// @ts-check const Ty = require("../../types") const DiscordTypes = require("discord-api-types/v10") const {Readable} = require("stream") const chunk = require("chunk-text") const TurndownService = require("turndown") const assert = require("assert").strict const entities = require("entities") const passthrough = require("../../passthrough") const {sync, db, discord, select, from} = passthrough /** @type {import("../converters/utils")} */ const mxUtils = sync.require("../converters/utils") /** @type {import("../../discord/utils")} */ const dUtils = sync.require("../../discord/utils") /** @type {import("./emoji-sheet")} */ const emojiSheet = sync.require("./emoji-sheet") /** @type {[RegExp, string][]} */ const markdownEscapes = [ [/\\/g, '\\\\'], [/\*/g, '\\*'], [/^-/g, '\\-'], [/^\+ /g, '\\+ '], [/^(=+)/g, '\\$1'], [/^(#{1,6}) /g, '\\$1 '], [/`/g, '\\`'], [/^~~~/g, '\\~~~'], [/\[/g, '\\['], [/\]/g, '\\]'], [/^>/g, '\\>'], [/_/g, '\\_'], [/^(\d+)\. /g, '$1\\. '] ] const turndownService = new TurndownService({ hr: "----", headingStyle: "atx", preformattedCode: true, codeBlockStyle: "fenced", }) /** * Markdown characters in the HTML content need to be escaped, though take care not to escape the middle of bare links * @param {string} string */ // @ts-ignore bad type from turndown turndownService.escape = function (string) { const escapedWords = string.split(" ").map(word => { if (word.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { return word } else { return markdownEscapes.reduce(function (accumulator, escape) { return accumulator.replace(escape[0], escape[1]) }, word) } }) return escapedWords.join(" ") } turndownService.remove("mx-reply") turndownService.addRule("strikethrough", { filter: ["del", "s"], replacement: function (content) { return "~~" + content + "~~" } }) turndownService.addRule("underline", { filter: ["u"], replacement: function (content) { return "__" + content + "__" } }) turndownService.addRule("blockquote", { filter: "blockquote", replacement: function (content) { content = content.replace(/^\n+|\n+$/g, "") content = content.replace(/^/gm, "> ") return content } }) turndownService.addRule("spoiler", { filter: function (node, options) { return node.hasAttribute("data-mx-spoiler") }, replacement: function (content, node) { return "||" + content + "||" } }) turndownService.addRule("inlineLink", { filter: function (node, options) { return ( node.nodeName === "A" && node.getAttribute("href") ) }, replacement: function (content, node) { if (node.getAttribute("data-user-id")) return `<@${node.getAttribute("data-user-id")}>` if (node.getAttribute("data-message-id")) return `https://discord.com/channels/${node.getAttribute("data-guild-id")}/${node.getAttribute("data-channel-id")}/${node.getAttribute("data-message-id")}` if (node.getAttribute("data-channel-id")) return `<#${node.getAttribute("data-channel-id")}>` const href = node.getAttribute("href") let brackets = ["", ""] if (href.startsWith("https://matrix.to")) brackets = ["<", ">"] return "[" + content + "](" + brackets[0] + href + brackets[1] + ")" } }) turndownService.addRule("listItem", { filter: "li", replacement: function (content, node, options) { content = content .replace(/^\n+/, "") // remove leading newlines .replace(/\n+$/, "\n") // replace trailing newlines with just a single one .replace(/\n/gm, "\n ") // indent var prefix = options.bulletListMarker + " " var parent = node.parentNode if (parent.nodeName === "OL") { var start = parent.getAttribute("start") var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(parent.children, node) prefix = (start ? Number(start) + index : index + 1) + ". " } return prefix + content + (node.nextSibling && !/\n$/.test(content) ? "\n" : "") } }) /** @type {string[]} SPRITE SHEET EMOJIS FEATURE: mxc urls for the currently processing message */ let endOfMessageEmojis = [] turndownService.addRule("emoji", { filter: function (node, options) { if (node.nodeName !