
315 lines
11 KiB

// @ts-check
const assert = require("assert").strict
const Ty = require("../types")
const {pipeline} = require("stream").promises
const sharp = require("sharp")
const {discord, sync, db, select} = require("../passthrough")
/** @type {import("./api")}) */
const api = sync.require("./api")
/** @type {import("../m2d/converters/utils")} */
const mxUtils = sync.require("../m2d/converters/utils")
/** @type {import("../discord/utils")} */
const dUtils = sync.require("../discord/utils")
/** @type {import("./kstate")} */
const ks = sync.require("./kstate")
const reg = require("./read-registration")
const PREFIXES = ["//", "/"]
const EMOJI_SIZE = 128
/** This many normal emojis + this many animated emojis. The total number is doubled. */
const TIER_EMOJI_SLOTS = new Map([
[1, 100],
[2, 150],
[3, 250]
/** @param {number} tier */
function getSlotCount(tier) {
return TIER_EMOJI_SLOTS.get(tier) || 50
let buttons = []
* @param {string} roomID where to add the button
* @param {string} eventID where to add the button
* @param {string} key emoji to add as a button
* @param {string} mxid only listen for responses from this user
* @returns {Promise<import("discord-api-types/v10").GatewayMessageReactionAddDispatchData>}
async function addButton(roomID, eventID, key, mxid) {
await api.sendEvent(roomID, "m.reaction", {
"m.relates_to": {
rel_type: "m.annotation",
event_id: eventID,
return new Promise(resolve => {
buttons.push({roomID, eventID, mxid, key, resolve, created: Date.now()})
// Clear out old buttons every so often to free memory
setInterval(() => {
const now = Date.now()
buttons = buttons.filter(b => now - b.created < 2*60*60*1000)
}, 10*60*1000)
/** @param {Ty.Event.Outer<Ty.Event.M_Reaction>} event */
function onReactionAdd(event) {
const button = buttons.find(b => b.roomID === event.room_id && b.mxid === event.sender && b.eventID === event.content["m.relates_to"]?.event_id && b.key === event.content["m.relates_to"]?.key)
if (button) {
buttons = buttons.filter(b => b !== button) // remove button data so it can't be clicked again
* @callback CommandExecute
* @param {Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message} event
* @param {string} realBody
* @param {any} [ctx]
* @typedef Command
* @property {string[]} aliases
* @property {CommandExecute} execute
/** @param {CommandExecute} execute */
function replyctx(execute) {
/** @type {CommandExecute} */
return function(event, realBody, ctx = {}) {
ctx["m.relates_to"] = {
"m.in_reply_to": {
event_id: event.event_id
return execute(event, realBody, ctx)
const NEWLINE_ELEMENTS = mxUtils.BLOCK_ELEMENTS.concat(["BR"])
class MatrixStringBuilder {
constructor() {
this.body = ""
this.formattedBody = ""
* @param {string} body
* @param {string} formattedBody
* @param {any} [condition]
add(body, formattedBody, condition = true) {
if (condition) {
if (formattedBody == undefined) formattedBody = body
this.body += body
this.formattedBody += formattedBody
return this
* @param {string} body
* @param {string} [formattedBody]
* @param {any} [condition]
addLine(body, formattedBody, condition = true) {
if (condition) {
if (formattedBody == undefined) formattedBody = body
if (this.body.length && this.body.slice(-1) !== "\n") this.body += "\n"
this.body += body
const match = this.formattedBody.match(/<\/?([a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*)[^>]*>\s*$/)
if (this.formattedBody.length && (!match || !NEWLINE_ELEMENTS.includes(match[1].toUpperCase()))) this.formattedBody += "<br>"
this.formattedBody += formattedBody
return this
get() {
return {
msgtype: "m.text",
body: this.body,
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: this.formattedBody
/** @type {Command[]} */
const commands = [{
aliases: ["emoji"],
execute: replyctx(
async (event, realBody, ctx) => {
// Guard
/** @type {string} */ // @ts-ignore
const channelID = select("channel_room", "channel_id", "WHERE room_id = ?").pluck().get(event.room_id)
const guildID = discord.channels.get(channelID)?.["guild_id"]
let matrixOnlyReason = null
const matrixOnlyConclusion = "So the emoji will be uploaded on Matrix-side only. It will still be usable over the bridge, but may have degraded functionality."
// Check if we can/should upload to Discord, for various causes
if (!guildID) {
matrixOnlyReason = "NOT_BRIDGED"
} else {
const guild = discord.guilds.get(guildID)
const slots = getSlotCount(guild.premium_tier)
const permissions = dUtils.getPermissions([], guild.roles)
if (guild.emojis.length >= slots) {
matrixOnlyReason = "CAPACITY"
} else if (!(permissions | 0x40000000n)) { // MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS (apparently CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS isn't good enough...)
matrixOnlyReason = "USER_PERMISSIONS"
if (matrixOnlyReason) {
// If uploading to Matrix, check if we have permission
const state = await api.getAllState(event.room_id)
const kstate = ks.stateToKState(state)
const powerLevels = kstate["m.room.power_levels/"]
const required = powerLevels.events["im.ponies.room_emotes"] ?? powerLevels.state_default ?? 50
const have = powerLevels.users[`@${reg.sender_localpart}:${reg.ooye.server_name}`] ?? powerLevels.users_default ?? 0
if (have < required) {
return api.sendEvent(event.room_id, "m.room.message", {
msgtype: "m.text",
body: "I don't have sufficient permissions in this Matrix room to edit emojis."
