// @ts-check const stream = require("stream") const {PNG} = require("pngjs") const SIZE = 160 // Discord's display size on 1x displays is 160 /** * @typedef RlottieWasm * @prop {(string) => boolean} load load lottie data from string of json * @prop {() => number} frames get number of frames * @prop {(frameCount: number, width: number, height: number) => Uint8Array} render render lottie data to bitmap */ const Rlottie = (async () => { const Rlottie = require("./rlottie-wasm.js") await new Promise(resolve => Rlottie.onRuntimeInitialized = resolve) return Rlottie })() /** * @param {string} text * @returns {Promise} */ async function convert(text) { const r = await Rlottie /** @type RlottieWasm */ const rh = new r.RlottieWasm() const status = rh.load(text) if (!status) throw new Error(`Rlottie unable to load ${text.length} byte data file.`) const rendered = rh.render(0, SIZE, SIZE) let png = new PNG({ width: SIZE, height: SIZE, bitDepth: 8, // 8 red + 8 green + 8 blue + 8 alpha colorType: 6, // RGBA inputColorType: 6, // RGBA inputHasAlpha: true, }) png.data = Buffer.from(rendered) // The transform stream is necessary because PNG requires me to pipe it somewhere before this event loop ends const resultStream = png.pack() const p = new stream.PassThrough() resultStream.pipe(p) return p } module.exports.convert = convert module.exports.SIZE = SIZE