== "IMG" || !node.hasAttribute("data-mx-emoticon") || !node.getAttribute("src") || !node.getAttribute("title")) return false return true }, replacement: function (content, node) { const mxcUrl = node.getAttribute("src") // Get the known emoji from the database. (We may not be able to actually use this if it was from another server.) const row = select("emoji", ["emoji_id", "name", "animated"], {mxc_url: mxcUrl}).get() // Also guess a suitable emoji based on the ID (if available) or name let guess = null const guessedName = node.getAttribute("title").replace(/^:|:$/g, "") for (const guild of discord.guilds.values()) { /** @type {{name: string, id: string, animated: number}[]} */ // @ts-ignore const emojis = guild.emojis const match = emojis.find(e => e.id === row?.emoji_id) || emojis.find(e => e.name === guessedName) || emojis.find(e => e.name?.toLowerCase() === guessedName.toLowerCase()) if (match) { guess = match break } } if (guess) { // We know an emoji, and we can use it const animatedChar = guess.animated ? "a" : "" return `<${animatedChar}:${guess.name}:${guess.id}>` } else if (endOfMessageEmojis.includes(mxcUrl)) { // We can't locate or use a suitable emoji. After control returns, it will rewind over this, delete this section, and upload the emojis as a sprite sheet. return `<::>` } else { // We prefer not to upload this as a sprite sheet because the emoji is not at the end of the message, it is in the middle. return `[${node.getAttribute("title")}](${mxUtils.getPublicUrlForMxc(mxcUrl)})` } } }) turndownService.addRule("fencedCodeBlock", { filter: function (node, options) { return ( options.codeBlockStyle === "fenced" && node.nodeName === "PRE" && node.firstChild && node.firstChild.nodeName === "CODE" ) }, replacement: function (content, node, options) { const className = node.firstChild.getAttribute("class") || "" const language = (className.match(/language-(\S+)/) || [null, ""])[1] const code = node.firstChild const visibleCode = code.childNodes.map(c => c.nodeName === "BR" ? "\n" : c.textContent).join("").replace(/\n*$/g, "") var fence = "```" return ( fence + language + "\n" + visibleCode + "\n" + fence ) } }) /** * @param {string} roomID * @param {string} mxid * @returns {Promise<{displayname?: string?, avatar_url?: string?}>} */ async function getMemberFromCacheOrHomeserver(roomID, mxid, api) { const row = select("member_cache", ["displayname", "avatar_url"], {room_id: roomID, mxid}).get() if (row) return row return api.getStateEvent(roomID, "m.room.member", mxid).then(event => { db.prepare("REPLACE INTO member_cache (room_id, mxid, displayname, avatar_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)").run(roomID, mxid, event?.displayname || null, event?.avatar_url || null) return event }).catch(() => { return {displayname: null, avatar_url: null} }) } /** * Splits a display name into one chunk containing <=80 characters, and another chunk containing the rest of the characters. Splits on * whitespace if possible. * These chunks, respectively, go in the display name, and at the top of the message. * If the second part isn't empty, it'll also contain boldening markdown and a line break at the end, so that regardless of its value it * can be prepended to the message content as-is. * @summary Splits too-long Matrix names into a display name chunk and a message content chunk. * @param {string} displayName - The Matrix side display name to chop up. * @returns {[string, string]} [shortened display name, display name runoff] */ function splitDisplayName(displayName) { /** @type {string[]} */ let displayNameChunks = chunk(displayName, 80) if (displayNameChunks.length === 1) { return [displayName, ""] } else { const displayNamePreRunoff = displayNameChunks[0] // displayNameRunoff is a slice of the original rather than a concatenation of the rest of the chunks in order to preserve whatever whitespace it was broken on. const displayNameRunoff = `**${displayName.slice(displayNamePreRunoff.length + 1)}**\n` return [displayNamePreRunoff, displayNameRunoff] } } /** * At the time of this executing, we know what the end of message emojis are, and we know that at least one of them is unknown. * This function will strip them from the content and generate the correct pending file of the sprite sheet. * @param {string} content * @param {{id: string, name: string}[]} attachments * @param {({name: string, url: string} | {name: string, url: string, key: string, iv: string} | {name: string, buffer: Buffer})[]} pendingFiles */ async function uploadEndOfMessageSpriteSheet(content, attachments, pendingFiles) { if (!content.includes("<::>")) return content // No unknown emojis, nothing to do // Remove known and unknown emojis from the end of the message const r = /\s*$/ while (content.match(r)) { content = content.replace(r, "") } // Create a sprite sheet of known and unknown emojis from the end of the message const buffer = await emojiSheet.compositeMatrixEmojis(endOfMessageEmojis) // Attach it const name = "emojis.png" attachments.push({id: "0", name}) pendingFiles.push({name, buffer}) return content } /** * @param {string} input * @param {{api: import("../../matrix/api")}} di simple-as-nails dependency injection for the matrix API */ async function handleRoomOrMessageLinks(input, di) { let offset = 0 for (const match of [...input.matchAll(/("?https:\/\/matrix.to\/#\/(![^"/, ?)]+)(?:\/(\$[^"/ ?)]+))?(?:\?[^",:!? )]*)?)(">|[, )]|$)/g)]) { assert(typeof match.index === "number") const [_, attributeValue, roomID, eventID, endMarker] = match let result const resultType = endMarker === '">' ? "html" : "plain" const MAKE_RESULT = { ROOM_LINK: { html: channelID => `${attributeValue}" data-channel-id="${channelID}">`, plain: channelID => `<#${channelID}>${endMarker}` }, MESSAGE_LINK: { html: (guildID, channelID, messageID) => `${attributeValue}" data-channel-id="${channelID}" data-guild-id="${guildID}" data-message-id="${messageID}">`, plain: (guildID, channelID, messageID) => `https://discord.com/channels/${guildID}/${channelID}/${messageID}${endMarker}` } } // Don't process links that are part of the reply fallback, they'll be removed entirely by turndown if (input.slice(match.index + match[0].length + offset).startsWith("In reply to")) continue const channelID = select("channel_room", "channel_id", {room_id: roomID}).pluck().get() if (!channelID) continue if (!eventID) { // 1: It's a room link, so <#link> to the channel result = MAKE_RESULT.ROOM_LINK[resultType](channelID) } else { // Linking to a particular event with a discord.com/channels/guildID/channelID/messageID link // Need to know the guildID and messageID const guildID = discord.channels.get(channelID)?.["guild_id"] if (!guildID) continue const messageID = select("event_message", "message_id", {event_id: eventID}).pluck().get() if (messageID) { // 2: Linking to a known event result = MAKE_RESULT.MESSAGE_LINK[resultType](guildID, channelID, messageID) } else { // 3: Linking to an unknown event that OOYE didn't originally bridge - we can guess messageID from the timestamp let originalEvent try { originalEvent = await di.api.getEvent(roomID, eventID) } catch (e) { continue // Our homeserver doesn't know about the event, so can't resolve it to a Discord link } const guessedMessageID = dUtils.timestampToSnowflakeInexact(originalEvent.origin_server_ts) result = MAKE_RESULT.MESSAGE_LINK[resultType](guildID, channelID, guessedMessageID) } } input = input.slice(0, match.index + offset) + result + input.slice(match.index + match[0].length + offset) offset += result.length - match[0].length } return input } /** * @param {Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message | Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message_File | Ty.Event.Outer_M_Sticker | Ty.Event.Outer_M_Room_Message_Encrypted_File} event * @param {import("discord-api-types/v10").APIGuild} guild * @param {{api: import("../../matrix/api"), snow: import("snowtransfer").SnowTransfer, fetch: typeof fetch}} di simple-as-nails dependency injection for the matrix API */ async function eventToMessage(event, guild, di) { /** @type {(DiscordTypes.RESTPostAPIWebhookWithTokenJSONBody & {files?: {name: string, file: Buffer | Readable}[]})[]} */ let messages = [] let displayName = event.sender let avatarURL = undefined /** @type {string[]} */ let messageIDsToEdit = [] let replyLine = "" // Extract a basic display name from the sender const match = event.sender.match(/^@(.