import ctypes from . import ogg from .ogg import PyOggError, PYOGG_OGG_AVAIL from . import vorbis from.vorbis import PYOGG_VORBIS_AVAIL, PYOGG_VORBIS_FILE_AVAIL from . import opus from.opus import PYOGG_OPUS_AVAIL, PYOGG_OPUS_FILE_AVAIL, PYOGG_OPUS_ENC_AVAIL from . import flac from .flac import PYOGG_FLAC_AVAIL from itertools import chain def _to_char_p(string): try: return ctypes.c_char_p(string.encode("utf-8")) except: return ctypes.c_char_p(string) def _resize_array(array, new_size): return (array._type_*new_size).from_address(ctypes.addressof(array)) PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 if (PYOGG_OGG_AVAIL and PYOGG_VORBIS_AVAIL and PYOGG_VORBIS_FILE_AVAIL): class VorbisFile: def __init__(self, path): vf = vorbis.OggVorbis_File() error = vorbis.libvorbisfile.ov_fopen(vorbis.to_char_p(path), ctypes.byref(vf)) if error != 0: raise PyOggError("file couldn't be opened or doesn't exist. Error code : {}".format(error)) info = vorbis.libvorbisfile.ov_info(ctypes.byref(vf), -1) self.channels = info.contents.channels self.frequency = info.contents.rate array = (ctypes.c_char*4096)() buffer_ = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(array), ctypes.c_char_p) self.buffer_array = [] bitstream = ctypes.c_int() bitstream_pointer = ctypes.pointer(bitstream) while True: new_bytes = vorbis.libvorbisfile.ov_read(ctypes.byref(vf), buffer_, 4096, 0, 2, 1, bitstream_pointer) array_ = ctypes.cast(buffer_, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char*4096)).contents self.buffer_array.append(array_.raw[:new_bytes]) if new_bytes == 0: break self.buffer = b"".join(self.buffer_array) vorbis.libvorbisfile.ov_clear(ctypes.byref(vf)) self.buffer_length = len(self.buffer) class VorbisFileStream: def __init__(self, path): self.vf = vorbis.OggVorbis_File() error = vorbis.ov_fopen(path, ctypes.byref(self.vf)) if error != 0: raise PyOggError("file couldn't be opened or doesn't exist. Error code : {}".format(error)) info = vorbis.ov_info(ctypes.byref(self.vf), -1) self.channels = info.contents.channels self.frequency = info.contents.rate array = (ctypes.c_char*(PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE*self.channels))() self.buffer_ = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(array), ctypes.c_char_p) self.bitstream = ctypes.c_int() self.bitstream_pointer = ctypes.pointer(self.bitstream) self.exists = True def __del__(self): if self.exists: vorbis.ov_clear(ctypes.byref(self.vf)) self.exists = False def clean_up(self): vorbis.ov_clear(ctypes.byref(self.vf)) self.exists = False def get_buffer(self): """get_buffer() -> bytesBuffer, bufferLength""" if not self.exists: return None buffer = [] total_bytes_written = 0 while True: new_bytes = vorbis.ov_read(ctypes.byref(self.vf), self.buffer_, PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE*self.channels - total_bytes_written, 0, 2, 1, self.bitstream_pointer) array_ = ctypes.cast(self.buffer_, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char*(PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE*self.channels))).contents buffer.append(array_.raw[:new_bytes]) total_bytes_written += new_bytes if new_bytes == 0 or total_bytes_written >= PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE*self.channels: break out_buffer = b"".join(buffer) if total_bytes_written == 0: self.clean_up() return(None) return(out_buffer, total_bytes_written) else: class VorbisFile: def __init__(*args, **kw): if not PYOGG_OGG_AVAIL: raise PyOggError("The Ogg library wasn't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") raise PyOggError("The Vorbis libraries weren't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") class VorbisFileStream: def __init__(*args, **kw): if not PYOGG_OGG_AVAIL: raise PyOggError("The Ogg library wasn't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") raise PyOggError("The Vorbis libraries weren't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") if (PYOGG_OGG_AVAIL and PYOGG_OPUS_AVAIL and PYOGG_OPUS_FILE_AVAIL): class OpusFile: def __init__(self, path): error = ctypes.c_int() of = opus.op_open_file(ogg.to_char_p(path), ctypes.pointer(error)) if error.value != 0: raise PyOggError("file couldn't be opened or doesn't exist. Error code : {}".format(error.value)) self.channels = opus.op_channel_count(of, -1) pcm_size = opus.op_pcm_total(of, -1) samples_read = ctypes.c_int(0) bfarr_t = opus.opus_int16*(pcm_size*self.channels) self.buffer = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(bfarr_t()),opus.opus_int16_p) ptr = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(self.buffer), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)) ptr_init = ptr.contents.value while samples_read.value < pcm_size: ptr.contents.value = ptr_init + samples_read.value*self.channels*2 ns = opus.op_read(of, self.buffer , pcm_size*self.channels,ogg.c_int_p()) samples_read.value += ns ptr.contents.value = ptr_init del ptr opus.op_free(of) self.buffer_length = samples_read.value*self.channels*2 self.frequency = 48000 class OpusFileStream: def __init__(self, path): error = ctypes.c_int() self.of = opus.op_open_file(ogg.to_char_p(path), ctypes.pointer(error)) if error.value != 0: raise PyOggError("file couldn't be opened or doesn't exist. Error code : {}".format(error.value)) self.channels = opus.op_channel_count(self.of, -1) self.pcm_size = opus.op_pcm_total(self.of, -1) self.frequency = 48000 self.bfarr_t = opus.opus_int16*(PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE*self.channels*2) self.buffer = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(self.bfarr_t()),opus.opus_int16_p) self.ptr = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(self.buffer), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)) self.ptr_init = self.ptr.contents.value def get_buffer(self): if not hasattr(self, 'ptr'): return None samples_read = ctypes.c_int(0) while True: self.ptr.contents.value = self.ptr_init + samples_read.value*self.channels*2 ns = opus.op_read(self.of, self.buffer , PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE*self.channels,ogg.c_int_p()) if ns == 0: break samples_read.value += ns if samples_read.value*self.channels*2 + ns >= PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE: break if samples_read.value == 0: self.clean_up() return None self.ptr.contents.value = self.ptr_init buf = ctypes.pointer(self.bfarr_t()) buf[0] = ctypes.cast(self.buffer, ctypes.POINTER(self.bfarr_t))[0] return(buf, samples_read.value*self.channels*2) def clean_up(self): self.ptr.contents.value = self.ptr_init del self.ptr opus.op_free(self.of) else: class OpusFile: def __init__(*args, **kw): if not PYOGG_OGG_AVAIL: raise PyOggError("The Ogg library wasn't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") raise PyOggError("The Opus libraries weren't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") class OpusFileStream: def __init__(*args, **kw): if not PYOGG_OGG_AVAIL: raise PyOggError("The Ogg library wasn't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") raise PyOggError("The Opus libraries weren't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") if PYOGG_FLAC_AVAIL: class FlacFile: def write_callback(self,decoder, frame, buffer, client_data): multi_channel_buf = _resize_array(buffer.contents, self.channels) arr_size = frame.contents.header.blocksize if frame.contents.header.channels >= 2: arrays = [] for i in range(frame.contents.header.channels): arr = ctypes.cast(multi_channel_buf[i], ctypes.POINTER(flac.FLAC__int32*arr_size)).contents arrays.append(arr[:]) arr = list(chain.from_iterable(zip(*arrays))) self.buffer[self.buffer_pos : self.buffer_pos + len(arr)] = arr[:] self.buffer_pos += len(arr) else: arr = ctypes.cast(multi_channel_buf[0], ctypes.POINTER(flac.FLAC__int32*arr_size)).contents self.buffer[self.buffer_pos : self.buffer_pos + arr_size] = arr[:] self.buffer_pos += arr_size return 0 def metadata_callback(self,decoder, metadata, client_data): if not self.buffer: self.total_samples = self.channels = self.buffer = (flac.FLAC__int16*(self.total_samples * self.channels * 2))() self.frequency = def error_callback(self,decoder, status, client_data): raise PyOggError("An error occured during the process of decoding. Status enum: {}".format(flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatusEnum[status])) def __init__(self, path): self.decoder = flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_new() self.client_data = ctypes.c_void_p() self.channels = None self.frequency = None self.total_samples = None self.buffer = None self.buffer_pos = 0 write_callback_ = flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteCallback(self.write_callback) metadata_callback_ = flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderMetadataCallback(self.metadata_callback) error_callback_ = flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorCallback(self.error_callback) init_status = flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_init_file(self.decoder, _to_char_p(path), write_callback_, metadata_callback_, error_callback_, self.client_data) if init_status: # error raise PyOggError("An error occured when trying to open '{}': {}".format(path, flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderInitStatusEnum[init_status])) metadata_status = (flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata(self.decoder)) if not metadata_status: # error raise PyOggError("An error occured when trying to decode the metadata of {}".format(path)) stream_status = (flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_stream(self.decoder)) if not stream_status: # error raise PyOggError("An error occured when trying to decode the audio stream of {}".format(path)) flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_finish(self.decoder) self.buffer_length = len(self.buffer) class FlacFileStream: def write_callback(self,decoder, frame, buffer, client_data): multi_channel_buf = _resize_array(buffer.contents, self.channels) arr_size = frame.contents.header.blocksize if frame.contents.header.channels >= 2: arrays = [] for i in range(frame.contents.header.channels): arr = ctypes.cast(multi_channel_buf[i], ctypes.POINTER(flac.FLAC__int32*arr_size)).contents arrays.append(arr[:]) arr = list(chain.from_iterable(zip(*arrays))) self.buffer = (flac.FLAC__int16*len(arr))(*arr) self.bytes_written = len(arr) * 2 else: arr = ctypes.cast(multi_channel_buf[0], ctypes.POINTER(flac.FLAC__int32*arr_size)).contents self.buffer = (flac.FLAC__int16*len(arr))(*arr[:]) self.bytes_written = arr_size * 2 return 0 def metadata_callback(self,decoder, metadata, client_data): self.total_samples = self.channels = self.frequency = def error_callback(self,decoder, status, client_data): raise PyOggError("An error occured during the process of decoding. Status enum: {}".format(flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatusEnum[status])) def __init__(self, path): self.decoder = flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_new() self.client_data = ctypes.c_void_p() self.channels = None self.frequency = None self.total_samples = None self.buffer = None self.bytes_written = None self.write_callback_ = flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteCallback(self.write_callback) self.metadata_callback_ = flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderMetadataCallback(self.metadata_callback) self.error_callback_ = flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorCallback(self.error_callback) init_status = flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_init_file(self.decoder, _to_char_p(path), self.write_callback_, self.metadata_callback_, self.error_callback_, self.client_data) if init_status: # error raise PyOggError("An error occured when trying to open '{}': {}".format(path, flac.FLAC__StreamDecoderInitStatusEnum[init_status])) metadata_status = (flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata(self.decoder)) if not metadata_status: # error raise PyOggError("An error occured when trying to decode the metadata of {}".format(path)) def get_buffer(self): if (flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state(self.decoder) == 4): # end of stream return None stream_status = (flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_process_single(self.decoder)) if not stream_status: # error raise PyOggError("An error occured when trying to decode the audio stream of {}".format(path)) buffer_ = ctypes.pointer(self.buffer) return(buffer_, self.bytes_written) def clean_up(self): flac.FLAC__stream_decoder_finish(self.decoder) else: class FlacFile: def __init__(*args, **kw): raise PyOggError("The FLAC libraries weren't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") class FlacFileStream: def __init__(*args, **kw): raise PyOggError("The FLAC libraries weren't found or couldn't be loaded (maybe you're trying to use 64bit libraries with 32bit Python?)") def pyoggSetStreamBufferSize(size): global PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE PYOGG_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = size