream of a video

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL of the stream

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.format": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.format", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.format", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The format of the stream ('M4A' or 'WEBMA_OPUS' or 'MPEG_4' or 'WEBM' or 'v3GPP'


No, I don't know how many are there or what does each mean

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.quality": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.quality", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.quality", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The standard quality we all know and love (e. g.: '240p' for video or '128k' for audio)

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.mime_type": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.mime_type", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.mime_type", "type": "variable", "doc": "

If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),\nthen you already know what this is. If not, consider checking the Mozilla documentation

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.codec": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.codec", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.codec", "type": "variable", "doc": "

What is this? I don't know. A codec?

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.video_only": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.video_only", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.video_only", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the stream is video only (AKA. muted video)

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.bitrate": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.bitrate", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.bitrate", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The bitrate of the stream

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.init_start": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.init_start", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.init_start", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.init_end": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.init_end", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.init_end", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.index_start": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.index_start", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.index_start", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.index_end": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.index_end", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.index_end", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.width": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.width", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.width", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The width of the stream. '0' for audio streams (makes sense)

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.height": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.height", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.height", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The height of the stream. '0' for audio streams (makes sense)

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.fps": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.fps", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.fps", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Frames Per Second. This is usually '0' for audio and '30' or '60' for video

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.get_streams": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.get_streams", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.get_streams", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get the streams of a video.



  • type - The type of stream to get. Either 'video' or 'audio'
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n type: Literal['video', 'audio'] = 'video'\n) -> List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream]", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream", "type": "class", "doc": "

A related stream (e. g.: related video to the current one from the right sidebar, video related to/uploaded by a channel and trending video).

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL to the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.title": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.title", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.title", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The title of the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.thumbnail": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.thumbnail", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.thumbnail", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The thumbnail URL of the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_name": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_name", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploader_name", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The name of the channel that uploaded the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploader_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL of the channel that uploaded the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_avatar": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_avatar", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploader_avatar", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL of the channel's avatar

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploaded_date": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploaded_date", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploaded_date", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The date the related video was uploaded (format: 'x y ago')

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.short_description": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.short_description", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.short_description", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The short description of the related video. As far as I know, this is always None - perhaps some unused YouTube feature?

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.duration": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.duration", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.duration", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The duration of the related video.




The original value from the API was in seconds (Video.data['duration']), but this package\nconverts it to a datetime.timedelta object.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.timedelta"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.views": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.views", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.views", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The amount of views the related video has received

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploaded": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploaded", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploaded", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The date the related video was uploaded (as a datetime.datetime object).




The original value was in milliseconds since epoch (Video.data['uploaded']), but this package converts it to a datetime.datetime object.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.datetime"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_verified": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_verified", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploader_verified", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the channel that uploaded the related video is verified by YouTube (e. g.: has badge)

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.related_videos": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.related_videos", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.related_videos", "type": "variable", "doc": "

List of related streams

\n", "annotation": ": List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL to the subtitle

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.mime_type": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.mime_type", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.mime_type", "type": "variable", "doc": "

If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),\nthen you already know what this is. If not, consider checking the Mozilla documentation

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.name": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.name", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.name", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The name of the language the captions are in

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.code": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.code", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.code", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The country code for the captions

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.auto_generated": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.auto_generated", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.auto_generated", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the captions are auto-generated by YouTube

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.subtitles": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.subtitles", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.subtitles", "type": "variable", "doc": "

A list of captions for the video

\n", "annotation": ": List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.livestream": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.livestream", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.livestream", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the video is a livestream

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.proxy_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.proxy_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.proxy_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The base URL for Piped proxy

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Chapter", "type": "class", "doc": "

A video chapter (or \"section\").