/** @type {{url: string, name: string}[]} */
const toUpload = []
const nameMatch = realBody.match(/:([a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,}):/)
const mxcMatch = realBody.match(/(mxc:\/\/.*?)\b/)
if (event.content["m.relates_to"]?.["m.in_reply_to"]?.event_id) {
const repliedToEventID = event.content["m.relates_to"]["m.in_reply_to"].event_id
const repliedToEvent = await api.getEvent(event.room_id, repliedToEventID)
if (nameMatch && repliedToEvent.type === "m.room.message" && repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "m.image" && repliedToEvent.content.url) {
toUpload.push({url: repliedToEvent.content.url, name: nameMatch[1]})
} else if (repliedToEvent.type === "m.room.message" && repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "m.text" && "formatted_body" in repliedToEvent.content) {
const namePrefixMatch = realBody.match(/:([a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,})(?:\b|:)/)
const imgMatches = [...repliedToEvent.content.formatted_body.matchAll(/<img [^>]*>/g)]
for (const match of imgMatches) {
const e = match[0]
const url = e.match(/src="([^"]*)"/)?.[1]
let name = e.match(/title=":?([^":]*):?"/)?.[1]
if (!url || !name) continue
if (namePrefixMatch) name = namePrefixMatch[1] + name
toUpload.push({url, name})
if (!toUpload.length && mxcMatch && nameMatch) {
toUpload.push({url: mxcMatch[1], name: nameMatch[1]})
if (!toUpload.length) {
return api.sendEvent(event.room_id, "m.room.message", {
msgtype: "m.text",
body: "Not sure what image you wanted to add. Try replying to an uploaded image when you use the command, or write an mxc:// URL in your message. You should specify the new name :like_this:."
const b = new MatrixStringBuilder()
.addLine("## Emoji preview", "<h2>Emoji preview</h2>")
.addLine(`Ⓜ️ This room isn't bridged to Discord. ${matrixOnlyConclusion}`, `Ⓜ️ <em>This room isn't bridged to Discord. ${matrixOnlyConclusion}</em>`, matrixOnlyReason === "NOT_BRIDGED")
.addLine(`Ⓜ️ *Discord ran out of space for emojis. ${matrixOnlyConclusion}`, `Ⓜ️ <em>Discord ran out of space for emojis. ${matrixOnlyConclusion}</em>`, matrixOnlyReason === "CAPACITY")
.addLine(`Ⓜ️ *If you were a Discord user, you wouldn't have permission to create emojis. ${matrixOnlyConclusion}`, `Ⓜ️ <em>If you were a Discord user, you wouldn't have permission to create emojis. ${matrixOnlyConclusion}</em>`, matrixOnlyReason === "CAPACITY")
.addLine("[Preview not available in plain text.]", "Preview:")
for (const e of toUpload) {
b.add("", `<img data-mx-emoticon height="48" src="${e.url}" title=":${e.name}:" alt=":${e.name}:">`)
b.addLine("Hit ✅ to add it.")
const sent = await api.sendEvent(event.room_id, "m.room.message", {
addButton(event.room_id, sent, "✅", event.sender).then(async () => {
if (matrixOnlyReason) {
// Edit some state
const type = "im.ponies.room_emotes"
const key = "moe.cadence.ooye.pack.matrix"
let pack
try {
pack = await api.getStateEvent(event.room_id, type, key)
} catch (e) {
pack = {
pack: {
display_name: "Non-Discord Emojis",
usage: ["emoticon", "sticker"]
if (!("images" in pack)) pack.images = {}
const b = new MatrixStringBuilder()
.addLine(`Created ${toUpload.length} emojis`, "")
for (const e of toUpload) {
pack.images[e.name] = {
url: e.url // Directly use the same file that the Matrix user uploaded. Don't need to worry about dimensions/filesize because clients already request their preferred resized version from the homeserver.
b.add("", `<img data-mx-emoticon height="48" src="${e.url}" title=":${e.name}:" alt=":${e.name}:">`)
await api.sendState(event.room_id, type, key, pack)
api.sendEvent(event.room_id, "m.room.message", {
} else {
// Upload it to Discord and have the bridge sync it back to Matrix again
for (const e of toUpload) {
const publicUrl = mxUtils.getPublicUrlForMxc(e.url)
// @ts-ignore
const resizeInput = await fetch(publicUrl, {agent: false}).then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
const resizeOutput = await sharp(resizeInput)
.resize(EMOJI_SIZE, EMOJI_SIZE, {fit: "inside", withoutEnlargement: true, background: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0}})
.toBuffer({resolveWithObject: true})
console.log(`uploading emoji ${resizeOutput.data.length} bytes to :${e.name}:`)
const emoji = await discord.snow.guildAssets.createEmoji(guildID, {name: e.name, image: "data:image/png;base64," + resizeOutput.data.toString("base64")})
api.sendEvent(event.room_id, "m.room.message", {
msgtype: "m.text",
body: `Created ${toUpload.length} emojis`
/** @type {CommandExecute} */
async function execute(event) {
let realBody = event.content.body
while (realBody.startsWith("> ")) {
const i = realBody.indexOf("\n")
if (i === -1) return
realBody = realBody.slice(i + 1)
realBody = realBody.replace(/^\s*/, "")
let words
for (const prefix of PREFIXES) {
if (realBody.startsWith(prefix)) {
words = realBody.slice(prefix.length).split(" ")
if (!words) return
const commandName = words[0]
const command = commands.find(c => c.aliases.includes(commandName))
if (!command) return
await command.execute(event, realBody)
module.exports.execute = execute
module.exports.onReactionAdd = onReactionAdd