// @ts-check const assert = require("assert").strict const mixin = require("@cloudrac3r/mixin-deep") const {isDeepStrictEqual} = require("util") const passthrough = require("../passthrough") const {sync} = passthrough /** @type {import("./file")} */ const file = sync.require("./file") /** Mutates the input. Not recursive - can only include or exclude entire state events. */ function kstateStripConditionals(kstate) { for (const [k, content] of Object.entries(kstate)) { // conditional for whether a key is even part of the kstate (doing this declaratively on json is hard, so represent it as a property instead.) if ("$if" in content) { if (content.$if) delete content.$if else delete kstate[k] } } return kstate } /** Mutates the input. Works recursively through object tree. */ async function kstateUploadMxc(obj) { const promises = [] function inner(obj) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (v == null || typeof v !== "object") continue if (v.$url) { promises.push( file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(v.$url) .then(mxc => obj[k] = mxc) ) } inner(v) } } inner(obj) await Promise.all(promises) return obj } /** Automatically strips conditionals and uploads URLs to mxc. */ async function kstateToState(kstate) { const events = [] kstateStripConditionals(kstate) await kstateUploadMxc(kstate) for (const [k, content] of Object.entries(kstate)) { const slashIndex = k.indexOf("/") assert(slashIndex > 0) const type = k.slice(0, slashIndex) const state_key = k.slice(slashIndex + 1) events.push({type, state_key, content}) } return events } /** * @param {import("../types").Event.BaseStateEvent[]} events * @returns {any} */ function stateToKState(events) { const kstate = {} for (const event of events) { kstate[event.type + "/" + event.state_key] = event.content } return kstate } function diffKState(actual, target) { const diff = {} // go through each key that it should have for (const key of Object.keys(target)) { if (!key.includes("/")) throw new Error(`target kstate's key "${key}" does not contain a slash separator; if a blank state_key was intended, add a trailing slash to the kstate key.\ncontext: ${JSON.stringify(target)}`) if (key === "m.room.power_levels/") { // Special handling for power levels, we want to deep merge the actual and target into the final state. if (!(key in actual)) throw new Error(`want to apply a power levels diff, but original power level data is missing\nstarted with: ${JSON.stringify(actual)}\nwant to apply: ${JSON.stringify(target)}`) const temp = mixin({}, actual[key], target[key]) if (!isDeepStrictEqual(actual[key], temp)) { // they differ. use the newly prepared object as the diff. diff[key] = temp } } else if (key in actual) { // diff if (!isDeepStrictEqual(actual[key], target[key])) { // they differ. use the target as the diff. diff[key] = target[key] } } else { // not present, needs to be added diff[key] = target[key] } // keys that are missing in "actual" will not be deleted on "target" (no action) } return diff } module.exports.kstateStripConditionals = kstateStripConditionals module.exports.kstateUploadMxc = kstateUploadMxc module.exports.kstateToState = kstateToState module.exports.stateToKState = stateToKState module.exports.diffKState = diffKState