*?):/) if (match) displayName = match[1] // Try to extract an accurate display name and avatar URL from the member event const member = await getMemberFromCacheOrHomeserver(event.room_id, event.sender, di?.api) if (member.displayname) displayName = member.displayname if (member.avatar_url) avatarURL = mxUtils.getPublicUrlForMxc(member.avatar_url) || undefined // If the display name is too long to be put into the webhook (80 characters is the maximum), // put the excess characters into displayNameRunoff, later to be put at the top of the message let [displayNameShortened, displayNameRunoff] = splitDisplayName(displayName) // If the message type is m.emote, the full name is already included at the start of the message, so remove any runoff if (event.type === "m.room.message" && event.content.msgtype === "m.emote") { displayNameRunoff = "" } let content = event.content.body // ultimate fallback const attachments = [] /** @type {({name: string, url: string} | {name: string, url: string, key: string, iv: string} | {name: string, buffer: Buffer})[]} */ const pendingFiles = [] /** @type {DiscordTypes.APIUser[]} */ const ensureJoined = [] // Convert content depending on what the message is if (event.type === "m.room.message" && (event.content.msgtype === "m.text" || event.content.msgtype === "m.emote")) { // Handling edits. If the edit was an edit of a reply, edits do not include the reply reference, so we need to fetch up to 2 more events. // this event ---is an edit of--> original event ---is a reply to--> past event await (async () => { if (!event.content["m.new_content"]) return const relatesTo = event.content["m.relates_to"] if (!relatesTo) return // Check if we have a pointer to what was edited const relType = relatesTo.rel_type if (relType !== "m.replace") return const originalEventId = relatesTo.event_id if (!originalEventId) return messageIDsToEdit = select("event_message", "message_id", {event_id: originalEventId}, "ORDER BY part").pluck().all() if (!messageIDsToEdit.length) return // Ok, it's an edit. event.content = event.content["m.new_content"] // Is it editing a reply? We need special handling if it is. // Get the original event, then check if it was a reply const originalEvent = await di.api.getEvent(event.room_id, originalEventId) if (!originalEvent) return const repliedToEventId = originalEvent.content["m.relates_to"]?.["m.in_reply_to"]?.event_id if (!repliedToEventId) return // After all that, it's an edit of a reply. // We'll be sneaky and prepare the message data so that the next steps can handle it just like original messages. Object.assign(event.content, { "m.relates_to": { "m.in_reply_to": { event_id: repliedToEventId } } }) })() // Handling replies. We'll look up the data of the replied-to event from the Matrix homeserver. // Note that an element is not guaranteed because this might be m.new_content. await (async () => { const repliedToEventId = event.content["m.relates_to"]?.["m.in_reply_to"]?.event_id if (!repliedToEventId) return let repliedToEvent try { repliedToEvent = await di.api.getEvent(event.room_id, repliedToEventId) } catch (e) { // Original event isn't on our homeserver, so we'll *partially* trust the client's reply fallback. // We'll trust the fallback's quoted content and put it in the reply preview, but we won't trust the authorship info on it. // (But if the fallback's quoted content doesn't exist, we give up. There's nothing for us to quote.) if (event.content["format"] !== "org.matrix.custom.html" || typeof event.content["formatted_body"] !== "string") { const lines = event.content.body.split("\n") let stage = 0 for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (stage >= 0 && lines[i][0] === ">") stage = 1 if (stage >= 1 && lines[i].trim() === "") stage = 2 if (stage === 2 && lines[i].trim() !== "") { event.content.body = lines.slice(i).join("\n") break } } return } const mxReply = event.content["formatted_body"] const quoted = mxReply.match(/^
.*?In reply to.*?
