
147 lines
5.7 KiB

// @ts-check
const Ty = require("../../types")
const DiscordTypes = require("discord-api-types/v10")
const {Readable} = require("stream")
const assert = require("assert").strict
const crypto = require("crypto")
const fetch = require("node-fetch").default
const passthrough = require("../../passthrough")
const {sync, discord, db, select} = passthrough
/** @type {import("./channel-webhook")} */
const channelWebhook = sync.require("./channel-webhook")
/** @type {import("../converters/event-to-message")} */
const eventToMessage = sync.require("../converters/event-to-message")
/** @type {import("../../matrix/api")}) */
const api = sync.require("../../matrix/api")
/** @type {import("../../d2m/actions/register-user")} */
const registerUser = sync.require("../../d2m/actions/register-user")
/** @type {import("../../d2m/actions/edit-message")} */
const editMessage = sync.require("../../d2m/actions/edit-message")
/** @type {import("../actions/emoji-sheet")} */
const emojiSheet = sync.require("../actions/emoji-sheet")
* @param {DiscordTypes.RESTPostAPIWebhookWithTokenJSONBody & {files?: {name: string, file: Buffer | Readable}[], pendingFiles?: ({name: string, url: string} | {name: string, url: string, key: string, iv: string} | {name: string, buffer: Buffer | Readable})[]}} message
* @returns {Promise<DiscordTypes.RESTPostAPIWebhookWithTokenJSONBody & {files?: {name: string, file: Buffer | Readable}[]}>}
async function resolvePendingFiles(message) {
if (!message.pendingFiles) return message
const files = await Promise.all(message.pendingFiles.map(async p => {
if ("buffer" in p) {
return {
name: p.name,
file: p.buffer
if ("key" in p) {
// Encrypted file
const d = crypto.createDecipheriv("aes-256-ctr", Buffer.from(p.key, "base64url"), Buffer.from(p.iv, "base64url"))
// @ts-ignore
fetch(p.url).then(res => res.body.pipe(d))
return {
name: p.name,
file: d
} else {
// Unencrypted file
/** @type {Readable} */ // @ts-ignore
const body = await fetch(p.url).then(res => res.body)
return {
name: p.name,
file: body
const newMessage = {
files: files.concat(message.files || [])
delete newMessage.pendingFiles
return newMessage
/** @param {Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message | Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message_File | Ty.Event.Outer_M_Sticker} event */
async function sendEvent(event) {
const row = select("channel_room", ["channel_id", "thread_parent"], {room_id: event.room_id}).get()
if (!row) return // allow the bot to exist in unbridged rooms, just don't do anything with it
let channelID = row.channel_id
let threadID = undefined
if (row.thread_parent) {
threadID = channelID
channelID = row.thread_parent // it's the thread's parent... get with the times...
// @ts-ignore
const guildID = discord.channels.get(channelID).guild_id
const guild = discord.guilds.get(guildID)
// no need to sync the matrix member to the other side. but if I did need to, this is where I'd do it
let {messagesToEdit, messagesToSend, messagesToDelete, ensureJoined} = await eventToMessage.eventToMessage(event, guild, {api, snow: discord.snow, fetch, mxcDownloader: emojiSheet.getAndConvertEmoji})
messagesToEdit = await Promise.all(messagesToEdit.map(async e => {
e.message = await resolvePendingFiles(e.message)
return e
messagesToSend = await Promise.all(messagesToSend.map(message => {
return resolvePendingFiles(message)
let eventPart = 0 // 0 is primary, 1 is supporting
const pendingEdits = []
/** @type {DiscordTypes.APIMessage[]} */
const messageResponses = []
for (const data of messagesToEdit) {
const messageResponse = await channelWebhook.editMessageWithWebhook(channelID, data.id, data.message, threadID)
eventPart = 1
for (const id of messagesToDelete) {
db.prepare("DELETE FROM message_channel WHERE message_id = ?").run(id)
db.prepare("DELETE FROM event_message WHERE message_id = ?").run(id)
await channelWebhook.deleteMessageWithWebhook(channelID, id, threadID)
for (const message of messagesToSend) {
const reactionPart = messagesToEdit.length === 0 && message === messagesToSend[messagesToSend.length - 1] ? 0 : 1
const messageResponse = await channelWebhook.sendMessageWithWebhook(channelID, message, threadID)
db.prepare("REPLACE INTO message_channel (message_id, channel_id) VALUES (?, ?)").run(messageResponse.id, threadID || channelID)
db.prepare("INSERT INTO event_message (event_id, event_type, event_subtype, message_id, part, reaction_part, source) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0)").run(event.event_id, event.type, event.content["msgtype"] || null, messageResponse.id, eventPart, reactionPart) // source 0 = matrix
eventPart = 1
If the Discord system has a cached link preview embed for one of the links just sent,
it will be instantly added as part of `embeds` and there won't be a MESSAGE_UPDATE.
To reflect the generated embed back to Matrix, we pretend the message was updated right away.
const sentEmbedsCount = message.embeds?.length || 0
if (messageResponse.embeds.length > sentEmbedsCount) {
// not awaiting here because requests to Matrix shouldn't block requests to Discord
pendingEdits.push(() =>
// @ts-ignore this is a valid message edit payload
id: messageResponse.id,
channel_id: messageResponse.channel_id,
guild_id: guild.id,
embeds: messageResponse.embeds
}, guild, null)
for (const user of ensureJoined) {
registerUser.ensureSimJoined(user, event.room_id)
await Promise.all(pendingEdits.map(f => f())) // `await` will propagate any errors during editing
return messageResponses
module.exports.sendEvent = sendEvent