
83 lines
2.4 KiB

// @ts-check
const assert = require("assert").strict
const DiscordTypes = require("discord-api-types/v10")
const passthrough = require("../../passthrough")
const {discord, sync, db, select} = passthrough
/** @type {import("../../matrix/file")} */
const file = sync.require("../../matrix/file")
* @param {DiscordTypes.APIEmoji[]} emojis
async function emojisToState(emojis) {
const result = {
pack: {
display_name: "Discord Emojis",
usage: ["emoticon"] // we'll see...
images: {
await Promise.all(emojis.map(emoji =>
// the homeserver can probably cope with doing this in parallel
file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(file.emoji(emoji.id, emoji.animated)).then(url => {
result.images[emoji.name] = {
info: {
mimetype: emoji.animated ? "image/gif" : "image/png"
db.prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO emoji (id, name, animated, mxc_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)").run(emoji.id, emoji.name, +!!emoji.animated, url)
}).catch(e => {
if (e.data.errcode === "M_TOO_LARGE") { // Very unlikely to happen. Only possible for 3x-series emojis uploaded shortly after animated emojis were introduced, when there was no 256 KB size limit.
console.error(`Trying to handle emoji ${emoji.name} (${emoji.id}), but...`)
throw e
return result
* @param {DiscordTypes.APISticker[]} stickers
async function stickersToState(stickers) {
const result = {
pack: {
display_name: "Discord Stickers",
usage: ["sticker"] // we'll see...
images: {
const shortcodes = []
await Promise.all(stickers.map(sticker =>
// the homeserver can probably cope with doing this in parallel
file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(file.sticker(sticker)).then(url => {
/** @type {string | undefined} */
let body = sticker.name
if (sticker && sticker.description) body += ` - ${sticker.description}`
if (!body) body = undefined
let shortcode = sticker.name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]/g, "-").replace(/^-|-$/g, "").replace(/--+/g, "-")
while (shortcodes.includes(shortcode)) shortcode = shortcode + "~"
result.images[shortcodes] = {
info: {
mimetype: file.stickerFormat.get(sticker.format_type)?.mime || "image/png"
return result
module.exports.emojisToState = emojisToState
module.exports.stickersToState = stickersToState