YouTube displays a list of chapters, if there are timestamps in the description.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter.title": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter.title", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Chapter.title", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The title of the chapter

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter.image": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter.image", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Chapter.image", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The image URL for the chapter

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter.start": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter.start", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Chapter.start", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The start time of the chapter




The original value from the API was in seconds, this package automatically converts it to datetime.timedelta

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.timedelta"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.chapters": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.chapters", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.chapters", "type": "variable", "doc": "

A list of chapters for the video

\n", "annotation": ": List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.Chapter]"}}, "docInfo": {"piped_api": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 640}, "piped_api.client": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 10}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 16, "bases": 0, "doc": 60}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_comments": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 15, "bases": 0, "doc": 72}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_video": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 11, "bases": 0, "doc": 31}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_trending": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 13, "bases": 0, "doc": 96}, "piped_api.models": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 9}, "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 6, "bases": 0, "doc": 24}, "piped_api.models.comments": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 4, "doc": 9}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 4, "doc": 9}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.author": 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Piped API client (Python)




A Python API wrapper for Piped. This can essentially be used as an alternative way to access YouTube's API, without needing to use an API key.



pip install piped-api\n



Getting started is very easy:

from piped_api import PipedClient\n\nCLIENT = PipedClient()\n\n\n# Print out the first audio stream URL for a video:\nvideo = CLIENT.get_video(video_id)\naudio_stream = video.get_streams('audio')[0]\n\nprint(f"Audio stream URL: {audio_stream.url} ({audio_stream.mime_type})")\n



This package has allowed me to start creating my open-source project, ArchiveTube - a scrapper and archive for YouTube content (videos and comments) - to preserve them and make them available to anyone, with ability to search for comments and videos. View hall of fame (most liked comments and videos), bring back dislikes via ReturnYouTubeDislike.com, view deleted content and much more!\nGoogle has showed us that they make YouTube own us by harvesting our data. This is also followed by non-throught out decisions, which their users aren't happy with. Let's do it the other way around this time by reclaiming our content and entertainment back & make YouTube great again!


The creation of this package was also primarily fueled by the same type of motivation Piped has.


Google's API is not very easy-to-use - you must obtain some JSON thingy to use it, and it is very low-level and not very user-friendly.\nOn the other hand, this package accessed the Piped API, which has a much more high-level API and doesn't need an account or API keys.


It is not meant to be a replacement for the official YouTube API, but it can help you to cut the strings that Google attaches to you when using their API.


Useful links


\ud83c\udf81 Support me


I create free software to benefit people.\nIf this project helps you and you like it, consider supporting me by donating via cryptocurrency:

\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n
BitcoinE-mail me
Bitcoin Cash:qzx6pqzcltm7ely24wnhpzp65r8ltrqgeuevtrsj9n
Ethereum Classic:0x383Dc3B83afBD66b4a5e64511525FbFeb2C023Db

More cryptocurrencies are supported. If you are interested in donating with a different one, please E-mail me.\nNo other forms of donation are currently supported.

\n"}, "piped_api.client": {"fullname": "piped_api.client", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient", "type": "class", "doc": "

An API client for Piped.

\n"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.__init__": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient.__init__", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "


  • base_api_url - The base URL to the instance's API. Trailing slashes will be stripped.
  • \n
  • session - A class/subclass of requests.Session to use for all requests.\nFor example, you could use requests-cache to make all requests cacheable.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n base_api_url: str = 'https://pipedapi.kavin.rocks',\n session: Type[requests.sessions.Session] = \n)", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_comments": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_comments", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient.get_comments", "type": "function", "doc": "

Gets a list of comments for a specific video.



  • video_id - The ID of the video to get comments for
  • \n
  • nextpage - Nextpage data, obtained from .models.comments.Comments.nextpage property. If this is None, the first page of comments is returned.\nThere are often 20 comments per page.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n video_id: str,\n nextpage: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None\n) -> piped_api.models.comments.Comments", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_video": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_video", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient.get_video", "type": "function", "doc": "

Gets information about a specific video.



  • video_id - The ID of the video to get information for
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, video_id: str) -> piped_api.models.videos.Video", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_trending": {"fullname": "piped_api.client.PipedClient.get_trending", "modulename": "piped_api.client", "qualname": "PipedClient.get_trending", "type": "function", "doc": "

Obtains trending videos for a specific country. If there are no trending videos (or country_code is invalid),\nan empty list is returned.