(.*)<\/blockquote><\/mx-reply>/)?.[1] if (!quoted) return const contentPreviewChunks = chunk( entities.decodeHTML5Strict( // Remove entities like & " quoted.replace(/^\s*
.*?<\/blockquote>(.....)/s, "$1") // If the message starts with a blockquote, don't count it and use the message body afterwards .replace(/(?:\n|
)+/g, " ") // Should all be on one line .replace(/]*data-mx-spoiler\b[^>]*>.*?<\/span>/g, "[spoiler]") // Good enough method of removing spoiler content. (I don't want to break out the HTML parser unless I have to.) .replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "") // Completely strip all HTML tags and formatting. ), 50) replyLine = "> " + contentPreviewChunks[0] if (contentPreviewChunks.length > 1) replyLine = replyLine.replace(/[,.']$/, "") + "..." replyLine += "\n" return } // @ts-ignore const autoEmoji = new Map(select("auto_emoji", ["name", "emoji_id"], {}, "WHERE name = 'L1' OR name = 'L2'").raw().all()) replyLine = `<:L1:${autoEmoji.get("L1")}><:L2:${autoEmoji.get("L2")}>` const row = from("event_message").join("message_channel", "message_id").select("channel_id", "message_id").where({event_id: repliedToEventId}).and("ORDER BY part").get() if (row) { replyLine += `https://discord.com/channels/${guild.id}/${row.channel_id}/${row.message_id} ` } const sender = repliedToEvent.sender const authorID = select("sim", "user_id", {mxid: repliedToEvent.sender}).pluck().get() if (authorID) { replyLine += `<@${authorID}>` } else { let senderName = select("member_cache", "displayname", {mxid: repliedToEvent.sender}).pluck().get() if (!senderName) { const match = sender.match(/@([^:]*)/) assert(match) senderName = match[1] } replyLine += `Ⓜ️**${senderName}**` } // If the event has been edited, the homeserver will include the relation in `unsigned`. if (repliedToEvent.unsigned?.["m.relations"]?.["m.replace"]?.content?.["m.new_content"]) { repliedToEvent = repliedToEvent.unsigned["m.relations"]["m.replace"] // Note: this changes which event_id is in repliedToEvent. repliedToEvent.content = repliedToEvent.content["m.new_content"] } let contentPreview const fileReplyContentAlternative = ( repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "m.image" ? "🖼️" : repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "m.video" ? "🎞️" : repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "m.audio" ? "🎶" : repliedToEvent.content.msgtype === "m.file" ? "📄" : null) if (fileReplyContentAlternative) { contentPreview = " " + fileReplyContentAlternative } else { const repliedToContent = repliedToEvent.content.formatted_body || repliedToEvent.content.body const contentPreviewChunks = chunk( entities.decodeHTML5Strict( // Remove entities like & " repliedToContent.replace(/.*<\/mx-reply>/s, "") // Remove everything before replies, so just use the actual message body .replace(/^\s*
.*?<\/blockquote>(.....)/s, "$1") // If the message starts with a blockquote, don't count it and use the message body afterwards .replace(/(?:\n|
)+/g, " ") // Should all be on one line .replace(/]*data-mx-spoiler\b[^>]*>.*?<\/span>/g, "[spoiler]") // Good enough method of removing spoiler content. (I don't want to break out the HTML parser unless I have to.) .replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "") // Completely strip all HTML tags and formatting. ), 50) contentPreview = ":\n> " + contentPreviewChunks[0] if (contentPreviewChunks.length > 1) contentPreview = contentPreview.replace(/[,.']