  • country_code - The country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) to get trending videos for. This is automatically capitalized by this package,\nsince Piped for some reason doesn't accept lowercase country codes. Note: countries such as China or North Korea don't have trending videos, so they will always return an empty list.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n country_code: str = 'US'\n) -> List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream]", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.models": {"fullname": "piped_api.models", "modulename": "piped_api.models", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel", "modulename": "piped_api.models", "qualname": "BasePipedModel", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n"}, "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel.__init__": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel.__init__", "modulename": "piped_api.models", "qualname": "BasePipedModel.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "


  • data - The JSON (dict) data to initialize the model with.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, data: Dict[str, Any])", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.models.comments": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.author": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.author", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.author", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The name of the author of the comment

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.comment_id": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.comment_id", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.comment_id", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The comment ID

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.comment_text": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.comment_text", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.comment_text", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The text of the comment

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.commented_time": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.commented_time", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.commented_time", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The time the comment was made (format: 'x y ago').




The raw time from API also includes the '(edited)' suffix to mark comment as edited (if it was).\nBy accessing this property, the suffix is automatically removed.\nIf you for whatever reason want to keep the suffix, access this property directly via Comment.data['commentedTime']

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.is_edited": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.is_edited", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.is_edited", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the comment is edited.




This property checks whether there is '(edited)' in the commentedTime property, because that's where you get that from.\nSee Comments.Comment.commented_time

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.commentor_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.commentor_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.commentor_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL of the channel that made the comment

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.replies_page": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.replies_page", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.replies_page", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Same as Comments.nextpage, but to load replies.


None means that there are no replies.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.hearted": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.hearted", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.hearted", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the comment has been hearted

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.like_count": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.like_count", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.like_count", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The number of likes the comment has

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.pinned": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.pinned", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.pinned", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the comment is pinned

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.thumbnail": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.thumbnail", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.thumbnail", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The thumbnail of the commentor's channel

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.verified": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment.verified", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.Comment.verified", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the author of the comment is verified

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.get_comments": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.get_comments", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.get_comments", "type": "function", "doc": "

Obtain a list of comments

\n", "signature": "(self) -> List[piped_api.models.comments.Comments.Comment]", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.disabled": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.disabled", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.disabled", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the comments are disabled

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.nextpage": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.comments.Comments.nextpage", "modulename": "piped_api.models.comments", "qualname": "Comments.nextpage", "type": "variable", "doc": "

A JSON encoded page, which is used for the nextpage endpoint.


If there is no nextpage data, this returns None.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.videos": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.title": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.title", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.title", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The title/name of the video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.description": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.description", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.description", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The description of the video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.upload_date": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.upload_date", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.upload_date", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The date the video was uploaded at.




Use Video.data['uploadDate'] to get the raw string that was obtained from the API - this package\nautomatically converts the raw string to a datetime.date object.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.date"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.uploader", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The channel name of the author of the video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.uploader_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URI to the author's channel

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_avatar": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_avatar", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.uploader_avatar", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL to the video author's avatar image

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.thumbnail_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.thumbnail_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.thumbnail_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL to the video's thumbnail image

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.hls": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.hls", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.hls", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The hls manifest URL, to be used for Livestreams

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.dash": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.dash", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.dash", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The dash manifest URL for OTF streams

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.lbry_id": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.lbry_id", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.lbry_id", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The lbry id of the video, if available. I assume this has something to do with https://lbry.com/

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_verified": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.uploader_verified", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.uploader_verified", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the channel that uploaded the video is verified by YouTube (badge)

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.duration": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.duration", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.duration", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The duration of the video.




The original value from the API was in seconds (Video.data['duration']), but this package\nconverts it to a datetime.timedelta object.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.timedelta"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.views": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.views", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.views", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The number of views the video has received

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.likes": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.likes", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.likes", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The amount of likes the video has received. -1 if hidden

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.dislikes": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.dislikes", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.dislikes", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The amount of dislikes the video has received. -1 if hidden




This is obsolete since YouTube did a tiny gigantical little big whoopsie with their like system and screwed it all up\nYou can use awesome user-made projects such as https://returnyoutubedislike.com to obtain the dislike count

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream", "type": "class", "doc": "

Either an audio or video stream of a video

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL of the stream

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.format": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.format", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.format", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The format of the stream ('M4A' or 'WEBMA_OPUS' or 'MPEG_4' or 'WEBM' or 'v3GPP'


No, I don't know how many are there or what does each mean

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.quality": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.quality", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.quality", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The standard quality we all know and love (e. g.: '240p' for video or '128k' for audio)

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.mime_type": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.mime_type", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.mime_type", "type": "variable", "doc": "

If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),\nthen you already know what this is. If not, consider checking the Mozilla documentation

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.codec": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.codec", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.codec", "type": "variable", "doc": "

What is this? I don't know. A codec?