$/, "") + "..." } replyLine = `> ${replyLine}${contentPreview}\n` })() if (event.content.format === "org.matrix.custom.html" && event.content.formatted_body) { let input = event.content.formatted_body if (event.content.msgtype === "m.emote") { input = `* ${displayName} ${input}` } // Handling mentions of Discord users input = input.replace(/("https:\/\/matrix.to\/#\/((?:@|%40)[^"]+)")>/g, (whole, attributeValue, mxid) => { mxid = decodeURIComponent(mxid) if (mxUtils.eventSenderIsFromDiscord(mxid)) { // Handle mention of an OOYE sim user by their mxid const userID = select("sim", "user_id", {mxid: mxid}).pluck().get() if (!userID) return whole return `${attributeValue} data-user-id="${userID}">` } else { // Handle mention of a Matrix user by their mxid // Check if this Matrix user is actually the sim user from another old bridge in the room? const match = mxid.match(/[^:]*discord[^:]*_([0-9]{6,}):/) // try to match @_discord_123456, @_discordpuppet_123456, etc. if (match) return `${attributeValue} data-user-id="${match[1]}">` // Nope, just a real Matrix user. return whole } }) // Handling mentions of rooms and room-messages input = await handleRoomOrMessageLinks(input, di) // Stripping colons after mentions input = input.replace(/( data-user-id.*?<\/a>):?/g, "$1") input = input.replace(/("https:\/\/matrix.to.*?<\/a>):?/g, "$1") // Element adds a bunch of
but doesn't render them. I can't figure out how this even works in the browser, so let's just delete those. input = input.replace(/(?:\n|
\s*)*<\/blockquote>/g, "
") // The matrix spec hasn't decided whether \n counts as a newline or not, but I'm going to count it, because if it's in the data it's there for a reason. // But I should not count it if it's between block elements. input = input.replace(/(<\/?([^ >]+)[^>]*>)?\n(<\/?([^ >]+)[^>]*>)?/g, (whole, beforeContext, beforeTag, afterContext, afterTag) => { // console.error(beforeContext, beforeTag, afterContext, afterTag) if (typeof beforeTag !== "string" && typeof afterTag !== "string") { return "
" } beforeContext = beforeContext || "" beforeTag = beforeTag || "" afterContext = afterContext || "" afterTag = afterTag || "" if (!mxUtils.BLOCK_ELEMENTS.includes(beforeTag.toUpperCase()) && !mxUtils.BLOCK_ELEMENTS.includes(afterTag.toUpperCase())) { return beforeContext + "
" + afterContext } else { return whole } }) // Note: Element's renderers on Web and Android currently collapse whitespace, like the browser does. Turndown also collapses whitespace which is good for me. // If later I'm using a client that doesn't collapse whitespace and I want turndown to follow suit, uncomment the following line of code, and it Just Works: // input = input.replace(/ /g, " ") // There is also a corresponding test to uncomment, named "event2message: whitespace is retained" // SPRITE SHEET EMOJIS FEATURE: Emojis at the end of the message that we don't know about will be reuploaded as a sprite sheet. // First we need to determine which emojis are at the end. endOfMessageEmojis = [] let match let last = input.length while ((match = input.slice(0, last).match(/]*>\s*$/))) { if (!match[0].includes("data-mx-emoticon")) break const mxcUrl = match[0].match(/\bsrc="(mxc:\/\/[^"]+)"/) if (mxcUrl) endOfMessageEmojis.unshift(mxcUrl[1]) assert(typeof match.index === "number", "Your JavaScript implementation does not comply with TC39: https://tc39.es/ecma262/multipage/text-processing.html#sec-regexpbuiltinexec") last = match.index } // @ts-ignore bad type from turndown content = turndownService.turndown(input) // It's designed for commonmark, we need to replace the space-space-newline with just newline content = content.replace(/ \n/g, "\n") // SPRITE SHEET EMOJIS FEATURE: content = await uploadEndOfMessageSpriteSheet(content, attachments, pendingFiles) } else { // Looks like we're using the plaintext body! content = event.content.body if (event.content.msgtype === "m.emote") { content = `* ${displayName} ${content}` } content = await handleRoomOrMessageLinks(content, di) // Markdown needs to be escaped, though take care not to escape the middle of links // @ts-ignore bad type from turndown content = turndownService.escape(content) } } else if (event.type === "m.room.message" && (event.content.msgtype === "m.file" || event.content.msgtype === "m.video" || event.content.msgtype === "m.audio" || event.content.msgtype === "m.image")) { content = "" const filename = event.content.filename || event.content.body // A written `event.content.body` will be bridged to Discord's image `description` which is like alt text. // Bridging as description rather than message content in order to match Matrix clients (Element, Neochat) which treat this as alt text or title text. const description = (event.content.body !== event.content.filename && event.content.filename && event.content.body) || undefined if ("url" in event.content) { // Unencrypted const url = mxUtils.getPublicUrlForMxc(event.content.url) assert(url) attachments.push({id: "0", description, filename}) pendingFiles.push({name: filename, url}) } else { // Encrypted const url = mxUtils.getPublicUrlForMxc(event.content.file.url) assert(url) assert.equal(event.content.file.key.alg, "A256CTR") attachments.push({id: "0", description, filename}) pendingFiles.push({name: filename, url, key: event.content.file.key.k, iv: event.content.file.iv}) } } else if (event.type === "m.sticker") { content = "" const url = mxUtils.getPublicUrlForMxc(event.content.url) assert(url) let filename = event.content.body if (event.type === "m.sticker") { let mimetype if (event.content.info?.mimetype?.includes("/")) { mimetype = event.content.info.mimetype } else { const res = await di.fetch(url, {method: "HEAD"}) if (res.status === 200) { mimetype = res.headers.get("content-type") } if (!mimetype) throw new Error(`Server error ${res.status} or missing content-type while detecting sticker mimetype`) } filename += "." + mimetype.split("/")[1] } attachments.push({id: "0", filename}) pendingFiles.push({name: filename, url}) } content = displayNameRunoff + replyLine + content // Handling written @mentions: we need to look for candidate Discord members to join to the room let writtenMentionMatch = content.match(/(?:^|[^"<>/A-Za-z0-9])@([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\[\]\(\)-]+):?/d) // /d flag for indices requires node.js 16+ if (writtenMentionMatch) { const results = await di.snow.guild.searchGuildMembers(guild.id, {query: writtenMentionMatch[1]}) if (results[0]) { assert(results[0].user) // @ts-ignore - typescript doesn't know about indices yet content = content.slice(0, writtenMentionMatch.indices[1][0]-1) + `<@${results[0].user.id}>` + content.slice(writtenMentionMatch.indices[1][1]) ensureJoined.push(results[0].user) } } // Split into 2000 character chunks const chunks = chunk(content, 2000) messages = messages.concat(chunks.map(content => ({ content, username: displayNameShortened, avatar_url: avatarURL }))) if (attachments.length) { // If content is empty (should be the case when uploading a file) then chunk-text will create 0 messages. // There needs to be a message to add attachments to. if (!messages.length) messages.push({ content, username: displayNameShortened, avatar_url: avatarURL }) messages[0].attachments = attachments // @ts-ignore these will be converted to real files when the message is about to be sent messages[0].pendingFiles = pendingFiles } const messagesToEdit = [] const messagesToSend = [] for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { const next = messageIDsToEdit[0] if (next) { messagesToEdit.push({id: next, message: messages[i]}) messageIDsToEdit.shift() } else { messagesToSend.push(messages[i]) } } // Ensure there is code coverage for adding, editing, and deleting if (messagesToSend.length) void 0 if (messagesToEdit.length) void 0 if (messageIDsToEdit.length) void 0 return { messagesToEdit, messagesToSend, messagesToDelete: messageIDsToEdit, ensureJoined } } module.exports.eventToMessage = eventToMessage