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.video_only": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.video_only", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.video_only", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the stream is video only (AKA. muted video)

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.bitrate": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.bitrate", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.bitrate", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The bitrate of the stream

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.init_start": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.init_start", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.init_start", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.init_end": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.init_end", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.init_end", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.index_start": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.index_start", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.index_start", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.index_end": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.index_end", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.index_end", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Not sure what this does, but it seems to be useful for creating dash streams

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.width": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.width", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.width", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The width of the stream. '0' for audio streams (makes sense)

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.height": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.height", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.height", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The height of the stream. '0' for audio streams (makes sense)

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.fps": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream.fps", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Stream.fps", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Frames Per Second. This is usually '0' for audio and '30' or '60' for video

\n", "annotation": ": int"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.get_streams": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.get_streams", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.get_streams", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get the streams of a video.



  • type - The type of stream to get. Either 'video' or 'audio'
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n type: Literal['video', 'audio'] = 'video'\n) -> List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.Stream]", "funcdef": "def"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream", "type": "class", "doc": "

A related stream (e. g.: related video to the current one from the right sidebar, video related to/uploaded by a channel and trending video).

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL to the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.title": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.title", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.title", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The title of the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.thumbnail": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.thumbnail", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.thumbnail", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The thumbnail URL of the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_name": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_name", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploader_name", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The name of the channel that uploaded the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploader_url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL of the channel that uploaded the related video

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_avatar": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_avatar", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploader_avatar", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL of the channel's avatar

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploaded_date": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploaded_date", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploaded_date", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The date the related video was uploaded (format: 'x y ago')

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.short_description": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.short_description", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.short_description", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The short description of the related video. As far as I know, this is always None - perhaps some unused YouTube feature?

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.duration": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.duration", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.duration", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The duration of the related video.




The original value from the API was in seconds (Video.data['duration']), but this package\nconverts it to a datetime.timedelta object.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.timedelta"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.views": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.views", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.views", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The amount of views the related video has received

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploaded": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploaded", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploaded", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The date the related video was uploaded (as a datetime.datetime object).




The original value was in milliseconds since epoch (Video.data['uploaded']), but this package converts it to a datetime.datetime object.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.datetime"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_verified": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream.uploader_verified", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.RelatedStream.uploader_verified", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the channel that uploaded the related video is verified by YouTube (e. g.: has badge)

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.related_videos": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.related_videos", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.related_videos", "type": "variable", "doc": "

List of related streams

\n", "annotation": ": List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.RelatedStream]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle", "type": "class", "doc": "

Base class for all Piped models.

\n", "bases": "piped_api.models.BasePipedModel"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.url": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.url", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.url", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The URL to the subtitle

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.mime_type": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.mime_type", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.mime_type", "type": "variable", "doc": "

If you come from web development (or other invidious area that works with these French mimes),\nthen you already know what this is. If not, consider checking the Mozilla documentation

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.name": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.name", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.name", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The name of the language the captions are in

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.code": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.code", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.code", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The country code for the captions

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.auto_generated": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle.auto_generated", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.Subtitle.auto_generated", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the captions are auto-generated by YouTube

\n", "annotation": ": bool"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.subtitles": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.subtitles", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.subtitles", "type": "variable", "doc": "

A list of captions for the video

\n", "annotation": ": List[piped_api.models.videos.Video.Subtitle]"}, "piped_api.models.videos.Video.livestream": {"fullname": "piped_api.models.videos.Video.livestream", "modulename": "piped_api.models.videos", "qualname": "Video.livestream", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether or not the video is a livestream

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The base URL for Piped proxy

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A video chapter (or \"section\").


YouTube displays a list of chapters, if there are timestamps in the description.

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The title of the chapter

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The image URL for the chapter

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The start time of the chapter




The original value from the API was in seconds, this package automatically converts it to datetime.timedelta

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A list of chapters for the video

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